X-23 x Male son of Sabertooth...

By Monksanto

64.8K 1.6K 438

Y/n Aigner, the son of Victor Creed A.K.A Sabertooth has been on a mission of vengeance ever since his mother... More

The encounter
New information
The true killer
First mission
Horror movie
First date
Date gone wrong
Carnival (lemon)
Morning after

Time in Japan

3.7K 111 13
By Monksanto

Third-person P.O.V~

The sunset beamed down on the snowy ground on the snow-covered ground right outside the small town of Tatari located in japan. Y/n lay on the snowy earth wrapped in a black blanket and sleeping by a campfire. Y/n's eyes opened with fear and anger as he let out a roar of fury, his claws coming out as he sat up looking around while bearing his teeth. Y/n took a few deep breaths as he retracted his claws before he laid back down on his back, speaking only to himself.

Y/n:" That dream again."

This was the third time Y/n had a dream of Laura killing him this week. Y/n closed his eyes and tried to fall back asleep again but opened his eyes when he heard the sound of footsteps. A little girl with dark brown hair and amber eyes ran from an angry mob of people. The little girl then tripped over a tree branch and fell on her hands and knees as one of the mob members walked up to the little girl as they spoke.

???:" Finally got you dirty fuckin' mutant."

Y/n:" Oi."

The mob member turned around only to be punched in the face by Y/n, making them fly back. A member of the mob shouted out in anger at Y/n.

???2:" What the hell are you doing!? She's a mutant; their kind deserves to fuckin' die."

This pissed Y/n off as he ran and attacked the crowd of mutant haters. Using his claws, Y/n began to cut all of the weapons down. The mob started to run away from Y/n before he retracted his claws and walked over to the little girl.

Y/n:" Are you okay?"

The little girl nodded as Y/n helped her off the ground and spoke.

Y/n:" What's your name, kid?"

Hana:" H-Hana."

Y/n:" Well, come on, Hana, let's get you warmed up."

Hana followed Y/n to his campsite; she spoke as she began to warm up.

Hana:" Um, sir."

Y/n looked at the little girl as she spoke.

Y/n:" Hm?"

Hana:" Why did you help me?"

Y/n:" Uh well, I'm a mutant too."

Hana:" Really?"

Y/n unsheathed his claws as he spoke.

Y/n:" Yeah, I can heal fast and got claws."

Hana:" So you just have metal claws?"

Y/n:" Well, no, my claws are bone. I've just got a metal skeleton."

Hana:" Well, how'd you get that?"

Y/n looked down at his hands, his metal claws popping out as he spoke.

Y/n:" It's a long story. So Hana, where are your parents."

Hana looked into the fire as she spoke.

Hana:" I'm afraid I don't know. I haven't seen them since I ran from the mob."

Y/n:" I see. Well, why don't we go find them?"

Hana smiled as she spoke.

Hana:" That sounds wonderful. Thank you, Y/n."

Y/n smiled warmly at the little girl as he spoke.

Y/n:" It's no problem, but..."

Y/n looked to see that the sun was beginning to go down Y/n spoke.

Y/n:" Let's wait till tomorrow, kid."

Hana sighed, pouting as she spoke.

Hana:" Okay..."

Y/n:" Alright, now get to sleep; you've got a big day tomorrow."

Y/n gave Hana his blanket and sleeping bag as the little girl went to sleep. Y/n sighed, laying on his back, popping his claws as he thought to himself before falling asleep.

Y/n P.O.V~

*Flashback start!*

I lay in the glass casing filled with water, several wires plugged into my body, the rebreather mask covering my nose and mouth. My father spoke, making me turn my head to look at my father.

Victor:" Ready for this kid?"

I nodded as I spoke.

Y/n:" Anything to stop X-23."

I then heard the blare of an alarm as a voice over an intercom spoke.

Intercom:" Begin Aignisum feed."

Pain then shot through my body as I let out a roar of anguish as my bones began to become coated in Aignisum.

*Flashback end!*

Third-person P.O.V~

Y/n woke up in a cold sweat as he panted, looking to see that his claws both in his hands and feet were out. Y/n sighed as he sheathed his claws and saw Hana still peacefully sleeping. Y/n rubbed Hana's hair waking the little girl up as he spoke.

Y/n:" Wake up, kid."

The little girl woke up as she yawned and spoke.

Hana:" Mornin' Y/n."

Y/n and Hana ate breakfast before the duo began to walk to Tatari as Y/n spoke.

Y/n:" So kid, what do your parents look like? What exactly am I looking for?"

Hana:" Well, Mommy has beautiful long flowing black hair, with amber eyes like me, while daddy has dark brown hair with green eyes."

Y/n and Hana entered the town; as Y/n looked, he heard a twig snap making him bare his teeth angrily as he spoke, getting ready to fight.

Y/n:" Hana get on my back."

Hana obliged and got Y/n's back as a man with a spear charged at them. Y/n took the spear and broke it two, stabbing two broken parts into the man, making them fall over, blood spilling out. A group of people, all with guns, began to fire at Y/n; Y/n quickly unsheathed his claws and charged at hit the bullets making blood shoot out of him as he then cut all the people down as he screamed for Hana to close her eyes. Hana closed her eyes as Y/n walked away from the blooded corpses before a voice spoke out in a slightly annoyed tone.

???:" So you're the one who's killed, my men."

Y/n turned to see a young woman with a large knife in her hands as Hana screamed out.

Hana:" That's mommy's knife!? Where did you get it!"

The woman grinned and giggled, holding up the knife as she spoke while Hana got off of Y/n.

???:" Simple, I killed her with it."

Hana's eyes widened as tears welled up in her eyes, and she let out a scream of anguish. Black flames exploded out of Hana, making Y/n get blown back as the black flames consumed the woman making her scream out in pain as she died. The fire then began to spread and destroy everything around it. The fire didn't so any signs of stopping as Y/n spoke, going towards the black flames.

Y/n:" Hana..."

Y/n began to walk towards the young girl as the flames started to burn off his skin showing his metal skeleton only to regenerate. Y/n looked around to see the little girl crying, making the fire even worse. Y/n made his way to Hana, kneeled, and hugged her as he spoke.

Y/n:" That's right, kid, let it all out."

Hana cried to Y/n's chest as the flames died down as Y/n wrapped Hana in a hug. The little girl continued to cry out in the small down Y/n, doing his best to console her.


Y/n and Hana stood outside of the Xavier institute as Hana spoke.

Hana:" Y/n, why are you dumping me here? Am I a burden?"

Y/n:" What? No. It's just that the people here can teach you to control your powers and teach you things that I can't."

Hana:" Okay, but can you visit me?"

Y/n warmly smiled as he patted the little girl's head.

Y/n:" As much or as little as you like."

Y/n looked at Hana as she held her mother's knife and spoke.

Y/n:" Hey Hana, could I ask you something?"

Hana:" Yes, what is it Y/n."

Y/n:" Why do you have the knife with you? I mean, it killed your parents, doesn't it make you angry."

Hana:" Not really. I was angrier at the person who used it. The knife didn't have in any say in it; it was just a weapon."

Just a weapon...Laura was just a weapon, and the one who used her is still out there.

Y/n:" I see."

Y/n hugged Hana one last time before the two parted ways. Y/n growled as his fists shook, knowing that he had to kill the one he put the hit out on his mother.



Laura walked through the institute as Gabby ran up to her and spoke.

Gabby:" Hey Laura, did you hear?"

Laura:" Did I hear what?"

Gabby:" Y/n put a little girl here to learn how to use her powers.

Laura:" Wait really?"

Gabby:" Yeah, honestly, I didn't think that he was that kind of person."

Laura:" Yeah, maybe he's not a complete asshole like we thought."

Gabby:" Maybe."

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