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By chanelmebil

75.2K 2.2K 4.9K

"๐ˆ ๐ง๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ ๐ข๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ง๐๐ž๐ ๐จ๐ง ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฏ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ฌ ๐ฐ๐š๐ฒ, ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ง๐จ๐ฐ ๐ˆ ๐œ๐š๐ง'๐ญ ๐ฅ๐ž๐ญ ๏ฟฝ... More

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2.8K 97 302
By chanelmebil

i can't photoshop for shit but that is billie & angel together <3

As that all information sunk into my body, and I realized what kinda people I am actually dealing with, I spent 20 minutes outside on Gabby's porch, with my head in between my knees trying to catch my breath.

Needless to say, I'm panicking.

Billie had gotten me involved with the goddamn mafia.

I can't even put into words what is going through my head, I can't face any of them.

They knew what they all did, Gabby knew, and she still approached me with a job.

What was this motive?

All I want to do is a build a life for me and my family, to escape the hell we had to run from. Now I have to run from more.

All because of fucking Billie.

As my eyes are closed, I still can feel someone's presence come beside me. I don't even bother to look, I have nothing to say, to any of them.

Once a feel hand on my shoulder, I jerk away immediately, snapping my head up to Finneas sitting next to me, and Gabby right next to him.

I can't even hide the disgust on my face.

I watch Gabby tear up some more, while Finneas sighs. I look back down to my feet, trying to gather what to say to them.

My life is in danger, at complete fucking risk, because of all of them. My identity is at risk, they could find out who I am, and everything I've done to get myself and my daughter away from danger, was for nothing.

I refuse to let it happen.

"You..you both..knew. Are apart of this, and none of you ever mentioned, that the place you got me a job at, was a fucking cover up..for the god damn mafia." I spat out, my eyes still on my feet.

Gabby whimpers, "I wasn't trying to get y-you in involved Angel."

I scoff, whipping my head up and facing them. "You're kidding. You have to be fucking kidding."

Finneas runs his hand through his hair, looking up to the sky as he sighs. "We didn't think would happen-"

I laugh mockingly, standing up. "You didn't think I'd get involved in your bullshit by hiring me in your- your fucking cover up! That makes absolutely no sense!" I begin to yell, I can feel my face heating up by the second.

Finneas eyes widen, looking panicked. "Shhhh Angel. You need to be quiet."

Gabby walks towards me cautiously, "I just wanted my own friend outside of this mess, I thought getting you a job would be the start. I've never made a friend on my own, I was forced to deal with all of the others."

She's got to be joking.

I scoff, shaking my head. "And you think this a way to make friends? Trapping them into your sick world? You ALL were forced into this, had no say. Now you want to do the same to me-" I begin, but I was quickly interrupted.

By cold metal, pressed against my temple.

A feeling too familiar.

"Watch how you fucking speak to Gabby."  I hear Billie's low voice.

Gabby and Finneas look panicked, Finneas tried to walk over to Billie, but then she pushes the gun harder into my temple.

I wince in pain, as it pinched into my skin. I was too startled to move.

"Billie. Stop it. This is my fault, please. Put it down." Gabby whispers, trying to lower Billies arm.

She immediately snaps it back up, ignoring Gabby.

I don't know what taken over me, but something snapped.

All I did was smile.

I have gone through way worse, a thousand times worse, this girl putting a gun to my head is nothing.

I was scared, but she wasn't going to see that anymore, every person in my life has tried to scare me time and time again, and I refuse it anymore.

I'm here to make a living so I can get my family out of Brazil and we can have a life away from that terrible man. Billie and this mafia shit isn't going to stop me, I'm getting myself out her shit tomorrow night and away from them forever.

I chuckle, watching Gabby and Finneas give me a weird look. "You know Billie, for someone who didn't want me around so much, it's weird that you decided to involve me with your work." I say, my eyes going to the right to look at Billie.

Billie scoffed, putting her gun down, and turning my body towards hers. She steps towards me, so close our noses are almost touching.

"It's weird? I don't think so. I was just putting you in so none of them had to deliver anything to get them killed. It's the cycle, baby. Gabby hates it, but to me? It's fun. The only reason you have a chance of getting out is because of Gabby. So instead of yelling at Gabby, you should actually be thanking her." She says with her teeth gritted, and a locked jaw.

Before I could even respond, she backs up and points to the floor. "Get down."

Is this girl joking?

Dumb question, of course she's not joking.

"Huh?" I managed to get out, still processing the things she just had said to me. She nods her head and points again. "Get on your fucking knees, and apologize to Gabby."


The words come out of my mouth without thinking, which I automatically regret.

At this point, Olly and Destiny are watching as well, and Destiny looks completely amused with this situation.

Billie's face reddens, and I instantly start inching back slowly. Before I can blink, her gun is out against my temple, and she has forced me on my knees.

Gabby and Finneas look completely dumbfounded, and I feel my bottom lip begin to tremble. Forget everything I just said, I was scared.

Of course, Billie loved it, and I hear a chuckle come from her lips. "You crying now? Where's all those balls you had two seconds ago when you tried to me no." She mocked, pushing the gun against my temple, once again.

Gabby clearly couldn't bare to see this any longer, and she reaches out to Billie. "Please Billie stop it, you're scaring her."

Finneas tries to intervene as well, but Billie looks up to them both. "Back the fuck up, and shut up you two."

"Apologize." Billie mutters in my ear, smiling.

This must be a clear sign, that I should've never ran from home. No matter where I go, there's gonna be something waiting for me. A dangerous lifestyle will always find me, and I will never escape it. Would I have just been better off back in Brazil?

"I-I'm sorry for yelling at you." I croaked out, feeling the tears streaming down my face.

"It's okay Angel, you have every right. Now Billie, let her the fuck up." Gabby spats, shooting a glare at Billie.

"You should consider yourself lucky. If it was up to me, you'd be a goner. That's how useless you are to me." Billie spits out, before pushing me onto the ground.

She instantly walks off calling Olly to come with her, and drives off.

My only thought is to get out of there, get away as fast as possible.

I jump up, and immediately grab my things. I pull out my phone, ordering an uber, and Gabby gently grabs my arm. "Babe, I'll bring you home..but we have to talk about tomorrow."

I shake my head immediately, and luckily the uber was right by and he was pulling up. "I can't." I mumble out, and I run towards the car.

Finneas and Gabby stand there, clearly stressed by this whole situation, but there's no way I was staying back right now.

I have spent a majority of my life with a man who treated me the way Billie does, and I can't do it again. Not ever again. I'm here in England to run from that. Why am I get myself mixed up in?

Once I'm in the car, driving off, I see Gabby yelling something at Finneas and Destiny, I can't make out what she's saying, but I know she's upset.

I want to trust that Gabby had pure intentions with me, it just doesn't seem like it. How could she put in me in an environment where mafia related things are?

My head keeps spinning, until I feel my phone go off, and my sisters name popped up.

She texted me.

I completely forgot she wanted me to call her.

"Mamãe está de volta. (Mom is back)"


Billie's POV.

"Finneas, tell her! Tell her she's fucking too intense. She never listens to me!" Gabby yells, she's been going for 20 minutes now.

After I left with Olly, we went back to my house, and Gabby was letting herself in not even 10 minutes later, and the yelling still hasn't stopped.

I blow out the smoke from my cigarette, with my legs perched up on my coffee table, not even listening to Gabby in the slightest.

She was disrespecting her in the first place, why is she mad?

"Are you even listening to me?" Finneas says, catching my attention for a split second.

I chuckle, and shake my head. "No."

Finneas scoffs, throwing his hands up. "I give up."

I shrug, "She was disrespecting your girlfriend, I was doing what you couldn't clearly."

I stand up, and put my cigarette out. "Stop acting like this is the end of the world, she's not gonna be in any of this shit after tomorrow night. They are gonna find no interest in her, she's weak."

Gabby crosses her arms, and gives me the "Gabby" eyes.

As close as we are, I receive those eyes probably 30 times a day.

"Shes not weak. She's scared. You put a gun to her head and forced her to get on her knees. Like what kind of person does that?!" She yells, looking at me like it's obvious that I shouldn't of done it.

"Me." I say, it was really nothing to me. I can do worse, and I've done worse.

I feel nothing anymore.

"Don't you think it was like a slight bit too much Billie? She's not built for a life like ours, she's not used it." Finneas explains, sitting leaning up against the wall.

I shake my head, "I didn't like the way she was talking to Gabby."

Gabby groans, throwing her head back. "I could've handled it, and you know it. She had every right to be upset. You just don't like her."

She's right, I don't.

I don't like soft people, weak people. They disgust me. I don't trust her, I don't trust anyone fully but Finneas, and Gabby to extent.

"I don't like anyone."

Gabby rolls her eyes, "My point exactly. Like if you actually talked to her without scaring her or interrogating her, you'd see she's nice. Right Olly?"

I turn my head to Olly, who's smoking a blunt while watching the Boondocks on the couch.

He shrugs, "She's cool to me. You just gotta chill out, Bil. Not everyone out to get you man."

Oh for fucks sake, him too?

What is with this girl? Why are they sucking her so hard like she's God?

I mean, she's pretty, but she's some random girl who just showed up one day, and they just want to protect her with everything they got.

"Why do you guys want to save this fucking girl so bad? Like this shit was suppose to be a quick way for us to get the out of country delivery's done." I yell, now I'm just getting more and more frustrated.

I need a line.

"It's human fucking decency. Everyone else was sent to us to destroy what you have, that's why we sent them. Not some girl who Gabby found at Ruby's who needed a job." Finneas snaps back.

"I'm not a decent human. I don't even care anymore, go the fuck home I need a nap."

I need a line.

"I'm done ruining lives, we will not be responsible for ruining hers." Gabby snapped, before grabbing her stuff, and walking out, Finneas not far behind her.

Oh Gabby, she'll never learn.

We sold our souls to the devil, it's our job to ruin lives, and Angel's won't be any different.

That's the wicked game we got ourselves into.

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