Life As I Know It

By lilmama881106

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Xavier Medina and three of his best friends are retired Army mechanics, have been for four years, finally bei... More

CHapter 1: Not the Start But Still a Beginning
Chapter 2: The First Date, & Ellie's Confession
Chapter 3: Dark Past Confessions.
Chapter 4: Ryders Story & Answered Prayers
Chapter 5: Jayden's Tale, & Sleep Over
A picnic &Moving In 6
Chapter 7: Slowly Moving Forward
Chapter 8: The Medinas, Enzo Story, & Moving In
Chapter 9: Quitting & The Aldermans
Chapter 10: Tre's Warning & Lugnuts
Chapter 11: She's Gone, & We Just Want To Talk To Her.
Chapter 12: It's Different Right
Chapter 14: The End

Chapter 13: The Rings, The Plan

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By lilmama881106

It was a weird few days but Tess shook it off and kept going on some orders it was starting to be a little too much for her but she was proud to be able to keep up with it all. Xavier was busy at work the guys seemed to be backed up. She finally let Tony and Hunters words roll off her being angry that she let them get to het to begin with, she's dodged Keith's calls and texts. Getting the last of the fried chicken outside to the rest of the girls helping set up outside. They had a long day as well but got to close an hour early. Feeling like they could all use a little rest with it being all having long weeks. Ryder and Enzo's truck pulled into the drive way as they all four rolled out tired as hell looking up with surprise caught on all their face as they saw the pop up tables between Enzo and Xavier's shared sides and front yards. Tre' was coming out with the last of the jugs of sweet tea and sodas.

"Hey guys how's it hanging?" "Tired and to the left." Jayden said in an exhausted voice for Enzo to smack him in back of the head. "Watch it, my Els is there, and we don't care about your junk." Enzo said to him a low grunt walking away. "I care baby. Come eat and I'll make sure to perk that right up." She purred to him as he hugged her tightly. "This looks great babe thanks." Xavier said coming up to hug her tightly to him. "Well we wanted you guys to come home and be able to unwind and relax with good food and good company." Tessa kissed him sweetly. "Sit guys, sit we already got everything all set up for you guys. "Aria told them happily setting the napkins on the table sitting next to Ryder. "Hey tomorrow's Friday, why don't we all go to the bar and spin you beautiful ladies around the dance floor. It's been awhile and after the week from hell it be nice to get out and let go a bit." Enzo asked looking around the girls who were smiling ear to ear excited.

"Yeah that sounds great I'm itching to mingle." Tre' said scooping the mashed potatoes on his plate. Talk was finally settling down as they all were just finished cleaning up. "So tell me, honestly now, since you're just a little over your trail period only about what three weeks left. Now that you got your feet wet is this something you see yourself doing? Are you doing alright with this?" Tre' asked not knowing the four guys were around the corner hidden as the girls have already went in to bath. "Well being the only one making everything without all of the proper equipment it's a little straining I swear I'm going up a bra sized with all the damn mixing." "TMI love bug. TMI." Tre' playfully shivered. "Other then that I'm doing a lot better then I thought I would. I think I will have to add a delivery driver if I open because it is a hit and some of the customers need that type if convenience. I need to check how much I'm actually making go through the finances there. Even though it's a little exhausting I'm honestly loving it. I don't think I've ever been this happy." Tess said leaning against the tree.

Tre' smiling at her. "I don't think I've ever seen you this happy. I got to say I like it." "Yeah If the numbers are more in profit then I think I will have enough for my down payment and equipment. One of my customers sells the big appliances and will give them to me for at least 60% off as long as he gets a 50% lifetime pass for him and his wife so I literally couldn't get a better deal and he has everything I need all the way down to coffee machines, to dough mixers, down to the baking ovens. It is literally the dream for me. I'm really hoping I can pull this off." "What keeps that negative Nancy feeling coming off you?" "I guess I keep hearing my mother in the back of my head and it starts to like I don't know eat at my soul. I think it's always going to be there no matter what I do she's just so good at making my dreams feel like a dumb idea, that it's always going to be in the back of my head. She acted really weird last weekend and she's been texting me randomly this week I mean she hasn't been like this since the whole Lucas thing and she was just so desperate for me to be with someone yeah know. Maybe she's finally coming around to the fact I'm happily with someone. She's just been weirder then normal." "Yeah I wouldn't expect her to roll out that welcome mat just yet my mama says she has her heart on you being with someone else you know her dream of you being with a lawyer or doctor or." Tre' cut off as both their eyes grew wider looking at each other.

"She's been calling me over out more with Keith randomly being there." She mumbled off. "SON OF A BITCH!" They both said at the same time not looking at anything particular. "You don't think she would stoop that low do you?" She asked Tre' in a panic whisper. "Your mom." He laughed out a hard chuckle. "You're mom wrote the book on stooping low with her guilt trips and shadiness. Don't worry too much about it, I know you will draw that line you just got to call her out about it and then set her straight. You just need to tell her that this is where you are here to stay. Now go in there and take a bath and turn off your phone and ride your man off into the sunset." "You're such a weirdo. Tre'?" Turning around to look at her. "If I did go through with this do you think I would be shut down before Christmas?" "Tess baby girl I think if you wen through with this you would have them coming for miles to get a taste of your heavenly touch. Which will always be a 100% discount for your favorite brother." Blinking rapidly to her kissing her forehead and turning away for her to go in the house.

"Looks like you got your work cut out for you bro?" "Yeah man it took a little bit but even Gabby's parents did anything that bad to her and I did not make a good first impression." Jayden laughed off. "Yeah we all knew that was coming though but damn dude there is nothing wrong with you I mean fuck most people live paycheck to paycheck. You own your own business and we are popular, you own your own house car and have a savings fuck we been to war. You're built like a beast and your a giant teddy bear so Tess is obviously safe. There is no way she is going to get any better then you man." Enzo and Ryder went on getting pist. "Guys. It's really ok. I just need some more one on one time with her. I mean what mom doesn't want that kind of thing for their daughters right? I think she just wants to know deep down their little girls is just stable and protected in like every way possible. It's pretty shitty though to be pushing someone else on her when she's happy. There isn't a damn thing that twat can't do better then me. He don't know or understand the first few things about her. Hell he tried to give her seafood on their fake first date. I just got to up my game is all. Besides I already won the five people that matter to her anyway." Xavier smiled knowing how much he dad and Tre' don't care for Keith and have told them off in their own ways. Cal already called and told him about what he told Keith so he wasn't so surprised to hear all that information anyway.

"We'll see you guys later the girls are waiting." Ryder and Jayden waved off. "You still going with me in the morning right? Xavier asked Enzo. "Yup. I'm getting anxious about it too. I never been more scared then I was yesterday at lunch with Els dad. Thankfully he's just like me when it comes to his woman he used to pick her mom up and take her over his shoulder too. I can't believe you talked to Caleb and your dad last weekend. I thought at first they were going to take turns skinning you alive." "Still got the yes though didn't I?" "You really going to go through with it or you going to win over dear ol' mom first?" "I'm just going to do it. I know deep down she's never going to like me and I already made my peace with it. I'll still try, but I'm ok without it ya know. Maybe this way she'll come to terms with the fact that I'm not going anywhere, and in time will be able to get over it." Xavier shrugged. Enzo shook his head and laughed. "Yeah besides it only what your mama thinks matter to Tess anyway she needs at least one support female figure. Besides according Tessa it matters more what your mama thinks anyway over her own. So on the mom front you're still good. See you in the morning the boys already know we aint going to going in. Ellis dad said meet up with us about noon for lunch." "Alright Cal and my dad already talked to him so you riding in with me?" "Yeah don't want to look to suspicious." Enzo nodded to him as he walked next door.

Walking into the house he looked around and noticed how she had every thing put away and cleaned up. Smiling to himself as he walked into their room and saw Arlo laying upside getting his belly rubbed while Tessa was talking sweet to him. Both Arlo and Tessa looked up to him smiling deeply while Arlo sat straight up tilting his head to him looking adorable. "Don't let me interrupt y'all now." He said coming in and taking off his shirt. Tessa started to drool a little he will never stop loving the effect he had on her. "It's ok I was just loving on my lil snuggle muffins. Huh boy." She said in a lovey dovely baby voice as he held his forehead whining happily to hers. "Alright now sweet pea go on go to bed. It's time for daddy to get some snuggles too." She giggled out. "Oh, so now daddy gets some loving too huh?" He lifted his eyebrow to her crawling up to her and started to tickle her and placing kisses on her face as he hovered over tickling her. "Stop. Babe ...please." She giggled out to him. "Nope that's not the name I'm looking for Baby girl. "Please... stop daddy." As he stopped he leaned over and kissed her one last time deeply. "I know were going out to the bar tomorrow for Friday and all but do you think you'll have enough time to maybe go to lunch with me tomorrow? I got some deliveries a couple blocks away."

"Well I would love to baby, but you know how busy we've been this week, and I already made some lunch plans with a couple of other guys for tomorrow you know since my schedule's been so tied up lately; but how about you let me take you out tomorrow for special date night out?" Feeling a little disappointed she perked up at the thought of a special night just the two of them out and about. "Alright." "Come here." Pulling up the sheets and spooning her next to his side placing his face in her hair and neck so he can inhale her scent. This is it, this is what forever feels like, thinking to himself as he drifted off to sleep. The next day she woke up alone not even feeling him leave the bed, feeling a little sad until she saw the text. 'I didn't have the heart to wake you, but I still kissed you goodbye, so don't feel sad my Angel.' Knowing how much that kiss goodbye means to her it warmed her heart to know he loved it just as much.

Keith and Hunter brought there cars over to the shop for a tune up, and oil change. Travis, and Tony were going to be the rides into work. "You got either a shit ton of nerve or you feeling pretty brave to be rolling up here." Ryder told them walking up to them. "Look dude every other mechanic is closed for the week and you know it. We need a tune up and oil change. Can you take us or not." Travis grunted out to him. "You can pick them up before four take it or leave it?" Jayden shrugged to them crossing their arms. "Can you do it any sooner. We down two people today and we just hired on five others again take it or leave it I think it's pretty generous the fact you can get it back today and not tomorrow or Monday, because like you said everyone else is down this week. You can always feel free to wait." Ryder added. "Give us the paper work." Tony told them, while handing them the keys. "Where's the other two mountains?" Keith asked as he started filling out his name and other info. "They had errands to run this morning with their father in laws." Jayden smirked.

"Never tire of your jokes." Tony spat out. "Why do you think it's jokes? I mean honestly you guys have got to see this coming right? I mean they already live with us, what did you guys honestly think was going to happen?" Ryder asked them looking at them like they were dumb. "There's no way their engaged. We would have known." Keith growled out. "Why would you have known because you rubbing elbow and sucking up to Callie. You think that's going to get you anywhere?" Jayden asked him with a smirk. Be back before four because the doors will be closed and locked until tomorrow morning. Now if you excuse as you can see we are busy." Ryder told them as he took the papers and keys to the back wall. Angerly they got in the car they talked about how they can get around this.

Tessa took a deep breath before she gathered all her nerve to walk back into the office she stormed out of not too long ago. Walking in the door. "TESS!" Ethan called out happily as Liam came with him helping her take the basket of food. "It's so good to see you. Please tell me you come to help me the other filler nurse called in today and I could use the back up." Ethan told her with a pouty lip. "Nope just bringing you guys the order. Sorry." "This smells so good. Do you have any other orders to take care of?" Liam asked. "Tessa, it's so great to see you. That smells amazing." Keith said coming up to her putting the envelope with the money in her purse side pocket. "Thank you. Yeah its been awhile. No, Liam this is my last order for the day." "So then you have the rest of the afternoon free to help out your favorite receptionist and Ethan?" Liam asked her batting his eyes. "You know no pressure Tess but if you could actually help out today that would be awesome." Keith asked her getting hopeful. "We'll pay double." Travis tried to offer.

"I don't know guys I got to get back and get ready for tonight." "Well we are locking the doors at 3:45 anyway we got to get Tony, and mine cars at your boyfriends shop." "You really went to Beast's Mechanics. Desperate were you?" "Yes in fact we were." "Wow, Xavier and you, actually got along for a few minutes that would have been a thing to see." She teased. "Yeah it could have been if he or Enzo would have been there the other guy said they were out all day apparently they had better things they needed to do today." Keith said as he bit into a cupcake. "Are you sure that's' what they said?" Tessa asked confused a little why would he lie to her last night, maybe something came up and they had to leave she thought to herself pushing it off. "You know what, fine I will help you out I mean it's only like what three hours. I don't have any scrubs though." "It's fine you left a pair when you left. If you want to come into my office you can grab and head to the bathroom and change." Keith offered to her.

Walking in and handing her a set she ordered while she was there he looked up to her. "Look I know this is not how you would like to be spending your day especially after whatever conversation you had with Hunter and Tony that made you pist off at me and shut me out for a few days. Which I got to say was pretty hurtful. I mean I thought we was getting closer you know being good friends and all which I would like to be Tess especially with our moms being so close it's bound and likely to be seeing a lot more of each other. I just did I do something personally to you for you to ignore me the way you did? Hunter told me they talked to you and got your all upset they feel bad, but deep down I think you know they love you and are just doing their jobs and wishing you well looking out for you. We're all sorry for offending any of you guys. Any way I know that it is probably a lot for you to step in today and we all appreciate it. It means a lot and shows a lot of strong character for you to do so. We're just going to hurry and eat your lunch and then well be all set in about twenty minutes." Keith went to walk away.

"It wasn't anything you did Keith. I guess the conversation I had with Tony and Hunter got under my skin and I felt I just needed to take some time away from you guys. It was awkward and all kinds of weird and I don't wish to speak about it again. SO if they can do that then we can be good. I know it's their job and all but just because its their protocol or whatever they want to think their wrong." "Is that a fact or what you want to believe. I only ask because normally when someone speaks out to defensively it's because they are taking it in a personal level that they wish is real, not meaning that it is." "I know what you're getting at and coming from Keith really I do, but it's fact. I know it all the way down to my core. "OK I believe you. No need to convince me I don't even know what y'all talking about anyway, but if you believe in whatever it is I support you." Keith said with his hands up in the air.

"Well thank you for your blind support. I wasn't trying to make you feel like I was mad at you or anything Keith. It was just somethings I was caught up with this week and all." "Yeah and my friends pissing you off. I understand Tessenia but next time for the future could you not punish me and push me out for things I have nothing or any control of? It's a lot more hurtful then you think and I am a good person and didn't really deserve that. It's different if it's me pissing you off, but another for something I know nothing about." Keith teases but was still being serious. "I think about it." She said going into the bathroom to change. He had every right to be a little mad at her for ignoring him for the things going on but the tone and vibe he was giving off was odd and felt wrong. Almost like getting in argument with someone who thinks they more then a friend. It was weird and made her felt dirty, it was a bad idea to offer to help Ethan, but it was already to late back out now it's only three hours anyway.

After changing she noticed she still had a few more minutes so thinking of something that would make her whole day better she picked up her phone for a video call to Xavier. After calling twice for it to go unanswered she felt a little let down. Looking down to her ringing phone. 'Hey angel did you call?' ' Yeah I wanted to talk to you real quick.' 'Is something wrong you sound a little off.' 'Well the last order was to Dr. Morgan's place. It was really awesome to see Ethan and Liam and they were telling me how short handed and one thing lead to another and I ended up agreeing to help out the last three hours of the day.' 'Oh baby I'm sorry I know how weird that's got to be since you last left. Wait did you just say you working in the office for the rest of the afternoon?' 'Ya I did. I know what your probably going to say. I just couldn't tell them no. I don't have anything else for today anyway and Travis is paying me double what I would make in a day with them so it's great pocket money and I do kind of miss the patients. Besides I will still be back before you and will be ready to let our hair down.' 'Alright baby if that's what you want to do. I will see you when I get home look angel I'm actually really busy right now so I'll see you soon.' 'Why does sound so different if you're at the shop. It's like quieter.' It was silent for a moment. 'I'm sorry baby I'm just in the office signing off on a lot of paper work right now. That's why everything sounds so funny. See you soon babe.' He hung up quickly. Feeling let down she couldn't' help but wonder why would he lie to me.

Looking at the phone he felt his heart dip in a sad way hating how he just lied to her and not well. "She'll understand soon enough son now come look at this one." Cal said walking him back to the ring Theo found while Enzo was laughing in the corner with Ellies dad. "So you decided when you going to pop the question?" Theo asked his son as they looked over the rings at the fourth store they been to. "Yeah I'm trying to tomorrow." "You know how you going to do it yet?" "I'm surprising her on a picnic date and I'm just going to tell what she means to me what I hope for us and just going to ask." Xavier shrugged. "You think. Do you think she would like that?" "I think she'll love it." Conner said smiling deeply. "How you going to ask my Ellie?" Conner asked Enzo. "Well I'm probably just going to ask her point blank be awkward as fuck and screw it up but being the great girl she is Els will make me feel like everything was perfect because it was genuine and from the heart." Enzo answered honestly scratching the back of his head making every one laugh at him as he was putting the ring in his leather jacket pocket. The day went on as they found what they were looking for and bonded with their father figures Xavier went to hurry home to get ready for the night.

The afternoon drug along so slowly and just ate away at her from all the conversations she held with the guys. "Well this was interesting I'll see you guys around." She said hugging Ethan and Liam goodbye. "Thank you so much Tess. I'll see you around." They both told her and left. "Do you have one of those hugs for me to?" Travis teased making her smile deeply as he whispered funny things and thanks in her ear as he went to his truck to wait for Keith. "Do I get one too? I understand if I don't I realize how I came off earlier and I could have handled that a lot better." Keith said looking down putting his hands in his pockets. She came up and hugged him tight. "Maybe we both could have." She told him adjusting her purse. His phone went off. "Hey there is a special nursery that is having a huge sell just on the outskirts of town, my mom wants to know if you and your mom want to go tomorrow?" Keith asked her smiling.

Something about the whole thing made her skin crawl. "Keith I don't want to make things weird but I think my mom is using you. I mean I have to talk to her but I can almost bet my life that she is using you." "What do you mean I don't get it." "I don't think my mom likes Xavier. My whole life she has been trying to get me to settle down for a lawyer or doctor or any other high educated PHD job guy, so you can imagine why she may feel a little let down meeting Xavier and I don't know why. Hell the man is perfect." She said drifting off to his handsome scared up face and sexy abs. "Sorry. Anyway I think because she is so close to your mom that she is trying to get us in situations that would make us spend time together to try to get me to leave him and try to start something with you. I don't want you to feel odd or uncomfortable but I am going to talk to my mom and sort somethings between us besides I have a special date tomorrow. I just think I should let you know what I think is going on so we could clear the air I'm sorry if this was what she was planning along it's just getting a little obvious now for me so I'm sorry she dragged you into her fantasy but I will clear this all up with her."

"Hey it's ok I get it. I kind of thought the same thing. I'm not offended or uncomfortable at all. We're friends Tess and I like spending time with you if that made our moms happy for awhile then that was just a bonus. Don't worry I would never put you in bad spot. I knew in time we would clear all this out but it doesn't mean we can't still hang out with our moms. It was nice spending time with my mom and even yours. It was really nice chillin with you too. Maybe we can all keep hanging out once in awhile though I mean there's nothing really wrong with that if were all on the same page right?" "Yeah I guess your right I mean we all are friends just as long as I can get that through to my mom." She told him rolling her eyes. "Keith?" She called out to him before he walked away, turning to look at her. "You said you figured they were up to the same thing to. You. You weren't trying to make this into something more then it is too were you?" "Tess I know what we are. I believe you are an amazing woman and any man would be one lucky bastard to be able to claim you. I'll always take whatever I'm giving. IF friends is all we can be then that's what we'll be." He said with a smile. She nodded in understanding.

Maybe space would be a good thing she thought to herself, feeling weirded out by the answer Keith gave. She couldn't wait to get home and get in the shower and start scrubbing this whole day off her. She really needed to hit the bar tonight and get this drama out of her head. Xavier smiling to himself as he went out to the garage and hid the ring in a place he was hoping she would never look his huge tool box. Getting ready he decided to drive since he wasn't planning to drink. "Hey babe how'd your day go?" Excited to see her. "It was fine. I'm going to get ready." Grabbing some things and going back in the bathroom he couldn't help but notice how off she seemed. The hell happened at that office he was stuck in confusion.

"Enzo honey are you ok? You've been a little jumpy since you got home." Ellie said drying the last dish and putting it away. "Well actually I wanted to talk to you real quick, sit down baby." He said taking her hand to the couch. "Enzo whatever it is it can't be this bad. Just take a deep breath, relax, it's ok. It's just me." She told him putting her hand on his huge one. "Els you mean the world to me. I swear my whole world is wrapped around you. I want to give you everything you want and need. I have this need in my soul to take care of you and protect you and the only thing I want from you is to let me. I know I don't have a normal family, I don't have a strong name to be proud of in social class status and every one knows how much better you could do then me, but you make me feel like a normal person Els. You make feel like every thing is alright every time you smile at me, or hold me close to you, or come to me when something makes you uncomfortable. Ellie you're the only thing I've ever wanted. I love you Ellie. I will spend the rest of my life making you happy if you let me. You just got to say yes." Holding the ring out to her as her mouth fell open.

"I know how hard this must have been for you Enzo, being so open with your feelings and you know how much that means to me. I love you Enzo and I can't see my future without you in it. You would most likely just toss me over your shoulder and bring me back to yours anyway. My big teddy bear. Yes." Sliding the ring on her finger taking both his hands pulling her close to smash his lips to hers. Feeling like his heart could explode from happiness at any moment he let himself enjoy this moment as he had so few real moments in his life that mattered this much to him, almost as much she does. It was like his whole world shifted and was finally completed. "Are you sure your ready for all this?" "Yes Ellie I've been ready for you for a long time." Hugging her closer to him. "Come on let's get to down to the bar and tell they gang." "Wait let's call my parents first." "They uh, they already know and are waiting to have lunch with us tomorrow." Looking at him confused. I took your dad out to lunch the other day and asked him if could ask you. He helped me pick out the ring today with Xavier since Xavier is my best man." Enzo said scratching the side of his neck. "You never cease to amaze me Enzo. Come on baby let's go tell the rest of the family." Getting up and getting in to Enzo truck since he didn't plan on drinking since he wanted to be sure his Ellie gets home safely.

After spreading the good news Xavier came clean on how he went ring shopping with Enzo since Ellie already told her, dancing the night away for the last few hours the girls were hitting the drinks hard as Tre' was on the prowl with his new catch of the night. They were celebrating hard playing pool laughing enjoying themselves just how they all did when they all meet and got started down the dating path. In the truck back home Xavier couldn't hold it in anymore." "I am sorry for lying to you earlier Tess. I knew you knew I was lying to you. I didn't like that whole feeling. I'm sorry angel." "It's ok I get it. I understand there are going to be things sometimes in our relationship that we will have to held out and away from each other sometimes and we just need to trust in each other that we will let each other know when the time is right. So maybe we can come up with a system like if we can't get into a certain topic then maybe we just tell each other that we'll talk about later or not the right time. Ok?" "Ok baby. We can do that." "Speaking of a few secret things. I got everything set up for tomorrow. I just need you to be ready about five. I do have to get to work tomorrow but we'll be closing usual time. I have a few errands to run before that. Ok babe?" "Are you going to tell me where were going so I know what to dress for?" "Nope, just dress in something comfortable, because you look sexy as hell in everything." He growled chasing her into the house where they spent half the night happy that Tre' wasn't home to be traumatized by the noise even the back neighbors heard.

The next day the four guys came in to open up the shop when they saw some of their cop friends there looking a little bummed out. "Bryce what's going on?" Xavier asked confused. "Well here's the thing Hunter and Tony went to the Chief and pushed for a warrant to search your shop." "What the fuck? Why? What possible grounds for?" "Well Jennifer's still missing but there was a phone found a burner phone basically and there are a few numbers in it a couple of them we can't track because you know they cheap, and mostly outdated. However she talked about you in a few of them and it didn't make you look good at all. Then they somehow busted the guy how stole her battery I don't know how they got him or how they knew it was even her battery but the guy is dropping your name saying you paid him to take it out. Now I made a deal with the chief because even he doesn't really believe you could do anything like this, but we have to check your shop and only here. Also Hunter and Tony will need to show and provide evidence on how they go the guy, Jennifer's phone and other things, and the battery. They don't know it yet but I got them suspended for meddling in a case that isn't there with information they failed to provide sources on how they got it, because the guy claiming you paid him is also on the burner phone and his story is not matching either the phone, Tony and Hunters, or even his own. There is a lot of problems happening right now but the biggest one is someone is trying to pin you as a stalker, a black mailer, and an assailant. So we just need to check the place out. Then you can go back to your regular day and well help you out." Bryce said holding his hands up to his old time friend.

"Sure go on in I'll show you around you guys can check everything but be mindful they are other peoples property and please put stuff back where you found it." Xavier said letting them all in. They men searched high and low and found nothing. "You know whoever is doing this to you is going to make sure we find evidence on you one way or another right? It's just doesn't add up nothing does and everytime I get close to another lead her comes the officer douche squad to throw us off with some magical proof that they took out of their ass. I don't even know how they know. It's really starting to get to me. You wouldn't happen to have any cameras would you installed here or outside?" Actually I do. I have them in the shop in my office everywhere out side you just can't see them they're like nanny cameras watch look come here. Xavier came in and pulled up the footage from the last couple of days only to see a black figure covered head from toe coming in with a black bag and hiding it in the closet of his office.

Looking up to each other. "Elias can you bring me the burner phone from Jennifer's place and call the other number that was dialed a lot." Bryce asked as he grabbed the back from the closet. Elias dialed it wearing the gloves pushing the call button while everyone else came in and waited. The other phone was ringing from the back still wearing the gloves Bryce reached in and pulled it out looking through there were texts but no names from the other end of the phone could be used as evidence. There was a lot that was deleted. When comparing them to the other phone. Looking through the rest of the bag they noticed everything that would be needed to take off tires, the battery and some missing items like bras, underwear and some questionable pictures of Tessenia in the bag. "I swear that's not mine. I would never do anything to hurt her you guys know that you know me. For fucks sake Elias stop looking at those pictures of my angel before I gauge your damn eyes out." Ryder smacking their friend in the back of his head."

Fuck you can't blame me. Sorry." He said putting them back and zipping it up. "Look none of you guys go near this bag or touch it in anyway I need a copy of that tape and I'm taking this in just because we found this here doesn't mean anything is going to happen to you. The chief will use the evidence of someone planting the bag to throw you out as a suspect of anything and also it's clearly not you the person is too fucking short to be compared to any of you however it does look a lot like the guy who lifted the battery. So we got to use the prints on everything in this bag to try to match him. I just need you to come down to the station with me and file some reports and paper work. I need to make it look good though so I need to handcuff you." "The fuck for?" Jayden asked getting angry. "Whoever is framing him, needs to see his plan is working while we are still on to them. Now I got a plan but you're not going to like it because the chief already told me if something strange like this came up then that is what we are going to do. It would be a lot easier if you let me and the chief explain it to you down at the station. Please Xavier if you want to protect Tessenia and even yourself then you need to listen to me there is still so much you don't know. I'm just trying to help my friend get the peace and happiness you deserve bro." Bryce urged him.

"Fine but no one tells the girls anything." Xavier warned them they all nodded in agreement not being too sure what they could tell them anyway when the knew nothing yet. Putting on the cuffs, he looked up. "I need to be done by one man I got a date." "I can make that happen. We need to hurry though. They put a good show on down at the station and spoke to the chief who loved Xavier. Coming to an agreement on a plan and making sure to get everything going. As Xavier finished filing certain forms he made his way out of the station bumping into Tony and Hunter's shoulders who just smirked at him as he walked out the door. "Hall, Newman get your asses in here." Looking confused they walked in and shut the door. "You two are suspended for insubordination. Turn you badges in until further notice. Also there have been some new leads in a case and you two will need to be questioned. Also there is a new harassment charge being filed against you. So please turn over your gun, your badges and follow Officer Elias to the detainment rooms." The chief told them in the most serious face. They couldn't have been more surprised if someone came and put the cattle prod to the nuts sack. They did as they were told not knowing just what was actually found, but still knowing they hold an ace.

Looking at the phone knowing she needed to clear the air and wanting to get it over with she bit the bullet and pushed the call button. 'Hello honey what a wonderful surprise. Are you calling to say you changed your mind about the nursery show Helen found today because she's actually on her way over and we can just.' 'Mom, that's not why I'm calling.' 'Oh, well how are you?' 'I'm aggravated mom. Look I need to know why everytime you make plans for me to meet up with you Keith is always magically there. I know he's close to you because of your friend but I get the impression that you don't like or care for Xavier so you keep trying to set me in positions where I will be alone with him in hopes that I would be with him. Does that sound at all familiar with you mom?' There was a silence on the phone. 'Well honey you know parents do a lot of things for there kids because they know what is good for them, and honey I think Keith is better suited for you then Xavier is. There I said it, no I don't care too much for the man nothing personal really. I just don't see him as the person your supposed to be with. Keith is much better suited for you. I mean there's go tot be something in him you see as well since you too are such great friends this past almost what three years. Honey I'm just thinking of your future and how wonderful and better it would be if you were to build a life with being a Morgan is all. His whole family loves you and we all get along so well. It just works.'

'MOM! I don't like Keith like that. I don't care too much for the Morgans either I am nice to them because they are your friends. I love Xavier he understands me in ways no one especially you could even try to understand. I'm not leaving Xavier especially for someone so low on my totem pole as Keith, and I made that clear yesterday. This whole thing of me living the life you want for me has to stop mom. I don't want the things you want for me. I'm not you mom. I don't want to be either. I don't' have the same dreams you have for me. I have a life and dreams of my own. I have a great life I'm already living with a man I can't see my life without. He's family loves me and treats me like I'm their own. Dad loves them. Their amazing people. Xavier is incredible and brings out the best in me. I am living the best life I could have ever imagined for myself way better then I ever thought I deserved, and if you can't accept that or appreciate that. If you can't let go and let me myself mom, let me be finally happy then you know what maybe you don't need to apart of it. Can you do that mom? Can you just finally accept me for myself being the real true free me?' Tears rolling down her face. Heart breaking getting stuck in her throat years of build up and stress have finally come out on the line breath caught waiting for her mother to finally accept her for who she was a life long question finally asked. 'No, Maybe I can't.' Tess hung up the phone hearing enough and blocking her mothers number as she tossed the phone on the other side of the couch pulling the couch pillow to her chest along with her knees and finally broke down crying all the years of repressed feelings of never being enough and heart breaking child traumas brought on by the one person who's supposed to love you for who or what you are. She stayed like that until around two p.m when she crawled off and did little remedies to hide the puffy red eyes. Looking in the mirror she couldn't help but noticed she didn't feel as broken as she normally did. Looking down to Xavier's shirt and smelling it feeling like he was all around her, she finally realized how much he has healed her in ways she didn't even notice or recognize. Falling in love with him was the best thing she ever done they were broken apart only to be whole together.

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