Life As I Know It

By lilmama881106

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Xavier Medina and three of his best friends are retired Army mechanics, have been for four years, finally bei... More

CHapter 1: Not the Start But Still a Beginning
Chapter 2: The First Date, & Ellie's Confession
Chapter 3: Dark Past Confessions.
Chapter 4: Ryders Story & Answered Prayers
Chapter 5: Jayden's Tale, & Sleep Over
A picnic &Moving In 6
Chapter 7: Slowly Moving Forward
Chapter 8: The Medinas, Enzo Story, & Moving In
Chapter 9: Quitting & The Aldermans
Chapter 10: Tre's Warning & Lugnuts
Chapter 11: She's Gone, & We Just Want To Talk To Her.
Chapter 12: It's Different Right
Chapter 13: The Rings, The Plan

Chapter 14: The End

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By lilmama881106

Tony, Keith, Hunter, and Travis was sitting awkwardly in front of Callie, Caleb, and Helen. "So let me get his straight. You say, you have evidence and gave it down to the station that Xavier has basically been staling my daughter for a few weeks months even before they got together, and then has fucked with her car and other dangerous things to make it seem that living and being with him to get her closer to be under his thumb so to speak you think this guy is another Lucas Williams is what I'm getting from you. You showed this to your chief and now you're worried for her and the other girls because the boys are possessive and obsessive in ways and you don't want them hurt so you think by bringing this to our attention we can help you sway them away from them boys? Have you lost your mind? Are you on drugs? Have you been stealing from the evidence locker or something?" Caleb asked them in anger as if they were stupid.

"No sir, some officers had a search warrant and found a bag full of the same tools and a burner phone used to contact the people who messed with her car. In fact Jennifer's place the other burner phone was found they actually used it to find the bag. They found everything from some questionable pictures to other personal belongings. We have a man in custody at the station we picked up for a traffic violation who was drugged out of his mind who confessed that Xavier paid him to steal her battery so she could call him and he can look like a safe place or something. This guys prints as well as Jennifer's are all over the tools and some other things in the bag." Hunter told him. The guys were great at their job but things weren't fitting together for Cal. "Oh my God it's happening all over again." Callie gasped out tears filling her eyes. "Do you think. Do you think he can hurt, is this guy going to hurt our Tessa?" Callie asked heart thumping in her chest.

"Are you kidding me right now? There is no way that man is going to ever hurt Tessenia. Anyone with eyes can tell you that. So you're telling me this guy just randomly confessed Xavier paid him to steal shit off her car because he was impaired and thought that was the real reason? That story seems to have some holes their boys. Jennifer is still missing is she not? So you going to tell that while she just happened to walk off the face of the Earth the warrant that Bryce and his team had to go raid her home that no one could have planted a phone in her home? If Bryce and another team has the case why are you spending so much time on it? What are they doing differently you think you can step in and do better? Why is all of this evidence you two are magically finding popping up all of a sudden. I'm sorry boys but I'm not buying you might think your helping but that don't settle with me to well. That man is the best thing that ever happened to my Tess. Now I do believe someone is out there like Lucas fucking with my kid but I know it sure in hell is not Xavier. In fact I think Xavier is the only reason this psycho man does not already have my kid probably locked in a room in a cabin somewhere."

"Caleb, these men came all the way over to tell us what is happening at the station and with our daughter whether you believe it or not these are serious charges that are actively happening. Regardless what you believe about that man, is not going to strike them off his record just yet. I think we need to take in consideration some of the things they are saying think about it. The red flags of working as a mechanic and only the car had issues that even put her in the hospital to get stitches. He's always first knowing exactly where to find her. Ensuring the car had a camera in it to prove his innocence, Some things are adding up if you just step up to see them." Callie told him wondering why he's not taking this more seriously. "That's a hell of a thing for you of all people to say to me, because when I warned you of the same shit last time what did you tell me Cals, huh? You said it was just me being an uptight father not ready for my girl to date how no man will ever be enough for our baby. Well you was wrong because Xavier is. The only person who doesn't know how to read warning signs is you Callie and just like last time your fucking wrong. I know my kid, and I know Xavier and I know for a fact he's the safest thing for her in every possible way. He's not capable of something like. I think someone like you guys are though." Cal said looking at the boys.

"I think you guys are just the type that fits the pyscho description. I spend time playing sports with the rest of the old fogies in this town to keep in shape, like with the chief who told me he had to suspend two of his officer for trying to pry their way into a case that doesn't belong to them. It didn't take a genius to figure out which case it is. Now here you four sit warning us so to say about something you are not even supposed to be talking to us about. I'm going to say this to you one more and last time. I don't like you around my daughter and I don't like you three around my other ones either. Again Keith it's been years throw in the damn towel it's over anyway." "I think that's up for Tessenia to decide once Elias and Bryce talk to her, and reveal everything against Xavier. Do you really think she is able to go through the whole process again of the stalker? We are here because were good friends and we worry about her. I get that you don't like me and I'm ok with that. I'm not here to change your mind in anyway. I'm here in front of you showing how much I care about her. I'm here saying that I don't want anything worse to happen and what I think that's all we wanted to show you respect and let lay down all of what's happening right now in the current moment whether you like me or the situation or not. Xavier may have to go to jail with everything that is stacked against him and the only one who is going to suffer for it in the worse way is Tessenia once this happens. Someone has and needs to be there for her. You are the most important person in the world to her Caleb so that's why I came to you even though you hate my guts now I think that takes some fucking balls. We didn't want to upset you like this but we didn't want you in the dark either,, not about her. I think it's time to leave boys. Mom I'll see you later. Thank you for hearing us Callie. One more things before I go Mr. Alderman. It's not fair of you to always throw the fact Callie stuck up for the wrong guy in her face whenever you argue about things like this and when she tells you she has a certain feeling. How long should someone have to suffer the same gruesome mistake in their life? She shouldn't have to keep paying for it over and over. You just don't forgive her, so you take it out on her. Hell you may not even forgive yourself." Keith went to turn around to leave as the rest of the guys were already in the car.

Grabbing him by the collar and shoving him up against the wall and off the ground. "Now you listen here you slimy little shit. You think you can come in my house and spew off a bunch shit like a fucking fertilizer company, trying to stir up fucking trouble your little twat wits probably started and think it would be ok? You think you can come in my home and insult me you little kiss ass? I KNOW TESSENIA! I SUPPORT HER I'VE BEEN THERE FOR HER SINCE THE DAY SHE TOOK HER FIRST BREATH UNTIL THE DAY I TAKE MY LAST I WILL FIGHT FOR MY KID! You want to know why Callie and I argue over things like this, because she doesn't know the first thing about Tessa. She doesn't remember what she's allergic to, her favorite color, what she wants to do with her live is unacceptable because her mother can't wrap her head around that her plans for Tessa are not Tessa plans for Tessa. Another thing for you, you little shit stain. You. Will. Never. Have. My. Daughter. No matter how bad you got that hard on for her now you little pencil dick it will never happen. Get your ass off my property before I blow it off and don't you EVER come back." Dropping him to the floor as he scrambled himself up practically running out the door.

"Caleb how could you do that to him?" Callie yelled as he was starting to walk away. "How dare you put your hands on my son your lucky I don't call the call cops on you." Helen roared in angry hate filled eyes staring at the man in front of her. "Call them. Go ahead Ill wait right here in my house in my chair. I already warned him last time he was here he was not wanted so technically he trespassed into my home without my consent this house is in my name and mine only. He came in to tell us about a case he should know nothing about with his friends who are suspended on the force. SO go ahead and call them because it would be so nice for all five us to be locked in that jail cell together Helen which I can't promise he'll be able to walk or breath out of once I'm done with him. Go ahead and make the call. Here I'll give you my phone, aw hell I'll do you the honors I'll call chief myself." "Stop it Cal." Callie growled to him. "Helen you need to stop worrying about your twat of a son being with my kid and more worried about your husband in the office on a Sunday with his secretary like he is everyday. By the way he wanted me to give you these." Slamming down the petition for divorce. "Said it was about time. He's on his way for his things and he's company is transferring him out of state by tomorrow. So why don't you get yourself home and deal with your own problems and stay the fuck out of ours." Caleb said as he got up and walked back off. The two women staring in shock at everything that just happened.

"Xavier are you ok?" Tessa asked him after finishing up their food. "Yeah I just feel bad for canceling on our date yesterday." "Well theres nothing you can do about it when Bryce and Elias need help you know I understand honey." "I know I just we got to talk about somethings. There was a reason why this was so special to me yesterday. Tessenia I don't think you realize just how special you are to me. How much you changed and made my life better how much I need you in it. You have healed me in ways I never thought possible and there is nothing on this whole damn planet I wouldn't do for. I can't see live without you in it. Dancing in the kitchen with the radio cranked up. Laughing and pulling pranks on and with my family and friends. Way you rather read to me and Arlo on the weekends. How you drive me to be a better man, one you deserve. I can't see a future that doesn't include you in it and I don't want one like that. I just want to keep you with me forever so please just yes and let me do that. I'm standing on both knees honey because I'm begging you to my wife." Holding the ring out for her in one hand and holding hand in the other.

"This is what you really want like you thought this through?" "Your all I want." "Then ok, I'm in." She said laughing softly to him as he slid the ring on her finger and holding her close to him. Kissing all over her face. "I needed to ask you because I wanted your mind clear to know what your answer could have been before I tell you the next thing we need to talk about, because knowing that you love me that much made my whole world, and as much as I don't want to I'm about to shake yours." He said sadly. "Well that doesn't sound as fun as it should." She teased him making him crack a smile. "Tess the reason I had to help Bryce and Elias is because they had some new things involved in your case. It actually goes a little deeper then you may think. I just want you to remember how far you come ok. I wan you to remember you're not who you used to be and you have an even stronger support system then you did. I also need you to remember just how much I love you and would never do anything to put or get you in danger." "Xavier just tell me what you need to say. She cut him off as he was rushing and rambling words to her.

"Hunter and Tony went to the chief with some weird things which was enough evidence to get a warrant to come search my shop and when they got there they found a bag in my closet in my office in a space I didn't even knew existed. Inside the back was a burner phone that matched a burner phone they found in Jennifers house, and the guy who stole your car battery and the guy is actually in custody saying that I paid him to do it. Not only that they found tools that have their finger prints on it as the ones used to take your car battery, and both your tires. Jennifer is still missing, but her and the other guys prints are all over that bag. Except on the." HE stop closing his eyes and taking a deep breath licking his lips. "Except on some of your bra and panties that were found in there, also some photos of you in barely anything and a little more graphic then I would of liked the guys to see." He said in a low voice looking at her with a water eyes.

Blankly looking at him tears slowly filling hers. "Ok, you're telling me they found they found evidence out of nowhere they can't find again to prove why they needed a warrant to only check your shop where this mysterious bag pops up with details and a phone reaching out to God only know how many people really, because I have another stalker right? This. This is why we both had the dreams about Lucas isn't it really was a warning. You're also telling me that you're friends on the force the whole team of what eight?" "Twelve." "TWe- Twelve plus the normal three I see everyday basically have seen me basically naked or at least might have well been?" "Yes, it was not something that could have been avoided, but I swear baby no one really looked at you, at they will never say or do anything about it. That's not all." "There's fucking MORE."

"Yeah. There is. Hunter and Tony the ones who started all this and now can't find the evidence they said they had to get the warrant are suspended from the force and I have harassment charges being brought up on them. Seeing as they crossed the line with pushing things on me from the last couple of months and them getting themselves involved in a case that they are not in on. It looks really bad. Tess it looks like to the chief they are helping the guy. They are going to come after you and most likely the rest of the girls because they want you to believe I did all those things took all those things and that I had those things done to your car because it would be easy fixes for me to clear up that I put a secret car camera to prove when I had paid someone to do those things to your car prove it wasn't me. They want you to believe I did these things to scare you so you would move in with me and be with only me for me to claim you by using fear. They are trying to use the fact that since all of us in the crew are so possessive and obsessive with you girls that we are more of a threat to you girls and how certain people are scared for you being blinded in fake love when were just obsessed stalkers and such in the reports filed. So far I am the only with evidence against him but Enzo is next up on deck with the fact that he is also carrying Ellie out looking by force which you know you see it. IT's not like that though baby I swear. We love you girls so much there is nothing we would do to hurt you."

"Is there anything else I need to know?" "Tomorrow on Monday I have to go down to the station to be detained for a few hours and give up DNA. Like from, nails, mouth, all the way down to the fucking semen because some of the articles of clothes they found had some old ugh, DNA on it." "Your telling me this freak stole my clothes somehow and jacked off with them?" "Trying not to say it babe but yes. The only thing is none of my DNA is found on the or in the bag on any of the things my finger prints are none of it. That's why they want me to willing give more DNA to prove I didn't have anything to do with it." "Does your parents know?" "Well technically since I'm the main suspect they were going to let me go but seeing as I had a ticker I never knew I had written by Hunter they had to keep me since its out dated and I have to fight it in court now but it's being used as evidence for me against them in my harassment case. So parents had to come pay my fine because my wallet was at the shop in the truck." "They must hate me right now. If it weren't for me you wouldn't be in such a mess." Tears silently rolling down her cheek.

"Out of everything I just told you that's what's sticking in your head right now? Tessenia some whack nut is doing everything he can to get me away from you, and Hunter and Tony fucking know who it is if they know who it is then don't you think Travis, and Keith are in it. I mean think about Jennifer would have done anything for either one of them. She hates the fact you are so close to them. When you left they were pist at her and then all of a sudden she's gone babe. Then their friends find all of this false evidence being where ever the hell they planted it, because it's that easy for them. Baby I'm telling you this because I think they are dangerous and all of us guys know they only hate us because they think their better then every one else and they are in love with you the reason you girls are always uncomfortable is because they keep trying to do anything like a dog in heat trying to hump your leg. Tess they are trying to get me away form you so they can take you from us. I just want you to be prepared. This is going to get so ugly so fast and so bad. I just needed you to hear all this from me. You need to know the truth. Keith and them are going to come for you girls and do and say anything to get into your head please baby don't believe his lies. Don't lose faith in us once they do. If you want to take that ring back off and change your mind I completely understand because right now it's looking good for any of the eight of us. I know how hard it is for you to trust in general, and I know after the fight with your mom yesterday you don't need this but this is happening and I will do anything I can to keep your trust in me I love you Tessenia with all I got. I just want to protect you and our little family." He was pleading with her tear filled eyes that never spilt over.

"I know you do babe. I know. You really think it's Keith? I mean it adds up a little bit if I think about how they were before you guys came in the picture and how much they changed. If they find the evidence on you then you're only going to jail if I push charges right? So then I just don't push charges." "It's not that simple I still got conspiracy and with a missing woman it puts a lot of bad things on me." "Well then we'll just have to fight it and take it day by day. I don't know what else to think or do or say. This was a lot to take in today but thank you for telling me. It does feel a little better with it coming from you." "My parents don't hate you by the way they love you probably more then me." He chuckled out. "They are here for you if and when you need them my angel just one call away." "Ok." Looking down at the beautiful silver ring with a beautiful yet simple circular diamond on it matching her personality perfectly knowing how much she hated gold's color. "I'd like to keep this right where it's at if that's alright by you." Looking up as he grabbed her by her hips pulling her onto him to straddle his lap. "That's right where that things belongs angel. So are you right now." Smashing his lips to hers and getting drunk off each other. Losing themselves in each other as the world around is being shaken by a jealous crazy enemy. Pulling away to rest his forehead against hers before they got a little to far carried away and he needed to add indecent exposure to is list of charges. Being lost in the moment they decided to stay lost in the world a little while longer.

It was a one long week as Xavier appointment at the station got pushed form Monday to Friday. Apparently Bryce had went back and found new evidence at Jennifers place. It blew the whole thing wide open as they found a secret hole in the floor that had a bunch of things the police aren't saying as of yet but it did leave to an old cabin where they found Tessenias pictures all over the place with some of her other articles of now ruined clothing. The cabin is not owned by anyone it was built out of no where and has no deeds nor does anyone own the property that it is on. There was no proof to link anything to anyone except the body of Jennifer they found buried out in the woods the dogs found by chance. IT's been all over the news the finding of her body but nothing else and Tessenia was grateful for that. Ellie has been sick for a few days and Enzo being the worry wart that he is kept her home from work. Needing to get out of the house Ellie decided to go look at buildings down in the square for rent or to buy since she is making a great profit she decided to see the bakery through. Xavier and Enzo were going to meet up at the little water fountain then go to lunch.

"I can't believe your making me do this." "I can't believe you're a nurse and haven't thought to do this weeks ago." Tessenia shot back to her as they were in a public bathroom at the pharmacy store. "Ok five minutes I guess." Ellie said putting three pregnancy test down on the counter all different, just to be sure." "Honestly tell me what you think?" "I think you're prego. I call God mother by the way." Tess shrugged with a smile. "You think Enzo would be alright with all this?" She was nervous as hell looking anywhere but those sticks. "I think if we thought he was overly protective before he's eagerness is going to be like steroids. You maybe lucky if he doesn't call in and quit your job for you for the next year and nine months." Tessenia was laughing hard making her smirk and laugh to. When the topic of kids came up he didn't want her working the first year they are born he just wanted her to bond with the baby and return to work whenever she was ready. However working in a pediatrics he was concerned of what their little babies would catch so thought that at least after a year the shots and the immunity would be better.

"I'm going to quit anyway remember the plan it's us five and all of our littles." Ellie said with a smile. "You guys are serious about it?" Tessa asked smiling at them. "OF course you think my man will let me work anywhere else, or let anyone who isn't Xavier or my parents watch this kid." Ellie rolled her eyes. "It's time." Tessa said as the timer on her phone went off. Taking a deep breath and looking all of them over looking at each other and nodding they bagged them up and threw the rest of the trash away. Sitting on the fountain bench after making a phone, they laughed and lost track of the time knowing the guys would be there soon. They got thrown off by the two tall dark shadows they came and blocked the sun. "Hunter, Keith? Hi." Ellie said looking at them with a confused look. "Hi girls we saw you sitting here and we just wanted to come over here and talk to you. We were actually on our way to talk to you anyway Tess." Keith said with a smile. "Really, why?" She asked flatly in a bored voice.

Looking at each other then looking down at the envelope. "Well we wanted to check on you, with the everything on the news and all. To start with." Hunter said. Then We found out the lockers at work have a special little place where you can hide stuff in and found some pretty disturbing stuff. We found a lot of pictures and crazy letters like diary entries of her and some very graphic things and obsession with Travis and myself. Then she had some very hateful things about you in there and these few pictures we wanted you to see. They were dated on her phone when she got them printed out she was really twisted and mad. You deserve to see these though." Keith said as he handed a few pictures to both of them. Jennifer was taking selfies of her having sex as the two hugely built black men were ramming her through the walls and counters of public places and even her room with mirrors all over the place.

Ellie covered her mouth as these men could have easily been Enzo and Xavier's twins. "We think when she saw Xavier that day at the office she was only shocked because you know it was something she's already done before that's why she got scared since she was still trying desperately to get under us still." Keith added. Looking at each other then back to them Ellie spoke first. "I don't know what game your getting at Hunter but this, this is not funny." She told him in the most angry voice anyone ever heard of her. "I'm not laughing. I'm being serious Ellie the day after you guys apparently moved in right? That's the time stamp on that picture tell me what I was supposed to do after seeing this look at him, I can't let another guy hurt you Ellie. You are to sweet and deserve better then that you both do." Hunter added trying to play the caring guy. "We are looking at them and that's clearly not our men." Tessa added with out any emotion in her voice.

"I know this must be hard for you to believe and get your head around because you love them, but Tessa even you can see the resemblance." Keith asked her shocked. "Yes I can its uncanny really, but it's simply not them. Not hearing the two men coming up the sides listening to the conversation now growing angry at the men in front of them. "Well let's start with Enzo shall we. This guy has a birthmark under his neck and he has tribal tattoo on both his arms also a small tattoo on his right shoulder." "OK?" Hunter asked looking curious. "Enzo has tattoos too on his arms." Hunter pointed out. "Yes but not tribal bands, and he has no birthmark on his neck and has none on his shoulder. So if this is in fact Enzo maybe you can tell me when he had time to get rid of the tattoos and birthmark. I have climbed, scaled, licked, and touched every single part of my Enzo's body over and over again this is not him." Hunter taken back by the crudeness of Ellie as the anger rolled off her. No one puts down her future hubby.

"Then there's fella. He has such a nice physic doesn't Els." "He sure does he should be proud working so hard on that body." She added. Xavier and Enzo looking at each other knowing how hard they going tot spank those asses later. "Tell me Keith what's wrong with his back?" Taking a deeper look he shook his head. "Nothing wrong with it there's nothing on it." "Exactly and in this side you can see the left side of his eye, what's wrong with that?" "Nothing again there's nothing on it." "Ok Keith you both have seen our men without their shirts down at the river remember? So if this is my sexy beast where are his scares he came home from the army with? Where's the slashes across his beautiful eye? Where are the slashes in his back and his front not only from the army but the ones I personally left on his back from very special occasions? How did he magically get rid of them for these pictures? There no our fiancé's. Thanks for looking out though."

"You can't be serious you actually said yes to him after everything done to you? Tess please you have to open your eyes to see what he's doing to you. You already went through this hell once don't let yourself go through this again." Keith was begging her as he reached out and grabbed her arm a little tighter then he should have. "Only thing he's ever done is be there for me and love he has never laid a hand on me Keith maybe you should open your eyes. Meanwhile Ellie was going to get up and walk away from them when the tests slipped out of her bag. "Are you fucking kidding me Els. That guy. Your going to marry that guy, you're pregnant by that piece of shit. Els baby he's no good for you. He tosses you around like a rag doll. HE never gives you any freedom he doesn't even let you make your choices. He didn't ask you to be with him he threw you in his car and pretty much told you. He didn't ask you to move in with him he broke into your home and packed your bags. Ellie the guy is beyond obsessed he dominates every aspect of your life imagine what he will do to this kid. He is aggressive as fuck. I can help you. I can save you from him if you would just let me." Something had snapped in Hunter as both he and Keith were yanking and pulling on their arms in which bruises were no forming and getting loud while shaking them a little.

Xavier and Enzo were frozen for a moment at the fact of what Hunter said the test were on the floor Enzo was going to be not only a husband but his future wife, his baby mama had a psychos hands all over her seeing her scared face they snapped out of and went up to the men yank them off the girls. Keith hold was so strong when Xavier got him off her he tore Tessenias arm out of it's socket and dislocated causing her to scream out in pain. Enzo went grabbing both of Hunters wrist and squeezing them to the point they were about to break his hands were imprinted on it. "Get the fuck off my wife now! She told you to stop." Enzo told him as he punched him in his face after he got him to let go of Ellie. "You dare lay your hands on a defenseless woman. ON MY WOMAN!" *PUNCH* the crack of his nose and lip was loud. "The next time you step up to my family, you ever raise your hand to my family is the last day you breath on this Earth." Enzo told him as the last punch knocked him out coming up to huge Ellie who was full on crying. Then making their way to Tessenia trying to help her. "We need to get your girls to the doctor and get you checked out." Enzo said in a loving voice.

Xavier and Keith were going blows for blows Keith was holding his ground but not well. When the cops showed up it was Xaviers punch that flew Keith to the ground and made him take a few breaths as he tried to piece himself together. Walking over to Tessenia as he just saw her arm. "Baby? Angel are you alright?" "Sorry bro I need to take you four to the station and aske you guys some questions." Elliot told him as his three other partners came up. "Look Eli we'll gladly go with you just give us a minute please. These numb nuts put their hands on our wifes over here look at this." Xavier told him a little louder then he meant to. "You girls need us to call in a medic?" Trent asked them bending down access the damage. Enzo growling to him. "Calm down brother he's trained to help." Dylan said. "Don't you guys all play football down the street on Sundays?" Ellie asked holding her wrists to her chest. "Yup that's us." Bryce smiled big to her waving. Elliot and Dylan went to get Hunter who was coming around in cuffs and in the car. Bryce and Elias had already gathered Keith in the same vehicle as Hunter and we're leaving. "Got to take you guys in to don't worry you won't be staying. You should be out soon. Trent is going to take the girls in though and get checked down at the hospital. You can take a minute say bye." Leo told them. As he went and send the video a few of the passer bye's had taken to himself and email.

"Ellie are you ok are hurt anywhere?" Enzo asked looking her over handing her the pregnancy tests back in her bag. "No just a little sore he shook me a little but my arms are indented and bruised." Looking up at him. "I just found out like before they came up. I made an appointment we'll know for sure sure Wednesday. I wanted to you to hear from me not Hunter screaming the way he did." She said in a sad voice. "It doesn't matter how I find out Els it only matter you two or more are ok." He chuckled to her. "Go get checked out I'm sorry I can't be with you but Trent and Leo are good friends they'll text the other guys at the station and keep us filled in ok you need anything you tell them. They going to drive you home too. You go home or your go to Tessa's or Tre's call your parents and let them know. If you need anything they'll be right there." "Enzo I know Baby! Just go ahead and go my mom already told me you moved them down the street from us." She giggled to him she couldn't blame him though or be mad at him. IT took him years to have and build a family and now that he finally go tone he would do anything to keep his woman happy even having his in laws who treat him like their own about six doors down. HE walked over and turned around for the cuffs to go on and walked himself in the car scooting over Xavier knowing it was going to be a tight squeeze.

"Angel I'm so sorry I should have been right next to you. Are you ok?" "It's ok I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. I'm not letting this go though you were right. You were right about everything. You said they'd come. You said they tried anything. I didn't believe them though baby I swear I know you wouldn't." "Calm down baby we know we heard everything. It's sexy when you know our bodies so well. Especially the look on his face when you told him about the ones you leave on my back in our special occasions. Please go fix your arm and please let Leo take care of you until I get there." Tessa looked over to Leo. "Don't worry love bug I'm 100% gay. Have been for long time. I swear you're ok with me. Hell my boyfriend is Dylan." He sad raising his arms up in surrender. Making her smile as Leo came up. "Come on man." "Yeah alright. Grab that envelope though I want those pictures given to Bryce or Elias for my case and hers." "OK man." Xavier leaning down to kiss her one last time. "See you soon." Xavier walked off to get in the back of the car. Leo was following Trent who was driving Tessa's car to the hospital in his squad car.

Three hours and being questioned later they we in holding cells put side by side but still being separated. "Alright I have information one everyone. First off Hunter Hall you are going out in bail but thanks to the videos, witness over a few years, and evidence you not only will have a restraining order, but harassment charges, assault charges and I think that might be it. You really fucked up there brother especially since you were suspended to begin with. You also have harassment charges brought by another victim as well as Tony. So Travis has come to bail both of you out. You will get notified by mail of all of your pending court dates. If I were you I would start up you CV though man." Elliot called out to him. Giving him his papers through the bars. Looking down at his Notes. "Let's who's next. Enzo man I got word back on Ellie she is fine baby is fine and she is about five weeks along. Congrats man." Elliot said with a big smile as Xavier smiled with him and smacked his shoulder as Enzo smiled brightly. "Check it out man they sent the ultrasound." HE showed him on the phone. "That's my baby. Is that the heart beat?" He asked holding the phone up to his ear. "Yup cool aint it. Anyway you are free to go. Chief is using this as a self defense move. He's dropped public interruption charges for all of you. Big daddy Theo is waiting here for both his boys." Elliot said smiling as he gave him his papers, and phone back to Elliot. "Is she ok right now?" "She's fine healthy as far as I know she's at home ordering pizza because her wrist are so sensitive luckily they were fractured or broken Hunter if you were to hold her any tighter for even a moment you would have snapped her wrists." Elliot told him in a very strict growl. Making Enzo want to the next cell looking at the man in front of him. Breathing harder looking at him as Hunter was looking just as hard but feeling like crap knowing he hurt Ellie his sweet Ellie who is carrying another mans baby She looked so scared.

"Keith you are bailed out as well you also have charges and a restraining order as well as assault charges coming up against you. The real kicker is the person who is pushing the issue her mother has come to take you home apparently your mother is another state at the moment and sent her bestie to collect you. Now I'm not saying this is going to go well for you or you once you go outside, but just remember there is a lot of officers watching so keep it reeled in once you get out there." Elliot said looking at Keith and Xavier who just silently nodded. "Xavier about Tessenia her arm was so out of place and bruised it took the three doctors and an hour trying nine times to get it to go back she is in a sling lucky it is broken wrist though were almost broken if you hadn't stepped in no doubt it would be and she has two huge ass whole hand prints redden bruised and basically engraved in both her upper arms around just under her biceps. She is sore and can't use much of her arms right now. She is just got out of her the hospital Tre' has her at your home. He's trying to get her to eat and take her pain meds and her meds to fight off infection but she's being difficult Tre' says to get over there and get your woman in check." Elliot said laughing a little shaking his head he looked up a the four men and walking over to stand in front of the two.

"I ought to let them boys get in here and finish the fucking job. How the hell could you two do that to two of the sweetest, kindest, most humble women in town. They would feed the whole fucking city and give them the damn shirt off the back ot anyone in need you been friends with these girls for three years what in the fuck possessed you to ever do something this shitty to them. You could have three people. Yes the baby counts to you fucking prick an innocent baby. IF that had been my wife you all would six feet down by now and I'd be in these bars. They had every right to knock your sorry ass in to your places. You better hope you don't' go to jail for to long when you actually go to court because the men up in there don't take it easy on a woman beater." Elliot told them. "Get your shit and get the fuck out of my sight. You all will be watched on the way out. SO watch it." Elliot said as he opened the gate letting them leave. Walking out into the front lobby. Travis looked over to see the guys come out. "Because you weren't in enough trouble Hall?" He groaned out. "What about you seriously you couldn't stick to the fucking plan." Travis growled lowly to him. "It'll be fine don't sweat it." Keith waved him off. "Yeah right ok." Travis shook his head in disbelief.

"You alright boys?" Theo asked coming up to look over and hug his sons. "We're fine dad just worried and pist off is all." Enzo said in a growl. "It's alright I've already checked on the girls I'm the one who brought them home and got them settled told them officers to head out. They are fine. Even though they black, purple, blue green and yellow that Ellie sure is glowing. Motherhood is going to suit her well. Congrats my boy I'm so happy for you." "Thanks pop." "Your's however was giving poor Tre' hell, he ordered pizza too. However with her arms they way they are she can't exactly get in her mouth you better get home and feed your wife there son." "WIFE?" They heard a female voice yell out in shock. "Callie good to see you." Xavier said in pretend happy voice. "Callie you didn't have to come I got the boys." Theo teased knowing damn well that sea cow doesn't like his son.

"I'm here to collect Keith his mom is my best friend, and what the hell do you mean WIFE?!" She snapped looking at Xavier. "Well I asked her to marry me last Sunday and she said yes. So she's going to be my wife.." Xavier told like he was explaining it to a child pissing both Keith and Xavier off. "No, no. It's way to soon for any of that she still doesn't understand what she wants. She's just stressed out around her about everything and is clearly not thinking straight." "I think you the only one here not thinking straight." Enzo told her in a very rude tone. "EXCUSE ME." "No Mrs. I don't think there is an excuse for you. You come and collect the man who put your daughter through hell today. He came with false evidence trying to say we cheating when that was proven to be a lie they snapped and almost broke their wrist, upper arms, and it took at least nine tries to get her arm back in place. You kid can't even lift her arms to feed herself or even wash her own ass, and here you are to pick up the damn attacker home? How can you be ok with him after hurting her? After laying his hands on her out of anger just because she doesn't want to be with him? What kind of mother does that?" Enzo barked out to her standing far away from her.

"This wouldn't have happened had he not been trying to protect her from you. I've seen the list of red flags they dug up on you and you are just trying to pin off on someone else. I don't know how Tess could even stand to be next to you after everything you have done to her." "My son has done nothing to her but support and be there for her which according to Tess and your own husband you know nothing about. Can you show proof that he had any involvement in any of those accusations?" "Well." "That's exactly what I thought you can't yet your daughter's whole upper half of her body looks like a twisted rainbow on a cloudy day with videos showing this prick being the one to do it. You don't bat an eye to him. Just because your hateful ass don't like my kids doesn't give you're entitled ass to push shit on him he didn't even do. As far as I know this is none of your concern anyway since Tessenia informed me last week that she disowned you and cut you off. You told her you couldn't accept her for who she was, so whatever she does from here on out does not concern you, because she doesn't want you there." Theo told her growing angry at the crazy lady. He didn't care who you are nobody fucks with his kids ANY of them. "If you had kids you would understand." She barked back to Enzo. "Give me another eight months and I'm there. Still won't be as twisted as your ass." He shrugged off to her.

Bryce came around the corner. "Keith you need to stay I got a warrant for you and Travis, to give over your DNA. Hunter I have a warrant for you and Tony's arrest." "What the hell do you mean?" Well thanks to working here we have your prints and DNA saved in the system and the cabin we found, the little box we found in Jennifer's floors it has four male prints your guys is all over it and the body, so we are holding you guys here for murder, or accessories to a murder. Assault charges, again, and some other things. You were out on bail but now that you left I can pick you all up with the warrants. Tony was brought in an hour ago to county. Now I need you two to come with me." "You can't do this. How long will this take?" Callie argued. "Ma'am if they match to the DNA which I bet they will they are going to jail. We have video footage of them being in the cabin thanks to your husband." Bryce said with a smile.

"Keith he wanted me to look you in the eyes when I say this to you. He was kind of enough to remind us of the fact of a local river near by. Since it was Hunters season the chief and Caleb set up hunting night cameras to help the game warden keep people in check. All four of you were on it when you went to get Jennifers body in the ground and her screams were heard muffled coming out of the cabin where her blood and you guys prints were found all over. Xaviers DNA isn't found at all but I'm sure if you went and jacked it in a cup we would find that it was you who left us all the ruined pictures and clothes belonging to Tessa. Jennifer left a little video of when she first found the cabin because she followed you out there. In the video she was going to get out to see if you needed a hand when she heard you call out for Tessenia. She was very pist off after that. That's when you found her and bribed her with a three way between you and Travis to mess with one of her tires but she took it to the next step and totaled her car. She has left videos in the little hole on the floor. This is it for you guys it's done and over. Bring them back." Bryce said as the other men came up and got took Travis, and Hunter without a fight.

Keith was shaking in anger. That fucking bitch. "This is all your fault. You took her form me like a fucking thief. YOU CAN"T HAVE HER!!" Keith quickly grabbed a gun switching the safety off and shooting five bullets into Xavier everyone hitting the floor with screams and cries being heard out. Few officers put ten new holes in Keith. Letting him bleed out on the floor. The paramedics came as Keith bleed out to death on the floor. Callie was shaking back and forth at what just happened before her. Theo had called his wife to get Tess and get back to the hospital. Enzo calling the rest of the family asking Tre' to watch over Ellie. The chief calling Caleb to inform of what's happened to his boy, his new son he spoke so highly of."

Xavier was in surgery for a good four hours. His heart stopped beating at one point getting low on blood, and one of the bullets was ore then difficult to remove there was some swelling the brain from the impact of him hitting his head on the floor. Every one was quiet and hugged up close to each other. Enzo still trying to feed Ellie making her drink water the guys trying to get the rest of the girls to do the same. IT broke their hearts that even while their basically brother was cut open in the next few rooms they were still worried about them. Meanwhile the guys only thought is worse case scenario they couldn't let something happen to them too. "This is my fault. If he wasn't with me then he wouldn't' be in there." Tess mumbled lowly to Theo and her father. "No baby girl this is not your fault. You can't going around taking the blame for another person's actions they are responsible for what they say and do only them and no body else." Camilla told her holding her head up to her. "My boy needs you. He's been needing and looking for you for years, even if he didn't know yet. I've been praying for you my sweet girl. Don't let that evil come in and control you now not again. You have a whole village behind you two now. You are his hope Tess." She added still pulling her in for a side hug. "I'm so happy I finally got a great, wonderful beautiful daughter." "Thank you mama Cami." Tess said with a big smile making everyone else smile softly too.

"You know daddy Cal I can't believe how much stuff you and the chief pulled. You're like James Bond." Tre' joked. The chief and I were best friends growing up. Lived next door to each other all the way up until college days. He comes to me time to time sometimes you just need to look at your problems through a fresh new angle. New set of eyes. I am sorry that it brought us all here though." Caleb said hugging his kid from the side as well. "Xavier Medina?" a doctor called out. Everyone stood up. "We're all family man so you may just say it now once instead of a few times over." Tre' popped out for the doctor who was looking around wide eyed and nodded. "Everything is out. He is stable, his heart stopped and we got him going again. He's been given blood and he has some swelling on the brain that will go down but until it does he may have some memory issues we are keeping him for the rest of the week and if everything looks good he can go providing he follows up. You can see him in about thirty minutes he is being transported into his room. If he doesn't wake up for a while that is fine he needs the rest he could wake up today, tomorrow or even the next day it's his body way of protecting itself and letting the brain heal."

"Thank you doctor for everything." Tessa said to him as he turned to her. "Didn't I just fix you?" He smirked. "Xavier's my fiancé." She said sadly. "AH. Well don't worry he will bounce back all the important things were missed we are very lucky the shooter was such a bad shot." The doctor told her in a serious tone. She could only nod along. Everyone came and visited for a bit after about an hour they all went home except for the Medinas, Caleb, and Tessa. Walking down the steps Caleb didn't noticed around the corner sat Camilla and Theo before they could call to him they heard another female voice call out to him. "Cal?" Turning around to see her he was instantly enraged and was doing everything he could not to strike her down like that pathetic boy and his friend did to his baby. "What are you of all people doing here Cals?" He told her in a lowered tone. "How is she Cal?" Nodding his head. "How the hell you think she is Cals? I left to give her some time. While the only other man besides me she loves is laid up on bed with five new scars thanks to your fucking golden boy. If you actually cared about how she is where the fuck have you been all night?" He yelled the last part out in anger and a little spit come off with it.

"I had to call Helen and tell her son not only shot at man in a police station but was shot dead in front of me Cal. You know that already. You even told the chief to tell me to find my own way because you were coming here. You made vows to me Caleb and I need you tonight too." "Well I guess in disappointment were equally matched in each other aren't we then. You're mad at me for vows you think I broke. What about the basic vows of being a decent mother because I got to tell you Cals you broke every fucking one like ten times over. So let me paint you a picture of some vows you broke to me cherish, honor, love, obey. Didn't I tell you that boy you were pushing on her was trouble? Did I not tell you he was the problem. Did I not tell you to stop trying ot force him on Tessa? LOOK AROUND YOU CALLIE THIS IS THE SECODN TIME SHE"S BEEN HERE JUST TODAY BECAUSE OF THE FUCKING BOY YOU FOUGHT FOR!! Because you're gut feeling told you that's what was best. You are so blind to what's right and wrong for Tess it's sickening." Caleb told her taking a step away from her running his hands up his face and looking mad and fed up.

"Maybe we should take her home Cal. This is too much for one day." Callie said looking down at her phone. "Are you kidding right now? She is not going to willing leave that man up there and I'm not going to ask her too, because you don't leave the person you love when they need you the most. You stick around and be strong for them. Are you not even going to ask about Xavier are you not even happy to know he's still alive after what fucking Keith did?" "I'm not completely heartless Cal. I did check with the nurse before I came over here. I know he's going to make a full recovery. You know who's not Keith since he bleed out in front of me. Helen needs help and I think it's best Tessenia comes and helps make some arrangements with us. So why don't you go get her and we can start in the morning." Callie said in a voice that was affirmative. "There is no way in hell I'm going to go grab her and take her back to the house to make plans for her crazy ass stalker who shot and tried to kill her future husband, and damaged her arm. You are fucking crazier then I though if you think any of that sounded ok." Cal growled to her stepping up to go nose to nose with her leaning down to do so.

"Keith was still her friend she still had love for him she deserves to say good bye to him the right way. That's not your choice Cal." "I can't believe what a cold, heartless, manipulative bitch you have become you know I'm glad I did what I did before I left." "And what did the righteous Cal do?" She rolled her eyes. "I cleaned out our joint checking account and changed the locks to the house. Since all the bills are in my name, and you never get mail sent to the house you have no way to show we share a residence. I'm filing for divorce first thing Monday morning Everything is in my name and you signed a prenup saying you going to walk out with what you walked in with nothing. You can keep your car and everything in you hidden bank account you think I don't know you have. I'll even get movers to come get your stuff and take it to you but I put the house up for sale this morning and I got a place here closer to Tessa last week. I don't care where you go but you won't be staying in my house anymore. I don't know who you are anymore Callie but it's not someone I want to know either. This isn't ever going to work anymore. Why don't you go to Helens you two have so much in common now that both your husbands left to find something better. You need to leave now Callie you don't belong here and there is not a soul here who wants you here." Caleb said with so much hate it brought tears to her eyes spilling over.

"You're really walking out on us after all these years. You just up get rid of everything we own. You trying to keep me from our home, our money, our kid?" She was roaring back. "You never put a damn dime in our joint account that money's mine. That home Tessa and I did everything for it. You never put a dime into that house. That kid walked out on you a week ago. You think you go ta shot now your crazy. She knows you were there to pick up Keith. She told you, she warned you, she begged you until her praying knees were bleeding she's just as done with you as I am because no matter what she does to please you it was and will never be enough. Callie now go on GET!" He pointed to the door and walked away from her not caring what or where she went. Camilla and Theo looked at her as she wiped her tears and walked in another direction shaking their head and holding each other's hands Theo bringing it up to kiss the back of hers as they waited in high hope for their son to wake up.

Hearing the knock on the door Tessa turned and grew instantly mad to see her mother walking in and closing the door. "I was worried about you." Tessa started to laugh a little in mockery. "No you weren't what are you really doing here?" She gave her a dirty look that should have busted her into flames. "I told you I was worried about you." "Really, you were so worried about me you wouldn't come pick me up after spending three hours in the hospital and have no function for a few days with my hands, but you can go down and get Keith from jail and bail him out for putting us all here in the first fucking place." She snapped to her. "Your got your priorities fucked up three days form Sunday you know that right?" "Hey I am still your mother and you will not talk to me like that." "Just because you gave birth to me doesn't make you a mother my whole life you have proven that." She growled holding on to Xavier's hand with her right arm since her left one was still in a sling. For a moment she could have thought he was holding her hand tighter too. He's bed was propped up like he was sitting more then laying down and his built was so big he barley fit the bed.

"I understand how stressed out and hurt you must be and feel Tessa. With everything going on how overwhelmed you must be. I just wanted to come and help you." Tessa looked up shocked at the words that left her mouth. "Now its been a long day. I think it would do everyone some good if we just all got some rest. Now let's get you back home, then first thing in the morning we will meet up with Helen and start with arrangements." "What arrangements?" "For Keith Tessenia what else. Not everyone from that station is still able to breath Tessa Your friend died right in front of me. This man was shot in front of me. I got a front row seat to see people just blasting away this day has been hard on all of us. Keith was your friend for years for a lot longer then you been with this man. It's your place to step in and help give him some peace. Now get your things together we're leaving." She said crossing her arms waiting for her daughter to get up. "Are you crazy?" "If one more damn person asks me that today I'll show you all crazy." "You already are showing your damn crazy if you think I'm letting my banged up woman leave with you." Tessa and Callie neck snapped to Xavier who was now glaring at the woman in front of him. Holding on to Tessa's hand.

"Well it's nice to see you awake. I think it would be best if you were able to get some more sleep and I know how hard that can be with being the hospital with everyone constantly checking in on you. Tess what are waiting for get your things. You said he loves you so much then you know he would want you to go home and get some rest of your own. You clearly can't go to his house with not being able to move you arms its only logical you come home." She waved them both off. "I said no she's not going. You know Callie it's one thing for you to act like a bitch to me, but you will not talk to my wifey that way. She is not going with you. It wasn't enough for you to shove her into Lucas, then you shoved her into Keith. Tell me Callie is there ever going to be a guy who doesn't beat the fuck out of her you going to force onto her?" Xavier shrugged asking her in a bored voice. Callie mouth dropped.

"Excuse me." "I'm getting about as sick of hearing that from your mouth. Just like your selfishly poor decisions when it comes to Tessa and her happiness. Just because your are unhappy with your life doesn't mean you get to dictate and control Tessa life's to your terms. You are toxic and I think it's best if you went and worked on yourself getting your life back on track before you try to control anyone else's. I think it's best if you leave. I don't want you here as much as you want to be here. You don't deserve my angel." Xavier told her flatly. "She's not your wife." "No but I will be, and you won't be there to see it. I don't want you here either. I meant what I said when I told you if you couldn't accept me and my life on my terms then you don't need to be apart of it. I'm not going to your house and I'm not leaving Xavier period you should go though mom. You apparently have a lot of things to do, so go ahead and get to them. Go ahead and leave and mom this time don't come back." Callie looked at them picking up whatever self respect she had left.

"Oh Callie before you leave I want you to know it was Tessa and I who helped Caleb sell and get a new place, and then some other things." Xavier smirked to her as she glared at him and stormed out. "Are you ok angel?" "Are you ok? I am so sorry." "Don't even start babe. It's not your fault his psycho ass shot me. I don't even care that he shot me as long as your ok. I told you I would never let no one hurt you again. I've failed that already, but he will never hurt you again any of them. So honestly how are you doing?" "I was worried about you. My arms are still sore. How are you?" "I'm sore but feeling a lot better with you here though. Come here sit with me." "Xavier there's not enough room on there what if I hurt you more? What if you bust a stitch." "Angel you got that sweet ass up and let me hold you for a minute." With a heavy sigh she crawled up to his side watching her arm he helped settle her so they were both as comfortable as they can get.

"MY BABY!" Camilla shouted as she rushed in kissing the top of his head. "I'll go tell nurse he's awake." Cal told Theo who just nodded to him. "Hey mama. Hey pop. Did anyone say how long I have to be here?" "Doctor said about a week. The guys are going to take care of the shop. Tre' went and put the deposit down on the space and old man Mills is going to be bringing all the equipment when your ready in about two weeks." Cami told them as they nodded along. "Now that everything is settled. How are you feeling son?" "Just sore and a little tired pop. Still dancing though." Xavier laughed out hugging Tessa closer to him. "Sorry to interrupt I'm just going to take some vitals and check somethings out real quick." Nurse said as she gave Tessa a look to move and she went to get down for Xavier to pull her back to him. "Either work around or come back she's not moving." Xavier told her giving her a look to try to test him who just nodded and did her best. Once everybody left they laid in the hospital bed snuggled together as best they could. "We're getting married." She mumbled happily to him. "Yes we are." Cuddling her closer.

~Two Years Later~

Beast Mechanics is still thriving. Sweet Temptations café is one of the most sought bakery in the state. The girls and Tre' all work with and for Tessenia living their dream. The family were all happily married with kids now. Xavier, Jayden, and Ryder all had boys. Enzo had twin boys. Tessenia was about five months pregnant again with a girl. Enzo's youngest son kept hugging all over Tess's stomach which made Ellie and the girls laugh and Xavier growl a little. Enzo laughed teasing him. Life was finally good. Travis, Hunter, and Tony were all sent to different jails all over the state after they were tried and convicted of murder, assault and battery, stalking, accessories to murder, tampering with evidence, wasting city resources and some more. Tre' was still dating around looking for the one. Callie left the state with Helen and never looked back. Caleb started dating a florist and they spent the summer night fishing.

Walking in the door after a long day. Xavier looked down and happily ran up to his little toddler walking around as Arlo walked with him pulling on his shirt to help direct him safely around the house. "Hey buddy you having fun with your bestie there?" He asked loving on Arlo. "Where mama bud?" As he looked at his chubby little arm point to the kitchen. As he saw his beautiful pregnant wife trying to bend down to grab the glass dish out of the oven. "Arlo watch him." Xavier whispered to the dog placing the toddler down away form the oven. "Baby here I told you to stop bending like this you could hurt you guys." He nagged her as he took out the dish of bbq baked chicken breast. "Well I can't wait around for help all day now can I. I'm just knocked up not crippled." She whined. Hugging her close to him and rubbing on her bump. Looking around at his house she made a home at the family she gave him. Holding her close to him again he was sending a silent prayer to whatever blessed him with more then he ever dreamed possible.

                                                                    ~The End~

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