Welcome to Hell

By Aether-Viator

6.1K 234 639

"Get them out of here, that's all Ive ever wanted." It's all started as a simple case. A case of a few people... More

The Meeting
Solving the Case
Our Hell Hole
All Me
My Prison, My Rules
My Crazy Roomate
First Day
Getting Into The Groove
Mission Impossible
So Close, Yet So Far
Those Words Left Unsaid
Misson AC
On Our Way
My Broken Heart
Old Encounters, Old Friends
Search Party
New Encounters
Playing the Game
Coded Slave
Worrying For A Friend
Not Lloyd
Rough Journey
Hope in Hopelessness
May the Fun Begin
How To Escape Hell 101
Impossible Is Now Possible
Rule 3
Breaker Room Secrets
Open Doors
8 Allies, 1 Traitor
The Failed Escape
A Wild Surprise
A Gift of Life
Gone, Gone, Gone
Right On Beat

The Great Sacrafice

183 6 19
By Aether-Viator

                                   EM100's POV


"What?" I question in disbelief.

I then hear a gun click behind me, so I look back to see a sight I never, EVER, wanted to see.

Rumi holding her gun, while pointing it straight at me.

"B-back away from the doors," she ordered.

I then fully turn back to her as I stare in disbelief, as Skylor stares in utter shock.

"I'm not going to say it again! Step away from the doors!" She yells.

"2-27?! W-what are you doing?!" I yelp.

"What I know is right! Now I need you to come here!" She dictates. "The day you came here, I was told to spy on you. You were special 100, you were always special," she informs shakily as the guns violently vibrates in her hands.

"27, your not thinking straight. What did the guy here tell you?" I ask in shock as the lunatic from earlier comes to my mind. It makes my blood boil.

How could he turn my own family against me? How dare he threaten Rumi to make her do such horrid things!?

"My father would never hurt me!" She screams as she points the gun closer to me.

Oh ya... father....

How could they turn her against us? What will make her realize her mistake?

I rack my brain for an idea, but I only come up empty.

"Our father would do anything for power!" I holler.

"O-our?" She questions in shock.

"Yes! Our! He never told you, did he?" I ask innocently.


If I play this right, I might keep her attention, and hopefully, she'll realize her mistake before we have to step in with violence. Although I didn't exactly plan to tell her like this...

"He tells me everything I need to know!" She snaps.

"Then I guess knowing that we are siblings isn't important?" I ask fakely.

She seems to pause, as she stares at me in shock.

"W-what?" She asks in shock.

"We're siblings! Your my sister, and I'm your brother! He's been keeping this from us, because he didn't want us to know!" I inform.

"Then how come we don't know each other!" She asks as her guns violently shakes in her hand.

"Because my mother sent me to a boarding school. You didn't go because it's a boarding school for boys. For bad boys.... So we grew up alone. She then must have sent you to different parents, people you must think are your birth parents. We were too young to remember the truth" I inform slowly.

"N-no! Your lying!" She screams.

"I'm not! I have proof! Just put the gun down," I beg.

She thinks for a moment before she lightly lowers it, and I watch as Skylor prepares to take her down, but I immediately shake my head.

She stares at me in shock, but I do my best to assure her that I have a plan, through my eyes. Surprisingly, she seems to understand, as she stands down.

"Skylor, your backpack," I order. She then nods numbly as she turns, so her back is facing me, while keeping her gaze on Rumi, checking if she decided to do anything... dangerous.

I then unzip the small backpack on Skylor's back as I take out the very pieces of information that could turn this whole thing around.

The papers in the breaker room.

I then pull out the two papers as I hold them out in front of her.

"L-look. This here says Harumi Garmadon, because you were his daughter. Yet down here, it says Lloyd Garmadon, his birth son," I speak carefully, afraid that she might pull the trigger.

"H-how...." She stutters.

"It's true. We are siblings. We're family. But that's not all he's been keeping from you," I whisper.

She seems slightly intrigued by this, as she looks closer to see what's on the paper I'm showing.

I then pull out the death paper, as I hold that in front of me.

"Look at this. This shows all the people who are in this facility, but that's not all. This is no ordinary paper. It's a death log."

"Here is where they track how long someone will stick around, and when they'll kill them for they're organs. Look here," I ask as I then point to her name.

"What do you see your death date as?" I ask.

"T-tomorrow..." she stutters.

"Exactly. He doesn't care for you. He just cares about this prison. So would you rather stay with a killer father, who only cares about power, or would you rather come with me, your brother, so we can escape, and then you can stay with people who care about you!" I voice.

She seems to choke on her tears, as they softly land on the ground beneath her. I don't blame her, this is something that's making her question her entire life.

"I-I," she starts until a gun load is heard behind her.

"Don't listen to him, he's just trying to confuse you daughter."

I immediately look back to growl in pure anger.

"Aww, looks like we seem to be having a whole family reunion," he grinned smuggly before I spoke up.

"You! How dare you make Rumi think that you are a hero!" I screech.

"I am a hero. I'm trying to create cures for those who need them," he answered calmly, as if it were a walk in the park.

"Yes, you are, but how many lives must you sacrifice to save one?" I question.

"Mhmm... that's a good question...." He started. He paused for a second before he glared at us.


Just then, I heard the gun fire. Everything after that seemed to move in slow motion.

I watched as the bullet moved toward Rumi, my sister. Terror was written all over her face, and she seemed so scared. I knew exactly what I had to do.
                                Harumi's POV

I watched in horror as my fath-Garmadon sent the black bullet right toward me. In this moment, everything seemed to move in slow motion.

I watched as the bullet came toward me. I couldn't even move. I was stuck there, stuck in horror and shock with the past events and the present.

Before I can even act, I watch as a green blur runs into front of me, just before the billet hits me. I then here a scream of pain as the green blur collapses onto the ground.

It takes me a moment to process what just happened, until it all comes together.

                                     Kai's POV

"That should do it!" I speak happily as I pull the lever down. There are loud clicking sounds that sound all around the complex, which can only mean that Lloyd was right!

"We did it!" 36 cheers.

"Now all the prisoners here have been set free," 48 adds happily.

"Now let's go back to Lloyd and the others," I speak happily as we run out of the breaker room.

As we run through all the halls, excitement flows through me.

After all this, me and Lloyd can catch up on everything! We can all laugh, cry or talk about all our problems, and what we went through on both sides of the spectrum.

I'm practically skipping through the halls like a middle school girl who was just asked on a date.

As I turn the final corner, I look around happily to Lloyd, until my eyes fall on the worst scene I could ever practically experience.

Lloyd was lying on the floor, while he had a large pool of blood around him. He lay there, practically motionless as the girl named 27 clutched him tightly while sobbing. Tears glazed over my eyes fully as all our future dreams shattered as I ran to him.

                                   Lloyd's POV


Pain, pain, pain.

That's all I could feel.

It was everywhere, but mostly in my stomach. The strong ache was unbearable yet so distracting all at the same time.

As I felt the billet pierce my skin, I screamed in pain, as it went through all my layers of sensitive skin, as it went deep into my stomach.

My sudden forced jump, then lost its energy, as I collapsed on the ground.

I squirmed in pain, as it seemed to take everyone a second to process what happened.


That name? I-I can't remember it. Or I don't want to remember it....

I then feel someone rush to me as they tightly hold onto me.

"Lloyd?! Lloyd, can you hear me?!" A voice exclaimed worriedly.

"Mhmmmm" I groaned as my eyes were glazed, and everything seemed so blurry, like it was impossible to see straight.

"Please! Don't leave us!" She pleads. I then hear a familiar voice in the background.


I then saw an orange blur charge toward, who I think is my father, as they have an epic fight. I wish I could help, but my energy was at an all time zero. I want to scream the 'help I'm dying warning,' but I don't think she would hear me.

I groan and whimper in pain, as I try to get up, before Harumi pushes me back down.

"Don't think about leaving. Just.... Don't leave us... don't leave me..." she begged. She then looked at her hand. "You see this?!" She asked as she held up the Master Card. "Your gonna open the exit doors and make it out with us!" She then opened my palm as she slipped in the card. I don't answer her pleads, but I say something else instead.

"You know..." I start as a small smile creeps onto my face. "I've always wanted a sister."

She seems to choke on her tears as she lightly touched my face, sending a warm feeling throughout my body.

"I've always wanted a brother too," she smiled slightly as her tears dropped onto my shirt, which was now stained a dark red, instead of it's bright green. Those words almost made me forget my pain entirely as my heart swelled in happiness.

I then hear footsteps, as they seem to stop, right in they're tracks. I try to look toward the sound, but that seems like an impossible task.


That voice... it's also so familiar... my brain just doesn't seem to be working in this state.

I then hear loud footsteps, as more people shout, as they also seem to join the fierce fight against my father.

Someone then slides on they're knees as they stand in front of me. They're warm eyes and they're soft, chocolate brown hair is unforgettable.

"Kai.." I whisper as I reach my hand to him. He then frowns sadly at me as he looks at me, as tears start to accumulate in his eyes.

"Come on! Hold on! We can get help!" He begs. He then looks around frantically until his eyes fall on his gi. He then quickly rips off his sleeves, as he presses the excess fabric against my wound.

"You know I won't make it that far," I smile sadly at him. In his eyes, I could see that his entire world seemed to be crashing, along with my sisters, all at the same time.

"W-we can try!" He pleads as he tries to lift me up, but I slip out. I then smile at him as I glance over at my other friends.

"All I wanted was to see all of your face... one more time... and it looks like I got that," I smile as my eyes start to flutter close, as exhaustion starts to flood my body as sleep starts to become a necessity.

"No you can't... you can't leave us... you can't leave me..." he cries.

He then pressed his ripped fabric against my wound and I gasp in pain, but I know it won't do any good.

"Just please... get them and yourselves out of here.... That's all I've ever wanted," I smile as the key card slides out of my palm, as I finally close my eyes.

Exhaustion, pain and sleep quickly covers me like a blanket, like it's been calling me for years. The sudden urge to sleep forever has become so strong, it's overwhelming, and it's impossible to fight off.

I feel my body sigh as it finally comes over me, as my body finally goes limp so I can now, finally sleep, in an eternal rest... forever...

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