Savour From Hell ➳ Scott McCa...

By greeniesdeadpool

12K 575 276

The fourth and fucking final. Who knew moving back to her old town would be one of the worst and best decisio... More

British Boy and Alex
Sibling Drama
Convincing yourself
The Bed Or The Couch
I Miss The Chaos
Jet Lag
Not So Meaningless
Remember me
Riders of the storm
I care about you to.
Broken Promise
You can cry
Carch up on sleep
Savour From Hell
Night talks
Family Reunion
Pretty Brown Eyes

Blunt Person

374 24 27
By greeniesdeadpool

I regret drinking the whole bottle.

Yes, the whole fucking bottle.
Don't judge me I have issues.

Because Isaac decided to fucking take me to a soccer pitch today. A soccer pitch! And im not recovered. I can just feel the soccer ball thrown at me repeatedly. I just wanna lay in bed.

"Max! Come on, play." Isaac kept on hollering at me as he kept on kicking the soccer ball at me. And this time instead of letting him continiously do it I grabbed the ball throwing it at his face.

"Ow! What was that for?" Isaac moaned rubbing his face. "For not letting me crawl up into a hole and dying!" I complained back at him.

"Come on, it's meant to be fun. Thankgod someone suggested playing football." Harry tried encouraging me and I raised my eyes at him with even more rage.

"This is not football, this is soccer!" I yelled at him for the tenth time trying to correct him. "Stilinski, we're in Europe. It's football." Isaac corrected me also for the tenth time.

"Come on, lighten up. Run of your hangover." Evelyn said as she kicked the ball towards me and this time I managed to catch it gripping my hands on them tightly.

"I'm gonna get this ball, and turn it into a weapon. You all better run!" I screamed immediately chasing after them until I felt Harry's arm trap me as I tried to chase after the couple.

His arms were around my stomach holding me tightly lifting me in the air to restrain me.

"Give me the ball. I have better aim." Harry whispered in my ear, he made it look like he was stopping by me but if anything he was doing the opposite.

"Thanks Harry, the only one who can get her under control." Isaac thanked and I hid my smirk as Harry's smirk grew wider taking the ball of me in the most subtle way.

Then he launched it straight at them and they instantly started screaming and me and Harry broke out in laughs as did I and my hangover was immediately replaced with joy.

"Yeah your not so hungover now!" Isaac complained rubbing his head after Harry hit him and I went to high five Harry as we both couldn't stop laughing.

"Blondie, I'm glad British boy is your brother. You guys have very hot genes." I told them and Harry stared down it me with his cute grin and I stared at him back smiling.

"Isaac, I'm glad your friends with this twat." He said nudging me a little and I nudged him to. "Yeah your little Paris friendship isn't gonna last very long, she has two nights left. And then she's back on a plane."

"Way to ruin the vibe." I rolled my eyes as Isaac reminded me I'm only here for two whole days. It fucking sucks.

"Okay I think we've played enough football for the day." Evelyn cleared her voice changing the subject as she kicked the soccer ball far away.

"I agree with blondie. Lets get of this soccer field!" I said pumping my fist in the air charging of.

"It's football!"

This is the most fucking boring thing ever.

Who the hell goes to a museum. A boring ass museum. Someone get me out of here. It was all boring but then again Evelyn was very intrested in these useless things. And Isaac was satisfied by everything she did. So whenever she would get excited over seeing something, he would be even more happier.

The way he stared at her constantly, the way he would talk to her. They stupidly in love.

"Penny for your thoughts Alex?" Harry's voice interrupted my thoughts and I turned my head to see him standing next to me acting intrested in a painting that had no meaning to us.

So I'm a blunt person, there's nothing wrong with that. I just see things how they are.

"My thoughts are why did blondie take us to this boring ass museum. She's lucky she's hot." I complained looking over to her and Harry let out a small chuckle.

"Wanna escape?" He asked me as he held out his hand with a mischevious smirk plastered on his face and I immediately placed his hand in mine nodding.

"As if I would say no."

Harry decided to order us a taxi and we both jumped in. I had no idea where he was taking us but it didn't look pleasant. But I trusted him enough. I don't think I ever trusted someone as quick as this.

We parked outside this weird alleyway and he opened the door up for me taking my hand helping me out. "What a gentleman." I pretended to curtsy at him and he took a little bow.

"Why yes I am." He said proudly grinning and I laughed shaking my head at him. I took his lead following him to wherever he'll he was taking me.

We stood outside what looked like a house, but by looks of it I really hoped it wasn't one. The bricks were eroding and not a pretty colour. And the door had mold growing around it. Which I didn't even know could happen.

But then again I'm clueless about half the things in my life.

He fiddled his hands in his pocket gripping his key unlocking the door and it was dark as it slowly creaked open.

"I swear if your taking me to your secret basement to cut me up and eat me like some weird really hot serial killer, then honestly, that would be so cool." I said a little terrified but also excited.


"Hey if you kill me can you make sure they use a really hot picture of me at my funeral and on the news. Make sure they use my good side." I started posing trying to make sure he got the point.

What, I always have to look good, even after death.

"Alex, shut up. I'm not killing you. Welcome to my home mate." He said as he shut the door behind me and he walked over to the window opening the drapes.

It smelt like alcohol. There were beer bottles all over the ground. Cheap wine was left open on the kitchen counter.

"Mum!" Harry called out for her and we both heard a small groan coming from another room. I looked over at Harry's face and he just had pure disappointment spread across his face.

"Harry! Your home." She let out a not so excitedly tone as he stood up almost tripping over herself ready to face plant the ground.

She then landed her gaze on me and I raised my eyes at her as she had a cigarette in one hand and a glass of wine in the other.

"Mum meet... Alex." He stopped for a second to think about my name and his mum just gave me a kind of digusted grin as I lightly waved my hand.

"You've bought another slag home. How nice." She said letting out a huff as she rolled her eyes and I looked over at Harry giving her a questionable look.

"Slag?" I repeated and she gave me another dirty look. "And she's American, how great. You bought a whore."

She emphasised on the whore part and I pressed my lips together uncomfortably. "Nice." Was the only words I could say.

"I'm sorry, she's drunk, all the time. I didn't know she'd even be awake." Harry muttered the last three words under his breath apologising and I just nodded understanding.

"I haven't seen you in four days. Where's my only child been?" She asked as she headed to the empty bottle of wine on the counter sipping straight out of the bottle.

"Except im not your only child." Harry reminded her as he bent down to clean up the empty bottles of the ground and I decided to help him as I grabbed the trash can helping him put all the bottles in.

"If your talking about that other one she stopped being a child the minuite she came here. And the. She forced me to deal with your pathetic arse."  His mum complained as she took a whole gulp of wine.

I turned my eyes to Harry who just kept his head down avoiding eye contact. "Why the fuck have you bought another girl over?"

"She's not just any girl. She's my friend." Harry defended and I stayed silent not knowing what to do as I picked up the many cigarettes of the ground.

"Bullshit." His mom immediately said and I just kept my mouth shut not wanting to interrupt their conversation.

"Shes another tramp you bring home." His mom criticised him and I wanted to get some humour out of this sad situation.

"I'm truly heartbroken. There's other girls before me?" I mumbled letting in a fake gasp and Harry lightly chuckled along.

"Well have you seen me. No one can resist my hottness." Harry took pride in his looks but his mom interrupted us before we could joke around more.

"How's is the other one?" She referred to Evelyn and Harry looked suorised when she asked. "She's good. She has a boyfriend, I think you'd like him." I could tell he was trying to make minimum conversation with her around me.

"Nah, I don't like her, so I won't like him." She already judged making her decision and Harry didn't say anything.

"Actually he's pretty great." I spoke up and his mom immediately raised her eye at me. "Your slag friend seems to think she can talk to me."

"She's not a slag." Harry defended and as much as I love him saying that. I kind of am. Actually I have a body count of....

5, but I wouldn't count the first one, since it wasn't really my choice.

"I'm sure she isn't." She didn't sound convinced as she laughed taking another sip. Harry walked over to her attempting to take the bottle of wine of off her but she immediately stopped him snatching it back.

"Come on jsut give me the bottle mum." He pleaded her holding out his hand trying to talk to her and she immediately started a argument.

"No, you and your sister took everything away from me. You took my husband, you took my hunting job, you took away my decency, you cannot take away my alchohol!" She roared at him and I stood there awkwardly not knowing what the hell to do.

"You took away everything!" She screamed and she threw the wine bottle at his head and my immediate reflex was to run towards him as glass was smashed everywhere including in his cheek. I placed my hand over the glass pulling it out as quickly as possible as it easily healed.

"Don't you dare take away my son to!" She looked over at me her eyes filled with rage and she grabbed another empty beer bottle throwing it straight at me and before it could make contact with me Harry quickly caught it.

"That's it, you can hurt me all you want. But if you even touch the one friend I manage to not scare of i swear to god I will hurt you the way I've never hurt anyone. You do not get to touch a hair on her head. Got it."

The moment I met Harry I always saw him as fun. He never had a bad bone or a aggressive bone in him unless he was triggered. But I had never seen him so serious.

"Whatever." That was the only words his mother muttered before returning back to the room where she came from.

He bent down to pick up the smash glass up fo the ground and I squatted down next to him.

"I'm so sorry I thought she'd be sleeping." He told me apologising and I shook my head not caring about his mum. But about him. "You okay?" I asked him as I saw glass in his hair and he nodded. I slowly picked the pieces out.

"No your not." I sighed staring into his eyes which were filled with guilt but he didn't say anything. He didn't nod he just stared into the distance. "How long has she been abusing you?" I asked him and his face immediately changed back into this cold look.

"Abusing me? No your crazy. She's done anything but abuse me, she doesn't abuse me." He quickly rose on his feet and I felt as if he was attacking me.

"No, no she doesn't abuse me. Don't ever fucking say that." He immediately started walking back trying to get as far away from me as possible.

"Okay, Harry it's okay." I tried nearing towards him and he held out his hand telling me to not come near him as he walked back avoiding me until he grabbed the door behind him trying his best to get away.

And he immediately ran out.
And I ran after him.

"Harry! Get your ass back here!" I yelled running after him and what was worse is that it was in the rain.

And not just light rain. Heavy rain.

He didn't really have anywhere to go so there was no point running of. I ran after him as quickly as I could so he wouldn't do anything stupid.

I grabbed his hand pulling him back so he could face me. "She doesn't abuse me." He kept repeating himself and I just nodded. "Okay."

He had his hands balled up in a fist and I didn't know how to calm him down. So I just did the first thing I could think of. I wrapped my arms around him placing him in a hug.

"She doesn't, she doesn't, she doesn't abuse me." He broke down as he placed his head on my shoulder and I nodded placing my hand on his head stroking his hair.

"I know." I whispered in his ear.

We stayed like this for five minutes until I knew it was the right time to say something. "How long Harry?" I asked him and he didn't say anything for moment.

"Since dad died." He told me and I pulled away from the hug and I placed my hand on my face. "It's the alcohol."

It was always the alcohol.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked me and I knew it would make him relax, I knew it would make him comfortable, so that's exactly what I let him do. And it was amazing to feel nothing, no feelings attached at all when I kissed him. It was exactly what we both needed.

He placed the most softest kiss on my lips as he placed both of his hands on my face holding me close. "Thank you for being here." 

"Your very welcome." I told him looking in his eyes and I placed my palm on top of his hand which rested on my cheek and he managed to smile through all the pain.

"Thankyou for giving me the best Paris sex." I wiggled my brows and he couldn't help but laugh. I love making people laugh in the worst situations.

"You are very welcome."

"Let's dry up then head back to Isaacs before your sister try's to kill us. We'll kill you, I'm too amazing to kill."

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