Kurome x Male Reader

By ilylofi

10.7K 152 50


Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Ch 18

Chapter 17

339 6 0
By ilylofi

You stared down at the ground in grief. Staring at Rua's grave behind the hidden hideout of the team, covered completely in snow. You knew not to leave Rua alone on the building. Before she died, she said she didn't want to be alone. So you gave her a gift and built a proper burial site to lay her to rest. You clutched the Stone belt in your right hand very tightly after wiping away one little tear. Then you slowly placed Rua's belt Teigu on top of her grave and straighten it out.

(YN): You're in a better place, Rua. You'll never alone. You'll always be with us. In our hearts.

(YN): Rest in peace, Rua.

You turned around and began walking away from Rua's gravestone, but not before studying it one more time.

"R.I.P.... Rua"

You entered the hideout from the backdoor and saw the rest of the team sitting in the living room with gloomy faces, but they all finally managed to get themselves together and cooled down from their painful loss last night.

(YN): I'm sorry, you guys. As a leader, it's my job to make sure that all of you are kept safe. I failed at protecting Rua.

Zious: (YN), don't pin it on yourself.

Erick: Yeah, man. It wasn't your fault. It just happened.

Ruby: Think of it as a good thing for her. Rua doesn't have to worry about being scared anymore. She's at a better place now. Filled with happiness and harmony.

Vorda: It's time to set things right. The Minister needs to be stopped. We have to seek peace for this Empire. For the sake of our friend.

(YN): Rizzzght. There won't be any assignments for us in a while. You guys cazzn lay low and rest up for a few days or so. I know you're all hurt right now. Juszzt take it easy.

You left the living room and went straight to your bedroom and closed the door behind you.

Ruby: Hey, Erick. I know a breakfast diner we can go to. You wanna come?

Erick: Sure. You guys coming?

Zious: Nah. I'll just hang around here.

Vorda: I'm going clothes shopping. You kids have fun. *smiles*

Ruby and Erick headed out to get breakfast at the diner. Zious went out for personal training and Vorda went shopping. In your room, you placed your sword in your sheath attached to your belt.

(YN): As an act of vengeance, I'm goinzzzg to elizzzzminate the souzzzzrce of this corruption. I'm going to kill the Minister and the Emperor.

(YN): This is for you, Rua. If I die...... I'll be coming to join you.

You told yourself as you looked into the mirror. Your glowing eye was reflected against the glass of the mirror as you gazed. After that, you opened the window to your room and escaped the hideout without anyone noticing.


Once the day hit dark again, you planned a stakeout on a rooftop from a distance away from the main castle in the Emperor. The castle where the Emperor, Prime Minister Honest, and General Budo sided along with each other. The place was heavily guarded with armed soldiers and well protected by enclosed areas. You turned your eyes to the side and saw some of the soldiers walking into the building and closing the doors behind them, locking them in the process.

(YN): "Main entrance blocked, so I'll have to take the back way."

(YN): "I'm almost glad my teammates aren't here. That way I won't have to worry about them. This is my time and no one else's."

This is a suicidal mission, but it was worth the intention. You wanted to kill the main threat to avenge Rua. You could either be captured and tortured to death, or die on the spot. Either way, you'd go out in honor and join Rua in the afterlife. This mission was worth it.

You jumped over to another rooftop and dashed across the air to cling onto an edge of the castle. Hanging from the edge, you started to shimmy across the platform and made your way around the building. You came to a small vent opening that led into the building on the side of the wall, so you crawled inside and made your way in.

Eventually, you found yourself inside a see-through vent attached to the roof. The vent area was in the main hallway, so you had to be careful not to make any sounds in the vent. You came to the end of the vent passageway, which led into a private room. You kicked the vent cover opened and escaped the vent opening. You tiptoed towards the door and slightly opened it a crack. You poke your head out to observe the hallway, which was surprisingly clear.

So you ran down the hall and tried to look for the Minister's room. Once you found it, you quietly opened the door and saw the that bedroom was dark. The covers on the bed in the room looked like someone was underneath there. It had to be the Minister! You crept over to the bed slowly and raised your sword high.

You roughly stabbed into the covers, but there was no blood squirting from it. You threw the covers off and found no one in the bed.

(YN): Crap. I'm in the wrong room. *places sword in sheath*

???: No, you're right.

The lights were turned on as soon as you heard the voice behind you. You turned around and found Syura standing in the room along with many Imperial soldiers standing beside him. Two of the soldiers were holding metal bats and there were also two soldiers wearing karate black belts, showing that they were experienced in martial arts.

Syura: You are in the right room. It's just he's not here. I saw you sneaking in here without your attention, desperately trying to kill my father. How inconvenient.

(YN): You just don't know when to quit being noisy, Syura.

Syura: Guess we got that in common.

(YN): One way or another, I'm killing your father. Now we can do this the easy way or-

Syura: Yeah, yeah. Or the hard way. But I think you know my choice.

(YN): Then we've got that in common, too.

Soundtrack: youtu.be/WEF4hWcSZqk (Deadpool Videogame: See No Evil Theme 3, video time [0:41:51])

The first soldier came forward and swung his bat at you, but you pushed the bat down and hand palm striked his face and low punched his thigh. Another soldier went for a punch, so you blocked his incoming attack and slammed both of your hands against both sides of his ears to damage his hearing.

(YN): Uh!

You overhead punched another guy down, then two more soldiers went for punches. You countered them by grabbing both of their faces and slammed them down to the floor. You jumped and threw a kick to one soldier, but he blocked it by holding his arms up. The man behind you swung his bat, but you duck under his swing, grabbed the bat and forcibly hit his face with the bat. You threw a kick at a martial artist soldier, but he blocked your kick with his leg and tried to kick you back. However, you blocked his kick with your arms and backhand punched him before you flipped him over yourself. One soldier aimed a punch, but you weaved back and swung punched his face left and right before kicking him back. Syura went over for a punch, so you spun around and elbow striked his face to send him down. You pushed one soldier down and roughly twisted his right leg to break it, leaving him to scream in agony. You punched another guy, then the second martial artist ran over. You blocked a punch and high kick from him. He spun around for a reverse roundhouse kick, but you spun on his kick and grabbed his leg, then you elbow striked his stomach and sent him over your shoulder. You rushed forward and knee kicked another guard, then you rushed and tried to punch the other martial artist, but he weaved back and pushes you. Next, he raised his leg for a kick, but you grabbed his foot and flipped him up and kicked his body away easily. You countered another guard's punch by double palm striking his chest and spun on another guard's punch and elbow struck his back. Syura himself aimed a kick, so you ducked under his leg and punched his other leg to trip him down. Another guard aimed a double kick technique, so you hit his leg down and grabbed his collar to uppercut punch him and headbutt his face. You went for a punch on a martial artist, but he countered and punches your face. He went for another one, but you countered back and punched him back. You jumped up and spun around to kick Syura in the face, which ended up knocking him out. A martial artist ran, jumped and sent a flying punch, but you shifted to the side. The martial artist reverse spun to try and trick you with a backhand strike, but you seen it coming and blocked his fist, then you punched his rib and knee kicked his face to knock him out. You performed a jumping spinning roundhouse kick to knock another soldier down.

(YN): Ha!

Then two more guys threw punches from each side. You ducked and grabbed one's stomach, lifted him up and slammed him into the other guy. You dashed and punched another soldier down. The other martial artist threw kick, but you grabbed his leg and kick his stomach, then you pushed and slammed his head against the wall of the room to knock him out cold. One soldier aimed a kick, but you hit his leg away, grabbed his head and pushed it down to knee kick his stomach. The other guy swung the bat again, so you grabbed the bat and punched his face. You spun the bat out of his hands and swung the bat to hit the guy on the back. You jumped in the air and swung kicked another soldier. Another soldier tried to kick you, so you easily grabbed his foot, kicked his other leg to stumble him and knee kicked his groin. The last soldier swung a punch, so you only ducked and lifted him over your shoulders by pushing him up from under his legs. You lifted him up and flipped him in the air, then you sent him away with a nice sidestep kick to his back.

(YN): You gzzzuys will never learn.

You ran out of the room and started running down the hall in search for the Minister.


Across town there were Imperial soldiers just arriving to the Jaeger's castle in full alert. They charged in with recognition and immediately warned General Esdeath, whom was about to go to bed. The soldiers said the intruder could be an Anarchist. By hearing this, Esdeath immediately gathered her team without question and ordered them all to get ready and travel over to the castle. Esdeath and the Jaegers were in so much of a rush, they all didn't have time to put on their clothes. So the Jaegers were traveling on horses across town with only their bedtime clothes on.

Esdeath was that urgent in finding another Anarchist.


Soundtrack: youtu.be/iip87RCnKoo (Deadpool Videogame: Inside Theme 2 & 3, video time [0:16:23])

You turn around a corner and sprinted down the long hallway with many Imperial soldiers chasing after you with swords. A gate to the next room was starting to close down, so you ran faster and slid under the closing gate before the gate closed completely. The gate was now blocking the soldier's path to get to you. However, there were more soldiers coming from the other end of the hallway charging after you. Since that was the only other direction, you had to fight them.

The first soldier swung a punch, so you spun on him and elbow struck his face, then you elbow stuck another soldier. One of them aimed a punch from behind. You grabbed his arm to headbutt him backwards and kicked his knee. You jumped and swung kick another opponent, then you punched somebody else. One soldier swung a knife three times. You evaded his slices, then you grabbed his hand and punched him in the face to instantly knock him out. You jumped again and upward kicked another soldier, knee kicked another, and punched another one. One soldier swung his knife and again and again. You dodged his slices and hit his hand away, then you grabbed his head and knee kicked his face to knock him out.

Soldier: Uh!

You jumped up again and sent a powerful straight kick to another man's face. You jumped again and performed a midair spinning cresent kick to the next soldier. One man threw a punch, but you grabbed his fist and forced him to his knees, then you knee kicked his face. You turned around and performed a jumping spinning roundhouse straight kick to the last guard to send him down.

The gate was finally open and the other soldiers came charging in for the fight. One guard threw a punch, but you evaded him and finger thrust his throat. Another guard threw a punch, so you hit his hand down and backhand clotheslined punched him down. You pulled a man over your shoulders and twisted his arm around to break it. You spun around in circles and swung kicked another man. A guard behind swung a kick, so you grabbed his leg and shot your leg backwards to kick his groin, then you turned around and knee struck his face. Two men threw punches from behind, but you ducked to dodge them and raised up both of your fists to hit them back. You did a backflip kick to one guard and sweep kicked another. Another soldier aimed a punch, but you grabbed his fist, punched his stomach with your right fist, and punched his face down with your left.

(YN): Hmph.

You rush forward and punched guard and performed a double spinning roundhouse kick to another guard. You threw a flying kick to another man, blocked another man's fist and punched his stomach, then you uppercut punched his face. You started to repeatedly punch another guard's stomach and chest going faster and faster. A guard came behind you with a punch, so you blocked his fist and elbow struck the side of his face to force him on one knee, then you brought your other leg back to kick his face. Another guard ran over for a punch, but you blocked and punched his stomach, then you grabbed his head to bring it down and slammed his head on a metal railing in the room to knock him out. The last Imperial soldier raised a kick, so you grabbed his foot to flip him up and over in the air and kicked away.

Every soldier were finally unconscious. However, there were even more guards running down the hall! You sighed to yourself in annoyance.

(YN): Ugh! Fuck me, man! These guys just keep coming!

You turned your head and saw an open window off to the side. You ran forward and jumped out of the window. You slid down from the rooftop and landed in an wide open area that looked like the castle's backyard. A few more soldiers went outside to stare you down viciously.

???: Halt!

You turned around and saw more soldiers standing around to circle you, but then you also saw the people you hadn't hoped to see right now.

Esdeath and the Jaegers! Syura, Dorothea, and Cosmina were also there! Even Prime Minister Honest was there!

Esdeath: Who are you and wha- *notices your face*

(YN): If it isn't the Ice Queen herself. It's ashame it has to be on these terms.

Esdeath: (YN)?! So you're the commander of the Six Anarchists?!

Dorothea: You mean Five Anarchist. One of them has already fell victim to my Absordex and didn't really last long.

Syura: Thanks, my little protege. You see, father? I haven't disappoint.

Honest: Yes, son. You and your team really have done me a good deed. Now we have one of the dangerous anarchists roaming the entire country, and it's the leader at that.

Esdeath: (YN), you really have changed since the last time I saw you. You achieved a power, correct?

(YN): ......

(YN): Prime Minister Honest, I'm gozzzzing to rip out your tonzzzgue out and watch you die slowly.

Honest: *chuckling* You are dearly mistaken.

Once Honest said that, a bigger and buffer man standing tall over him started walking out of the exit. He had armored gloves, spiky blonde hair, an armored suit and he seemed like he was in his middle-ages. You already knew the man.

???: Young anarchist. It is a disgrace to finally meet you.

(YN): Budo.

General Budo smashed his fists together to light with electricity, then he leaped into the air and came down for an attack. You dashed out of the way just in time. Budo looked over to you and glared again.

Budo: (YN), you will be disciplined for causing havoc within our palace! The power of Adramelech will ensure it!

(YN): Great General Budo, you wzzzill die by Raijin's blade. We wzzzill execute you this instant. Now come on!!!


(YN) vs BUDO


Soundtrack: youtu.be/WEF4hWcSZqk (Deadpool Videogame: Blockbuster Boss Theme, video time [0:16:42])

Budo lit his gloves on electricity and started running over to you. You waited for him to arrive, then you jumped away from his punching attack. You swung your sword at him many times and Budo blocked all of them by holding up his guard. You kicked his guard away and aimed a high kick, but Budo punches you away easily. You rolled on the ground and stood up before Budo charged at you again. You dodged his incoming attack again and went for another attack.

Esdeath, the Jaegers, Honest and all of the Imperial soldiers standing around were watching the battle very closely as you fought Budo. Budo ferociously punched the ground and made a wave of electricity fly your way. You jumped over the wave and continued running away from his electrical waves. You kept running around in circles to avoid his electric shooting attacks. Kurome and Wave were watching closely just like everyone else. You charged in at Budo and sliced at him, but he grabbed your sword and punches your stomach. Then he grabs your body, lifts you up in the air, and slams you down on the ground on your back. You raised up your legs and kicked. General Budo's face to stumble him back. You used your legs to perform a kip-up to jump off the ground and land on your feet, then you started running away again.

As you were running, Budo shot an electrical blasts over to where you were heading, so you slid across the ground to stop to stop yourself from running to avoid his dangerous blast attack, then you started running in the opposite direction. You continued to run around in circles to escape Budo's attacks. Budo kept shoot out electrical blasts. He wasn't going to stop any time soon. While you were running, you placed your sword in your sheath and kept running.

Budo smashed his fists together to charge up another attack, so you used the advantage and charged in. You zoomed past Budo and sliced his arms 40 times in supersonic speed. Budo blocked and hits you away with an electrical shot. You dashed towards Budo in a zigzag pattern and collided your sword with his fists. You sliced, sliced, and sliced again. Budo blocked, blocked, and blocked again. He grabs your neck to lift you up, however you knee kicked his chin to break free and performed a backflip kick to his face. You placed your hands on the ground to steady your legs to jump back forward and karate kicked his face to send him back.

You ran at Budo again with an incoming slice. Budo bobbed to the side and grabs the back of your collar to throw you back, then he ran forward to charge through you. You jumped over him and straight kicked his back, but he didn't feel it. Budo threw so many punches, but you were too fast for him. You dashed to his side and sliced three cuts into his right thigh and electrocuted his entire right leg. Budo yelled in pain, then he grabs your neck again. You tried to slice his neck to instantly kill him, but he blocked and threw you down to the ground, ready to stomp on you. You rolled away from his stomp and sliced his left leg. He was electrocuted again, then you placed your sword in your sheath and punched and kicked Budo's face dozens of times. Budo punches you away again and charged again.

You took Raijin out and dashed past Budo to slice a cut into one of his arms. Budo held his arm in pain as it was being electrocuted. You tried to go for another attack, Budo turned around and threw a hard electrical punch to your stomach. You stepped back and coughed out blue blood as you grasped your stomach in pain.

Kurome: "He really isn't human. He doesn't even have normal blood anymore. That makes him a monster, right?"

Kurome was observing the fight between you and Budo. Esdeath was watching you fight, too. She studied your techniques, how you moved, and any weaknesses that may show. This was in case if she needed to fight you herself.

Bols: (YN) is a different man now. He fights differently than when he was on our side.

Run: Yes. His martial arts skillset is rather impressive. Plus, he's smaller than Budo, giving him the upper hand in speed and agility. It is what gives him the slight advantage in this fight.

Wave: "Run's right. I remember it like it was yesterday. The tournament (YN) fought in to appeal Esdeath. During the tournament he frequently used an outboxing type skill to keep himself in the game. He made it all the way to the final match. Hadn't he broke his jaw in the semifinals, he most likely would've won against Tatsumi."

Budo jumped back after being punched in the face. He charged up his electrical gloves again and began floating high in the air. His whole body was surrounded in lighting.

Budo: Allow me to show you my Trump card!

Budo pointed his gloves and summoned a huge electrical orb. You stabbed your sword into the ground and started charging up your electricity. Electricity was flowing around your body as well as you waited patiently for Budo's attack.

(YN): "This attack could drain all of my energy to use Raijin, but it's worth the shot."

All the soldiers around the area, including the Wild Hunt team and Minister Honest, were staring at Budo in the air in shock. You squinted your eyes and still waited for him to attack. Now he was ready.


Budo blasted the huge electrical orb down for the shocking effect. That's when you dashed upwards and swung your sword at the blast. You clashed with the orb blast and tried to fight it off, but it was getting too strong and too intense.

(YN): "I have to put everything I've got to destroy this blast!!! I have to do this for Rua!!!" *still struggling*

Suddenly, all of your energy was gone! You were swallowed up in the huge electrical blast!!!!!!

(YN): Damn it!!!.......

(YN): DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!

The electrical beam was sent crashing all the way down to the ground!!!


The huge electrical blast blew all of the soldiers back. Only the stronger people fought off the huge blast attack explosion. Soon, everything had cleared up. The whole backyard of the castle was damaged, so the Minister was pissed.

Honest: No! My precious field!

Budo floated down and landed on the ground, then he saw your body sprawled out on the ground. You were unconscious when you drained up all of your energy in attempt to break down Budo's super attack. The Raijin sword was far off to the side.

Esdeath: Hmm. He put up a good show, but still came out in defeat. My judgement on him hasn't changed one bit.

Budo went over to your body and placed his hand on your neck.

Budo: He's still alive.

This fact surprised everyone, even Esdeath.

Esdeath: Ohh. I guess he's stronger than I thought.

Budo: He will now be our prisoner. Execution will be necessary.

Budo picked you up and carried you over to the palace along with Esdeath, Honest and the others.

Kurome: ........

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