The Reaping Reality of the Af...

By ethar1a

131 1 0

This story was wrote by someone attached to FNAF and listening to emotional songs at night while they wrote t... More

Introduction to the Afton Family
The First Day
The Punishment
The Discussion
The Reality
Party Planning

The Backlash

12 0 0
By ethar1a

The room was isolated. Those beloved to her were full to the brim with anticipation, and there was not even the slightest of movement from Y/N. Her skin was as white as snow, and there were black bags under her eyes. She didn't look well whatsoever. "Please, Y/N. Please wake up my love." sobbed William, he couldn't bare to see his daughter in this condition. "PLEASE." he raised his tone and pleaded for a response. There was a sudden beep on the monitor and it frightened William and Michael. There was a concerned hum from Michael, as he searched the room. William stood there in disbelief before he started shaking uncontrollably. "DOCTORS. GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW! PLEASE!" William screamed at the top of his lungs, crying all of his tears. His bottom lip started quivering as Michael stood, complexed. "Dad? You're sc-" he was interrupted by his father's extreme crying. He rushed out the room and rubbed his back roughly against the wall, squeezing his palms of his hands tightly on his head, blocking out all of his sound and trying to confine himself in his own knees. His eyes shut, with tears still rushing down his face.
"Dad? It's okay. She's okay..." Michael confronted William politely, waking up from his only escape from reality. "Mmmmm." William mumbled under his breathe as he raised his arms, stretching. He forgot where he was and why he was here. That was until his eyes widened, and his eyebrows arched. "No no...My baby. My love, is she okay?" William asked in a worried tone. Michael nodded his head softly. "Yes, but you can't see her." he then said quietly, attempting to comfort his father. "No, there has to be something wrong with her if I can't see her?" William responded sharply. "Well, I don't know much so..." he then answered confused. "Well, you better go tell those doctors that I'm here father, and I need to see her. NO exceptions." William grabbed Michael by the scruff of his collar and whispered angrily into his ear with a large grin on his face. "Do you understand me, kid?" he followed. Michael's eyes drooped, he knew. He knew what was going to happen as soon as he got home, his father never leaves exceptions when it comes to Y/N. You could say she's his favourite child. He stammered as he tried to get his words out. "Y-Y-Y-Yes father." he stated apprehensively. He sauntered away slowly, slowly encountering the doctors. In the meantime, William carefully pushed himself up onto his knees, and gripped onto the wall to assist himself getting up. He seemed somewhat tipsy, yet he couldn't recall having a 'drink' before. He shrugged it off. He raced to the door of which his beloved daughter lay in, barging through the door in a rush to see her. He was so glad to see that his daughter was wide away, with a beaming smile on her face when she saw her father walk in. "DADDY!" Y/N shouted as loud as she could, she was so delighted to see her father! "Y/N!" William responded joyfully, running up to her, crouching down whilst grasping her hand and giving her a huge kiss on her forehead. "Gosh, I am so glad that you're okay, my darling." he comforted himself with those words, all of these hours, he had wished he could've said that to her sooner. "Thank you daddy." she thanked him for brightening her day up, but she still didn't look to well as a whole. He was still somehow worrying whether or not she was actually okay. "Honey, are you okay?" he questioned, distressed. She looked away, hiding how she really felt. She didn't really realise that maybe, she wasn't very much alright. "Yeah, I guess." tears started forming in her eyes, she was afraid of having permanent damage. "It's not that, daddy, don't worry. I feel quite alright, I'm just scared." she shrugged her shoulders and smiled slightly at her father, it comforted him, but his first sight went to Michael. He stared at him in an intimidating way, warning him that as soon as he gets home, he better run for his life. He gulped and instantly looked away, he knew what he did and there was no explaining it now to his father.

3 hours passed by, it was now pretty late at night.

It was completely tranquil at this moment. Everyone was resting their heads, but only one person couldn't close their eyes. That was William. He was too busy glaring at his daughter worried if anything happened while he wasn't there for her. He was terrified for her, and couldn't physically get any sleep. "Oi, can me and my daughter go home now?" William asked in a resonant tone, he was extremely sleepy. The nurse nodded and he was full of relief. He gently nudged his daughter and she didn't move. His heart starting racing rapidly. Until, her eyes slowly opened and was greeted by her father's touch. "My love..." William whispered. "I'm glad you're awake, but we can go home now. Even better news, right?" Y/N smiled a nudge, because she was still half asleep. As for Michael, William just yelled at him to wake him up, as he wasn't in the state of mind to currently speak to him.

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