By GuildMaster_RiP

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KDA popstars rising to fame in just 1 night but despite their talents there are also the people behind the sc... More

Chapter 1:A Devil Behind the Smile.
Chapter 2: Seraphine
Chapter 3: Pizza?
Chapter 4: Memories
Chapter 5: Fight?
Chapter 6: Polaroid
Chapter 7:My Queen
Chapter 8:The storm
Chapter 9: Catching Up
Chapter 10: There goes my peace
Chapter 11: I can dress up nice too!
Chapter 12: Party Night! (Part 1)
Chapter 13: Party Night! (Part 2)
Chapter 14: Buckle Up.
Chapter 15:Bloody Night
Chapter 16: Aftermath
Chapter 17:MOM?!
Chapter 19: The Aftermath.
Chapter 20: THIS IS A BAD IDEA!
Chapter 21:Unwanted Guest
Chapter 22: Remenicsing
Chapter 23: Closure with your Demons.
Chapter 24: Wild Goose Chase.
Chapter 25: Midnight Snack
Chapter 26: Staying over with the Idols.
Chapter 27:What are they doing?
Chapter 28: Lighting up the fuze
Chapter 29:Let's go to the Mall!
Chapter 30: Im through with you.
Chapter 31: SURPRISE?
Chapter 32: Game Night!
Chapter 33: New Start
Chapter 34:Walk with me ?
Chapter 35: Back to work.
Chapter 36: Trust

Chapter 18: She Actually has Pretty Eyes

7.9K 221 117
By GuildMaster_RiP

Message from the Author: Heya! I'm really really sorry for the 2 weeks of no new chapters! A lot has happened and i hat to step back and take a mental break for myself, but here i am all rested up and ready to draw and write! The revisions  of the chapter 1-8 are still on there way but i hope you guys can still be patient with me for 1 more week, but anyway enjoy this chapter and thank you so much for your continued support!

Kai'sa POV

Ahri:Is it me or (y/n)'s mom is still giving out a cold look at us?

Akali:No....she's looking straight through my soul...

We we're  all on our way back to the ICU room of (y/n) with Sera and Lissandra on the front while the rest of us are behind them with everyone being in their best behavior. Despite the warm face Ms.Lissandra is giving to Sera,we could still feel the hostility of Ms.Lissandra towards us. Even she can threaten someone while being a loving mother.

But as we get closer to the to (y/n)'s room i couldn't imagine or handle what his mother would go through seeing him that way, from what i saw awhile ago i don't think i can handle seeing him in that state again. I felt a my hand being held in both hands, and i look all the girls were holding hands, all we're also feeling the same thing,worried and broken hearted to face (y/n)'s condition once more.

Sera POV

We all walk to (y/n) room while Mrs.(L/n) arm was locked into mine as i escort her to her Son's room. She asked me question about our relationships with each other, how we met, who initiated the first conversation, she even asked couple related questions! I could feel my cheeks redden, but i could also feel a killer glaze from behind me.

Dr Shen:This is his room.

Lissandra:Is it the best room in the hospital for my boy?

Mrs.(L/n) expression shifted in a second, her gaze once again pierced through her shade making Dr.Shen shiver in fear.

Dr Shen:N-no, b-but w-w-we'll see to it his room will be ready soon.

Lissandra:Good, ill make sure to give a big donation to the hospital once he gets discharged.

Dr.Shen:Yes...Thank you Madam..

We all went in to the room and the whole room was filled with a gloomy and heavy atmosphere, i look at the other's and I could see Kai'sa was starting crying, Akali was tilting her cap to hide herself while the others were looking away.

Miss Lissandra finally  lifted up her glasses with her eyes still closed and sat down ,our eyes widened that we are witnessing Miss Lissandra finally revealing her eyes for the first time. Her eyes were glowing light blue like ice that gave out a small glowing auro as well, it's like looking at the winter ice and it was beautiful ,we were all stuck in awe  admiring her beauty which made me curious what beauty treatment does she do to keep such a vibrant look. She held his son's hand while she stroke his hair.

After Dr.Shen gave Mrs.(L/n) some time he continued his report on  (y/n)'s condition to her, it was our second time hearing it but it was still painful to hear it once more and with that pain i also felt a strong feeling of guilt in my chest as i still blamed myself for getting (y/n) caught up from all this. While Dr.Shen continued telling (y/n)'s condition, i looked at Mrs.(L/n) who was facing her son while she held his hand,  I also felt the sadness and pain the mother had to go through hearing that her son may not Wake up or Walk and worse do the thing he love the most....make art..

and it was all my fault...

I gripped through my dress as seeing (y/n)'s mom in so much pain.

Mrs.(L/n): My sweet sweet boy...

She brushed the bangs off (y/n)'s and started carressing his forehead.

Mrs.(L/n):Mommy is here....don't worry my Little snowflake...

The guilt and pain in my chest was just growing much more as i gripped my dress harder as i bit my lips words were slowly escaping with tears falling down from eyes.

Sera:I-im sorry....


Ahri POV

Everyone was heartbroken just from seeing the mother mourning her on Son's condition. My thoughts started thinking that if we just arrived much early he wouldn't be here. But we all know Eve was hurting the same too, wanting to help (y/n) long ago but failed and now she's was able to save him but.......only a part of him at the moment, Akali on the other hand was sniffling but trying to hold herself together, I noticed Sera was shacking intensely as she was looking down while she was gripping her dress.

Sera:I-im sorry...

My heightened hearing heared Sera's whisper. She's in pain of the guilt she still bringing herself on (y/n) condition, i feel worried at the same time what might happen.



before i could say anything else Sera repeated the words but this time everyone heard it.

Ms. Lissandra: Sera? Dear whats wrong?

She stood up with 1 arm on her chest her eye's were now getting red from crying, Ms. Lissandra showing a surpised looked on her face as Sera bowing her head  right in front of her and (y/n).

Sera:It's was all my fault! Why he got himself hurt! Why he's right here right now!

I tried reaching out to sera, but she stopped me with raising her hand on me.

Sera: Im-


Sera gasped for air as she raced her head up, tears were still falling down her cheeks as her makeup was slowly getting ruined from crying. Ms Lissandra tilted her head a bit and smiled at her despite a tear was slowly escaping her eyes.

Ms.Lissandra:I forgive you.

From a well known woman, she must knowwhat it feels like for someone close to them get hurt because of them. Sera's tears started to cry more as she fell on her chair and cried out her feelings while she continued to apologize I walked to her side and comforted her as she held on me i caressed her hair trying to ease her pain until she calmed down.

The mood of the room shifted out of nowhere as we could feel a sudden murderous presence while the room was slowly getting cold and shrouded by a cold mist.

Lissandra:Because I'll make them pay.....I wi-

Eve:I've already settled that Madam Lissandra don't worry,they'll never harm (y/n) again.

why would the heck did Evelynn suddenly but in!?  ARE YOU CRAZY?!

Everyone but Ms.Lissandra panicked for a second .The four of us girls were looking at Eve with a confused and startled looks on our faces , while Eve was sweating bullet realizing what she has done herself because Ms. Lissandra's face right now is facing at us with a frown while she looks at us with daggers in her eyes.

Ms.Lissandra: Since Seraphine and Akali are friends of (y/n) it's understandable why they are here but... What are the rest of the KDA group doing here?

Um....ouch? aren't we also friends of his?

Im guessing how only limited time we spent and the circumstances we had, we really haven't got to know (y/n)really...Ms.Lissandra cocked a brow  as she looked at us with a serious face.



I realized the mistake i did just suddenly talking out of the blue while Madam Lissandra was having a moment.


I didn't dare to look back as I was stone cold frozen in my position feeling Madam Lissandra's glares stabbing through my soul so I tried to look away to evert my gaze with hers.

Ahri POV

While Eve was contemplating on what her future will be, thankfully Dr. Shen butted in to save Eve's skin.

Dr Shen: They were ones who brought and helped (y/n).

Ms.Lissandra's expression changed to a suprised face she looked at Dr.Shen first then back to us, the mood settle down her murderous presence was gone and we were all able to relax for a bit, she shifted her gaze to Sera and asked her.

Ms.Lissandra: Is that true Sera?

Sera gave a nodded intensely like she was also bowing.

Sera:I wasn't there but the 4 of them helped the most...

The room became silent for a second until everyone in the rooms gasped  and eyes winded as we witness Ms. Lissandra suddenly got up from her chair  and was about to kneel down, we all rushed to her side with Me and Eve were holding onto her to arm

Eve:Madam Lissandra you don't have too!

Kai'sa:Please Ms.Lissandra, (y/n) is our friend..

Ahri:Please Ms.Lissandra...

Akali:Please Miss you don't have to go that far to thank us...

We carried Ms.Lissandra seeing her face in tears.

Ms.Lissandra:Thank you... Thank you so much for saving my son..... you don't know what it means to me seeing him still alive..

She placed her hand once more  on (y/n)'s hair and started caressing it.

Ms.Lissandra: i wish nothing for him to live a long and happy life...

All the us couldn't hold it any longer, most of them started to cry from the view of Ms.Lissandra crying, I could see a few tears falling in Eve's shades but she wiped them immediately as soon as 1 fell. I also couldn't hold my tears, from everything happening since we still don't know if (y/n) will wake up.

Please (y/n) dont leave us..


After a few minutes everyone had finally settled down Dr Shen left the room as soon we all cried giving us some space to mourn since he was also done reporting (y/n)'s condition .The next minute we told Madam Lissandra the whole story about what happened and why Sera acted that way.

Madam Lissandra: I see...

Sera, who was still feeling down about what happened, coudn't look at Madam Lissandra straight on her eyes.

Madam Lissandra: Sera..

Sera didnt do anything and sat still with her face still looking down.

Madam Lissandra:Sera dear..

Sera finally moved a bit and slowly lifted her head showing her makeup was ruined and her eye bags were puffy from crying, before saying anything else Madam Lissandra tried to let out a smile for Sera.

Madam Lissandra:I understand the burden you carry Sera dear... and i don't blame you for it nor hold a grudge againts you for it dear...but even so a normal parent would've asked you to keep yourself away from her child but..

Before she continued Madam Lissandra looked at (y/n) one more time and brushed of the bang's off his forehead.

Madam Lissandra: i still hope you continue to be good friends with my son..

Sera tried her best to hold in her tear as she nodded in agreement.

Sera:Yes! Of course! This time ill make sure this won't happen!

Madam Lissandra: That's reassuring to hear..

They both smiled at each other, with Sera feeling as if a small part of the burden she is carrying in her chest was lifted, we all tried to calm ourselves down for a minute.

Madam Lissandra:Now then,I presume those people who hurt my son died in a slow painful death?

I let out a grin remembering the satisfying screams of those people I murdered.

Eve:Of course Ma'am~

Lissandra: Good.

Out of nowhere Akali jump in excitement

Akali:Miss Lissandra can I ask a quick question?

Madam Lissandra: Depending on the question, sure!

Akali:Are you really blind?

Everyone leaned forward in anticipation, looking forward to hearing her question, since I was also curious how she's able to notice and see us. She let out a soft chuckle while her hand cover her smile.

Madam Lissandra:A lot of people really ask that, but let's just say...I have a different perspective on things~

she gave a cheerful smile and a wink leaving us lost in thought.

Akali:Is that a yes or.....

Madam Lissandra: that's for your imagination to think dear~

Everyone was left in confusion, Akali's face just looked like she already stopped responding but we all have that 1 thing in our mind.

what the heck did she mean "different perspective"?

Kai'sa: Also...judging from (y/n) looks you also don't look alike.

My train of thought continued more as Kai'sa also made a point, i noticed (y/n) doesn't look any similar to Madam Lissandra.

Madam Lissandra:Oh my! A very detailed observation you have there,are you checking out my son Miss Kai'sa?~

Madam Lissandra made a wide grin making Kai'sa flustered

Kai'sa:Wha- no that's not what i mean Ms.Li-

Madam Lissandra gave out a soft laugh while Kai'sa was covering her flustered cheeks.

Madam Lissandra:I'm just messing with you dear, yes i am his mother, his step mother to be percise.

Ah,now that explains it much more.

Ahri:if its okay to ask..what happend to (y/n) biological mom?

Madam Lissandra looked at (y/n) and held his hand then let out a big sigh, her expression change indicating that its not going to be a happy story.

Madam Lissandra:(y/n)'s biological mother had a divorced with his father in a young age,

Kai'sa:what happened?

Madam Lissandra:she...

She paused for a second before continue as she took a deep breath

Madam Lissandra: This is from (y/n)'s father not me but....she thought everything was a mistake-


Everyone was silent when they heard that while I clench my fist trying to suppress my anger.


Madam: I know what your feeling Miss Evelynn, i too hold a small anger on the mother just abandoning her son just because "it was a mistake"

Madam Lissandra's expression change for a second as her gloominess became anger.

Kai'sa:Eve... calm do-

I ignored Kai'sa's plea for me to stop becayse my chest was just getting filled with more rage right now i needed answers why she did that before i start hunting her off.

Eve:Then why?! Was it because he was powerless!

Miss Lissandra:I dont know..

Eve:What do -


I was caught of guard from Madam Lissandra's  reply, i took a glimpse of (y/n) and back to Madam Lissandra that i clenched my fist tighter.  (Y/n)'s mother reason was un acceptable i wanted to do something, i wanted to make her pay, teach her a lesson but a part of me just wanted to be there for (y/n) right now as knowing more about what he had to go through to his past make me want him more. Madam Lissandra didn't say much after that , and it was better this way for now since we've already had our hands full tonight.

Ahri:though im also curious how you met (y/n)'s father.

Madam Lissandra:Oh my, oh i shouldn't it's too emberassing... but if you insist, fine~

Everyone sat comfortably on there seat's as they were excited on what love story does a woman like Madam Lissandra has.

Madam Lissandra:I met his father 1 morning in my morning strolls around the wounds in Frejdlord , he was just a simple man with his son who've travel onto many places around the world already, no ambitions only a dream to start a simple living and build a log cabin for his son,  each morning i would see them togther on the same place him and (y/n) helping each other, and the more i got to know about them i became fond..the feeling of a simple and peaceful life out of my normal daily life was amazing, but the one thing that got me was his eyes. the dedication and fire in his eyes, made me fall for him that- oh my i think i spoke too much

Everyone's hearts went soft when hearing Miss Lissandra's love story. At the same time she looked so cute seeing her getting embarrassed from tellling her story i couldn't help but smile and let out a small giggle.

Lissandra:Oh but you should see (y/n) in his baby pictures, especially his costume during halloween~

Obviously trying to change the embarrassing story how she met her (y/n) dad.

I would have wanted to hear more, but i couldn't want to miss this opportunity of course~

Eve:Oh this will be good~

Everyone started gathering around Madam Lissadanra to (y/n)'s embrassing childhood photos.

Ahri:hihihi,aweee he's a little snow flake!~


Kai'sa:Aweee, look at him in the toilet~

Sera:His so cute in that ice troll Onsie!

I was savoring and enjoying every second of the pictures i saw wishing i could get myself a copy of every photo right now if Madam Lissandra wasn't that intimidating.


Madam Lissandra:you should see him when his sisters started playing dress up.

As soon Madam Lissandra swiped her phone everyone panicked.

Everyone except Lissandra:HUH?!

Madam Lissandra getting all flustered immediately swipe the phone again leaving us all flustered as well from what we saw.

Madam Lissandra: OH! Ops~ that was my honeymoon with (y/n) dad.

Eve:Kinda hot if you ask me.

Everyone except Eve and Madam Lissandra:EVE!

Lissandra:Oh my.

*times skip*

Sera POV

We spent the next hour, learning more about (y/n) and his life with his family at the same time we also told our story with (y/n) to his mom. Despite having a bad childhood outside the family, (y/n) really loved his parents and was love in return so it was atleast nice to hear he has very caring parents, we also knew that (y/n) have 2 step sisters,there relationship was okay with his step sisters until something changed 1 day just because of (y/n) being powerless.

To me it was making much more sense of how (y/n) acted time to time, how he's mood suddenly changed in certain things especially when i saw him looking over my childhood photos..

Ahri:Even his own siblings treat him the way others does...


I couldn't agree more with Ahri hearing his own sibling hating him from something he has no control over, which also made me me question on what suddenly change there attitude towards (y/n).

Mrs.(L/n):It's a tough love relationship even if (y/n) was treated like that by his own siblings, he still cared for them, and i know deep down they also feel the same....but because of everyone's influence it is hard to change their ways.

Sera:But I hope they come back into good terms with (y/n) again...

Mrs.(L/n):You should see there faces, when i told them about (y/n) situation right now, they were still like ice when they first heard it and you know there were shocked, but u can see how much they still care for him,such cute ice princesses~

Everyone gave out a small chuckle, happy to hear that they both still worry about their step brother.

We continue in telling our story on how we met (y/n), but Evelynn had a different story of her beginning with (y/n) and also the one with the heaviest story. Evelynn was angry at the people she studied with in Highschool after what happened (y/n).

Mrs.(L/n):I see your that "Evelynn" (y/n) was talking about back then~



I couldn't speak up from embarrassment i even felt my cheeks were getting warmer.

Just what did (y/n) tell her about me?!

I looked at (y/n) who was just peacefully resting on the hospital bed.

You owe me an explanation when you wake up mister~

Madam Lissandra:But....thank you for being his first friend Miss Evelynn *smiles* it really was nice to hear he was finally socializing with someone else.

Ahri:W-wait wait wait, first friend?!

I couldnt help but blush more.

M-me?! (y/n) first friend?! What about nics?

Madam Lissandra looked down and grips the end of her sweater.

Madam Lissandra: I know it's hard to believe, but (y/n) tried his best fitting in and getting friends with his childhood, but a lot would push him away in the end  cause of him being  different and powerless with the other kids...... so he ended up not trying anymore and would mostly spend his time at home drawing or helping the end he ended up homeschool but decided to study in at a school 1 more time before college.

And thats when it all happend...

Hearing this broke my heart, being alone for the rest of your memories to share with someone or spend time with... i looked at the girls feeling thankful that i have them especially Akali who was with me on my early years in high school. But remembering high school also reminded me of the sad past i still hold on.

Eve:I'm sorry I abandoned him...


From what i did in the past i dont think i deserve to be called his friend...leaving him beaten up, not able to do anything to defend, to protect him.. i didn't push myself hard enough to help him. Tears starting to fall slowly, feeling that am I really his friend back then if i didn't stood up more for him?

Evelynn:Im sor-

Madam Lissandra lay a finger on my lip, signaling I should be quiet and just smiled at me.

Lissandra:Isn't it best for (y/n) to hear this from you?

Suddenly I felt my shades were taken off exposing my read teary eyes.

Lissandra:And you shouldn't cry dear, your "beautiful eyes" will be ruined

Madam Lissandra let out a smile as a  memory of me and (y/n) together  in that afternoon we were alone in class popped up in my head, and i couldn't help but blush.

Evelynn:H-he showed it to y-you?!

Lissandra:Mhm, he couldn't stop talking about it while showing it to me~

Madam Lissandra let out a soft chuckle while covering her lips with 1 hand.

Just how much did (y/n) show and talked about me to your mom!

Akali POV

Witnessing the first time I saw Eve getting so much flustered, and it's from a guy! Just what did (y/n) do to manage to get Eve like this!

Akali:This is such a rare sight to see~


Miss Lissandra:What do you mean?

Kai'sa:Evelynn is never like this to a guy.

Miss Lissandra:Oh? So is my (y/n) someone special to you Miss Evelynn?

The flustered Eve disappeared and let out a straight face  as she replied.

Eve:Yes, he is a special someone for me.

Well that's eve for you sh-


We all got startled as a large ice shard flew Eve's cheeks making a small graze, Eve stood still frightened from what just happen as more shards of ice were hovering around Eve's face with her body slowly getting eaten by black ice.

Miss Lissandra:But...i couldn't help but knowing your reputation with men, he isnt just some boy toy to you rigght?? MISS.EVELYNN.

Miss Lissandra smiled while giving out a cold and murderous aura around her while Eve was panicking as she tries freeing herself, we were all scared as hell what Miss Lissandra might do.

Evelynn:O-of course Madam Lissandra,I wouldn't do that to (y/n)!


Miss Lissandra's mood change in an instant and the ice spikes vanish in thin air and so did the ice on Eve's body as she tried gasping for hair before brushing herself off with the remaining ice on her body.

Miss Lissandra:And u can drop the Miss and Madam, you can all call me auntie~

Akali:Sure Auntie!

Auntie Lissandra pressed her cheeks together while getting flustered she let out a wide smile.

Auntie Lissandra: Oh my, Its my first time hearing (y/n) friend say Auntie, i can't help but feel happy~

Ahri:Awee Auntie...

Auntie Lissandra:But since we're in the the topic of special someone~

Oh no.

We thought the moment was going to be touchy Auntie Lissandra brought out a different subject that made of the girls started to looking away at Aunt Lissandra to hide their embarrassment , I already felt my cheeks slowly heating up i shifted my hat to hide myself getting flustered.

Auntie Lissandra:Are any of you girls are Interested in (y/n)?

Eve:I am, Auntie~

Eve let out a smirk which made Auntie raised a brow and looked at Eve with a look of doubt.

Aunt Lissandra:Mhm

Eve scoffed then pouted as she felt disatified that Aunt Lissandra still doubt Eve intentions. I mean I wouldn't blame her she does have a reputation with men, so I understand why Aunt Lissandra has her doubts on her even if she's the one who saved (y/n).

Ahri:I-I have a boyfriend..

I teasing snickered on Ahri's answer.

Akali:A pretty bad one too.


Auntie Lissandra:I mean, with Ahri's looks in not amaze she hasn't got a man~

Ahri looked down feeling flustered from Auntie's complement but Eve teasingly joins in the conversation.

Eve:Too bad, he's not that good of a catch dear~


Auntie Lissandra:Who is she dating if I may I ask?

Akali:This rich MMA fighter named Sett.

Auntie Lissandra raised a brow and looked at Ahri with a question looked

Auntie Lissandra:Seriously?

Ahri:Eh?Why what's wrong?

Auntie Lissandra:I've met him once, he wanted to do a collaboration with our company so I accepted the meeting but after meeting him....Lets just say i didn't like the tone of his tongue.

Auntie Lissandra gave out a cold aura for a second, clearly Sett said something stupid to even make the CEO of a multi million company angry..

Eve:We all do Auntie~

Auntie Lissandra:But ill respect Ahri's decision,maybe there's something Ahri see's what we don't.

Ahri:See! Auntie understands!

Auntie Lissandra:Oh dont get me wrong dear, i still think he's also annoying.

Everyone but ahri laughed hearing it, ahri felt abit pissed and gave out a cute pout.

Auntie Lissandra:What about you Sera Dear? Do you have feelings for (y/n)~

Sera panicked for a second as she started getting flustered of what she want to say.

Sera:Wh-wha?! N-No Auntie i D-don't! P-plus i also like someone else..

Auntie Lissandra:Oh? Who is the lucky guy?

Sera:H-he's an o-old friend, and the person I work with..He's been supporting and helping me ever since..

Sera was letting out a vibrant smile while she talks about the person she like we all stared and admired the innocence she was showing in. Sera then stopped for a second and looked at all us starring at her.

Sera:D-did I say something wrong?!

Akali:I just think its cute.


Ahri:Same heree

Sera's cheeks were already getting red as a tomato as it also started reaching to her ears, we all giggled seeing Sera this cute.

Auntie Lissandra:How about you Akali? You've known (y/n) since college.

Oh no.

Akali:I-i ummh, uhh....

I didnt knew what to say, i just started to stutter so bad from being flustered.

Eve:Oh? Our Akali is stuttering~


My cheeks started to get redder and my stuttering was getting worse

Ahrii:How cutee~

I pouted while the rest were teasing me, i took a deep breath and let myself calm down while the rest waited for my answer .

But now that i thought of it.... i did had a small fling on (y/n) back in college before i dated Zed but i dont know what happened to those feelings..

Akali:I... I really dont hold any romantic feelings on (y/n)... maybe during college yeah.... i had this small fling...but thats close to it, i never really thought of getting into a relationship with him.

Eve:Oh~ i didnt knew you liked (y/n)~


Auntie Lissandra: But do know your (y/n)'s type~

I cant help but feel happy about it, I've know (y/n) a long time. He's nice guy to be with and fun too, but never really saw him in romantic way.I suddenly i felt a chill, i look at my side and i saw Eve giving me a glare.

What did I do?!

Aunt Lissandra:How about you Kai'sa?

We all looked at Kai'sa who seem to be a bit flustered.

Kai'sa:W-well...I dont know (y/n) that much, but i do want to get to know him better first atleast..

Aunt Lissandra:Oh so there is a chance?~

Kai'sa:Huh?! N-no no! B-bu- I- d-dont-

Kai'sa was left super flustered, she was just stuttering and couldnt even think of what to say she was waving her hands and making hand gestures that we dont even know what she's trying to say made Auntie Lissandra chuckle.

Auntie Lissandra:But even if you have no interest with my son, i hope you 5 will continue to be good friends with him.

Everyone except Auntie Lissandra:Of course!

Lissandra POV

I looked at the view of the friends of (y/n)'s having a nice chit chat, I small exhale of relief exited my chest , finally feeling calm and happy to see my little snowflake finally getting friends.

I guess I was worrying too much over nothing~

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