Jungkook's Betrayal????

By jkpancholi1

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Junkook suddenly announced his relationship with V on stage ..All the members especially Jimin was in shock... More

part 1- on the rainy day
part 2 - rain goes on
part 3-we don't talk anymore
part 4 - But I still want youuu...
part 5 - looking for future with past in a heart
part 6 - To the moon
part 7- jealousy
part 8- hellucination or existence??
part 9- clear
part -10 turning point
part - 11 buddies
part 12- Taehyung
part 13- truth
part 15- Jimin
part 16- Faded
part 17- The beginning
part 18 - when jimin met rest of members
part - 19 Year 2012
part 20-year 2013- debut year of BTS
part 21 - Unbearable hurt๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”
part 22- Too much hate to handle
Part 23-surprise!!
part 24 - Enough is enough
part 25- Getting strong
part 26- I hate love
part 27- self acceptance
part 28- And the game begins ๐Ÿ˜‰
part 29- consequences
part 30- please forgive me
part 31-wounds you gave are deeper ..
part 32- you are my only desire
part 33- confessions.
part 34- evolution of Jikook -1
part 35- evolution of Jikook-2
part 36- evolution of Jikook-3
part 37 - Beginning of the ending
part 38- your voice still gives goosebumps
part 39- Story from Jungkook's side
part 40- destiny had different plan
part 41- LIE
Part 42- what actually happened on that night
part 43- He deserves to know.
fly high
part 45 - when they met.
part 46- I need just ... YOU.
part 47- you pull me like a magnet..
part 48- Truth will lead to dawn or dusk??
part 49 - Distance I didn't want .
part 50- when destiny plays..
part 51 - U-turn or dead end??
part 52- stronger than you think.
part 53- My love gave you the power to hurt me
part 54- Wish I could turn back time..
part 55- He loves me? loves me not?
part 56- I was there for you.. Always
Part 57- Prayers do miracles..
part 58- Friends??
part 59- Running, running just to keep my hands on you..
part 60- YOU are my strongest craving..
part 61- You are me, I am you.
part 62- Love?? hah! it doesn't matter.
part 63- Yes, we do!
part 64- Epilogue -1
part 65- Epilogue -2
Author's note..
New story!!

part 14- Jungkook

8.7K 296 17
By jkpancholi1

And there was standing ,an unbelievably handsome man who was looking outside of the window gazing the beautiful sky..

Indeed Jungkook was looking so good in that Black hoodie and torn black jeans...his hair , slightly curly towards the end, reaching his shoulders , was giving him that extra "oomph " effect.

His intense gaze, towards anyone, was enough to make that person bend on knees...

His face features were so sharp, that even if he had not that hot body , he would look sexy..oh his well built body!!! How can anyone ignore it!!!

A way too broad shoulders, height any man would wish for, rock solid abs, hands so thick, thighs straight coming out from Greek God stories.. overall so hot and so sexy, so powerful his personality was that in every fan fiction he was narrated eigher as CEO or as multimillionaire or Mafia!!! Sex God!! Always horny! Anything powerfull!! Even fans can't imagine him , not Even in their fiction , that jungkook can be weak, or poor or helpless..

No! He meant to be powerfull, a winner, a strong man . The top, The fighter, the man who never lose, a man whose mind only allows him to win..

Then why????

Why was he feeling so helpless, so weak like a ...like a loser??? Who had lost everything...

Jungkook again took his phone and open the pictures he was looking since morning..

What was it?? Oh no!! Not again!! I never ever have cried in my life as much as I am crying since morning thought Jungkook.

How effortlessly one can look too hot on the same time too cute!! Jungkook smiled fondly while looking at Jimin's photo and his tears met his smiling lips, wondering what emotions his owner is going through.

Past two months had been really really tough for Jungkook..so many memories to handle with..press, social media, family, band members, his own guilt , practising alone ..too much to handle..

And above all.. JIMIN..

Jimin Jimin

Oh !! Why can't I stop thinking about him??

How can he forget when he saw Jimin just before few days at dorm , when they met accidentally in practice room.. Jungkook literally had to fight to himself to not look at or not talk to Jimin



Why ?? Why??

Why I always feel like I  need to hug Jimin so tight whenever I see him??

Why those plump lips always catch my eyes as if I am seeing them first time?? Why I feel like I want them on mine??

Why those eyes never fail to make me fall for their owner??

That face!! So handsome!! So cute!!

That little human!! Wait!!

He is not just a human!! He is a human magnet!!

That's right!! Park jimin ! YOU are a human magnet!!

Jungkook was all smiling and crying together.. looking really cute like a bunny!!

On that day in dorm Jungkook just wanted to squish that fluffy ball Jimin between his arms!! But he couldn't!! He just can't!!  Only he knew how helpless he felt!!

He was afraid that Hobi noticed him listening to Jimin's song and he might get caught ..he was thinking about the explanation but Hobi might have busy giving hate waves to him so probably had not noticed.

Whatever is happening is because of Jungkook..he made it happen..he knew all this would happen..he WANTED this to happen..then why?? Why was he not feeling good??

Especially after seeing Jimin kissing someone else, why was his blood boiling?? Why he just wanted to pull Jimin aside and give him a look  how could you??

Why did he want Jimin to kiss him with even  more passion?? Was he still jealous??

Why can't he be happy in the story he wrote himself for him and Jimin..

Why was losing Jimin so difficult like he was losing everything ..like his world .. his own self.. his life???

So was V right???

Suddenly Jungkook remembered V..he totally forgot about him in the tsunami of his own emotions..

Jungkook called him cause he didn't want to show V his puffy eyes and ruined face due to crying since morning, but V didn't pick the call..not once ,but not even after calling for 10 times..

Jungkook rushed to the living room each and every corner of the house , but V was not there..

Jungkook stood in the middle of the house clueless ..

*** Hello buddies..hope you guys are doing well..how do you like this story?? Please let me know...lots of love and good wishes to you guys****

--------happy birthday dear J- hope-------
The sunshine
You are my hope
I am your hope
Presenting J - hope!!!

Many many happy returns of the day hobi🥳🥳🥳🥳

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