Friends Triangle

By LLBK731

2.7K 131 68

Denki Kaminari is dating Kyoka Jiro, Katsuki Bakugo loves Kyoka Jiro, Kyoka Jiro loves Denki Kaminari. But w... More

Chapter 1 -
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3 -
Chapter 4 -
Chapter 6 -
Chapter 7 -
Chapter 8 -
Chapter 9
Authors note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 -
Chapter 14 -
Chapter 15 -

Chapter 5 -

164 8 2
By LLBK731

Chapter 5 –

Friday early evening arrived, Katsuki, Eijiro, Kyoka, and Mina were packing their suitcases for the weekend of Katsuki's cousin's wedding. Momo is sitting with Kyoka in her room helping her pack worried about her best friend.

"hey, are you nervous about this whole thing? It's a bit strange how Bakugo is inviting you to a wedding" Momo said feeling curious about the whole thing. "you don't think he likes you do you?"

Kyoka froze and looked at her best friend oddly. Eventually, the musician shook her head. "Momo that's crazy, Katsuki doesn't have feelings to romance at all, I'm pretty sure he's asexual anyway, and besides I'm with...Denki" Kyoka struggled to say Momo helped pack more clothes in the suitcase.

"I guess so, it's just Bakugo seems a lot happier and stress-free when he's around you. He looks at you like Shoto looks at me" Momo said which made Kyoka freeze again to think. "everyone talks about it?"

"well, let them keep talking because we are friends, nothing more" Kyoka reassured as she looked at her best friend.

"Okay, I hope you have a great day" her friend said smiling whilst Kyoka finished packing.


It took an hour for everyone going to the wedding to be finally packed and ready to go. Katsuki grabbed his car keys from the dorm's key holder and the four friends headed out of the school to the car park so that Katsuki could drive them to his parent's house.

The moment Katsuki parked the car outside the house, the girls were asleep listening to music on Mina's earphones. Katsuki looked at them from the rearview mirror thinking how delicate Kyoka looked, she was like porcelain, she looked like an angel. Katsuki let out a sigh and saw his best friend sitting beside him.

Shitty hair – dude are you ever going to talk about your feelings to her yet?

Eijiro messaged Katsuki because due to being smart, asking Katsuki that question would wake the girls up. The angry blonde looked at his phone and shook his head.

BAKUBRO – no, not right now...I don't think any time would be the right time because I saw Kaminari cheating on Kyoka last week

The redhead's eyes widened with shock as he looked at the message. Katsuki nodded at his friend slowly before they looked back at the sleeping Jiro and mina in the back seats leaning their heads upon each other.

SHITTY HAIR – are you going to tell her.

BAKUBRO – it's not my place. After the weekend I'll talk to that dunce prick myself so he will confess but I'm not ruining this weekend right now I can't deal with the stress, especially what my cousins putting on me.

Eijiro looked at the message in confusion. "I'd rather not get into it" Katsuki said out loud making his friend chuckle. The two friends got out of Katsuki's car. Eijiro woke up Mina gently and Katsuki did the same to Jiro, both girls jumped slightly forgetting they were in the car but smiled once they saw the two guys by their sides.

The four teens walked up to the house that used to be Katsuki's home and saw Katsuki's parents standing by the door. Mitsuki walked up to her son to hug him which Katsuki couldn't stand. Before his mother would blow up shouting Katsuki sighed and widened his arms so his mother would hug him. "you need to stop getting taller!" she shouted making her son chuckle.

"get off me now hag," Katsuki said. Mitsuki playfully punched her son in the shoulder which hurt him as she meant to do that. She then greeted Katsuki's friends and pulled Kirishima into a hug since he's pretty much a family friend at this point. Katuski walked up the porch to hug his father who hugged him tighter than Mitsuki causing Katsuki to struggle to breathe.

"I take it you two are friends of Katsuki too is one of you his girlfriend if so I feel sorry for you" Mituski joked making the girls laugh. they both shook their heads.

"Mrs. Bakugo, this is Mina, she's my girlfriend and Jiro is our friend" Eijiro explained and Mituki smiled at the girls nodding along.

"I'm Katsuki's training partner this year and he invited me I hope it's okay," Jiro said not wanting to pry which made Mituski chuckle.

"oh honey, the more the merrier, especially if you are all Katsuki talks about," she said making all the teens freeze. "oh yeah the moment I heard your last name, it clocked in my mind, your all he talks about"

"SHUT UP HAG YOU LIAR!" Katsuki yelled from the front door.


Kyoka was bright red in the face not knowing what to do or say. Whereas Katsuki was trying his hardest to avoid contact with anyone as his face was burning red. "dad I'm going to kill her!" he slightly shouted making Masaru laugh tapping his son's shoulder.

"don't worry I'll make sure she's on her best behavior" he whispered and walked down to the other teens. "Jiro don't let her embarrass you, Katsuki just tells us that he likes training and gives us updates on school life," Masaru said saving his son's feelings.

Katsuki finally calmed down his awkward embarrassment and headed back down to his friends. The parents guided the girls in the house so they could have toilet breaks before getting back on the road. Mitsuki and Masaru handed the four friends lunches for the journey. They all said their thank you's and the parents got in their car to start their journey. Katsuki's father unpinned the house key from his car keys to give to Katsuki so he could lock up the house.

When the girls made it out of the house Katsuki headed to the door and locked it up. He dreaded the next few hours of the car journey since would be thinking about Kyoka deeply again. The fact she slept like an angel. Everything good about her tortured his feelings.


They finally make it to the venue which was his grandparent's cabin. He hadn't been at the cabin since he died and it felt like a piece of him died the longer he stared at the home he and his family used to go to every summer. "welcome to the bakugo's holiday home aka hell" he said making his friends laugh lightly. He parked up his black and orange range rover and let everyone out of their cars.

They all got out and the girls took everything in from how beautiful the view was from where they are. Kyoka fell in love with it. seeing all types of fields stretched out from afar, the sky was a gradient from orange to yellow as the sunset, for the first time in a long time she felt peace and happiness.

"hey Jiro, let me show you your room," Katsuki said holding onto the bags. Kyoka walked over to try and grab her bag but Katsuki locked his hand onto the handle. "what are you doing ears!? The things heavy let me take it" he said whilst Kyoka blushed after his sentence. Why was he being so nice? Was it because his family was around?

Eijiro and Mina also followed their friends into the cabin making sure they knew what room to go to also. The angry blonde walked the girls to a room with two beds. It was stunning how the rooms were decorated, everything was just oakwood. And styled like a proper hotel. Katsuki put Kyoka's bags on the bed she dibbed and Eijiro put Mina's bags on the other bed. They all then headed to Katsuki's old room which had been re-styled which is where he and his cousin used to stay in but since she is getting married, she's staying in the master bedroom with her soon-to-be husband. Katsuki put his bags on where his old bed would have been and Eijiro put his bags on the other bed which was near the window.

They all went downstairs to greet all of Katsuki's family which was awkward for the angry blonde as they kept assuming Kyoka was his girlfriend. It was hard to bite his tongue and stay calm since his father's family was the calm respectful side of the family, unlike his mother's where it's war upon war.

Katsuki and his friends were casually talking in the large seating area taking all the decorations which made Kyoka fall in love with the entire place. It wasn't long until a loud feminine shriek was heard from behind the group of four. "KATSUKI!" the angry blonde turned around to see his cousin dressed in a short white dress which made him chuckle. "YOUR FINALLY HERE!" she ran to her cousin jumping into his arms hugging him tightly.

"yep. Hi, Melody" he spoke irritatedly but calmly which confused the friends as if any of them did that he would rip their heads off. The cousin jumped down from the angry blonde and played his spikey hair.

"how long have you been here!"

"only 15 minutes, we just got here"

"good you can drink with me and Bryce" Melody said dragging her cousin away from where the service will take place and the three friends followed after them to the games room where there were the bridesmaids and groomsmen with Melody's Fiance as they were drinking and playing pool or darts. They were very confused about the whole drinking thing as they were underage although it is a wedding. "BRYCE LOOK!" Melody squealed as Katsuki shook his cousin's fiance's hand.

"hey, Katsuki, nice to see ya again man, how are you? Who are the sheep behind ya?" he joked which made Katsuki chuckle.

Melody shoved beers in Katsuki and Kirishima's hands. Using his teeth, Katuski ripped the top of the bottom of which was extremely hot for Kyoka to witness. Katsuki drinking beer, why was this so hot for her? He was breaking the law. Kirishima looked uncomfortable to drink his but since he saw his friend do it, he had some courage. "well, these are my friends, this here is Kirishima and his girlfriend Mina and this is Kyoka" Katsuki introduced whereas everyone shook their hands.

"Nice to meet you all, hey buddy you can drink with us it's fine, we don't snake out on family and all the adults are too drunk to realize," one of the groomsmen said to Kirishima who chuckled which gave him the courage to crack open the beer bottle to take a drink.

It wasn't long until Melody dragged the girls to the other bridesmaids who had three trays of cocktails spread across a table. She passed two cocktails to the girls which they found scary yet exciting. Kyoka turned her head to see Katsuki laughing and joking with the other groomsmen which she found satisfying from how calm he was with these people. It made her happy to see him smile. she didn't realize that Melody was looking but when she saw Katsuki sip another bit of his beer she took a sip of her cocktail and went back to talking to the girls.


Late that night, a drunk Bakugo drunkenly staggered up to a balcony that led to the front of the house. He looked up to the stars and sighed sadly. "don't jump" Melody whispered making her cousin jump. She let out a drunk laugh and clung onto her cousin hugging him from behind. "what's up kitty kat?" she asked making him roll his eyes.

"don't call me that!"

"what's up!" she yelled back. And all Katsuki could do was sigh. "the last time you were up here you wanted to end things and that was grandad's funeral, why you here?" she asked more seriously and Katsuki just stayed silent. "is it Jiro?"

"no" he lied.

"you're a liar, why don't you say anything?" she asked but Katsuki just scoffed shaking his head. "ahh, she has a boyfriend" how was she so clever at guessing this stuff? He thought. That's what happens when you have a cousin that's your best friend, they read you like a book no matter how hard you try to keep it closed. "you know. I think she likes you too" she said shocking the blonde.

"she doesn't"

"well she couldn't stop looking at you all night playing pool and darts like the attractive freak you are" Melody laughed which caused Katsuki to cringe. "look, she looks at you like how grandma looked at Grandad and I noticed that you act very happy around her like how Grandad acted with Grandma. You two are just stubborn" she said which made Katsuki feel emotional but refused to let out the emotions. "I wish he was here for tomorrow" Melody sadly said clinging onto the side of her cousin.

Katuski didn't believe in God, heaven, or hell but his cousin did...a lot. He looked into her sad eyes and sighed. "he will be" he said making his cousin happier but they both held each other close side by side looking up at the stars.

"thank you for being my best friend cuz" she drunkenly spoke and Katsuki chuckled hugging her tightly.

"uno reverse," he said as that was their thing. When they say or think the same thing, they would say that line.

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