By DontKnoe186

55 12 6

It is a fictional ROM COM story ( it's basically like a Korean drama ). In this you will examine how a boy fe... More

CH 1 :- Love wrong and alarm
CH 2 :- A castle on outskirts
CH 3 - I met an unknown girl
Ch 4 :- Hey ! im a good ghost
CH 6 :- Put your Head on my shoulder
Ch 7 :- Love and Past
CH 9 :- I will be her Life saver

CH 8 :- Saving Hyeon in Past

8 1 1
By DontKnoe186

(In dreams )Suga

Suga (panting  and sweating) - Ani ! Ani ! Ani

Sees a car coming towards him.

The car was about to hit but suddenly a white light surrounds him from everywhere. He then sees visuals of hospital. He suddenly experiences pain in his chest he fells on ground and when he opens his eyes he was in his past life.

He was now In South korea of 1975.

When he wakes up he finds himself near a well.

Suga (speaks to himself, low voice) - Am I really in my past life ?

He sees horse carts running across the streets.

Pedestrians wearing formals of 70's.

He tooks out his phone and sees their was no network.

Then he sees a poster on a pole with date

7TH January , 1975

He was shocked by seeing this.

He came on the mid road but suddenly he saw a Car (70's model) approaching towards him , the car passed inside out. Suga was shocked by seeing this. Moreover the Car driver didn't turn back to see whether their was an accident or not. It was like Suga didn't existed.

He tries to stop pedestrians but no one responded.

At first Suga didn't get this but later he realised that

They can't see him . May be cause he was not in his time.

Without further delay he made his way towards the Castle .

While walking on road he was drinking every flavour of 75TH Era and he smiles for a second then came back to his pensive state by remembering the reason for his presence in his past life.

Suga reached Castle

Unlike Present , The castle was decorated by People's voice and lights.

He enters the castle and Sees Hyeon ( Hyeon of Past life ) .

She was wearing a beautiful dress it seems like she was ready to go on a date or a place to visit.

Suga was mesmerized by her beauty and then smiles for bit.

Then comes a gaurd with a message . "Maam he has came "

She wents to Castle's door.

The person who came was a industrialists Elder son Suga ( Suga of past life ) He was Hyeon's childhood friend and probably his best friend.

Suga was elegantly dressed.

Suga was surprised to see his self as Hyeon's best friend in past life.

Then someone places hands of Suga's shoulder ( Suga from Present life )

When Suga turns back he sees the traveller( he was young) who has send him in past.

Suga - you , you can you see me ?

Traveller - Yes I can . Don't worry my presence will help you to solve issues you face.

Suga - Okay

Suga ( speaks to traveller ) - I was unaware that in my past life I was connected with Hyeon

Traveller - You will know more things very soon

Suga looks at him

{ now to differentiate between past life Hyeon and Suga I will place 'P.' Infront of their name  }

P. Hyeon - You are late

P. Suga - Miane , I went into something urgent

Suga - Was I that careless since my past life.

Traveller - Yes I guess , you were jerk since your creation

Suga - Hey!

P. Suga - Let's not make any further delays.

He opens his car's door .

P. Hyeon gets inside the car

They both went on a ride

Traveller - What are you looking for ? Go and follow them.

Suga - What ? Why?

Traveller - I think you remember why you are here

Suga - Yes

Traveller - From here you have to go alone

Suga - Why ? Won't you come with me ?

Traveller - I have some limitations but you won't so please go

Suga was about to leave but traveller reminded him

Remember your only task is to save Hyeon I repeat only Hyeon

Suga nods in yes and left

In car

P. Hyeon ( was writing something in dairy )

P. Suga(calm voice ) - What are you writing ?

P. Hyeon - Ani ! Don't see

P. Suga - C'mon tell please

P. Hyeon (exhales)- Hah ! Im writing Lyrics cause I wanna be a singer .

P. Suga - Singer ?

P. Hyeon - Yes , I want to write  my feelings through lyrics and express them through songs

P .Suga Laughs

P. Hyeon - Wae

P. Suga (smiles ) - Nothing .

P. Hyeon - Haww ! You are making my fun .

By saying this she makes puppy face

P. Suga - Ani ! Im just laughing cause you are so sweet and cute.

P. Hyeon - Cause I'm world wide beautiful.

They both laughed together

P. Hyeon rest her head on P. Suga's shoulder.

Then they both  sat on a bench near a lake and were eating cotton candy .

Suga ( looking secretly from behind the trees ) - What  are they  talking about? but their gestures suggest that their mood is quite romantic.

P. Suga - Hyeon , wait little bit of candy is sticked  on your lips.

P. Suga removes it by using his hand.

Suga - Ahh this jerk! How he dares to touch my Hyeon ( then he thinks ) Wait why am I saying myself as a jerk

P. Hyeon laughs

They both looked at each other .

They then looked at Lake.

P. Hyeon ( Low and shy voice ) - Suga , I wanna say something

P. Suga - Yes what ?

P. Hyeon ( takes deep breathe ) - Chuwayo ( Korean phrase for I like you )

P. Suga(low voice with strange look ) - What!

P. Hyeon(anxious) - Please don't take it in a wrong sense. I wanted to hide this but I can't . Im not forcing you to like me back. I just wanted to tell you cause I was unable to hold it anymore. But please don't break our current bond. I will become upset .

Suga - Why won't this jerk says that yes I also feel the same hahh ! Wait again I have called myself as a jerk.

P. Suga - please give me today's time. I will tell you my decision.

P. Hyeon - Adasso ( Korean phrase for Okay )

Suga - Hahh ! Nothing more I can expect from myself as a jerk wait not again. Its third time I have cursed myself.

Then they left.

P. Suga drops her at Castle .

P. Hyeon - Take care and drive safe

P. Suga ( nods in yes ) - You too.

Then comes another tall, young, handsome man named Woobin ( Suga's Elder brother in past life )

Woobin - It seems like you are tired

P. Hyeon ( Smiles ) - Woobin Oppa ( generally used by korean girls for her elder brother and sometimes lover )

Woobin ( smiles ) - so how was your day , I know it's difficult to handle my young brother.

Suga was surprised After listening this that he had an elder brother in past life.

P. Hyeon - Ani ! He is sweet.

Woobin ( smiles again ) - Why are you talking like you love him ?

P. Hyeon - Cause it's true

Woobin made strange looks after listening this but came back to his normal and laughs

Woobin  - hahah okay It seems my younger brother is lucky.

P. Hyeon(shy) - Ani !

Woobin - okay I'm leaving now so take care
  then puts his hand on Hyeon's shoulder and said - If he tries to trouble you then never hesitate in telling me.

At night around 8:00 PM

P .Hyeon was sitting in lawn and was writing Lyrics.

Suga was seeing her through woods in garden.

But suddenly P. Hyeon notices him and says.

Why are you hiding within woods.

Suga comes out

But suddenly says

Wait you can see me

Yes Suga I can

Suga (thinks) - How ?

P. Hyeon ask him to sit with her

He sits with her

P. Hyeon - Wow your clothes are looking so different and attractive. From where have you purchased them

Suga ( smiles ) - these clothes are from 2022 South Korean Malls.

P. Hyeon - Malls! what's that ?

Suga - You don't know

P. Hyeon - Ani.

Suga then shows her the cell phone

Do you know this Samsung 2210

P. Hyeon - Aww ! Such a  cute and small television.

Suga - Ani ! Its smart phone.

P. Hyeon - smart phone ?

Suga - Yes through this you can make calls , you can search your directions, you can listen musics  and many more things.

P. Hyeon - Musics ? Why is it a radio ?

Suga- You wanna listen ?

P. Hyeon - Yes

Suga then Plays a Song.

Hyeon was mesmerized by that song.

After song ends

P. Hyeon - Wow ! What's this song and singer name ?

Suga - It's Still with you by Jungkook , he is member from BTS band

P. Hyeon - BTS ? What's this now ?

Suga - It's a boy band in Present south korea . Leave it.

P. Hyeon (shy)- Suga , have you made your Decision.

Suga - About what ?

P. Hyeon - About my proposal

Suddenly Suga kissed her

Suga ( low voice ) - Yes , Saranghayeo Hyeon

They then hugged each other

At P. Suga's house

P .Suga was writing something in dairy

Woobin - So you are dating Hyeon ?

P. Suga - Yes , Almost

Woobin - hah ! So are you serious with her like you were with others

P. Suga - Hyung !

Woobin - I will just tell you one thing Stay away from her and it's my warning.

Woobin was about to leave when P. Suga said

Im gonna meet her tonight. I think you know why ?

Woobin gets angry and loses his temper.

Woobin - You bastard
(And punched him tightly)

Suga fells on ground and laughs

I can see your frustration Hyung

Woobin left.

At Night when P. Suga left  to meet P. Hyeon

Suga was sitting outside Castle when he sees P. Suga approaching towards castle.

He rushed towards him

When Woobin hits him(P. Suga) with his car.

Suga was shocked after seeing this.

Woobin comes out of his car and started Hitting P. Suga with rod.

Woobin (anger)- No you bastard you can't do this anymore.

Suga tries to stop him but he was unable to do this.

Suga ( cries in fear) - No please Hyung why are you doing this, like this he will die.

You can imagine your hopeless state when you are dying infront of your own eyes.

After doing every damage Woobin approaches towards castle.

Woobin was having a dairy in his pocket.

Suga couldn't understand anything , he speaks to himself - Hyeon is in danger.

He rushed towards castle.

Woobin ( hands were covered in blood ) - Hyeon , I want to tell you something.

P. Hyeon - What Woobin Oppa and why your hands are covered in blood.

Woobin - I will tell you everything just come with me.

(Suga was seeing everything he was just waiting for right moment. )

But suddenly P. Suga hits Woobin with rod on Woobin's  head

Woobin falls on floor and that dairy also fells from his pocket , Woobin  died.

P. Hyeon (panting) - Suga what have you done how can you kill your brother and why are covered in blood.

P. Suga - Brother ? Huh this man tried to kill me , I did justice. Now come with me we must leave this city immediately.

P. Suga ask her to come out ASAP and get in car.

P. Hyeon picks up the dairy (same dairy which P. Suga was writing) which fells from Woobin's pocket. When she opens it she was shocked.

It was written " I Suga's Desire " with photos of girls in their  blue(censored) image.

It was nothing but record of every girl P .Suga's have molested. Probably he  was a womanizer.

Dairy fells from her hand.

P. Suga comes asking her to hurry ,

P. Hyeon - why ? Do you wanna do mine rape also ?

P. Suga - What

P. Hyeon - I have read your dairy.

P. Suga - Ani , let's hurry

P. Suga holds her hand but P. Hyeon slapped her.

You jerk , bastard , punk , that's the reason Woobin  oppa had warned me and that's the reason you killed him. How can I love a motherfucker like you.

P. Suga gives her a glare and slapped her.

Suga was shocked seeing this.

P. Hyeon and P. Suga entered into a struggle.

Dairy gets a kick and it shifts towards Suga.

Suga picks up and reads it. He gets shocked after reading about his past dark desires.

P. Hyeon attacked P. Suga with Vass and he gets serious injurious his blood splashes on her face. He died.

P. Hyeon breaks into tears.

Suga was just gnashing In pain and anger by seeing his evil side in past life.

But here comes another twist when
Suga suffers a pain in head and his eyes turned red and sees a visuals.

Where he finds his parents at hospital ( at present )

Suga sees his mother crying

He walks towards them

Suga - Omma

Then he sees towards bed and was shocked by seeing that the person admitted was no one other than Suga himself. So who was the person every time in present and at past.

Suga then understands everything.

That after quarrelling with his parents when he has left his house he  went into an accident. But when he wakes he finds no one around. Reason :- His body was already taken by ambulance. The thing left behind was his sole.
That's the reason he was seeing the dreams of hospital.
2. His dream about car accident is the common thing in his past and present life.

3. The Evil spirit is no one other than Suga himself. Cause he was a bad person in his past life. He was unable to protect him when Woobin attacked cause it was the only way through which Evil Suga and Good Suga can face each other. That's why traveller has told he may loose his life cause he is already a spirit trapped between past and present life.

Moreover Woobin  was a good person and he wanted to protect Hyeon from Evil Suga

When Suga opens his eyes he came 5 months ahead in year 1975

( From 7th Jan 1975 - 7th May 1975)

Traveller - I think now you  understood everything.

Suga opens his eyes he finds Hyeon lying dead

Suga (cries ) - Hyeon , Hyeon open your eyes

Traveller - After dying Evil Suga  has consistently molested her the thing he cannot do as human did that as an evil. Hyeon bears every torture but after 5 months she cannot take things anymore and died near the stairs.

Suga ( crying ) - I did every wrong to her. Im I'm just a piece of thrash. I don't know what to say ( cries loudly in Frustration by gnashing)

Traveller - You were a thrash but in present you are an angel guy. You still have two choices either go back to present. Cause more you stay here in past your chances to die will increase but Hyeon will always remain a soul under trap of evil Suga. Or fight against him to Set Hyeon free from his tortures. Choice is yours

- To be continued

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