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By Sessakag

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New danger is on the horizon for the shinobi world. Naruto, a celebrated war hero, finds himself, once again... More

The Beginning
Man Up
Love At Last
Creeping Darkness
Sixth Sense
Loving Gem
Carnal Climax
Blooming Flower
Right Place Wrong Time
The Otsutsuki
Frigid Confrontation
Desert Nightmare
Just a Cold
Big News
Uncomfortable Reunion
Love and Drama
A Deity Speaks
Akechi Village
Childless Clan
Anything But Orange
Drunken Antics
Entity 504
The Fodder
Restless Night
Endless Worry
Lean On Me
The Final Entry
Don't Like It? Fight ME!
The Truth
Preparing For Tomorrow
The Uzumaki's
Honeymoon Adventure Part 1

Party Planning

305 15 32
By Sessakag

Chapter Thirty-Six

Party Planning

April 27, 2010

"I don't know how long Sasuke's gonna be here, he won't say," Naruto informed his fiancée, "I know the Hyuuga want to host our engagement party but I kinda wanna have one with just us and our friends, ya know? No offense, but Hyuuga parties aren't exactly..."

He stroked the soft skin of her back, searching for a word that wasn't insulting.

"Fun," she supplied.

He grinned sheepishly.


She shook her head, cuddle against his naked chest, her silky strands tickled a bit.

"It's always been that way," she admitted, "my clan is...pretty rigid. They're capable of being fun...sometimes, but probably not in the way you'd consider fun, Naruto-kun."

To his mind, aside from Hanabi, Hinata and Hanako, all the Hyuuga seemed to have a stick up their ass. It was their baseline.

Speaking of ass...

He smoothed a hand down her spine, over the curve of her naked buttocks then back up again. He's already resolved to put sex on the back burner until she felt better, but touching every now and again seemed fine. Even though they hadn't made love tonight, he'd stripped them both down, propped himself up with their pillows against the headboard then wrapped his arms around her. Hinata loved cuddling when they were done going at it like rabbits, and the skin to skin contact always seemed to leave her especially happy. She'd run her fingers over his hard flesh, trace the ridges along his abdomen, draw patterns over his pectorals as she was doing now. To his mind, birthday suit cuddling served to draw her attention to more pleasant things and it seemed to be working quite well. And of course, the supple flesh plastered to his, the soft skin beneath his caressing hands was a delicious treat for him.

She looked as content as a kitten. As though she feared nothing while she lay within his embrace. Holding her, sheltering her from the things that would hurt her brought him no small measure of peace.

Sex could wait.

Besides, even if he was of a mind to, he wouldn't attempt anything with their current guest across the hall.

Hinata was not quiet when he touched her.

She wasn't quiet when he fucked her.

The bed wasn't quiet beneath them.

He wasn't quiet by any standard of the word.

It was a no go, even if they did try to be quiet about it. Sasuke would probably know somehow and he'd find himself getting punch into the first Monday of next year. The last thing Sasuke would want to hear or imagine was him pounding away inside his fiancée all night. Not that he could blame the guy. Some things didn't need to be shared.

He mulled it over silently.

They'd have to...practice being quiet for situations like this in the future.

Lust pooled in his groin.

He could imagine how arousing it'd be watching her struggle to stay quiet while he touched her; what kind of erotic face she would make trying not to scream his name while he-

"I don't mind having a separate engagement party."

His attention snapped back to his lust inducing fiancée. She was peering up at him with those pretty doe eyes. He couldn't help the curl to his lips. She was always so damn pretty. Didn't matter what she was doing.

"Great. I was thinking the end of the week? I kinda tried to strong arm Sasuke into staying for two weeks, but I don't know if that's gonna work. He's got enough clothes for it but with him being him, and things kinda tense with everybody, not sure if he'll give in, dattebayo."

She smoothed comforting fingers over his chest.

"I'm sorry, Naruto-kun."

"Ahhhh, its okay," he grinned.

Truly it was.

"I'm just glad I got to see him now. Even if he won't make it to our engagement party, at least I got to spend time with him before he leaves for years at a time again."

Toying with his half of their necklace, the gentle woman resting against his body gave him a hopeful smile.

"I'm glad you got to see him too," she murmured, "I can plan the party and have it ready by the end of the week."

He blinked.


She nodded.

"Nothing extravagant. A nice venue, maybe a caterer, some music. I've planned things like this before. It'll be intimate but I think it'll give Sasuke-san some breathing room if he needs it."

He hadn't thought about the environment. In fact, he'd been assuming they'd just bum around his apartment and throw back some drinks. Though, now that he thought about it, it probably wouldn't have been a good idea to throw the former rogue into the cozy abode their group had grown into. He'd most definitely feel like an outsider and there really weren't many places in their apartment he could go without making it obvious he was uncomfortable. They'd had parties at different venue's before and though it was far and few between that they did, he could remember there being plenty of room for everyone to have their own space. Even he had taken advantage of that, tugging his then girlfriend outside where immaculate gardens resided to cuddle and watch the twinkling stars, or draw her into a dark corner away from the festivities for a few kisses and gropes.

"That's a really good idea," he complimented, flashing pearly whites at her, "let's do it."

The grin melted away and his mouth opened.

"It'll take my mind off of things," she told him, "I can handle it."

"You're sure? I don't know jack shit about party planning but I can figure it out."

She giggled.

"What?" he demanded with mock outrage, reaching down to pinch her nose.

She snorted, making him laugh too.

"You think I can't figure it out?" he teased.

"I know you can," she laughed, "its just...its kinda boring. You'd be more frustrated with the minor details than anything. Color schemes, themes, entrée selection, venue shopping-"

"You're right," he deadpanned, "I'm already frustrated, dattebayo."

She let loose a pearl of laughter. He leaned down and pressed his lips to her crown.

"Alright, I'll stay outta the way," he nuzzled the spot he'd kissed, "but if you need help let me know."

She nodded.

"Thanks for dinner by the way," he continued, "Sasuke's always been kinda quiet, so I hope you weren't bothered by it. He's like that with everybody."

"No, not at all. I understand more than anyone about the comfort in silence. It didn't feel uncomfortable or unfriendly at all. He seemed to enjoy the food and you made up for both of our quiet natures."

"Yeah, I figured you'd get it. You and Sasuke have that quiet listening thing in common. Most people tell me I talk to much or to shut the hell up. Though some of the looks he gives me say; 'shut the hell up', even so, I always have room to talk as much as I want with you guys."

She chortled.

"Well I'm happy we can provide you with the listening ears you need. To be honest, listening to you talk is always so colorful and exciting. I think I get more out of it than you do."

He blinked, then pouted down at her.

"Stop being cute when I can't do anything about it."

It was her turn to blink before the words permeated. Color bloomed in her cheeks.

He chuckled.

"Yeah, cut it out. You know how I get when you say cute stuff, 'ttebayo."

Clearly she remembered, because the look in her eyes grew smoldering.

"And when you look at me like that..." he rumbled.

He leaned down and fused their mouths.

"Cut it out," he growled against her plush lips, "I mean it, dattebayo. I don't feel like getting punched into Monday next year,"

She gave a choked laugh against his mouth.

"What?" she giggled.

He grinned.


April 28, 2010

"This is Sasuke, the pain in the neck best friend I told guys you about."

Three teens stared up at the lone Uchiha with a mixture of awe and childlike curiosity. For his part, Sasuke seemed genuinely curious too. His dark gaze swept over the bunch, assessing and contemplative. There was a beat of hesitation between the two parties. Sure, he'd told them about the lone Uchiha, but so had the village. The version he gave probably really conflicted with the one they picked up from the gossiping mouthes around them. In the coming weeks, those wagging tongues would only dish out more information their innocent ears would pick up. He'd already warned them they weren't going to hear good things about his friend and explained that Sasuke had made some mistakes but was a changed man now.

"Nice to meet you," the group greeted in unison.

Sasuke gave his own in return and that seemed to break the ice.

"So you're as strong as sensei?" Tani asked, her mouth forming a small 'O'.

Sasuke nodded.

"As strong as," Naruto emphasized haughtily, "I'm still the strongest."

His friend closed both eyes. He was clearly annoyed but couldn't refute the familiar boast that was no longer empty crowing as it had been in their childhood years. It was in light spirited fun though, so he knew Sasuke didn't take offense.


This from Sanzo.

"It's true!" Tani defended, "Sensei is the strongest shinobi in the world. He saved the Kazekage and he took down that awful man that destroyed the village and even made him bring everybody back to life! My papa told me all about the war too! Naruto-sensei fought the strongest shinobis' ever! He helped in the fight with those zombie ninja, some of them were previous Kages might I add! He even went against that Madara man! He shared his chakra with everybody and barely felt tired! He created a ton of clones and went to every battlefront! He rescued us from that infinite uh...infinite...that tree thing that made everyone sleep! He's even friends with the bijuu! And he's got the strongest most awesome one inside of him! Of course he's the strongest! Naruto-sempai is amazing!" the sparkly eyed girl breathed.

"Uhhh," Naruto bumbled, with a bashful laugh.

He was always really embarrassed when people made a fuss over the things he'd accomplishment and he couldn't really say why. He'd always wanted to be great, had dreamed of eliciting this very response from the people that had once shunned him, but hearing it from the lips of others...he didn't know how to receive it properly. He hated that it made him so embarrassed, but he also didn't like the idea of preening when it happened. When people talked about the Pain incident or the war, it was like they were talking about someone greater than himself. He still...kinda saw himself as that failure that had always been clawing his way out of the dirt. When he fought for the sake of his friends, his village, it was like he had tunnel vision. He couldn't see outside himself, to him, the things he did in combat were necessary and unimportant as long as he could protect those he cared about.

On the outside looking in, to the people that watched him do it, it was incredible.

"Okay, Tani," Sanzo huffed, rolling his eyes, "I didn't say he wasn't the strongest, turn the fangirl off for a second."

"Well it true!" the green haired girl replied, placing sassy hands on her hips, "I don't need to fangirl! I leave that kinda thing to you."

She gave her teammate a sly, cat ate the mouse sidelong gaze.

"You're one to talk about fangirling," she taunted softly, "I know all about a certain fanboy that's a part of that Hinata-hime-"

"Will you shut up!" the blazing cheeked boy shouted, throwing panicked hands over her dangerous mouth, "you talk too much I swear! A-And I don't even know what you're talking about anyway!"

He threw a self-conscious glance around him. Naruto couldn't help the shit eating grin on his face. He already knew the boy was in awe of his lover but he hadn't know he was a part of a group over it. Seinosuke was doubled over laughing, while Sasuke was standoffish but held amusement in his black eye.

The loose lipped Nakamoto knocked his hands away then folded her arms.

"Sure you don't," she said with an eye roll of her own, "give it up Sanzo, its so obvious."

Transitioning from sheepish to annoyed, the emerald eyed headache moved. Naruto held out a hand, halting the brewing fight.

"Alright you two, enough."

Tani stuck her tongue out at the boy.

"Tani," their sensei warned.

Sanzo returned the rude gesture with a rude finger.

"Sanzo," their sensei warned.

Then he sighed.

'These two...'

In pure teenage fashion, Sanzo's attention span was short and quickly moved on to a more interesting pursuit.

"Sasuke-san, can we see your Susano? Some of the people in the village talk about it when they talk about the war, they said its really powerful and that you used it in the fight against that lady with the long hair! It sounds cool!" Sanzo asked, eyes gleaming and hopeful.

A bit flustered, Sasuke didn't answer immediately.

"Afraid not," Naruto responded for him.

"Ehhhhh?" the half shaven headed teen grumbled, swinging disappointed orbs to him, "we can't see Sasuke-san's Susano and we can't meet Kurama? What's the point of meeting two war hero's if you can't even see what made them hero's in the first place?"

"Our combat modes are not for entertainment Sanzo," the blonde chuckled, laying a heavy hand on the boy's head, "and Kurama doesn't really like to talk to anybody, so don't take it personal."

Pouting, the teen brushed his hand off then crossed his arms.

"I see the similarities, Naruto."

He didn't even pretend not to know what the other man was talking about. He knew full well the bratty boy he'd once been and his reaction would have been the same as Sanzo's.

Petulant and pouting.

Like the long suffering sensei he was, Naruto sighed.

"Karma I guess."

Though he knew this probably wasn't where that karma would end. When he and Hinata started a family he could imagine, if any of their children took after him, Konoha would have another Uzumaki hellion terrorizing the village and bringing them all headache after headache, himself included. It'd thrill him to no end to see a little face that looked like his, or to stroke blonde stands that were indistinguishable from his own, but for the sake of the village, let them have their mother's temperament he wished silently.

"Sasuke-san, do you know if your clan has any connection to the Kato clan?" Seinosuke questioned.

Dark brows furrowed.

"I have no knowledge of your clan and am unsure if your clan is among those believed to be related to the Uchiha."

"Oh, that's right," Naruto said, snapping his fingers, "I remember you asking me to talk to Sasuke about it. Sorry, it slipped my mind."

"That's okay sensei," he turned back to the Uchiha in question, "my clan believes it may be distantly related to the Uchiha. We have a dojutsu kekkei genkai, Musōgan."

Raven brows crinkled. Clearly he hadn't head of it. Neither had Naruto until he'd had Seinosuke assign to his team.

"I've never heard of Musōgan."

"It's has the ability to hypnotize an individual when activated. More senior members in out clan are said to be able to utilize 'suggestion' to those of weaker minds. Once ensnared, and if vulnerable to 'suggestion', those under the genjutsu carry out the task given with the 'suggestion'."

Naruto still found it pretty cool and pretty dangerous. Very few in the Kato clan awakened the dojutsu. Seinosuke was among them, though his control and ability to utilize it was neither great nor potent. Both of which he was learning steadily and doggedly determined to master. Musōgan, like the Uchiha curse of hatred, came with a hefty downfall. Without some measure of control over the dojutsu, the user could become ensnared themselves. A single glance in the mirror, a careless look in one's reflection and that was it. There was no unraveling the world they'd lock themselves within.

It was the reason the Kato clan exhibited so much control over their daily lives, why his oldest student was more disciplined than the other two. Training had started early for the young boy.

Sasuke nodded.

"Your clan may be related to mine. I'll look into it and share the findings."

"Really?" the teenager questioned, clearly elated.

He wasn't surprised. Seinosuke was the scholarly type, and he liked history. Discovering the origins of his clan was of great interest to him.

Sasuke nodded again.

"Thanks Sasuke-san!" he grinned.

They chatted quite a while, Sasuke doing more talking than he probably had in the past few years. His genin bombarded the single armed shinobi with question after question. Sasuke skirted the more...problematic answers to their guileless questions, but maintained the truth throughout. It was moving towards late afternoon when he called for a pause.

"Alright, I'm hungry, you can finish bugging Sasuke while we eat."

The group took a seat next to the creak a few feet from them. Naruto grabbed the wrapped containers he'd sat down earlier. Unraveling the cloth, he started handing out bentos Hinata had made.

"Alright!" Sanzo enthused when he opened his.

Hinata knew all their favorites and always tried to make it for them every now and then. Once he'd handed out the last one, he opened his, stomach already growling.

"This is yours."

He turned, giving his friend a confused blink. He looked down into the container the Uchiha held. Naruto shaped onigiri and other heart shaped food items stared back at him.

Naruto chuckled, unembarrassed at the display of love from his wife to be. Hinata loved him silly and he didn't care who knew about it.

"Thanks," he grinned, taking it from him.

Shortly after, the genin began the pestering of his friend in earnest.


'You can do this! You told Naruto-kun you'd be okay. Don't let him down!'

Hinata stared at her reflection as she gave the silent pep talk. Reaching down for the clips on the counter, she pinned the flora shaped metal above her temple, then the other, pulling the long sides of her hair back and away from her face.

She and Naruto liked this simple style.

Coupled with the long sleeved, pearly white, ankle length dress, she felt like she looked rather...pretty. Dressed, and sufficiently self encouraged, she left the bathroom, grabbed her purse from the bed and headed out for the day. After a breakfast much like dinner, Naruto and Sasuke had left shortly after to meet the genin under her lover's care. He'd created a few clones and tasked them with finding the remaining members of their inner circle then breaking the news of Sasuke's return before moving onto the subsequent invitation to the impromptu party at the end of the week. Kiba would put up the biggest fight, but the others would most likely fall in line as Tenten had in deference for their love of the blonde. She hoped things would go smoothly. Naruto wanted so badly to have his friends truly united and was determined to move mountains to make it so. In every thing he tried to accomplished, the man she loved always pursued it with single minded purpose and a drive most could never match.

Taking the easy rode had never been a part of his creed and she admired that so much in him. It was what had propelled her to do her best even when she wanted to give up.


As promised, Hinata was on her way to start preparing for their engagement party. It was time to try and pretend to be normal. To try standing on her own two feet without her support beam holding her up. Reaching up, she rubbed the sapphire half heart dangling between her breasts.


She was wrong about that. He was still here with her, even if she couldn't see him.

Everything would be okay.

He'd told her that and she believed it.

It might take time, and a lot of work but...eventually, things would be just fine.

Sufficiently self prepped, she headed out. The noise and cheerfulness of Konoha surrounded her immediately, releasing some of the tension in her shoulders she hadn't wanted to acknowledge. The sun had taken the chill from the air, and with the freshness the wind carried, she knew spring was right around the corner.

Turning in the direction of a caterer she had used in the past, Hinata headed to stop number one of her places to visit. She hadn't exaggerated last night, she'd done this sort of thing quite often as the heir. Putting together an affair for close friends rather than the Hyuuga clan or business associates was probably going to be less work and more fun than the other times she planned a get together.

At the caterer, she put together a menu that held the favorites of all the guest but one. She wasn't sure what Sasuke's preferred dish was, she just knew he didn't like sweets, something his Jinchuuriki friend, and even herself if she were honest, found outrageous. He seemed to eat extra portions of onigiri and subtlety hogged the tomatoes last night. Even if they weren't his favorite, she made sure they were plentiful on the list. Once the menu had been settled, she meandered over to the venue she had in mind. It was a tall, wide building boasting several party rooms and whole floors available for party throwing. She planned on grabbing the bottom floor. It gave access to a wonderful garden through lovely terrace doors. The place was usually solidly booked but the owner kept the bottom floor as unoccupied as possible in deference for the Hyuuga, seeing as they were one of his most frequent and high paying patrons.

She was in luck.

It was available for the weekend. She gave the eager man the specifications for setup and decorations as well as music choice before heading out once more.

Shortly there after, she visited a jewelry store.

"Welcome!" a man called out as she stepped through the door.

Surprise widened his dark eyes.

"Hinata-hime! Its an honor!"

Pink tinted her cheeks as he rounded the counter he'd been standing behind.

"Your fiancée visited this very shop a few years back for your engagement ring," he cast a pointed glance at her hand, "I'm flattered to have your patronage as well. How may I help you today?"

Flustered by the man, Hinata moved to relieve the social anxiety with her age old habit of tapping her fingers together. Blushing, she opened her mouth.

"Well...you see..."


Naruto knocked on the door then waited.

The door opened a short time later and that strange man, the daimyo's adviser walked out. His face was creepily neutral as he passed by, his white attire spotless and neatly pressed. The blue eyed shinobi watched until he disappeared down the curved hall, disquiet in his stomach.

He didn't like the man at all.

Aside from the rigid policies he was hell bent on enforcing in the daimyo's name, his energy was just plain unpleasant to be around.

"Come in, Naruto."

Jerked into attentiveness, he swung his gaze to the two men inside the room. Shikamaru looked slightly annoyed, but the Hokage looked unbothered. Naruto knew, that meant nothing. Kakashi-sensei didn't always telegraph his emotions nor what he was thinking.

He stepped inside and closed the door behind him.

"What bring you here, Naruto. I half expected to have to pry you off of Hinata eventually. I can only hope this means she's doing much better?"

"I'm a clone," he informed the head of Konoha, "She's okay right now. Once the training starts, I don't think that'll be the case,"

"About that, based on your assessment, when can she be expected to begin," Kakashi asked, "while I'd prefer she start immediately, I don't want to push her into a relapse of that night."

Neither did he.

He ran a hand through his hair, deeply troubled. He didn't know if she would ever be what one called 'ready' to have that...chakra crawling around her body but...

"Some time next week, maybe in the middle of it. We're actually planning on having an informal engagement party at the end of the week. It should help her relax, and if she has a few days before to prepare, she should be alright," he postulated, "I actually came to invite you guys to the party and ask if you knew when Shino would be back. Everyone's gonna be there and he won't be too happy if he's the only one that got left out 'ttebayo."

He'd get all depressed and mope about in that big jacket and shiny glasses, complaining about everyone forgetting about him.

"Hmmm, hard to say exactly when, he's still tracking signs of Shukaku, but I did send a missive for him to meet with a shinobi I sent to relieve him and continue the trail and for him to return to the village. I don't think he'll make it back in time though. He was pretty far out."

Naruto sighed.

Whelp, moping Shino it was. He wondered how long it was gonna last this time. Probably up until his wedding day, whenever that was gonna be.

They still hadn't set a date.

"I'd wait, but I don't know how long Sasuke's gonna be here."

"You sure you wanna have Kiba and Sasuke in the same building?" Kakashi questioned, "Kiba hasn't changed his opinion since they declared Sasuke a rouge ninja. If anything, its gotten worse."

Naruto sighed again.

"Probably not, Kiba's as thick as a rock, dattebayo," he muttered, already exasperated, "but it can't be helped. I'm not uninviting either one of them."

"There's a chance he'll behave himself," the Hokage's adviser shrugged, "he might hate Sasuke and you might not be able to convince him to be cool about this but maybe Hinata can get him in line. Well, as much as anyone can get him in line anyway. He's still sweet on her."

Blonde brows lowered.


"Just stating facts, don't get your boxers in a knot."

Yeah, but that didn't mean he wanted to hear about those 'facts'. Kiba had already admitted to the crush he had on his lover and Naruto still remembered his declaration to take his place should the inexperienced Jinchuuriki screw up with Hinata. He hadn't thought about it in so long and he'd never seen Kiba be anything but friendly towards her since their relationship began.

And of course there was Tamaki.

Kiba had a woman of his own, but even he could admit, Hinata could get the Inuzuka to do things others couldn't.

"Whatever," he huffed, waving a careless bandaged hand, "I'll keep that in mind."

Like hell.

"Anyway, you guys are coming too right? I know its kinda last minute..."

"Unfortunately, my busy schedule won't allow for it, but now that you mention it, I still need you to set a date for your wedding so this doesn't happen on that day. If you plane to have Gaara there, you'll need to inform us both so we can clear time." Kakashi reminded him.

"Shit, I forgot about that. I'll let you know by the end of the week,"

With everything that had been going on, it had long since slipped his mind.

"Shikamaru?" he prompted.

"Ino would drag me there anyways."

"Alright, well Hinata's taking care of the planning so once she's done, I'll let you know where its gonna be," Naruto said, "One more thing, any updates on uh, everything?"

"The scroll will take a few more days, but the device containing the Otsutsuki history is steadily making headway. We should have more to add onto the bit the intel department was able to transcribe. Shukaku has been leaving tracks but no actual sightings since he left the desert. I guess its safe to assume he hasn't been in contact with you?"

Naruto shook his head.

"Then that's all the information we have on Shukaku at the moment, unless Shino has more to report," the Hokage informed, "and my answer remains the same about that deserted city."

Naruto nodded.

"Sasuke says he's been closing those tears while he travels."

Kakashi nodded.

"There haven't been any reported for a while. Same for the jubokko."

His brows crinkled. That should be good news but somehow...he didn't think it was. Where had these weather anomalies and constructed monsters come from, and why had they stopped? None of this was normal, natural or coincidental to his mind. These situations were connected somehow. An Otsutsuki had to be pulling the strings, but why?

What were they after now?

Another God Tree?

"No use worrying over it now, Naruto," his former teacher said, "until we know more, or we encounter more of either, there's nothing we can do but wait for answers."

He frowned.

He wasn't a 'sit and wait' type shinobi. Never had been. They couldn't afford to 'sit and wait' with an enemy like the Otsutsuki.


Hinata walked out of the jewelry store, holding a small bag and a happy smile. She stuffed it securely in her purse then headed in the direction of Sakura's house. As she walked and took in the joyous people around her, a familiar face caught her attention.

"Kiba-kun!" she called out.

Man and dog stopped. Akamaru was the first to her. The big lug leapt up, giving her the doggy version of a hug.

"I missed you too, Akamaru," she giggled, giving his back a rub.

"Yo," her former teammate greeted, "where's the orange koala? On a mission?"

Akamaru climbed down as he approached.


"Yeah yeah, don't call him names, but its pretty accurate if ya ask me. He's always stuck to you like glue."

She liked having him stuck to her like glue.

"He's around, he was actually going to talk to you about something."

Brow raised, the Inuzuka gave her inquiring look.

"Bout what?"

"Uh...well...that is..."

Should she wait for Naruto to do it, or should she step in and try to curtail the explosion ahead of time?


"Let's uh, take a walk. I'll tell you about it."

It'd be better to find a quiet place, somewhere he could make a scene without disturbing the general public. They travel through the village, passed the outskirts then made their way down a dirt path familiar to them both. They made small talk as they walked, catching up with each other and it was...nice. She didn't tell him what had happened on her last mission, or what was happening with her now, but listening to his tales about his missions and Akamaru's antics kept the panic and anxiety at bay. Once they reached a clearing, Hinata took a seat on a grassy hill then waited for him to take a place next to her. Akamaru stretched himself between them.

"So what's up? You been dragging this out forever and the fact that you took me way out here means its not gonna be something good."

She gave a nervous laugh.

"Figured me out huh?"

"I've known you way too long not to. You're an open book. Even if I didn't know you, it'd be easy to figure out."

Well, so much for subtlety, apparently she sucked at it. Wasn't really a surprise, she had never and would never be good at deception. She took a breath then told him the news. He reacted just as she expected.

"No fuckin way!" Kiba exploded, "He has the fucking nerve to show his face after what he did?!"

Even Akamaru growled.


"He tried to kill Sakura and Naruto! Did you forget that?!"

"No...I know he did but-"

"Naruto's short a goddamn arm because of that psychotic asshole! Your forget that too?!"

"No...but Kiba-kun-"

"And we're supposed to do what? Let him waltz his ass back into the village and act like shit is fine?! That he didn't turn his back on the village?! That he didn't align with that sick fuck Orochimaru?! Or that he joined those freaks the Akatsuki?! Or all the other fucked up shit that I don't have all day to sit here and list?! What the fuck, Hinata?!"

His furious gaze clashed with her own troubled lavender. She was at a lost for words. All of those things had happened, she couldn't deny it nor did she want to, but her lover wanted the man in his life despite each and every one of those tough to swallow facts.

"I...don't know what to say, Kiba-kun...I just...figured I'd break the news to you. Naruto-kun will come and find you and explain it better than I can...I'm sorry."

He blew frustration through his nose then calmed a fraction.

"No. I'm sorry..." he grumbled, "I didn't mean to yell at you...it just...makes me so fucking angry, what he did. I don't care what Naruto or Sakura think, that guy is bad news. He shouldnt've come back. He's just gonna hurt em all over again, and the two of them...they're weak when it comes to him. They're always tryna rescue him from the shitty positions he puts himself in, no matter the cost and he's the last person that deserves it."

"Naruto-kun understands how you feel and he doesn't fault you for it. In a way, he appreciates it, because it shows you really care about him."

He flushed but didn't deny her words.

"But...despite that, he cares about Sasuke-san too. He loves all of his friends...and if he can forgive Sasuke-san and still count him as a friend, then I think that should be taken into consideration too."

Stubborn silence met her proclamation.

For a moment, she thought he was just going to ignore her or maybe even explode again. He was gnashing his teeth, and he had that simmering volcano expression on his face.

"Kiba-kun...please be civil," she pleaded softy.

She tugged at his sleeve, pearlescent orbs beseeching.


His jaw flexed a few times, then relaxed. The severe furrowing of his brows eased next. After a moment he turned and gave her a look, one that seemed a bit intense, almost reminiscent of the one Naruto gave her...but...not quite.

Confusion bloomed.

As her dark brows furrowed, he looked away.

"You know what my temper's like. I can't make any promises other than that I'll...try to be somewhat...a little tiny bit civil. He just better stay outta my way. And if I get tired of lookin' at em, well then, I'm gonna have to do something about that."


"That's all you're gonna get outta me, sorry Hinata."

He turned back to her.

"If I could give you what you wanted I would," he paused then continued in a voice incredibly soft and incredibly confusing, "but I've never been able to, not even close."

It sounded like double speech but she couldn't glean what else he was talking about.

"What do you mean by that? You've given me plenty over the years, Kiba-kun. You're friendship alone is plenty."

"Friendship," he mumbled.

He sighed, then glanced away again. He was acting funny, and she wasn't sure why.

"It doesn't matter anyway. You're getting married soon."

"What does me getting married soon have to do with anything?" she questioned, thoroughly baffled, "are you worried about bringing a gift? You don't have to. Its an informal party, we're not expecting any gifts."

Another exhalation.

"You're as dense as he is."

"Kiba-kun, you're really confusing me. I don't understand."

"Its better that way anyway. Really thought I was passed it but I guess this whole get together is making it an actual reality."

She didn't know what he was talking about, but sat quietly, giving him a listening ear and support as she had over the number of years they'd known each other.

"Its funny though, its easy to stow it in the back of your mind, ya know? After you label it a dead end. Then something happens and it comes rushing back to the front of your mind. What could've been. What actually is. What will be in the future. What our futures will be. Its set in stone now I guess. No going back."

He scratched his head.

"Even I'm kinda surprised its still here. Got a thousand reason why I shouldn't be feeling this anymore."

He lapsed into contemplative silence.

"Um...I'm not sure what's wrong, but I hope it gets better for you," she murmured three minutes into the quiet, placing a comforting hand on his back.

He looked over at her, tracing over her face as though he'd never seen her before...or rather like he'd never see her again.

It worried her.

"What's wrong, Kiba-kun?" she asked again, "help me understand."

He gave a smile that didn't seem happy.

"Nothing," he replied, "nothing's wrong. Everything's fine,"

The whine from the k-9 at their feet seemed to imply otherwise.

They parted ways soon after. Hinata walked a different path this time, one that would lead her closer to Sakura's. She couldn't help the smile that crept onto her face as she walked beneath the alcove the towering trees created above her head. She couldn't wait to give him the gift she'd bought from the jeweler.

Hopefully he liked it and wouldn't think it was strange.

Though knowing her husband to be, he'd probably be-


She spun, gazing around her with panicked eyes. Not a soul met her wide orbs. Soft leaves rustling along the dirt path, tree branches swaying...but not a single person. She swallowed, clasped both hands around the little piece of Naruto dangling around her neck as her timid gaze swept the landscape.

There was nothing and no one...

As much as she wanted to check the area with her Byakugan...she was scared to.

But she knew what she'd heard...what she'd felt. Someone had touched her...spoken to her...Heart racing, she looked hard for the culprit again, peering at the emptiness about her. Willing someone, anyone to appear. Praying whoever it was would come out of hiding to reveal themselves.

The person that had slid cold fingers down her spine...

And whispered her name...

There was no one.


"It's fine, Naruto," Choji assured him as munched some sweet smelling confection, "as long as he's not planning on hurting anybody-"

"He's not," the clone rushed to assure his chubby friend, "Sasuke's changed. He won't do that stuff anymore. He's actually really sorry he ever did. He regrets all of it, and he knows where he went wrong. I'm trying to help him rebuild his life, ya know. But I need all the help I can get with that. Ino, Kiba and everybody else, they're not the only ones that hate him. He's got a good portion of the village against him too. We can't even walk around without people looking at him...the way they used to look at me, 'ttebayo."

The sensitive Akimichi paused in his munching session and gave the blonde a sympathetic look.

"I get it, Naruto. Not sure how much help I can be but if you need something I'll help," he told me solemnly, "you got my support."

Naruto sighed.

"Thanks Choji, you don't know how much I appreciate this," he told him honestly, "I'll let you know where the party's gonna be. Later!"

He departed, returning the wave Choji gave him over his shoulder. Last person to inform was Sai, but he was pretty sure the guy knew already. He seemed to know a lot more than he should now days, not that they had a chance to interact as much anymore.

His new position was clearly a very busy one.


He probably should've asked Kakashi-sensei to pass the message on to him. Naruto didn't really know where to find him anymore. He hadn't been at his usual spots in so long. With a slightly annoyed sigh, he headed to the Hokage tower.

"Oh, Naruto, what a coincidence, you just left." Kakashi joked when he stepped in the door.

"Ha ha ha, obviously that me didn't think about it, but can you invite Sai to the party for me?"

"Of course."

The door opened behind him.

"Hokage-sama, I forgot-"

"I already asked him," clone one said to clone two.


"Hurry up and go find Kiba."

"That's where I was going, obviously."

"Well quit dragging your feet, it's gonna take all day to get that mutt to calm down,"

"I know, 'ttebayo."

"Then hurry up, 'ttebayo!"

"Alright, alright, we got it, enough with the clones. Sai's as good as invited," Shikamaru huffed, "now will one of you leave? There's a one Naruto limit in here."


Yay, another chapter. I may be breaking my hands and wrists but I'm happy to be able to get so much out so quickly. Maybe I can get this fic done this year, well at least up to the end of this story. Its got a sequel planned already, but I'll probably work on Secrets of the Hidden Leaf and get that one to it's sequel as well before I follow up Monster. Idk yet.

Also, been toying with the idea of applying Baryon mode into the story but with an adjustment made to it, and I'm sure ya'll know what I'm talking about. The stupid ass shit that I heard happened as a consequence to using that mode and made me not wanna what that fuckin show even though I wasn't even gonna do it since I heard about some other dumbass shit going on >.> if you can't tell, I don't like the Boruto show they created, fuck all that. But that mode was cool af. Seen the whole fight on youtube, have no fuckin clue what was going on or who that ugly Otsutsuki was but Naruto was tearing his ass UP! It was awesome :D I gotta have it, I just gotta >< I'll research it on my own, as I said, I'm not fuckin with Boruto at all, and hopefully it comes out good in the fic. I already have an idea of how to negate the consequences without completely taking away the risk as I feel like it requires some risk. However, I don't want a God like Naruto, even though his ass is pretty close to it. Its hard to write decent threats if the person they're fighting is fuckin God :D

One last thing, I'm not really good coming up with new jutsu and kekkei genkai simply because I don't know Japanese...yet, and I don't want to use an English version for it. It just read kinda stupid to me and fucks with my writing flow, so I've been using translators and other shiz to work around it, but if anyone knows Japanese and doesn't mind helping me figure it out, let me know. Or if you see something that needs correcting about what I've come up with, respectfully let me know, please and thanks!

Done here.



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