Love me hate me (Teen Titans...

By Lovemex1000

6.2K 107 3

You are a hero not that special but you aren't a complete nobody every villain knows to run when they here yo... More

All about y/n
What a man
Where are you going?
The beginging of a new friendship
Oh? And oh.. are two differnt things
Hum4n Boi
Who are you...?
'I like you, do you like me?'
You and me against the world <3...
Oh no she likes another boy....
Im just your problem.
Im going to love you so!...
Where is she!...
Love sick..
The "kiss"
What are we now?

I apoligise

181 3 0
By Lovemex1000

A few Days later

I started to wake up. I tried to get up but a hand pushed me down.

Robin: hey hey hey, you aren't fully recovered yet..

Y/n: what do you mean, I-

Robin: after our last mission you got really hurt. You have been out for a couple of days.

Y/n: Oh sorry about that

Robin: there is no need to be sorry about it, but there is one thing you should know...

Y/n: what could be the first thing I want to here once I wake up?

Robin: Well you know your little boyfriend

Y/n: Yes..

Robin: he's a robot

Y/n: No he's not.

Robin: I'm sorry but ye-

Y/n: NO HES NOT I DON'T KNOW HOW MANY TIMES IM GOONG TO HAVE TO TELL YOU.... He's as real as real can get right?...

I tried my hardest to get up and run away but he pinned me down.

Y/n: Let me go.. PLEASE.

Robin: you want a hug..?

And with that I jumped at him and cried into his shirt. I couldn't believe it I know in the end he was working for slade but he was such a caring boyfriend. Is this what all relationships in earth are like?... He was such an amazing person and he got me so much, a little to much but that was so great for me.

Robin: you ok now?

Y/n: Yes.. just a little shaken up.

Robin: Ok well let's not talk about this anymore. Uhm let's just forget it all happened because I'm still mad at you. You seemed like you needed emotional support and the others aren't the best at that.

Y/n: Sure

He just walked out. Just like that. I get he's mad but it just didn't make any sense to me. Why would he be so nice to me than lash out. I really should apologise I was being insensitive and he didn't deserve that. I got up and fell, every bone in my lower body hurt like hell but that didn't stop me. I tried my best to walk to robins room. No ones allowed to be in there but I needed to apologise. It hurt way to much to explain I felt like I was about to pass out I was barley standing on my own two feet while I had to wait for him to open the door. As soon as it did I almost fell.

Y/n: Hey can I come in please..?

Robin: No.

Y/n: Look buddy I just walked here while i feel like a bus is running me over every time I take a bloody step so you are going to let me in your room so we can talk. It. Out.

Robin: Fine come in or whatever it's a bit messy but I wasn't expecting company so.

As I walked into him room it looked like a crime scene. Pictures all song the walls red pieces of string that connect them together. Dim lights hovering over one desk.

Y/n: nice room

Robin: yea whatever just get to the point.

Y/n: Ok so I know that you probably don't want to hear me out but before you say anything let me say everything I need to say please. Ok so first thing I need to say is that I'm so sorry. I know that I have been a total well, dick and I shouldn't have lashed out on you even though you said bad things to me. That isn't really an excuse and I know it's my fault that you said those things none of it wouldn't have happened in the first place if... If at that night I didn't start to go on about him and make you walk out. I'm so sorry for being so insensitive. I shouldn't have talked about him  after you said you Uhm. After you said that you Uhm might have liked me so Uhm you know I was a mega jerk for that. I mean at that time I didn't really understand love or whatever but still again so excuse. I'm sorry I'm not expecting you straight up forgive me and I know that the relationship will never be the same. I just really had to so I don't feel worse about it and because it needed to be said. I caged myself from the team for the longest time and it wasn't right. And to sum everything up. I'm sorry..

Robin: No.

Y/n: what?

Robin: Get out.

Y/n: What, no I'm not going until we have talked it out!

He then picked me up bridal style back to the medical room.

Robin: if you won't get out then I will carry you out.

Y/n: Let me go! We have to talk it out.

We finally reached the bed in the medical room while I was still punching his chests trying to break free. Then he dropped me.

Robin: Fine if you want to talk about to let's talk. Well you broke my heart by talking about another guy once I said I liked you like really who does that stuff. You then completely ignored me. You started to completely avoid everyone and flaked out on missions . But you know what hurt the most? I cared so much for you while you cared so little about me. You are a Bitch but I miss you so much. You have no idea how much I want to hug you right now but a little part of me wants to keeps grudge against you but I know I can't.

Word count: 945

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