The Day He Said Goodnight (Yi...

By 4qu4m4rln3

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Living a dull and miserable life. That's how Wang Yibo lived his life for the past few years, after his first... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 12 (Last Chapter)

716 50 11
By 4qu4m4rln3

"Yibo's not dead!" Zhan cried out, letting all his tears stream down his face as he stared at the people surrounding him with pure hatred. "Zhan," Xian tried to call out with his voice now broken. Even though a month had passed since Yibo's passing, Xian couldn't help but blame himself for what happened because, for him, the reason for Yibo's death was the call he made. 

"Zhan," Xian was now crying as he looked at his brother who was shocked at what he just knew. I mean, who would remain calm after learning that the love of your life was the one who sacrificed himself for you to continue living in this world?

"Where's Yibo?" Zhan tried to stand up but failed to do so since his legs were not of use since he just woke up from a coma.  Xichen on the other hand tried his best to not let his emotions take control of him. He just lost his best friend who was able to keep up with his attitude, the only person whom he had considered as his close brother and could take him as his brother...only if Yibo let him

"Yibo? Yibo!" Zhan called out, hoping that the people around him were just playing a joke and he was also hoping that the man whom he had desperately been finding would just be at the other side of the door, grinning to himself thinking that his plan to surprise Zhan.

It was true that Yibo was on the other side, not on the door but on the afterlife.

"Yibo!" Zhan called out his name as tears raced out from his eyes. He was a crying mess, to the point that if someone who didn't know him could see, they'll immediately say that this person has become mad. 

How can a person be not driven to madness after knowing that their beloved had just died and that a piece of them remains inside of you?

"Zhan," Xichen walked towards Zhan as he clutched the bag that Yibo entrusted to him tightly. Xiao Zhan looked at Xichen with red eyes but it held no positive emotions, only loneliness, sadness and mostly emptiness. Xichen knew how Yibo completed Zhan and how Zhan completed Yibo. If one of them isn't present then the other would also think that it's better off to be dead, to be with the other in the afterlife.

"Xichen-ge..." Zhan called out but it was hard to tell what emotion he was projecting as his tone remained emotionless. "Hmm?" Xichen asked, still clutching the bag tightly as if it was Yibo himself.

"Where is Yibo?" Zhan asked, hoping for a good answer from them. Even though his voice held no emotion, he still managed to ask that question even though he knows the answer but deep down inside, he was hoping...still hoping that Yibo was alive.

"Zhan..." Xichen tried to make Zhan understand that Yibo was no longer with them and Xiao Zhan who seemed to notice the attempt of Xichen, immediately shouted, "WANG YIBO, IF YOU DON'T SHOW YOURSELF THEN LET'S BREAK UP!" Zhan's voice echoed throughout the room. Other people might find it bothersome for someone to shout but for Xian and Xichen, they could only lower their heads.

Seeing that there was no reply, Zhan shouted again, "WANG YIBO, IF YOU WON'T SHOW YOURSELF THEN I...I...I WON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE!" Zhan mustered his strength to shout those words just so he could make his lover show himself to him. But after this attempt, he noticed that there was no Yibo in front of him.

After a moment of silence, the three of them kept their heads low, as if they were having a staring contest with the ground. Zhan whose head was now mixed up with all things finally came up to a conclusion, "he's really gone," he said as he started to sob.

"Yibo's gone...he's gone, he...he..." Zhan wasn't able to finish his statement when he fell unconscious.


A week passed since Zhan learned that Yibo was no longer with them. He was taken home after he got the doctor's approval for him to go home since his condition was improving.

"Zhan...we're here," Xian said as he pushed Zhan's wheelchair inside the large house where the both of them will stay for the meantime, that is until when Zhan could finally get over with Yibo's death. Xian was worried that if Zhan will be left alone in this house then he's sure that something bad would happen to his little brother. He was indeed sure that Zhan would attempt to follow Yibo in the afterlife.

"Mn," Zhan replied. Ever since Zhan regained his consciousness back at the hospital, he changed, not for the good but for the bad. His positivity was replaced with the opposite. He became distant, he would even give short replies even though people are trying their best to talk to him but he would just occasionally reply with a hum or a simple action that's interpreted as yes or no.

Seeing that Zhan replied to Xian's statement, the older immediately pushed Zhan's wheelchair into his room where he'll be staying. "I'll leave you here, alright?" Xian asked but Zhan didn't give him a reply, even a nod he didn't. 

Xian left Zhan inside the room, he wanted his little brother to get used to his new room because the last time Zhan went inside that room was when he was 12 years old, back when his disease hadn't made its move yet. 

Xian was standing outside Zhan's room and he could hear his younger brother's sobs as he leaned against the door. "Ahh, I'm sorry Zhan," Xian apologized as he too, started crying and is still blaming himself for Yibo's death. 

"Yibo, why? Just why?" Zhan's question echoed throughout his room as he asked desperately, hoping for an answer to arrive. He looked at the ceiling and saw glowing stars but mostly were stickers or notes that were either drawn and written by him or Yibo. 


"Yibo, what are you doing?" a 14-year-old Xiao Zhan asked as he tried to look at what the 14-year-old Yibo was doing. When Yibo felt Zhan's presence behind him, he immediately covered the paper where he wrote. Seeing this action made Zhan's curiosity spark even more.

"Hm...I wonder what little Yibo is doing," Zhan smiled as he walked towards his bed and sat on it as he studied Yibo's figure who was now back at what he was doing. Zhan couldn't help but fall for the boy who was in front of him. Back when he was just a child, he thought that he'll marry a girl and have kids with her but ever since Yibo came into his life, his ideal future life was replaced. 

He saw his future standing hand-in-hand with the boy in front of him as they both smiled happily while watching sceneries together. But Zhan thought that the future he thought with Yibo was far from happening, it wasn't because of Yibo having no feelings for him. Heck! he knew Yibo's feelings for him a long time ago.

But the only obstacle that would get into their life was Zhan's incurable disease. This disease that he had ever since he was a child. Even though his parents tried hard to find a cure for it, sadly there were none. 

"-ng Zhan!" Zhan was brought back to his senses when he hear Yibo call him. He closed his eyes for a moment and when he opened them, he was shocked at how close their faces were. "Do you have a fever?" Yibo scrunched his brows together as he lifted the back of his hand to check Zhan's temperature, "you're not hot but why are you spacing out?" 

"Huh? When did I space out?"  Zhan asked as he tilted his head, to take a glance at the table where Yibo sat earlier. He wanted to take a peek at what the younger did. " didn't even hear me calling you Wa-" Zhan raised his brows when Yibo stopped his statement and more importantly, he noticed his red Yibo became.

"Are you alright Yibo? You're red!" Zhan started freaking out and when he tried to cup Yibo's cheeks, his hand was slapped and so, he looked at the boy who was shocked at what he did to the other. Just when Zhan was about to speak, Yibo immediately stood and left. "Oi, Yibo!" Zhan called when he noticed Yibo making his way into his bathroom.

"What's with him?" Zhan asked as he scratched his head before standing up and going to their kitchen to prepare snacks for the both of them.

When Zhan came back to the room, he noticed that Yibo was already gone because he noticed that Yibo's bag was already gone too which meant Yibo left Zhan's home. "Aiya, I prepared these snacks for nothing," Zhan complained as he stuffed his mouth with the sandwich he made for them both.

After eating all the sandwiches he prepared, Zhan lay on his bed and stared at the ceiling where he and Yibo made fun of. They put various stickers and notes and while watching this, Zhan couldn't help but smile. He thought that if he'll leave this untouched then happy memories will be preserved, even after he dies. 

"Heh, this is good...huh? what's that?" Zhan asked himself as he stared at a particular note that was stuck on his plain white ceiling. It was a strange alphabet that he had never encountered before and so he stood up and watched the note carefully, even though he didn't understand what it meant.

"내 사랑 영원히, 사랑해," 

"Aiya, is Yibo into some cult or something? Writing something in my ceiling that I can't even understand," the 14-year-old Zhan scratched his head as he watched the not that was now stuck in his ceiling.


"My love eternally..." Zhan read the note that was stuck into his ceiling for more than 5 years. The note he hadn't figured out if it wasn't for the help of a Korean book. Recalling the past memory made him tear up once again. How Yibo tried hard to hide his feelings for Zhan even though Zhan already knew and was ready to return those if it wasn't for his disease.

"...I love you," he continued even though his voice broke down. "Yibo...just why...?" Zhan kept asking that particular question until he felt tired and eventually fell asleep, with tears still covering his face.


Another month had passed and Xiao Zhan hasn't gotten any better. His personality eventually got worse, he would get irritated at the slight mistake that people make so with that, he confined himself inside the house with Xian still living with him.

Zhan was laying on the couch with the remote in his hand, constantly switching channels one to another. One could say that he was not himself anymore, it was as if Zhan's soul left his body and another soul came in. Zhan's parents and Xian noticed the drastic change in Xiao Zhan, even Xichen had noticed it. Xichen started visiting Xiao Zhan once a week to check what his situation is, he thought that he would change for the better with him living his life to the fullest, doing everything that he always wanted to do but when he saw Xiao Zhan, he became disappointed...too disappointed that made him thought that Yibo's death wasn't worth it, even though he got involved in an accident and then died.

"Zhan, I'm home," Xian inside their house only to see empty wrappers scattered around the living room. He looked at Zhan's figure, only to see that he was still changing channels, not caring of the fact of how dirty their house is right now. "Zhan, what are you doing?" Xian asked, hoping to steal Zhan's attention from the television and gladly it worked but not the way he expected.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm holding the remote, switching channels until I find the perfect one," Zhan answered with an uninterested tone. Xian's face was full of disappointment at how his younger sibling turned out. Truth to be told, Xian had the same expectations with Xichen, he also thought that Zhan would be back to himself and would enjoy the second life that was given to him by Yibo. He didn't expect that Zhan would turn out like this. 

For the past few days, Xian wanted to open a talk concerning Yibo but Zhan purposely avoided the topic so Xian just left him be. He thought that Zhan would go to the cemetery every day where Yibo is buried but no, he confined himself inside their house without going outside nor getting a drop of sunlight. 

"Zhan, why don't you go outside?" upon hearing the question, Zhan's head immediately turned around and looked at the man who asked the question with burning eyes. "No," was a reply given by Zhan and Xian could feel something inside him snapped.

"Xiao Zhan!" it was the first time that Xian raised his voice to Zhan so no it's no wonder that the younger went shocked at what his older brother did. "Will you keep living like this?!" Xian's voice echoed throughout the whole house making his question echo in Zhan's head numerous times. 

"Get over it will you?! We get it, you mourn for Yibo but it doesn't mean that you'll not take care of yourself!" Xian spoke out the words that were brutal for Zhan to hear. I mean how could Xian take this matter lightly?

When Xian came back to his senses, he saw Xiao Zhan's tears streaming on his face and seeing this made him feel guilty. Even though many days had passed, he still can't help but continue blaming himself for Zhan's situation right now. Just the sight of his beloved young brother not taking care of himself pained him that he can't bear looking at him being miserable right now.

"Ugh!" Xian screamed and walked to his room leaving the crying mess Xiao Zhan in the living room.

When Xian arrived at his room, he slammed his door so loud and sat on the floor as he silently cried. "I would do anything just to take you out of that situation Zhan...but it's you who wouldn't even want to move on, even if it a step," Xian grabbed his hair as he thought of any possible ways to make Zhan move on from his miserable state and after a minute, Xichen immediately came into his mind and so, he grabbed his phone and dialled Xichen, not giving a care at what time it is already.

"Hello sir?" a deep voice greeted and Xian couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, happy that Xichen picked up his call.

"Mr Lan...I was wondering when you would visit Zhan again," Xian used his professional tone even though they're already out of work. 

"Uh, I was thinking of Saturday sir...may I know why?" Xichen had some hesitation present in his tone and Xian didn't fail to not notice it so he assured the other, "you can drop the 'sir', Mr Lan, we're not at work anyway," said Xian and the other line went silent for a bit.

"I could say the same to you Xian, you can call me Xichen," said Xichen but somehow, Xian noticed a hint of playfulness in his tone but he didn't put his mind into it as the only one occupying his brain right now is Xiao Zhan's situation.

"Can you visit Zhan tomorrow? I can file you a leave for's really important, I hope that you'll knock some sense into him since I can't...I've failed as his brother," Xian explained and the other man immediately told him that he's did not fail as a brother to Zhan at all, it's just that Zhan needs some words from Yibo himself and hearing this made Xian go into shock.

"What do you mean?" he asked but the other kept his mouth shut and said that he'll explain it all tomorrow when he gets the chance to speak with him after speaking with Zhan.

"I'll visit at 9 am in the morning, is Zhan already awake at that time?" 

"Yes, I'll wait for you tomorrow," said Xian and the both of them bid goodbyes with each other before ending the call.

After the call, Xian took his bath with his hopes lifted up because of Xichen's words earlier.

"I hope this will work," Xian said as he let himself submerge in the water that he prepared himself to bathe in.


The next morning came and XIchen arrived at their house earlier than expected. Xichen stood outside at the door, admiring how big the house in front of him was. He should not be surprised at the house since the owners are the children of the powerful Xiao Group. "Am I qualified to even stand here?" Xichen asked himself before knocking on the door.

After three knocks, the door opened with Xian opening it from the inside with his hair dripping with water. It looks like he just came out from the shower. "Come in," Xian showed his guest the way inside and Xichen was in awe at what the house's interior looked like. 

"They say that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover and I totally agree," Xichen thought. The house on the outside seems like it's just a plain ordinary big house but when he came inside, it looks like a palace in a modernized version. The plain white paired with black and with all those abstract paintings and amazing types of furniture.

"Zhan's room is right there," Xian pointed at the room located at the far back of the house. Xichen looked at Xian and asked, "you're not coming?" 

Xian smiled and lightly shook his head, as a sign of no. "I think Zhan doesn't want to see me right now," he said, "I'll just be at the kitchen, preparing us food and if you need something, I'll be there," Xian continued and left, leaving Xichen to be on his own.

Xichen did not waste time and made his way to Zhan's room. He knocked but he didn't hear any voice coming from the inside so he immediately opened the door thinking that something bad happened to Zhan especially in his situation right now. 

He then saw Zhan sitting on his bed, looking at the window that was the only source of light. His room was a mess, clothes were everywhere and also furniture was placed either on the floor or on its place. XIchen thought that this wasn't like the Zhan he knew. "Zhan," he called and he noticed the figure slightly moving.

Zhan heard that someone was calling him and so he shifted from his position that he hadn't shifted from for like 10 hours at most. He looked at Xichen who was shocked upon seeing his appearance right now. Zhan lost weight as if he was purposely starved and bags were covering his eyes and he has grown pale like a vampire.

"Xichen-ge," Zhan called out weakly but showed no emotions towards the person who was in front of him right now. "Were you living like this for the past few weeks?" Xichen asked because this is the first time he entered Zhan's room since whenever he visits, he just talks to Zhan in the living room even though Zhan would just ignore him.

"Why do you care?" asked Zhan without giving a care whether what he said is insulting or not, all he cares about is that he wants to disappear. Even though there are multiple ways to pass away, Zhan couldn't bring to cut himself as he found it taboo. 

Xichen just sighed and made his way to sit beside Zhan. "Take care of yourself will you?" Xichen pleaded and this question made Zhan mad. 

"Why do I have to take care of myself when all I wanted was to pass away?!" Zhan shouted but Xichen just kept listening but still, he spoke, "you still have your purpose here," hearing this made Zhan even madder.

"What do you mean that I still have a purpose here when the person who became the reason why I wanted to live already died!" 

Xichen went quiet after hearing what Zhan said. The younger got a point, Yibo became his motivation to the point where Yibo became his sole reason why he wanted to fight his disease and with Yibo dead, Zhan's life no longer had its purpose.

"Leave me be," Zhan said and Xichen just looked at him with disbelief. "Don't waste your time convincing me to leave my room, I assure you that it won't work. Just leave me to rot here," Zhan tried to push off Xichen with his words but it seems that Xichen stayed stubborn. 

"I'll leave you with your life after you look through these," Xichen said and made Zhan surprised that he looked at where Xichen's hands were. He remembered the bag that Xichen brought the moment when he woke up. "What's that?" Zhan asked but the older just kept quiet and handed him Yibo's green bag before going out of his room.

"Wait-" Zhan tried to call Xichen but the door already closed. He looked at the bag that was in his hands and could not help but remember Yibo since this was the bag that he always bring whenever he comes to visit him in the hospital. Just the mere thought made Zhan tear up again.

Though tears were now streaming down on his face, he still mustered his courage and opened the bag. He was surprised what he saw there, it was Yibo's favourite belongings. The lego that Zhan bought him back when they were in their teenage years, the scarf that Zhan also knitted him back in high school and the notes that both of them were constantly passing to each other that made their teacher mad at them for not listening to the lecture. All things that were inside Yibo's bag brought Zhan back to the moment of their lives, in their prime teenage years where the both of them had feelings for each other, where Zhan's disease hadn't gotten that worse and before he rejected Yibo with all his might even though it also meant sacrificing his feelings for him.

Zhan was busy reminiscing their memories as he dug inside Yibo's bag until he saw a strange piece of paper and a camera with it. He never remembered giving Yibo these so out of curiosity, he grabbed it and read the letter first.

Dear Zhan,

                      If you read this then I'm probably gone. I'm writing this letter to you so that you'll not blame yourself for my death because considering your personality then I know that you would. I planned to donate my heart for you so that you can live yourself the way you wanted. I kept it quiet since I wanted it to be my last gift to you, the gift of life. Your brother knew this and before you go and charge to him, I'll let you know that it was purely my decision, he only told me the details, he even wanted to stop me but I was dedicated that I'll give up my heart for you. I went to your doctor and let myself be tested to know if my antibodies are compatible with what your body needs and it turns out that it was what they were looking for!

                   The thought of you living your life made me think that giving my heart to you isn't that bad and so it was settled! I signed the document with no regrets...I mean why would you regret giving up your life to the person who is your first love and will be your last? This will give me the privilege of being your saviour.

                    I'm being serious here Zhan, please take care of yourself for me, for your lover okay? That's the only thing I wanted for you to fulfil and I'll say this again, don't blame yourself and don't blame your brother. And please, don't drown yourself in tears because of my death.

                     Live your second life to the fullest my love, I, Wang Yibo will set you free from the shackles that bound you ever since you were a child...and even though this will hurt my feeling, I give you the freedom of loving someone else after I'm gone but be sure that he's greater than me alright? Make sure that he loves you more than I did and...once again love, please be happy.

Sincerely from your handsome lover,
Wang Yibo <3

Tears fell on the paper that his hand shakily held. "Ahhh," he cried softly as his mind kept repeating what he just read. "How can I replace you with someone else my love?" he asked the letter as if it'll give him an answer. "What you did was unforgivable, you giving up your perfect heart to someone like me who no longer had any will to live," Zhan broke down for the nth time but this time, his heart released the sorrows he had held for days.

He read the letter again and noticed Yibo's handwriting.

Ps. please look in the camera, I left something for you in there <3.

After reading this, Zhan immediately grabbed the camera and scanned the contents. Most of it was badly taken photos si Zhan chuckled a bit, remembering Yibo's bad photography skills. After pressing the button many times, he landed on the recent video it had on the camera. He clicked play and it showed Yibo clasping his hands together as if he was really nervous.

"Uh, hi Zhan, it's me Yibo...I know I left you a letter but I think that you'll miss my face in the future so I decided to record a video that is only dedicated to you..."

Zhan chuckled as tears stained his face while watching Yibo who was continuously scratching his head. It was known that Yibo hated to take a video or a picture of himself because he thought that it would be better to watch or talk to a person in person but this case was an exception since this is the first and last video he took himself before he dies and dedicated it to Zhan.

" yeah...uh damn, this is the exact reason why I hate making videos. I don't know what to do!" Yibo screamed as he grabbed a handful of his hair, frustrated since he couldn't understand how this thing works.

"...I'm supposed to say, nothing special happened in my life after you rejected me back in high school...well except where I met a kid at the orphanage, his name was Jingyi and yeah...we had a lot in common, both in physical appearance and how we think too. I almost thought that he was my lost sibling or something...I know that you'll probably get the wrong idea, you'll probably think that I had a child with someone but sorry to break it to you but after all those years, I remained loyal to you even though you broke my heart back then...let's leave that topic out since I already made you mine hehe..." Yibo became quiet as he thought about what to say next. Zhan chuckled again because he could now agree with Yibo that it's really not good for him to take videos because he's really bad at it.

" yeah, I hope you see that kid. He's a really good one, he's already 6 years old and thinks quite mature for his age and if you want to know what he looks like then take a look at the pictures on this camera, I'm sure we had one picture or maybe two...oh yeah, please remember that I really love youuuu more than the whole wide world."

The clip ended and surprisingly, Zhan didn't cry and was even chuckling. He was somehow now at ease that Yibo talked to him, though not in person but he was happy that he got to hear his voice. Zhan regretted why he didn't take a video of his beloved back then. 

"I'll try my love, I'll try to find myself again and be happy for your sake," Zhan declared.

Zhan then took a look at the camera again and tried to find a photo of Yibo with a child and after a full hour of scrolling up and down, he finally found it. Yibo was not joking when he said that the kid looked exactly like him. The kid was his carbon copy!

"What the hell?" Zhan asked himself as he continued to study both of their features together for him to compare until he found something, the kid, Jingyi had a mole that is also located under his mouth and it was placed in the opposite direction as Zhan's!

 Zhan studied the picture again and it was as if all his sorrows were lifted by that single letter and a video. Maybe what he needed was not some comfort from others but only words from his beloved who sacrifice his life for him. 


Days passed and Zhan's condition improved ever since he saw that video and letter. He went outside from his room and grabbed some pastries from the kitchen for him to eat. He recalled that time when he went out of his room after he read the letter, both Xichen and Xian spotted the water that they were drinking, resulting in Xian choking and thankfully Xichen was there to help him.

After hours, Zhan finally had the courage to bring up Yibo's death in front of his brother and so he asked, "ge, did Yibo truly got involved in some accident?" Zhan wanted to know the truth because he thought that maybe the accident was the only way to cover up Yibo's decision to give his heart to Zhan.

"Mn," Xian replied, finally breathing off the weight he had in his heart for a while. He felt that if Zhan won't know this then he would never sleep in peace and so he was glad that Zhan finally asked him a question concerning Yibo's death.

"But in his letter, he told me that he was willing to give up his heart for me," Zhan stated.

"Yeah, he signed the documents even though I strongly opposed him from doing it but you know how stubborn he was...and at that time where the doctor told us that you only had 5 hours left, I panicked and called Yibo hoping that he could talk his way to you and make you fight your disease until we found a suitable donor for you that is not Yibo. I know how important Yibo is to you Zhan and that's why I called him to be there,"  Zhan finally understood how his brother felt at that time and so he quietly listened.

"Hours passed and I noticed that Yibo hasn't arrived yet and that is when the doctor came bursting open telling us that they've found a suitable donor for you. I was beyond heaven because I thought that the donor wasn't Yibo but I only knew who the donor was after your operation, the doctor confirmed that it was indeed Yibo, he got involved in an accident, his motorcycle was crashed by a ten-wheeler. It was even a miracle that he arrived at the hospital conscious...all nurses and doctors did their best to treat Yibo but none of it worked. They said that Yibo tried telling them to stop and said to transfer his heart to yours before it's too late and so that's when the doctor came bursting into your ward telling us that they have found a perfect donor," Xian teared up when he explained all to Zhan.

Zhan who only knew this was shocked, he never expected that kind of scenario to happen but still, he decided to not cry anymore because he remembered what Yibo told him. 

"Sorry Zhan, it was all my fault," Xian cried and Zhan couldn't help but hug his brother. "No ge, it wasn't your fault. It was what fate wanted and there's nothing we can do about it," Zhan consoled his crying mess of a brother assuring that everything was not his fault.

Since then, Zhan came to terms with Xian.


A week passed and Zhan was trying to engage himself outdoors, he also sometimes accompanies his brother to their company and would talk to Xichen in his free time. Zhan apologized to Xichen for what he said back then and to his surprise, Xichen just laughed at him and told him that 'it was alright as it was what Yibo wished, for you to get mad at me because that's the least I should get after he dies...he said that it's because of my naughtiness,'

And so Xichen and Zhan repaired their almost broken relationship. 

When both Xian and Zhan arrived home, Xian's phone made a beep notifying that a message has been sent and so Xian did not waste any time and read it immediately. "Zhan, father said he's hosting a charity party at an orphanage and he said that it would be better if the both of us would attend," Xian said as he kept his eyes on the phone, waiting for Zhan to reply. To be honest, Xian was quite nervous about what his brother's reply would be. He thought that Zhan would most likely say no as he was still slowly recovering from the heartbreak he had experienced and is also collecting himself again so he would not be surprised if ever Zhan says no to this.


"I'll tell father that you're tired--what?" Xian was surprised at his brother's reply. He looked at Zhan only to see him playing with Bobo with a smile tugged at his lips. "Why is he smiling?" thought Xian.

"What time and where's the location?" Zhan asked and Xian just forwarded him the information that their father had sent to Xian. "Alright, tomorrow," Zhan said and immediately went to his room carrying Bobo in his arms. Zhan lay on his bed with a satisfied smile plastered on his face, "just wait little Jingyi, this gege will finally meet you," said Zhan and then drifted into dreamland.


The next day came pretty quick and both siblings are now on their way to the venue where the party will be hosted. "Say, Zhan, can you tell me why you're so excited?" asked Xian with full of curiosity but Zhan just answered, "nothing, just be prepared ge, you'll have a nephew soon," said Zhan leaving Xian completely speechless.

Zhan entered the venue with professionalism coating all over him. It was as if he was used to this kind of gathering. After a while, Mr Xiao then started the party and everyone went with their own businesses, finding partners or trying their best to climb up the social and business world through connections. Many people also made their way to Zhan when Mr Xiao introduced him to the people. Even though most of them were wearing smiles, Zhan could tell that most of them were fake so he constantly avoided any talks with them.

Finally getting tired of the party, Zhan decided to step outside and on his way, he saw a little figure that only reached up to his hips. He crouched down and faced the figure face to face only to be surprised since the kid he had been searching for for days appeared right in front of him!

"Gege?" the innocent kid called and Zhan just nodded, "are you Jingyi?" Zhan asked the 6-year old and the kid immediately nodded. "Yes! and are you the angel that Bo-ge always told me about?" the innocent kid asked made Zhan quite shocked at the way how Yibo introduced him to the innocent child.

"Is that how he introduced me to you?" Zhan asked and stood up and then held out his hand, waiting for the kid to grab his hand. "Mn, he said that I should wait for a bit because an angel will come and adopt me from the orphanage. Are you going to adopt me angel-ge?" the 6-year old asked and only lowered his head down since he was having second thoughts about Zhan, he wanted to come with Zhan but he was worried that Zhan might not like him.

"Will you let me?" Zhan asked which completely shocked the child. Jingyi then looked at Zhan with sparkling eyes after hearing those words. "Yes! I will, I was worried that angel-ge will not adopt me because people say that I'm weird," Zhan was alarmed when he heard the word 'weird' so he crouched down to the kid's level and confronted him with a smile that could turn a frown upside down.

"Aiya, don't believe those words, you're special just the way you are," Zhan comforted the kid.

"That's exactly what Bo-ge said to me!" the kid cheered. "Really?" Zhan asked as he felt tears forming in his eyes and Jingyi being the sharp kid noticed the change in Zhan's emotions. "Why is angel-ge sad?" he asked and wiped off the tear that escaped from Zhan's eyes.

"It's just because I miss him," he confessed. Zhan missed Yibo to the point that he'll keep replaying the video that Yibo filmed himself. Even though he was awkward there, Zhan still loved it, after all, it was the last remaining thing that Yibo gave to him.

"Bo-ge? Do you miss Bo-ge? I miss him too, angel-ge...when will I be able to see Bo-ge again?" the kid innocently asked the man who was trying himself to not burst out in front of the kid.

"Maybe soon kid, not now but soon," Zhan explained because he can't just tell the kid that Yibo died!

"Angel-ge, what is your relation with Bo-ge?" the kid asked with joy in his tone and Zhan could tell that he really was like Yibo.

"He was my soulmate, my beloved and my destiny," Zhan said as he kept looking at the road to make sure that they'll not get lost since the orphanage is quite big.

"Then angel-ge, how did you fall in love with Bo-ge?" 

"Hehe, I think it's still not time for you to know but if you want to then I'll tell you. It was spring, cherry blossom petals were falling and as I made my way I saw a figure that stopped on his tracks and as he looked behind, we made eye contact and that's when I knew that I fell in love with him, right there," Zhan smiled, recalling the memory where he first met Yibo in spring.

"Uh, what Bo-ge said to me was different!" the kid complained and Zhan found it cute so he decided to tease the kid for a bit.

"Oh really? Why is it different?" Zhan asked.

"Hmm, Bo-ge said that he fell in love with you when you both were in your teenage years and your class had an outing that time. He was scared of the dark so he tried to find someone to sleep beside with and no one accepted him. I remember that he told me how you were shining like an angel when you said that he could sleep beside you since you brought a flashlight and how you said goodnight to him. He told me that at that time, he fell for you," the kid explained and Zhan's tears now left his eyes. He could recall the scene like it was that back of his hand. He noticed how Yibo turned red when he said goodnight to him.

"Oh yeah, I could recall how his face was at the day he said goodnight," Zhan smiled and made their way back to the party with Jingyi holding his hand.


One could sacrifice their all to a person and the other could either treasure it or waste it. And what Zhan chose was the first one, he chose to treasure the chance that has been given to him, he followed his beloved's words and pleas on his free will. He decided to live to the fullest, for him and for his only beloved and also for the people who always had his back, supporting him.

The End.

Not Edited

I think most of you are not satisfied with the ending and with that, I really am sorry...but I am still thankful for those people who have supported me till today. I really am thankful because without you then I wouldn't reach here. Thank You very much and I'll be back with another story soon. I just need to cry this story off.


meaning "quiet, still, gentle" combined with meaning "joy, harmony".

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