Kurome x Male Reader

By ilylofi

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Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Ch 18

Chapter 16

229 4 6
By ilylofi

Najenda gathered her team around at the big table to discuss a plan for everyone to follow for the afternoon. Something important came up and she wanted to make sure that everything would go well.

Najenda: One of our strongest holding points have just took place west of the capital. They sent us a message stating that they were expecting another attack by the Six Anarchists. From here forward I think you already know where I'm going with this.

Tatsumi: But you suggested us to stay away from them in the meantime to avoid any casualties.

Najenda: I know I did. However, the Anarchists are attacking our holding points to obviously attract our attention.

Najenda: They want a fight.

Leone: I guess that's pretty evident from the bloody messages they left on the walls of a few buildings.

Lubbock: Those guys are trying to provoke us. How rude.

Najenda: Since the Jaegers doesn't seem to take part of this, we won't have to worry about them. But we still can't drop our guard. We have to carry out our duty to support the Rebel army.

Chelsea: But we can't just go there and wait for them. They'll be expecting us.

Mine: What about a surprised attack? If we attack them unnoticed, they'll most likely suffer more on their end.

Chelsea: Wow. Great job, Mine. You're getting smarter already.

Mine: Shut up!!!

Najenda: Not a bad idea, Mine. In our surprise attack, we'll hit them where it hurts....

Najenda: (YN).

Najenda: If we take out their commander first, that will leave them at a disadvantage. Then we'll go in for the kill.

Mine: It won't be easy, though. I already seen what (YN) is capable of. He dodged Pumpkin's shots twice.

Mine remembered the two times of how quickly (YN) weaved away from her shots earlier. He was stealthy and flexible. That was very inhuman. Now he actually is inhuman!

Najenda: I am aware. That's why Susanoo will take him if (YN) is lucky enough. Losing is not an option.

Susanoo: Your wish is my command, Najenda.

Najenda: Good.

Najenda: Remember, (YN) is not Esdeath but he is just as vicious as her. Don't drop your guard. Try to stay competent by holding down the others.

Najenda: We cannot fail!

Tatsumi nodded in agreement and promised himself to do his very best to contribute to Night Raid's success.


You and the team of the Anarchists were jumping on rooftops and leaping across to other buildings at dusk to hide in the darkness like ninjas of the Empire. Honestly, you still kept thinking about Kurome. You shouldn't let your thoughts bring you down. Besides, you're the one who planned this sneaky invasion. Now wasn't time to dwell on the past.

You finally arrived to a building close to the huge base and watched over it. Ruby loaded her shotgun and Vorda placed her ring on her finger. Erick pulled out his sword, Zious got his staff ready, and Rua turned her skin into stone. You took your sword out and pointed it at the base. There were soldiers guarding the entrance with swords and guns.

But none of you cared.

(YN): Take them out.

Your team heard your command and they all jumped off the building to land in front of the entrance.

Soldier: Shit! They did came!

All of the soldiers pointed their guns and began shooting at the Anarchists. Vorda easily formed a wall made out of stone to block off the bullets of the guns. Erick stabbed his sword into the ground and chanted out the words.


Erick transformed into his silver knight armor suit and jumped over the stone wall. The soldiers started shooting at him, but the bullets only bounced off Erick's armor as he landed. He rushed over and sliced three soldiers in half with great speed. Erick trained himself over the quiet course to improve his speed. Now he was a dangerous asset to the team.

Zious ran around the stone wall and extended Javelin. He swung his staff to hit all of the soldiers away easily. Erick jumped over the staff swing to dodge as it collided into the army. Zious increased the range of his staff swings to make a greater impact.

Rua, Vorda, and Ruby broke through the entrance to kill more soldiers inside. Rua broke some of the soldier's necks and punched them through walls. Vorda crushed her opponents with her rocks and Ruby shot down any soldier she saw.

You walked up to the entrance and congratulated Erick and Zious on the job well done, but you felt uncomfortable from how quiet it gotten.

Erick: (YN), don't you think it got a little too quiet?

(YN): I knzzow. Something's not rig-

That's when you weaved to the side and barely dodged an energy shot!


(YN): I knew it!

Mine and Leone was perched on another rooftop to scope out the invasion.


Leone: *giggles* Better luck next time.... Or maybe not.

The rest of the team of Night Raid pounced out of nowhere and landed near the entrance. You, Zious, and Erick just stared at the group without fear. You noticed Akame looking at you, so you decided to glare back at her.

Najenda: Switch to plan B, everyone.

Najenda: (YN), you and your team were chosen as targets of Night Raid. Get ready to die.

(YN): ......

The girls of the Anarchists came from the of entrance and joined the group.

Vorda: *smiles* We've just eliminated every single soldier inside, (YN).

(YN): Good.

The whole team of Night Raid clenched their teeth and balled their fists in anger.

Najenda: You bastards! Susanoo, get into position!

Susanoo: Understood.

Susanoo pointed his bladed staff forward to ready himself along with his teammates. You pointed your sword forward to ready yourself along with your teammates.









In his Incursio armor, Tatsumi flew over to try attacking you, but Vorda rose up a rocky wall to hit Tatsumi away in the air. Then she flew after him. Vorda formed more huge rocks and threw them at Tatsumi, but he easily swatted them away with his spear.

Vorda: Our leader's jaw is broken because of you. You will pay for hurting my (YN). *smiles seductively*

Tatsumi: "Okay. Obviously, this lady is crazy."

Zious ran at Lubbock and swung his staff at him, so they continued fighting each other off to the side.

Akame dashed over in an attempt strike you with Murasame, but Erick beat her to it by colliding swords with her to protect you. Erick kicked Akame off to the side and followed after her.

Rua punched the ground and a ground wave was sent over to Leone, so Leone jumped to the side to dodge it. Rua followed after.

Susanoo flew towards you in speed and hit you away with his stave, but you held up your sword just in time to block the hit before being sent away. Ruby and Mine loaded their guns and circled around one another.

Mine: You again. I was actually hoping that I would fight you again for burning up my legs the last time we met.

Ruby: Then today's your lucky day. It's about time I finally kill your sorry ass, sharpshooter bitch.

Mine: My rifle will outclass your shotgun! *points Pumpkin*

Ruby: Fuck you! *points Glitter*


Lubbock continued jumping back from Zious' staff attacks. Zious swung at him constantly and Lubbock escaped his attack zone. Once Zious swung again, Javelin got caught in some kind of hidden line of thread.

Zious: What the hell is this?

Lubbock: I've already placed a barrier around this path with my Cross Tails, my Teigu.

Zious glanced up and saw many thread lines stretched across the plain of the path both of them were in. Zious stretched his Javelin to break his staff loose from the threads, which made Lubbock gasp in surprise. Zious spun the giant staff around in circles with his hands and swung down to aim at Lubbock. Lubbock jumped sideways to evade the strike.

Lubbock: I'm guessing that's your Teigu.

Zious: You're damn right. Meet Javelin. A staff I can stretch as long as I want. The longer it is, the stronger it gets. I'd watch my back if I were you.

Zious stretched Javelin to the size of the street itself and began to swing at Lubbock. Lubbock ran down the street as the long staff followed him. Javelin crashed through the buildings as the staff was still following him. Lubbock turned back around and jumped over the staff swing. Lubbock used his Cross Tail threads to create his own staff and charged at Zious. Zious reduced the length of Javelin and charged at Lubbock, too. Both of them collided staffs and started to swing at one another. Since Zious had more experience in using a staff he had more of an edge to the fight, but Lubbock wasn't backing down without a fight either. Lubbock jumps back and forms many knives with his threads and throws them at Zious, so he spun Javelin around in his hands and created a fan of the spinning staff to hit the knives away. Zious extended his staff and swung down at Lubbock again. The staff collided into the ground after Lubbock just dodged.

Lubbock: "This guy is gonna be a big problem for me if I don't keep up."

Akame was dashing around Erick in circles with her usual stoic expression. Erick was only waiting to see what she'll do. Even though Erick had on Defenceman's armor suit doesn't he needed to be careless. He knows Akame is an expert swordswoman. She was actually good enough to stab her sword through the holes of Erick's helmet, just like what Kurome tried to do back then. That's how lethal Akame really is. Erick couldn't drop his guard, even with the unbreakable armor on. Akame dashed in front of Erick and tried to do exactly what Erick just thought of. Erick moved his head in time to evade Akame's sword attack to the holes of his helmet. Erick sliced at Akame up and down, side to side, but she blocked each one with Murasame. Erick swung his sword and missed again, Akame found herself in a tight position and retreated to the side to avoid Erick's next strike.

Akame: "Despite the heavy armor, he's faster than I expected."

Erick ran to her and striked her multiple times with his sword. Akame used her sword to block and shifted away from a few slices. Akame aimed for Erick's face again, but he slightly turned his head to cause Akame to slice only the armor of his helmet. Erick swung his sword again, but Akame jumped back quickly. Akame rushed again and sent many slices to Erick's Defenceman suit. Erick was left confused until Akame appeared right in front of him and aimed for the holes in his helmet again. Erick quickly lifted up his hand to block Akame's sword from the holes of his helmet! Akame widen her eyes right before Erick kicked her across the building top.

Akame: "Impossible! How did he react to my attack that quickly?!"

On the ground, Mine was hiding behind a building to keep herself in cover. After she detached Pumpkin to make a machine gun, she peeked around a corner but she moved just in time when a gunshot broke off the wall next to her. Mine ran across the street while firing multiple shots at Ruby. Ruby ran behind a building and peeked behind cover to shoot off Glitter. Mine ran into covered and cooled off her gun.

Ruby: I've improved Glitter's efficiency, Pinky!

Ruby walked out of cover and blasted her shotgun towards the building Mine his behind. She loaded and shot, loaded and shot, loaded and shot, loaded and shot. Mine ran past and fired more shots at Ruby. She jumped into cover to dodge Mine's Pumpkin shots. Ruby aimed Glitter and continued shooting sparks of light near Mine's location. Both of the girls with the firearms continued their gun battle.

On another building Tatsumi flew forward and aimed a hard punch at Vorda, but she rose up a wall of rock to block him off. Vorda ran and jumps over Tatsumi to land to his opposite side. Through his mask, Tatsumi was glaring at the sadistic woman.

Vorda: Personally, I'm more into domination than that of ecchi. I can tell you're a fine man under that armor. What do you say we have sex right before I kill you? Hm?

Tatsumi: Sorry lady, but I'm not into psychopaths like you.

Vorda: That's such ashame. I guess I'll have to cripple you with my rocks.

Vorda: I hope you like "gold" as a gift.

Tatsumi: Huh?

Vorda used Geo on her finger to turn her arms into gold. She placed a finger in her mouth to suck the sour taste of metal from her finger while fondling her left breast with her other hand. Then she opened her mouth widely and waved her right hand back and forth, pretending that she was giving someone a handjob and a blowjob at the same time.

Tatsumi flew at her again and threw a punch, but Vorda evaded and gave Tatsumi one punch, one hand thrust, and a double punch to send him in the air, then she uppercut punched him higher. Tatsumi landed on his feet and tried to kick Vorda, but she dodged and roughly slaps him, backhand slaps him, kicks his knee, and overhead punched his head to bounce him up. Vorda sent a knee kick to him and uppercut punched Tatsumi again. This time Vorda jumps up to punch Tatsumi's face in midair and kicks him back down to the rooftop. Tatsumi aimed another punch but missed again. Vorda backhand slaps him again, kicks his knee and gave him a high kick to his chin to send him up. Vorda uppercut punches him higher, jumps up and double-handed smashed Tatsumi back down to bounce him up again. Vorda sent a high kick to keep Tatsumi in the air, then she uppercuts him again, punches him and threw a golden punch to send him back again. Tatsumi picked himself up and stare at Vorda in surprise.

Tatsumi: "Who the hell is she?! She fights like a trained ninja!"

Vorda: Let's "heat" things up a little bit.

The gold on Vorda's arms broke away and were revealed as molten lava arms. She balled up her fists and lava flowed out of her hands.

Vorda ran towards Tatsumi and spun around to overhead strike him again and kicks his knee again. She turned her right arm into a bigger molten lava rock arm and overhead smashed him to bounce him into the air as a small fire was lit on him. Vorda jumps and swing kicks Tatsumi to keep him in the air while spinning around. She gave him a fire uppercut, roughly slaps him and backhand slaps him to juggle him, then she lifts up a molten lava rock from the ground and shot it forward to burn Tatsumi on fire. Vorda threw out a rolling molten rock to hit him away, then she shot another fire rock to burn him again and send him away.

Leone was sent through a wall by one of Rua's punches. Leone slid across the ground and glanced at her enemy. Leone was in her Lionelle form and Rua was in her Stone form. It was a battle between two women with belt Teigus that turned them into overpowered beasts.

Leone pounces over and threw a punch, but Rua throws a counter punch to hit hers away. Leone punched Rua in the face two times, then Rua punched Leone's face two times in return. Leone grabs Rua's neck and punches her face. Rua grabs Leone's shoulder and punches her stomach. Leone threw another punch, but misses. Rua grabs Leone's neck and headbutts her. Then she grabbed Leone in a head lock and drapes her arm over her neck. Rua lifted Leone all the way up in the air and performed the suplex slam on her. Leone rolls over to the side and races up to throw a punch. Rua easily grabs Leone's fist without effort.

Leone: What the hell?!?!

Rua grabs Leone's neck and lifted her in the air.


Rua performed the wrestling chokeslam on Leone to slam her into the ground, creating a crater behind her! Leone rolls away and quickly stood back up. Rua gets up and slams her knuckles together before running at Leone. Leone didn't have enough time to react as Rua neared.

Rua performed the "Goldberg Spear" on Leone and tackled her to the ground!!!!!

Leone wanted to scream out from the pain she felt, but her voice was gone due from how Rua tackled her. Rua picked her up and throws her into the wall of a building nearby. Leone picked up a piece of the stone wall from the building and swung it at Rua. Rua was knocked backwards, but she slid across the ground to keep herself in position.

Rua: GAHHHHH!!!!!

Rua angrily punches the ground to send a ground wave towards Leone again. Leone pounces away from the attack and lands a kick to Rua's punch. Leone ran forward for an attack, but Rua caught her by surprise by lifting her up and performed the spinebuster on Leone to slam her to the ground again. Leone was at a disadvantage when it came to strength in her fight with Rua. She was too strong for her.

You slid across the ground from a vicious attack Susanoo sent to you. You dashed all around the place in lighting speed to try and confuse him. Najenda and Susanoo lost sight of you, then Susanoo's left arm was sliced clean off before you appeared back in the same place.

Najenda: Susanoo!

Susanoo's left arm grew back in its place as he had the emotionless glare.

Susanoo: This is pretty difficult.

(YN): "He's not affected by Raijin's lighting strike. He must be some kind of humanoid Teigu. The only way I'll destroy him.... Is by killing the owner."

You glanced over to Najenda and rushes to her in a zig-zag pattern. She was caught off guard as you neared her with Raijin raised. Susanoo quickly stood in the way and swung his stave, but you blocked it before being sent back. You pointed Raijin at Susanoo.

(YN): Susanoo. Am I correct?

Susanoo: Yes.

(YN): I've noticed that you're a Teigu. A very rare kind. You look almost human.

Susanoo: That's right. I am nothing more than just a weapon for my master.

Najenda: A weapon that will surely best you in combat, (YN).

(YN): Then let's see how powerful it really is.

You dashed over to Susanoo and sliced his stomach six times in speed. Susanoo swung his weapon at you and you would slice his shoulder. Each time Susanoo swung his weapon, you would always trade it for faster strike to him. You sliced Susanoo's neck and stabbed his stomach, but Susanoo hits you away with his stave. Susanoo charges and activated the blade at the end of his stave and began swinging at you again. You dodged his attacks in speed and slid under his legs. You performed three double back flips and dashed towards Najenda. She defended herself by shooting out her metallic arm to punch you away. Susanoo appeared behind you and hits you up into the air. Your sword slid across the ground and stopped in front of Najenda. You landed to the ground and saw Najenda holding your sword in her left hand.

Najenda: You don't have your precious weapon anymore, buddy.

You just pointed your hand out, and suddenly, Najenda started to get electrocuted by the sword. Susanoo went to full alert and hit the sword out of Najenda's hand to stop her from being electrocuted to death. Raijin magically floated in the air and was sent right into your hand.

Najenda: How- is that possible?!

(YN): Me and Raijin are but one.

You ran over to Susanoo and collided weapons with him, but Susanoo used his strength to overpower you and hit you into the air and far away from the battle zone.

Erick: (YN)!

Erick ran away from Akame and jumped off the building. The other anarchists were alerted, too. Ruby stopped shooting at Mine and ran away. Rua was holding an unconscious Leone by her throat before throwing her down and ran away, too. Zious roughly hit Lubbock away with his staff and ran after the others. Vorda transformed her arms back to normal and flew in the air.

Najenda: Damn it! They're getting away! Susanoo, attack!

Susanoo rushed forward at the escaping crew for an attack, but Vorda formed a barrier made of rock in midair to hit him away.

Tatsumi: Damn! They ca-can't escape!

But it was too late. Night Raid already lost sight of the Anarchists as they disappeared into the darkness of the night.

Meanwhile, you just woke up from the attack Susanoo gave you to send you away. You found yourself on a dark street corner in the middle of the capital. You slowly stood back up and cracked your neck. You picked  up your sword and placed it in your sheath.

(YN): I hazzzzve to get baczzzk to the zone beforzze anything happens to my team. But I'm sure they can hold their own until I get there.

???: Ex-cuse me....

You turned around and spotted a little girl slowly walking towards you. She appeared to be around the age of nine and she was dressed up in dirty clothing. The petite girl seemed lost.

Girl: Um.... Can y-you help me f-find my home? I got l-lost on the way.

You really didn't have time to help this girl because you needed to go back to your teammates, but you also couldn't just leave her alone like this.

(YN): Okay. I'll takzze you home. Do you remember the street you live on?

Girl: Yes. I-ll tell you.

The girl grabs your hand to gently pull you closer to her. She was a really brave girl. She didn't seem to care about your glowing blue left eye or the sword you had in your sheath. It's almost weird that a random girl like her would be lost at this exact time.

Girl: I live over there. *points left*

(YN): Where?

That's when you felt something sharp sticking into the back of your neck.

The little girl stuck something painful into your neck. A small cloud of smoke formed from nowhere, and the little girl wasn't the same girl anymore. She was now taller. She had long auburn hair, and she had a lollipop in her mouth.

It was Chelsea from Night Raid!

She had a needle pinned into your neck!

Chelsea: This was your fate... For all the people you've murdered... For all the crimes you've caused...

Chelsea: You'll receive retribution for your actions.

Chelsea snatched the needle out of your neck. You can just look forward in total shock.

Chelsea: Your team will join you soon.

Chelsea started to walk away, but then she realized that she didn't hear a thumping sound behind her yet. Once she turned around, she opened her mouth completely speechless.

You slowly stood back up and turned around to face her. You glared at her blankly.

(YN): Didn't Akame tell you?

(YN): I'm not human anymore.

Chelsea: What?!

You dashed forward and gave her a hard punch to Chelsea's stomach. You grabbed her hair and punched her in the face three times, then you jumped up and spun around twice to roundhouse kick her in the face, sending her to the ground. Blood ran down Chelsea's nose as she stared up at you.

???: Nice work.

You looked to the side and found your team walking out from the dark corner of the street. Zious was the speaker.

Zious: You played her good. Nice acting.

(YN): So how'd it go?

Erick: We escaped so we could find you. That weird guy with the blue hair hit you away, so we wanted to make sure you were alright.

Vorda: Plus, you were strong enough to stand up to that guy. You and I can sleep together tonight for the job well done.

(YN): No, I'll sleep in my own bed.

Vorda: Aw. What a way to ruin the fun!

Zious and Vorda picked up Chelsea by her arms to hold her down to her knees. You stepped up and faced her with your vicious glare.

(YN): I assume you're apart of Night Raid. I must say, you actuazzzlly tricked me for a whzzzile there. I'll give you props for that.

(YN): But you failed. Simply because I'm not a human being. Any one of us cozzuld've died if it wasn't me. So I'll give you respect for bravery before you take your last breath. I'm done here.

Chelsea: ......

(YN): Kill her.

You turned around and slowly walked away from the group. Chelsea tried to break from Vorda and Zious' grasp, but she wasn't strong enough.

Chelsea: N-No!

Ruby steps forward and reloaded her shotgun, then she pointed it at Chelsea's forehead.

There was nothing she could do.

Chelsea: "Please................."

As you were walking away....

You heard the loud gunshot from a few feet behind you....

(YN): .......

(YN): "Esdeath....."

(YN): "I was a guy that was happy to see his friends every morning. The smiles. The laughter. The fun I shared with those friends...."

(YN): "But those friends are now my enemies...."

(YN): "Now I'm a guy that have trouble awaits him every day...."

(YN): "Now I'm a ruthless cold-blooded killer...."

(YN): "You made me this way, Esdeath...."

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