Savior 》Ticci Toby x Reader {...

By hatsu-senpai

543K 19.3K 33.5K

~"The wind tugged at your hair as you sat on a bench and read your book. You had an uneasy feeling, like you... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Author's Note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 6

28.6K 937 2.9K
By hatsu-senpai

Smile layed his head on your lap as you dug into your delectable sandwich with the ferocity of an animal. You'd skipped breakfast and lunch today because you were far too busy cleaning the mansion. It was amazing how much dirt a hoard of psychotic killer teens could make.

You fed Smile your crust and sighed as you finished off your meal and contemplated if you should have another or not. Deciding against it, you scampered off into the den where Eyeless Jack and Masky were having a heated conversation about eating habits.

"Kidneys come from the body," E.J. pointed, "so they can't be bad for you."

"You eat a ton!" Masky cried.

"Speak for you self!" E.J. howled. "You go through six entire cheesecakes a day! And that's on a good day!"

"You both eat a lot, now shut up!" BEN snapped, not looking up from his game. The two masked boys muttered under their breath but didn't continue the argument.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" A voice called from the top of the stairs.

"What, Toby?" You called back.

"Can you come here for a minute?" He asked. You pushed yourself up off the couch and padded up the stairs. There was a chorus of 'ooo's and 'awwwww's but you quickly silenced them with a glare.

"What is it?" You asked Toby as you pushed his door open. He was sitting on his bed with his goggles and mask abandoned on his nightstand.

"I need your help," He sighed, pushing his hair out of his eyes.

"With what?" You inquired skeptically.

"How do you plan a date?" He asked quietly, twitching more than usual, as he did when he got nervous.

You got an odd feeling in your stomach. A kind of... aching feeling. You ignored it and plastered on a smile. "Who's the lucky girl?"

"Y- you wouldn't know her," He smiled nervously.

"Well," you sighed and plopped down in the bed beside him, "I guess it depends on the girl."

"What would you want?"

"I guess I'd like it to be romantic but not sappy," you shrugged. "Like a picnic or something relaxing like that, you know?"

"Huh... I've got an idea! Thanks (Y/N)!" Toby grinned lept from his bed. He grabbed your hands and pulled you to your feet, wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug. You hesitantly returned the hug.

Toby doesn't normally act this way, you thought, he must really like this girl.

Another aching feeling tore it's way through your chest and you released Toby.

"I- I have to go," you said, not making eye contact with him. Before he could say anything, you raced down the stairs, grabbed a random jacket from the rack, and bolted out the door. You whistled and Smile bounded out after you, panting and wagging his tail as you picked up a stick.

You chucked it as far as you could and the big red dog darted after it, barking happily. You pulled the sweatshirt you'd grabbed over your head and you knew who's it was by smell before you actually saw it. It smelled of sandal wood chips and metal.


You groaned inwardly at your selection. Toby was your closest friend here, besides BEN. When Toby had told you he was going to ask a girl on a date, you'd felt this strange feeling. Was it jealousy? You'd never really been jealous of anyone before. As Smile returned with the stick, you patted his head and took Toby's sweatshirt off. You'd decided to support him and help him get the girl, whoever she was.

You came back inside and hung Toby's sweatshirt back on the rack. BEN eyed you curiously but didn't bother you. You padded into the kitchen, Smile following after you, and sat down at the table. Smile layed his big paws on your feet and rested his head on top of them, napping quietly.

"Hello (Y/N)," Masky called from the fridge.

"Hey," you responded half-heartedly.

"What's wrong?" He asked and sat down in front of you with a plate of cheesecake.

"Nothing," you fake smiled.

"Hoodie, BEN, Jeff, Toby, Eyeless Jack and I are planning a party tomorrow night. We're inviting a bunch of other creepypastas. Do you wanna come?" He grinned.

"But I'm not a creepypasta," you sighed.

"You don't have to be! Come on, it'll be fun!" He pleaded.

"Fine," you laughed. "I'll go, I'll go."

"Yeah!" Masky cried and pumped his fist in the air.


"Are you ready yet, (Y/N)?" BEN asked as he pounded a fist on your door.

"I don't want to come out," you groaned.

"Why not?" Masky called.

"I look... horrible," you frowned as you eyed your outfit in the mirror.

"I highly doubt that," Toby snorted.

You huffed at the dress. You hated dresses and this one was strapless and short. You tugged on the skirt, trying to pull it down as far as it could go but it was no use. It was black and covered in lace. You had knee high black stockings on to try and hide more skin and black baby doll shoes. Your (Y/H/C) hair was down in loose curls.

"I feel exposed!" You cried as you went to the door.

"Oh, just come out already," Jeff snapped.

You turned the doorknob hesitantly and stepped out into the hall. All six boys stared at you.

"What?" You snapped.

"Damn," Jeff grinned.

"Holy Zalgo," Hoodie whispered, forgetting to stutter.

"(Y/N)?" Masky gasped.

"You're hot!" BEN exclaimed.

"Oh. My. Scalpels," E.J. stared.

"Y- you look beautiful," Toby stammered.

You twisted your hands in front of you and blushed a deep crimson. Your face felt hot as the boys gaped at you.

"Knock it off," you snorted after you'd recovered. "Are we going?"

BEN just nodded and led the way downstairs. Jeff linked his arm through yours and grinned at you.

"You should dress like this more often."

"In your dreams," you scoffed and tried to take your arm away from him. Toby linked his arm through your other one and glared at Jeff. Jeff just laughed and dropped your arm, following after BEN quietly.


When everyone had arrived at the party, you were bombarded with introductions. Most of them were guys about your age and most of them flirted with you. Luckily, Toby never left your side and neither did Smile.

"Why hello there," a man smiled as he strode up to you. He looked like BEN but was adorned in all black and had red eyes.

"Back off, Dark Link," Toby snapped. Smile growled and bared his teeth.

"I can't converse?" The boy asked with a joking hurt expression.

"Knowing you, no," Toby snarled. They continued to death glare at each other and you slipped away without either of them noticing. You'd slipped Smile a hot wing from the snack table so he busied himself with that instead of following you.

You snuck outside and climbed up the vines on the side of the mansion. You sat on the roof and sighed, the cool air making your breath visible. You shivered and watched the stars in silence. It felt nice to be alone after everything. You hadn't really had a chance to have time to yourself since the pastas had let you live with them. You enjoyed your time away from others until you got a strange feeling.

You looked around nervously and almost screamed when you saw a tall man leaned against the chimney behind you. You scrambled backwards instinctively and you felt you hands leave contact with the roof. You shouted in suprise as air rushed past you. You were falling. You squeezed your eyes closed but the impact of the ground never came.

Instead, there were arms around you. You opened your eyes and squealed as they met a pair of luminous green ones.

"Are you alright?" Toby asked, setting you down on the grass and frantically checking you for wounds. You nodded and ignore the slight headache you had. Toby ignored you and continued to search you. You pushed his hands away and back up into the wall. Toby was frozen with his hands outstretched towards you, a look of concern on his face.

"I'm fine," you whispered. You felt like crying but you bit you lips hard. You hated crying, especially in front of other people. You tasted blood but ignored it.

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