Through The Triplet's Eye: A...

By wattup3214

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A lot of people tend to ask me: Could you imagine being reborn into your favourite cartoon show? Well, that w... More

Author's Note
The Awakening
Tourist Trapped
Gi-gnormous Trouble
The Legend Of The Gobblewonker
Troubled Waters
Late Night Scare
Wax Terminators
The Hand That Rocks The Mabel
Warehouse Worries
The Inconveniencing
The Last Dance
Dipper vs. Manliness
Man Up
Double Dipper
Irrational Treasure
The Perculiar President
The Time Traveller's Pig
Back To The Future
Fight Fighters
Rumble's On A Roll
Little Dipper and Magnus
Highs and Lows
Boss Mabel
Mabel's Miseries
Bottomless Pit
The Deep End
Pooling Apart
Carpet Diem
Switching, Switching and More Switching
Boyz Crazy
Break-Up Call
Land Before Swine
Arguments and Altercations
We'll Meet Again
Gideon Rises
Rust In Peace, Gideon-Bot
Zombies On Your Lawn
Into The Bunker
Shapeshifter= Doppelganger
The Golf War
We Control The Balls
Sock Opera
Soos and the Real Girl
.GIFfany's Nights at Freddy's
Little Gift Shop of Questions
The Ship Sets Sail
Society of The Blind Eye
Life's A Blur
Blendin's Game
The Timeless Baby
The Love God
Let Love Heal The Way
Northwest Mansion Mystery
Not What He Seems
The Return Of The Six-Fingered One
A Tale Of The Fez and Sixer
Mission: Impossible- Ford-out
Dungeons, Dungeons and More Dungeons
Cloudy With A Chance Of Survival: 0.4% (Give Or Take)
Mayor Magnus
The Last Mabelcorn
The Tale of Ford and Cipher
Roadside Attraction
No Way Home
Magnus, Dipper and Mabel Vs. The Future
All Falls Down
Weirdmageddon Part 1: Gravity Indeed Falls
Return To Illusion
Weirdmageddon 2: Escape From Reality
Reality Is An Illusion
Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls
The One Chosen For The Rest
New Book!

The Stanchurian Candidate

269 11 4
By wattup3214

The first thing I feel in the morning is something or rather, someone hitting me, obviously not very pleased with me for whatever reason.

My eyelids open themselves automatically to find the culprit and after not even a second flew by, I found her.

"Case, why did you hit me?" I asked, trying to tease a response out of her.

"Don't you dare use that nickname, you know I don't like it!" she shouted indignantly. "Where were you yesterday night?"

My eyes widened, never hearing her use that sort of tone against me before so I held my hands up in surrender. "Whoa, whoa calm down. What happened? Did I do something wrong?"

She growled. "You said you would come up in a few minutes yesterday, you liar! Now, answer the question, where were you?"

"You need to calm down," I said firmly, placing a hand on her shoulder. 

She grabbed the hem of my shirt aggressively. "You need to talk."

"What has gotten into you?" I try to push her hand away but her hand would not even shift an inch. 'I guess I have no choice.'  

I draw energy from the Axolotl and enter the mindscape, crossing the threshold that divided my mind and hers. As soon as I enter her mindscape, I exude my calm and equanimous emotion into her mindscape, thinking of all the moments I remained calm and composed in the face of danger and arguments. 'I hope this works.'

Before I will myself to vanish from her mindscape, I glimpse that infinitesimal door from last time was left ajar so using telekinesis, I shut it. 'What even is that door for?'

In a flash, I was back to reality again, my eyes locking with Casey's and at that juncture, I could see that her countenance had changed to a collected one. 

"You okay now?" I asked, slowly pushing her hand away from my shirt.

"Yeah, I'm so sorry I yelled at you like that and grabbed your shirt. I don't know what got into me. It just came to me so suddenly." She looked away from me guiltily. 

"It's alright, at least you're calmer now. Were you really that mad at me for leaving you on the bed by yourself for a few hours?"

"Yeah, I was a little crossed with you but I wasn't mad to that extent."

"I'm sorry, I really am. I should have thought about you and came up earlier," I conceded.

"What were you even doing down there for that long anyway?" 

"I was having a chat with Ford."

"For that long?" she asked incredulously.

"Yeah, I know, as I said, I'm really sorry, I should have told you I was going to come up in a few hours' time."

Casey crossed her arms and glowered at me. "Magnus, now I'm starting to feel mad again. You're lying to me, and I know it. You weren't just talking to Ford, were you?"

"No, I was just talking to Ford," I told her half the truth because I really did talk to Ford.

"Magnus!" She admonished. "Why are you lying to me? Do you not trust me anymore?"

"No," I denied hurriedly. "I do trust you, it's just that, the things Ford and I are doing are extremely dangerous and confidential and I would like to keep the things between him and me a secret."

"I get it," she said quietly and without muttering or saying another word, she turned away, climbing down the ladder and marched out of the room.

"Casey, wait!" I shouted. 'What did I even say to make her that mad?'

I wanted to chase after her, to make sure everything was alright but deep down, I knew I had more important things to worry about, the conversation I had with Ford was still vivid and ringing in my ears.

'Are you insane? What if something goes wrong? I can't afford to lose them!'

'You won't, this is the only way. Bill's gotten smarter ever since he has entered our world, he knows too much about me and I'm afraid he might know about your plans. If we do it my way, there is a higher chance that he won't kill one or both of them and we might just win our battle.'

'There has to be another way!'

'There isn't!'

'Fine, but even if we do it your way, I don't think I'll be able to create that invention you just described. Millions of scientists have tried creating it over hundreds of years and failed, what makes you think I can?'

'Because you're different Ford, you're not just some ordinary scientist. You're probably the best scientist on this planet right now, you could pretty much create any sort of invention if you set your mind to it.'

'Fine, I'll try my best. And how about you? Carrying out that trick alone uses up so much energy and requires tens, if not hundreds or thousands of years of training, it's not something you can master in a matter of days or weeks. Are you sure you can do it?'

'Ford, I'll do anything to take Bill down. It's my duty and my destiny. He can conquer the Earth, over MY. DEAD. BODY. I won't let it happen and I certainly will make sure that my family isn't harmed in any way.'

'Good. Now go, go get some rest and prepare yourself for tomorrow night. I have many things to consider and an invention to work on.'

'Thank you, Ford.'

'Before you leave, this stays between us, understand? I don't want you telling anyone, not even your triplets, or your girlfriend, understand?'

'Yes, I understand.'

These thoughts continuously loitered within my mind as I brushed my teeth, making my way downstairs shortly afterwards to check on the twins and what they were doing. 

The air carries Ford's voice and Dipper, Mabel, Soos and Casey's cheers from the living room to my ears. "And... we're... done!" 

I walk to the living room slowly, seeing a grumpy, curmudgeon and slightly bruised Stan standing by the kitchen doorway, glaring at Ford while carrying the lightbulb he had just bought from the store. 

I stand beside him, patting him on the back sympathetically.

"Magnus? Since when did you get here?" he inquired, turning around in surprise.

"Oh, I just got here but you certainly do look like you need a rest." 

"Maybe," he grumbled in response, his eyes still fixated on Ford's new lightbulb. 

"Come, maybe a little TV will cheer you up," I tugged at his arm, wanting to drag him away from the gang because there were two people I wanted to avoid at that moment in time. 

Stan mumbles something incomprehensible and starts moseying his way over to the TV room, with me following in tow. I look back, my eyes latching onto Ford's gaze for a moment before he gives me a curt nod and turns his attention to the others.

Stan takes a seat and sighs. "Well, TV at least you appreciate me. Give me the good news."

"This just in, the mayor is dead," Shandra Jimenez announced the instant Stan switched on the TV. 'Well, that's the epitome of the term 'perfect timing.''

"What?!" Stan exclaimed in disbelief, attracting the attention of the twins and unsurprisingly Casey.

"Whoa, what's going on?" Dipper rushed in with Mabel and Casey hot on his heels.

"The mayor of Gravity Falls is dead," I declared solemnly. 

"What?!" Dipper and Mabel exclaimed in unison.

"There will be a town hall meeting this afternoon to discuss replacing him," Shaundra proclaims on TV.

"New mayor huh? Wonder who it could be..." I notice Stan staring at the reflection of himself that had formed on the TV screen. 'Oh no.'

Time Skip

After an agonizingly long drive to the Town Hall, we take our seats, with me taking a seat next to Casey. 

"Casey, I'm sorry, please just talk to me again. I'll do anything, just tell me what I need to do so that you'll speak again," I pleaded silently.

She crossed her arms and looked away from me, directing her attention to Sheriff Blubs who was explaining the rules of the election. "Alright. Order! Order everyone! Calm down now! We're here to choose a mayor for the first time in almost a century. According to the town charter," he unrolls an old charter, a bat scurrying out of it the moment he did. "a worthy candidate is defined as anyone who can cast a shadow, count to ten, and throw their hat into the provided ring." 'I might as well run for mayor myself. Mayor Magnus, I must admit, that has a very nice ring to it.'

Deputy Durland places a hula hoop on the floor, identical to the one I used to use and play in kindergarten and primary school.

In the corner of my eye, I spot Bud Gleeful, resplendent in his Hawaiian vacation-like shirt tossing his hat into the hoop. "Well, now I do believe I fulfil all the requirements."

I avert my gaze to him, the twins looking in the direction of my gaze as well. 

"Wait, Bud Gleeful?" Dipper asked in disbelief.

"He looks good! Considering we threw his son in jail," Mabel noted.

"That rascal deserved to be thrown in jail," I added.

"Calm down, Magnus," Dipper patted me on the back, taking Casey's line.

I look over at Casey again, who avoids my gaze and pretends to examine and observe her surroundings. "You can't avoid me forever, you know?" I whispered. My question, as anticipated, goes unanswered, so I focus on Bud Gleeful and what he had to say for himself.

Bud steps up to the podium to address the townsfolk. "Now folks, I know our family's had its fair shares of whoopsie daisies in the past, but I'd like to make up for it by formally announcing my candidacy for the mayor of Gravity Falls! Any questions?" 

Toby raises his hand keenly like an overeager primary school kid. "Yes, are you still in contact with Lil' Gideon?"

Bud dodges the question overtly and entirely. "That's a great question, I'm giving you 50% off a used car." 

"Fifty percent?! FIFTY PERCENT?!!!" Toby rips his notepad in half and tugs at the fabric of his hat in glee.

"In fact, everyone look under your seats." He starts pointing at random people in the crowd. "You get half off a used car! You get half off a used car!

I pull out the voucher underneath my seat and rip it in half, disgusted at how people were so easily fooled by his tricks and ploys.

"Wow, a colourful piece of paper? He's got my vote!" Mabel exclaimed, marvelling at Bud's coupon.

"Mabel, stop. You realise you can't drive a car yet, right?" I ask nonchalantly.

"Pffft, who cares? I just love the colour," Mabel hugs the coloured piece of paper.

Dipper raised his concerns and looked at Bud suspiciously. "Guys, I've got a really bad feeling about Bud Gleeful as mayor."

"Your concerns are entirely valid," I agreed, pleased that someone was actually catching on to what was happening. 

Soos gives us his two cents, his voice not masking his uncertainty. "I dunno, dude, it's not like we have a lot of good mayor options. Everyone in this town is a tad strange. Except, ironically, Tad Strange."

As if on cue, Tad introduces himself automatically without even being asked to do so. "Hi guys, Tad's the name, and being normal's my game."

I feel the hairs on my skin rising at how creepy he is. "Yes, I see why his name is Tad Strange now."

"Loving you, Tad!" Mabel called out to him.

Tad held up a piece of bread in response. "And I love bread!"

"It's a shame Ford isn't here, he'd run. And win! And be a great mayor!" Dipper remarked, not realising that his other great-uncle was just right beside him and he certainly did not look happy.

"Dipper, mind if I borrow your hat?" I ask politely, hiding my true intentions. 

"You always seem to want to borrow my hat, what do you want to do this time?" Suddenly, realisation dawned upon the pre-teen's face. "No way Magnus!"

"I'd make a great mayor, right Casey?" 

She snorts but quickly covers her mouth abashedly, clapping her hands over her mouth and pretending to clear her throat. 

Dipper was about to reply but was interrupted by Bud from the podium. "So since everyone's happy I'll just take the oath of office now, sound good, gavel up?"

Out of the blue, a familiar Fez hat appears beside Bud's hat in the hoop, the crowd gasping at what they had just witnessed. 

"Hold it right there Bud! I'm taking you on!" Stan stood up confidently and declared. 

"Right, Dipper, I'm going to have to borrow your hat, thanks." I snatch the hat from the boy's head and was about to toss it into the hoop before I feel someone grabbing it from me. 

"Thanks Casey," Dipper flashes her a grateful smile and glares at me as he places his hat back on his head. 

"Why did you do that, Casey?" I snarled. "I wanted to run for mayor and you just prevented me from doing so."

"You took it without Dipper's consent, Magnus. Now, I suggest that you follow your own advice and calm down before you speak to me again."

"Oh, so now you can suddenly talk to me? I was wondering where that voice of yours was and surprise, surprise it finally shows itself when you want to work against me and sabotage me!" I whisper-shout.

She shot me a withering glare. "Coming from someone who always lies to me!"  

"Guys, stop!" Mabel stepped in between us and broke up our argument. "What happened to you two?"

Before I could answer, a loud cheer erupts from the rambunctious crowd, with almost everyone tossing their hats into the ring. 

"Well, looks like we've got some competition here folks. Which I'm fine with, totally fine with!" Bud said in a tone that suggested that he was feeling the contrary.

I hear the twins gasp after they see Bud punch the spot where Gravity Falls occupied the map after exchanging some hushed words with Stan.

After everyone except for us triplets, Casey and Stan departed the building, we started, well the twins start peppering Stan with questions. 

While they were doing that, I approach and attempt to reconcile with Casey, who was standing in a corner and watching the twins' conversation from afar, evidently trying to distance herself from us.

"Casey, I'm really so-" I stop myself from saying 'sorry' for the umpteenth time today. "I regret acting out like that and I don't want this to drag on any longer. I acted like a jerk just now and yesterday night. If you're contemplating breaking up with me, I wouldn't be surprised because I would be thinking of that too if I were you." My head drooped in shame and after hearing nothing from her, I begin wending my way back to my triplets.

"Magnus," she called out quietly so only I could hear her, making me halt in my tracks. "I was mad at you and lashed out because you were lying to me and that hurt my feelings. But I guess I was in the wrong too, I shouldn't have pressured you to tell me your secret because it's yours and not mine. If you want to keep your secrets confidential, I won't pressure you to tell me. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have acted in the way that I did."

"No, you don't have to apologise to me, I should be the one apologising for speaking to you in the manner I did, now come here," I open my arms and beckon for her to come to me.

She takes a few tentative steps towards me but ultimately walks into my arms, my arms wrapping around her in a sweet embrace. 

"I don't like it when we get into arguments," I whispered. 

"Me neither," she whispered back and looked into my eyes. 

I plant a kiss on her forehead. "Welcome back, Casey. I missed you. You know I love you, right?"

"Yeah, I do. I love you too, Magnus. It's just that you can be a little," She hesitated. "Reckless and idiotic sometimes.

I chuckled and broke the hug. "I know, I know. Now, want to see what the twins are up to?"

She slipped her arm through mine and linked our fingers together. "Yes, I would love to."

"Oh, you two arrived just in time! We're going to help Grunkle Stan campaign!" Mabel said joyfully.

"Lovely, I can't wait to help him campaign," I say sarcastically. 

Casey wacks my arm lightly. "Magnus, don't speak that way. Stan is a nice guy and yeah although he has some disgusting habits, he has many good traits."

"He kinda reminds me of you, in a way," she added silently.

"Hey!" I scowl at her. "I'm way more handsome and charming than he is, right?"

She rolls her eyes in faked annoyance. "Yeah, I'm sure you are."

"Whatever," I kiss her on the cheek, causing her to blush. "Yeah, you're definitely into me. Anyway, we'd love to help."

"Great! Now back to the Shack we go!" Dipper yelled. Seconds later, he and Mabel pull out matching hats from thin air and put on stickers that read 'Vote Stan'.

I look at them in astonishment. "Seems like you guys have powers of your own, because I don't even know how you guys conjure up things like that."

Casey nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's genuinely amazing how you guys always manage to do that." 

The twins laugh nervously and dart into Stan's car, as do we. Stan revs the engine and speeds back to the Shack, disregarding and turning a blind eye to traffic laws as usual.

Time Skip

"Spread the word, pig!" Wendy cheered, Waddles immediately scampering off to supposedly spread the gospel with the words 'SWINES 4 PINES' written in huge capital letters.

In the meantime, I work on Stan's speech, only using the most grandiloquent and flowery language to compose it. 

Dipper clears his throat loudly to gain our attention. "Alright everybody, eyes up here!" He rolls up an ancient scroll, so ancient that it looked like it antedated the Roman Empire. "Okay, Gravity Falls Elections are based on two events. The Wednesday Stump Speech, held on an actual... stump, and the Friday Debate wherein townsfolk throw birdseed at the candidate they like most. At the end, they release a freedom eagle who will fly to the candidate covered in more seed and bestow a birdly kiss upon him anointing him mayor." Dipper frowned deeply, possibly thinking that the laws of this town were the weirdest he had ever come across in his entire life, and I wouldn't be able to blame him for that. "I couldn't make this up if I wanted to."

The phone perched on the living room table abruptly rings, scaring the daylights out of Dipper as evidenced by his slight jump. Mabel rushes to it and picks it up, asking Stan if he was ready for his radio interview and of course, he nods his head in response. 

Stan sits down with a plonk and lets his mind run free while we huddle around a nearby radio to listen to the interview. 

We hear Toby Determined, the interviewer, asking Stan the first question of the day. "Hello! Candidate Stan first question: How do you feel about the American flag?" 

"Say it's a symbol and an emblem of pride, a badge of honour that has been woven and sewn into my heart," I whisper across the room loud enough for Stan to hear me, well hopefully.

"Wow, that was good," Dipper commented.

I beamed with pride, my face showing off my smug smile. "And that is why I should have run for mayor."

"Dude, aren't you a little too young to run for mayor?" Wendy asked, trying her best to conceal her laughter.

"Wendy, age is just a figure. I am a kid wise beyond my years, well, I think."

"Yet you still lack maturity," Casey rebutted, the smirk on her face manifest to everyone in the room.

"Stop picking on me, Casey. I get very sad when you do," I give her my best sad face.

She snickered and started giggling silently. "Stop, stop that, you look so funny right now."

"Guys, shhh," Mabel chided. "I want to hear Stan's answer to the first question."

As predicted, Stan doesn't listen to my answer and opts to use a candid and blunt answer of his own. "Meh, I can take it or leave it, too many stripes. Next question."

Dipper and Mabel shook their head in disappointment after hearing his response while I sigh in vexation. 'I still think I should have run for mayor.'

Toby proceeds to the next question without displaying an ounce of emotion in his voice. "What would you do to help educate our kids?" 

I write my answer to the question down on a sheet of paper, already knowing that Stan would give his honest take on the question. 'I would ameliorate the current education system, revamp it entirely and give it a facelift, so to speak. I would replace those old-fashioned textbooks and will ensure that a more hands-on approach to education is implemented in schools across Gravity Falls. I'll also abolish exams, students should be allowed to enjoy school, not suffer and toil endlessly just from answering questions in exams that go on endlessly, in which nine out of ten students would not even remember the answer to in the future. I'll figure out a new, effective and more fun way to assess our kids, or as I'd like to call them, the leaders of tomorrow.'

I hear the gang, well except for me groan collectively after hearing Stan's answer to the question, which I knew involved swearing and making kids fight for dominance. I place my answer on the table smugly, allowing the gang to peruse my answer so that they could make a juxtaposition between my answer and Stan's. 

"This is good," Casey admitted. 

"Thank you, you've never really praised me before."

"Consider it the first time, and hopefully the last time I ever praise you." 

Dipper rolled his eyes. "Yes, we get it, Magnus. You're good at answering these questions."

"I would vote for you as mayor! I hate exams and I want it to be gone forever," Mabel clenched her fists as she thought about those wretched, white sheets of paper that are always stapled together with myriads of questions written on its body.

The radio burst to life with Toby's final question. "What would you do about the crime in Gravity Falls?" Stan wasn't able to fully answer his question as Dipper and Mabel came to their senses and bolted to him, cutting off the phone line before he could taint his reputation any further.

The twins scowl at Stan, Dipper eventually breaking the spell of awkward silence that hung in the air. "Okay, interview's over. Candy, what's the damage?"

"Your approval ratings started at zero. Now it's a number lower than zero." Candy helpfully shows us Stan's approval ratings which were indeed below zero and were now trending further downwards as we spoke.

"You're meme-ing fast, and none of them are good." Wendy shows us some of the memes that were circulating on the Internet, I assume like wildfire at the moment. Some of the memes of Stan were so funny that I almost bust a gut but with Casey's firm grip on my hand and her stern gaze that met my eyes, I ended up not doing so.

"Look Grunkle Stan, people are like smell markers, and you're black liquorice! It's not that you're un-sniffable, you just need to learn when to keep the cap on," Mabel advised Stan gently as if he were a seven-year-old kid with fragile feelings.

"From now on, maybe you should read our prepared remarks," Dipper hands Stan a combination of his and my speech and answers to the potential questions that he may be asked. Mabel, being Mabel, somehow manages to draw on it and add drawings of us triplets and a shooting star, making the script look a little childish and immature.

"Heh heh. Sorry kids. I always say words that come out of my brain. If my head says, that lady's got an ugly baby, my mouth says, 'whoa, lady, you got one ugly baby,'" Stan casually commented.

I glare at Stan seriously and cross my arms. "No Stan, you will follow this speech to the letter, you understand me? It's either that, or you become a laughing stock in the eyes of the public."

"Who cares about what they say? I'm Stanley Pines and I can do whatever I want." Stan stormed out of the living room. 

I groan in exasperation, running my fingers through my hair in stress. "He always refuses to listen, doesn't he?"

"Yes, unfortunately," Dipper sighs. "I think there's only one man we can approach that has a solution to this problem."

"Yeah, I wonder who that might be? Your idol, perhaps?" I ask innocently

Dipper's cheek loses its natural colour momentarily as it heats up a bit. "Sh-shut up, Magnus! Yes, I am going to find him and you're coming with me!"

"Really, Dipper? You know that I am not needed, right? You can tell him about everything yourself," I wave him off. 

"Nope, you're coming with me." He drags me off while I protest, flailing my arms wildly. My eyes then fixate themselves on Casey's, my silent pleas for help going unanswered as she shook her head and smiled at me sweetly, mouthing the words, 'Enjoy your visit, don't miss me too much.' I scowl at her, ordering her silently to come to get me but she only shakes her head and turns away from me, immersing in conversation with Mabel and Wendy. 

Time Skip

As soon as the elevator stops at Ford's lab, we eventually wander around Ford's secret lair and find him seated at his desk, a few mechanical parts lay scattered on it. Once we reach him, Dipper did not waste any time in delineating the predicament we found ourselves in, pacing around as he did.

"And he's insisting on speaking his mind!" Dipper shouts to emphasise his point to cap off his lengthy explanation. 

"So this is an emergency," Ford noted. 

"The Stump Speech is in a couple of days, and if he continues like this, we'll lose to Bud for sure!" Dipper added urgently.

"Hmm. It's a shame there isn't some device that will allow you to control someone else. Oh. Wait. Of course, yes. There is," Ford takes out a striped tie. "A long time ago I designed a prototype for Ronald Reagan's masters. Just get Stan to wear this, and you can make him a literal talking head."

Dipper peeks into the tie inquisitively. "Whoa! This is amazing! And ethically ambiguous!" 

"Good that you know that yourself," I spoke up from where I was standing, both Dipper and Ford looking back at me in surprise.

"Magnus, I didn't even notice that you were there," Ford said nervously.

"Yes, you're very focused when you work on something. Now carry on," I gesture for them to continue, which they do.

Ford hands Dipper a darker coloured tie as well. "As long as you wear the matching one, he'll say and do whatever you want him to."

Dipper holds up both ties gleefully. "Thank you Great-uncle Ford!" And just like that, he runs off to the elevator and departs the room, leaving me behind alone with Ford.

I walk over to him, peering over his shoulder to see what he was doing. "How's the progress? Everything going alright?"

"Yes. In fact, I think I've just found a way to create what you wanted. It's going to require lots of magical items, which I luckily have from my travels to other dimensions over the past 30 years."

"Brilliant! When can it be ready?"

"Maybe a few months at best," he admitted and shrugged.

"We don't have that much time, you have around two to three more weeks to construct it, so you'll have to work extra hard or find a more efficient way of creating it."

Ford grumbled. "Fine Magnus, I'll try my best. Anything else you want to tell me? If you don't, you should leave me alone as I have much work to do."

"One more thing, you have got to teach me mind control, I would really like to learn how to use it," I said hopefully.

"Very well, now go. I have much to do," he shooed me off. I left his secret lab tout de suite to join the twins aboveground, who had already finished testing the mind control tie on Soos outside the Shack.

"Mind control is awesome!" Mabel exclaimed, her joyful demeanour evidencing that she was impervious to Soos' discomfort. 

"Soos, are you okay?" I run to him and give him a helping hand because as it was at the moment, the poor handyman's panting was unremitting and drops of sweat cascaded down his forehead like raindrops during an unrelenting drizzle.

Soos took my hand and pulled himself upwards with one hand, using the other to clutch his heart that hammered rapidly against his chest. "Thanks, dude but oh my gosh! My life just flashed before my eyes! Aghh!"

"Magnus, were you watching us the whole time?" Mabel called out from afar.

I give Soos one last glance, noticing that Soos' breathing had slowed and reverted back to normal. Satisfied with this, I sprinted back to the twins. 

"No, I wasn't. I came as you were nearing the end of your little 'experiment'," I make air quotation marks. 

"But I mean I already know what happened. And Mabel, you are right. Mind control is awesome and pretty cool. Shame I don't know how to do that yet, I don't even know if I'll be able to do it," I told them in a hushed tone.

Dipper patted me on the back. "It's okay, Magnus. Grunkle Ford will teach you, not to worry. I prefer the Magnus who doesn't know how to control minds anyway, he'll probably be less scary."

"Am I not scary enough? Should I start cutting people in half just to make people fear me?" I ask him sarcastically.

"N-no, no, please don't do that!" Dipper begged.

Mabel sees through my facade with ease. "Dipper, he's lying. Don't worry, he wouldn't do that. I know Magnus well enough. Plus, Casey wouldn't be happy with him if he did that, and he wouldn't want to make his beloved girlfriend mad, right Magnus?" 

"Who cares about what she thinks, I can do whatever I want, whenever I want and however I want," I reply confidently, not letting my uncertainty or uneasiness show itself in my voice. 

I hear someone clearing my throat behind me, making me freeze right where I was, not daring to turn my head even an inch back. "Magnus, I dare you to repeat that again."

I glare at the twins who were chortling away in the background, my scowl having no effect on their laughter. "I-uh said that you are the most beautiful girl I have laid my eyes upon."

Casey spun me around and forced me to look her in the eyes. "Magnus, don't lie to me. I heard what you said, I'm not deaf, you know? Say something like that again, and there will be consequences."

"Of course," I bow my head a little and curtsy. "Your Majesty."

"Don't call me that!" she shouted embarrassedly, smacking my arm and flushing slightly. 

"But you are my princess," I said and grinned innocently.

"Awww! He called you his princess!" Mabel gushed from where she was standing. 

Casey sighed. "Mabel, please stay out of this."

"How can I? This is so romantic!" Mabel squealed and dashed to where we were standing. "Now kiss!"

"No, not doing that," Casey turned away from me in disgust and marched off. 

"Aww, come back please," I pleaded, my pleas ultimately unanswered in the end. "Ah well, let's focus on the task at hand since we can now control Stan's mind, we should come up with a speech for him."

Dipper held up the speech he presented to Stan earlier, looking at me questioningly. "Don't we already have one?"

"Oh yeah, totally forgot about that. That's my bad. Right, let's get ready then, we've got a crowd to woo." 

Time Skip 

It was now Wednesday, the day of the stump speech. Us triplets and Casey were situated behind the stage, helping to prepare Stan before his speech. After applying the finishing touches, Mabel puts the lucky tie on Stan and despite the initial protests from the old man, he eventually agrees to put it on and assumes his rightful place on the stump once he is called upon.

All of us back away from the stage, Mabel putting on the second tie. "Okay, guys, we'll only jump in if he starts doing badly." 

"Magnus, you know if this is going to turn out well or not, so tell us, will Stan do alright? Do we get into trouble?" Dipper asks me worriedly.

"He does very well here," I said reassuringly. "with a little intervention from you two," I added hurriedly. 

Dipper's eyes widened in fear. "What?! Does anything bad happen to him or us when we intervene?"

Before I could answer, Mabel intervenes and jumps in for Stan after hearing what he said, turning on the switch on her tie immediately. "Uh, what I meant to say was: you ladies all look great. And have you done something with your hair? Girl, you are working it!"

Casey gestures for Mabel to give her the tie, which she does quickly. "You girls sure look slim too! Have you girls been exercising lately, because all of you look radiant!" This begets a chorus of cheers that ripples through the crowd. 

Casey hands the tie back to Mabel, who gives her a thumbs up and slips it on hastily. I give Casey a broad smile before listening to what else Mabel had to say through Stan. "I'm Stan Pines. You may know me as the guy who accidentally let all those bees loose in that elementary school a few years back."

"Take over Dipper!" I whisper quickly, my male triplet already doing so before I order him to even do it. 

"But I believe in things. America. Freedom. Ameri-freedom!" Dipper shouted anxiously, his nervousness feeding on his voice a little.

I facepalm at how terrible that statement was, not that the crowd seemed to mind one bit. Dipper continues his speech but this time, with more assurance. "Like my opponent pointed out, I may not have a pretty face, but if you want a candidate that will listen to you, well, I'm proud to be all ears."

The crowd cheers wildly and I nod my head in approval and give him a thumbs-up, indicating that I was pleased with how everything went. Before Mabel could even grab the tie from Dipper, I snatch it from him and wear it so as to prevent Mabel from doing that silly dance she does in the show. 

"Now, let us move on to more serious matters. Let us talk first and foremost, about our education system and my plans and outline for it. In recent years," I could not continue speaking as I feel someone taking the tie off of me. 'Mabel.'

"Pfft, who cares about that? Watch me break it down instead!" She starts doing a few dance moves which clearly manage to impress the crowd as substantiated by the rapturous applause from the crowd. 

"Dang it! Man, I didn't even get a chance to expand more on the serious matters I wanted to discuss," I swipe my hand in the air in frustration.

Casey gave me a hug to comfort me, offering me her honest view of the situation. "Magnus, I don't want to be the one to burst your bubble, but frankly speaking, the townsfolk of Gravity Falls doesn't really care about those things."

"Uncivilised townsfolk living in a backwater town, how befitting," I said and broke away from the hug in anger.

"Come on now, Magnus. You can't say that about Gravity Falls. Take a few deep breaths," Casey encouraged.

I did as she requested and felt much better afterwards. "Thanks, Casey, I guess the town is not worthy of the knowledge I possess, huh?" I nudge her on the shoulder lightly.

She just rolled her eyes and looked away from me while Dipper snorted, earning himself a glare from me. 

Moments later, a befuddled Stan walks through the curtains, his head in his hands in puzzlement. 

"Grunkle Stan, that was amazing!" Mabel praised.

"Yeah! How'd you do it, Mr Pines?" Soos appears out of nowhere and asked in feigned confusion.

"Eh, I don't know. I just opened my mouth and spoke from the heart, or... gut, or something. And what is that sound? Why are people jamming their hands together?" Stan asked, obviously not understanding what applause is or was, probably because he's never been applauded by anyone in his entire life. 'I feel bad for writing this, but I'm sure Stan has been applauded by people at some point in his life, like when he punched that robber who tried to steal a girl's handbag.' 

"They... love... me?" Stan shifted the curtain away slowly and tentatively, looking at the crowd who were chanting his name in one accord. 

All of a sudden, we hear rustling from the bush and out came the diminutive and eccentric news reporter, Toby Determined. "There he is! Mr Pines, can we get a picture?" 'Toby is so weird.'

We, of course, agree to this and smile and pose for the camera, this time, the camera was real and not a cinder block like last time. "Yes we Stan!" We all shout simultaneously while giving him our best smiles. 

Time Skip

Two days had passed and so did a copious amount of speeches Stan gave and the majority of them, okay all of them, involved us triplets or Casey intervening and taking control. But, all in all, I'd say it ended rather well as Stan was now the most popular mayoral candidate by a tremendous margin on the day of the debate, the debate which would conclude the mayoral election and would see the bestowing of the title 'Mayor' on the winning candidate. 

In preparation for this crucial and vital debate, the twins decide to invite Stan, Casey and I to Greasy's Diner to discuss the details of the debate and to iron out the fine details.

The four of us were at our seats, waiting for Stan to come respectfully. We needn't wait any longer and didn't even have to look back to know Stan had entered the Diner as the lion's share of the customers cheered and applauded Stan the instant he put one foot through the entrance.

After he made his way to our table and sat down proudly and smugly, he did not hesitate to scarf down the pancakes that sat on the table in front of him.

"Now this I could get used to!" Stan said pleasurably and continued jabbing at his pancakes. 

"Grunkle Stan, what's with the outfit? You're missing your lucky tie," Mabel pointed out restively.

"Power tie, gotta wear it," Dipper agreed firmly.

Stan gave us a confident smile. "Aw come on, have you seen the polls? I can debate naked and I can still win! Huh, come to think of it..."

I force myself not to think of that scenario. "Don't you dare do that, Stan."

"Yeesh," I hear Casey murmur beside me, squirming around uncomfortably in her seat. 

"It's okay, just don't think of it," I said soothingly and put an arm around her, prompting her to nod her head and rest her head against my shoulder.

"Seriously though, we need you to wear that suit and tie, Grunkle Stan," Mabel chuckled nervously.

"Suit and tie, gotta wear it," Dipper reiterated rather 'helpfully'.

Stan crosses his arms, his nerves starting to fray. "Ugh! What do you kids have to constantly tell me what to do? Everyone in this town is finally showing me respect! Maybe you kids should too."

"Grunkle Stan, we'd respect you if you took things more seriously!" Dipper reasoned.

Stan pounds his fist on the table, taking us all by surprise. "I am taking this seriously! If you haven't noticed, everything that has come out of this golden mouth has put us on top! With or without your dumb advice!"

"Dumb advice?!" Dipper seethed.

"Yeah! Dumb advice," Stan repeated to add fuel to the fire.

Dipper was so fed up and to no one's surprise, he let the cat out of the bag. "Dang it, Stan! Every one of those speeches we were controlling you!" 

"Dipper!" Mabel and I shout at him contemporaneously. 

"What?" Stan asked irately.

Dipper gave in to his anger and started explaining what we had done. "This tie is a mind-control device invented by Ford! If it wasn't for this tie, you'd be losing!" Dipper peels back the front layer of the tie to show the complex circuitry inside it. 

Stan was apoplectic with rage, his voice like a wave that was a combination of outrage and disbelief, his whole body trembling indignantly. "Well, you can tell that know-it-all Ford that he can keep his fancy light bulbs and magic ties! I'm gonna win this debate on my own, without any of you!" Stan stormed out of the diner and slammed the door behind him, ignoring Dipper's desperate requests for him to come back. 

Dipper decides to state the obvious first before moving on to his more important point. "Augh, this is bad. If we wanna beat Bud, we need another candidate, fast!"

"Well, he's sitting right here," I point to myself proudly.

"Well, Magnus is smart enough to hold his own," Dipper noted and nodded his head.

Mabel snatched the tie from Dipper's hand. "And if he gets too boring, I can control him."

"We can control him," Casey amended, shooting a smirk in my direction and high-fiving Mabel shortly afterwards. 'Oh boy.' 

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