Who Art In Heaven || BrightWin

By yawntea_

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"In our next life, I shall find you" Bright Vachirawit Chivaaree a rich model student that kept seeing a man... More

Who Art In Heaven || BrightWin
Chapter 1 | The Sorrow
Chapter 2 | The Beauty was You
Chapter 3 | Sarcastic
Chapter 4 | Cute
Chapter 5 | Rushed
Chapter 6 | Confusion
Chapter 7 | Let's have Fun
Chapter 8 | Possession
Chapter 9 | Thinking of You
Chapter 10 | Stranger
Chapter 11 | Rumor
Chapter 12 | Mine
Chapter 13 | You and The Lullabies
Chapter 14 | Similarities
Chapter 15 | Differences
Chapter 16 | Reasons
Chapter 17 | Reveal
Chapter 18 | Traitor
Chapter 19 | Identity
Chapter 20 | Fates
Chapter 21 | Answers
Chapter 22 | Fell
Chapter 23 | Found
Chapter 24 | Consequences
Chapter 25 | For You
Chapter 26 | Mistakes
Chapter 27 | Veil and Thorns
Chapter 29 | Memories
Chapter 30 | Withered Flower
Chapter 31 | Present and Past

Chapter 28 | Lotus and Swords

624 33 5
By yawntea_

"Until I see you again..."


Screams of agony echoed the lavish palace. As cries of regret and some begging was heard as well. Yet on the center of the seemingly throne room stands the general Vachirawit forcefully letting his sharp sword bear on his prey's body.

The man who killed countless of innocent lives and the headache of the country have finally perished. The blade was slowly drawn out of the lifeless body, the blood dripping slowly to the cold ground.

"It's over" Vachirawit whispered to the wind. The war that he has battled for a long time is over. Sighs of relief he has released. His comrades soon entered the facility rejoicing for the victorious war.

It wasn't long when they went back to their base. Some aided to the wounded and some celebrated the victory. Jumpol climbed to his horse and rode fast to deliver the great news to the capital.

Vachirawit let his body crash to his make shift bed not having the time to change. How long has it been since he last sleep peacefully? He doesn't remember but as long as everyone is safe then all is well. Closing his eyes, He went off to his desirable sleep.

Hours have passed, He opened his eyes after his deep slumber. Noises of laughter and joy went through his tent. He recklessly stood up knocking the items on his nightstand.

"Shit" Vachirawit hissed bending over to the broken vase containing white roses. He mentally punished himself- It was the roses Metawin gave before he left yet he dropped it carelessly. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" He apologized repeatedly, setting the flowers aside and picking the broken pieces.

"Sir, The king's guards are waiting for you" A lower soldier said swaying the fabric of tent away, bringing the attention of his upper rank. Vachirawit repositioned himself and dismissed the soldier accepting the sudden invitation.

Vachirawit marched outside seeing only a few of the guards. Curious yet he didn't dare speak. The celebration seem to have stopped when all of his comrades brought to their attention. He saluted to the guards waiting for their purpose of arrival.

"General Vachirawit Chivaaree, You are under arrest for suspected treason" The leader announced as his right hand man showed an official warrant from the palace. Vachirawit stood still not reacting at his arrest thinking that someone has framed him.

"Hang on a sec, You are arresting him? Nonsense! He and only him have slain this country's enemies yet here you are arresting him" A sober soldier defended the others have agreed on his statement. Vachirawit's battalion started to complain all at once making the king's guard rather annoyed.

"I shall repeat myself. General Vachirawit Chivaaree is arrested for suspected treason. You have the right to remain silent" The bulky man repeated, He waved his hand signalling his comrades to arrest their prisoner. Cold cuffs have bind Vachirawit's hand together yet he didn't refuse. "Wait I want to talk to someone first" He finally spoke

Vachirawit walked slowly to the soldier that defended him leaning himself to his ear. "Once Jumpol has arrived, Tell him to prepare my legal documentation. Let this be private and Never, I repeat Never let the Opas-iamkajorn's know" He whispered clearly bringing himself to stand firmly smiling to his comrade "Also tell him to bring me my lotus" He continued before returning to the guards.

The ride back to the capital was long ang bumpy. The guards didn't bring him any attention as if he wanted in the first place. Vachirawit leaned his head on the cold stone wall, he was in a cold dungeon waiting for his trial tomorrow. He mentally sighed bringing the already dried rose to his chest.

Vachirawit was worried for Win more than himself, He couldn't bear to see his beloved's reaction on his mess. He thought that maybe he thought twice and cancelled the ceremony all together. It drove him crazy. The sun has already set and night has showed. He slowly laid himself on the stone floor letting tiredness and sleepiness cover him.

"The first trial is dismissed" The old judge said loudly banging a wooden hammer repeatedly. Just like Vachirawit's speculations the hearing is a disaster yet the cases that has thrown to him is obviously false for him. Once again bind by the iron cuffs he was forced to walk out of the court room to his cell. Jumpol walking besides his general with worry. He told or more of bribed the guards on the dungeon to move away leaving only Jumpol and Vachirawit.

"Sir, Are you alright?" He asked scanning him throughly. Vachirawit nodded and let out a small smile. "Please do not worry, Your case is much easier than expected. You will be out in no time" Jumpol reassured gripping on the bars tightly. He has rampaged the entire capital to let his general out as well as preparing for what's to come.

"You have secretly commanded me for War. May I ask why?" Jumpol added confusion on his tone. The moment he has heard of his general's order he did not hesitate to prepare, No questions asked but he can't help himself, Why?, What goes through his master's mind?

Vachirawit gazed on his comrade's eyes. He hasn't properly explained the possible situation that may occur. It was better for them to be ready. "Everything about my trial is suspicious. It was very obvious for me that this is a setup but we cannot go that far" He explained his eyes not leaving his. "If we are wrong then we shall be at ease" continuing his statement, He leaned himself on the wall and grabbed the dried flower.

"How is Win?" Vachirawit asked his eyes fixated on the flower that Win gave to him.


"How can this be!" A high pitched scream was heard throughout the master's bedroom. Flipping the small table throwing and breaking it's contents. The Madam of the Opas-iamkajorn has threw a fit than the lord. "How can that bastard's wedding proceed if the groom was arrested!" She continued ranting loudly to their servants.

"Do not call my son a bastard" A low voice entered. Slow and heavy footsteps was enough to make the lady to shut up. The head of the Opas-iamkajorn household sat himself on the bed as he opens his book not minding his mad wife. "How are you so calm in this situation?!" His wife shouted directly on the man. He sighed and looked up dead.

"You are forgetting that he's a Chivaaree, the most powerful family line in this nation. He can get out of there if he wants" The lord replied in a monotone sound bringing back his attention to his unfinished book. The Madam sat in disbelief,she curled to call her servant. "Tell that child about the situation" The servant nodded accepting the order.

"Don't you dare!" The lord unexpectedly screamed halting the steps of the servant. The servant bowed as an apology and left after being dismissed.

In a turn of the long hallway there sat a quietly sobbing person- Win. He covered his mouth preventing any sound to escape as his hand gripped the fabric of his nightwear. He doesn't want to accept it, He can't. Many worrying thoughts have occurred him, All of them are What ifs.

Quietly, Win stood up from his place and ran to his room. As soon as he got there, he grab all of the necessary things that he might give to his person. He desperately wants to see him but not now. Win wasn't sure how can he reach him without his father's connection. Win slowly laid on his bed hopelessly.

It was already sunrise but Win was already awake he couldn't sleep properly not when Vachirawit was in a dungeon. He slowly opened his window welcoming the sunrise breeze. Win sat on his bed facing away from his window.

"Hey Metawin!" A loud whisper gained Win's attention. He quickly looked around to see an unfamiliar man climbing up his window. Win gasped and took his dagger the sharp edge facing the intruder.

"Calm down, It's me Jumpol! Your general's comrade!" Jumpol defended himself successfully climbing from the window. "Don't believe me? Here" He utter showing of a symbol. Win looked closely familiar by it. Eyes widen in shook, It was an official military symbol, It is really real. He gazed up in shook. "Who are you?" Win asked putting down his weapon.

"Lieutenant General Jumpol Adulkittiporn, At your service" The man named Jumpol utter formally and saluted at Win. Win hushed Jumpol with a finger on his mouth scared that others will discover him.

"Well, Lieutenant General Jumpol, Why are you here?" Win gained up courage to asked, He was facing a high ranking person on the military he needs to be careful. "I am taking you to General Vachirawit" The man replied quickly grabbing Win's wrist.

"Wait what? How can we even do that" Metawin asked the lieutenant. He was still suspicious of his sudden visit and was having second thoughts but the urge to see his beloved made him think. "Please Metawin, The general needs you, Our comrades needs him" Jumpol plead with sadness visible on his eyes. After Vachirawit's arrest, The camp was a disaster. They all prevented to have a new commander and lazied around not doing their duties without Vachirawit. Win sighed and nodded slowly. He wants to see him, He needs to see him.


"Let me in! Where is Vachirawit?!" A loud voice echoed through the empty dungeon. Vachirawit has heard his name crawling towards the bars trying to look for his visitor. Soon, loud and fast footsteps went to his cell revealing his most unexpected visitor- Metawin.

"Metawin?" Vachirawit utter lowly. Standing himself from his sit still shock from his sudden visitor. Win came in running with tears flowing on his delicate face, He grabbed the bars where Vachirawit's hands are- finally touching him for a long time.

"What happened to you?" Metawin cried in despair, looking through him vividly. Vachirawit crawled his calloused hands to Win's wet face wiping away his tears. "Don't cry please, I am fine" Vachirawit reassured his crying wife, through the bars he attempted to hold him under his grip.

"Liar, You told me you were fine on your letters but what is this? I was alerted that you were thrown in the dungeon" Metawin complained with a shaking breath trying his best to catch his breath rubbing away his tears with the fabric of his sleeves.

"But I am, Please do not worry much. I will get out of here" Vachirawit said attempting to calm Win. "When will that happen" Metawin asked while scattering his two hands on Vachirawit's body looking for any injuries.

"It will happen sooner than you think love. Please hold on for a while" Vachirawit smiled to Win, his heart leaping with joy as he finally saw his beloved. He quickly wiped the tears that has flown on Win's face. He couldn't bear to see him cry, He will go to rampage.

"I hope that is not an empty promise" Metawin utter intertwining both of his hands to Vachirawit's. They have both brought themselves to smile on each other. Win brought his face on Vachirawit's hands- lightly kissing both of them. The action caught the other off guard but he didn't complained.

"It is not my dear" Vachirawit started looking happily than ever. "But prepare yourself once I am out, I will devour you" He continued teasingly earning a light slap on his left hand. Win chuckled on his silliness. "Then I do hope you will catch me" Win fired back grinning letting go of his hold and made his way up to Vachirawit's face, stains of blood had been visible. It made his heart crack and tingle, He thought to himself that he needs to do something for him and he exactly knows how to do it.

Lavish decorations and elegant music echoed through the beautiful hall. As the musicians and dancers made the people entertained. On the center, there sat on the big and lavish throne- the king.

"Your Majesty, The youngest lord Opas-iamkajorn has come to visit you" The palace servant whispered to the king. The king let out a chuckle as he gestured his hand. The music that blasted on the room stopped and the people were ordered to go which they did simultaneously.

"Bring him in" The majestic man ordered sipping on his expensive cup. His eyes filled with joy as the fair man entered the hall elegantly. Win got on his knees and bowed not moving on his spot. He was not that familiar with the newly crowned king as he knows that Laedeke's tend to hide anything that stains their name badly.

"What is the purpose of your visit" King Sattabut utter his eyes not leaving the younger. Metawin swallowed the lump forming on his throat as he held his shaking hands close to him.

"I have come to beg for your mercy, Your Majesty" Win spoke avoiding any eye contact. He want to risk- He wants to do anything for him even if he loses his dignity. "My mercy? I didn't know that the Opas-iamkajorn household is collapsing" The king said teasingly, he was already aware of his purpose but he was enjoying to see someone like Win beg.

"No, Your Majesty" Win denied as he lift his head up finally making contact to the majestic king. "It is about General Vachirawit, Please Your Majesty Let him go" He continued his plead his tears threaten to fall on his very spot. "Why should I? I think you are aware of his crimes are you not?" The king teased puffing smoke out of his long cigar stick. He enjoyed everything yet he didn't try to hide it.

"All of them are not true. Please I beg you, Let him go. I will do everything! Anything!" Win plead loudly as his tears finally fall. His voice cracking because of his fading dignity. King Sattabut let out a long blow on his cigar as if he was reconsidering. "Anything?" He spoke not even gazing on the sobbing man. Win nodded rapidly.

The majestic man chuckled as he slowly laid his cigar stick putting it out of flame. He stood up and walked to Win, grabbing him by the chin. He took the opportunity to gaze up to him throughly "That bastard sure has amazing taste" He thought to himself he soon removed his grip and stood firmly.

"Very well. He shall be released right on this moment" He announced as the his guards and servants rushed outside to announce the general's departure. Win felt jumping in joy as the king's words swayed beautifully on his ears. He has finally convinced him! He has succeeded!

"Thank you so much, Your Majesty" Metawin utter with joy in his tone bowing respectfully on his king. Sattabut marched towards his tone while gesturing his hand. "According to plan"

"You are now released" The palace guard announced bringing Vachirawit's attention. The guard forcefully opened the iron door releasing it's prisoner. Vachirawit stood up slowly as his mind can't sink the sudden events. Fast footsteps echoed through the long hall, It was Jumpol, running quickly to his general.

"Sir, You are released" Jumpol said while trying to catch his breath. "It must have been him" Vachirawit thought to himself, he smiled widely. "Thank you for releasing me" He thanked while bowing. The eyes of Jumpol widen he cannot believe what he was hearing. After all he was in shock when he heard about his release.

"You are mistaken, I was not the one who released you. In fact it was the king" Jumpol denied earning a confused look from his general. "The king? I thought he didn't care" He said to himself.

"Vachirawit!" A loud voice was heard. It was familiar to Vachirawit, It's Metawin. Suddenly, a strong but warm and gentle hold crawled through him. As his vision got blurry, He took the opportunity to hold his dear tightly. He has missed this.

"I am back" Vachirawit whispers to Win's ears placing a small peck on the younger's head. "You sure are" Metawin smiled in glee as he grip tightly as he thought to himself. "Two longing hearts are finally one. They won't separate.. Right?"


"You look so beautiful, My dear" Win smiled softly to his grandmother. He has already heard that for many times today. Maybe it's because of the enthusiasm of a wedding, He's getting married after all. "Rest here for a while. It's still very early" His grandmother utter softly, The sun hasn't risen yet. Win can see some stars shining brightly.

With his delicate hands, He reached the handle of his drawer, one has shine the most, it was small compared to the others yet Win choose it. He took the small golden hairpin decorated by a diamond lotus adorned with golden strikes seemingly like water flowing. Win gently clip the beautiful hairpin, He remembered vividly how his late lovely mother dress herself always wearing this.

Win felt his eyes getting wet, He quietly laugh. "I can't let their efforts go to waste" He said to himself dabbing his eyes with a handkerchief. Win stood up from his sit checking everything from him, he sighed and walked out of the room wearing his wedding garments.

The Chivaaree household had welcomed him last night as they insist he stays there instead. Oddly, He didn't see Vachirawit yet he left handful of handmade gifts for him. He also thought he will see Atthaphan but to no avail he didn't, After their small chat he wanted to see the man on the eve of the wedding but none of the servants know his whereabouts.

"Child, Let us go to the ceremony" His grandmother's soft voice reached Metawin's ears. He slowly nodded and took his grandmother's hand. Walking to the outside where the ceremony will be held. He looked around to look for his family but just like he expected - there were none.

At the end of the lavish carpet, there stood Vachirawit. He has already walked on the front as he eyes all of the guests and of course, the teasing looks of his soldiers. His doe eyes gazed on the entrance to see his future- Win.

Vachirawit couldn't help but feel on awe and shock. Metawin looked more eternal and beautiful. He bit his lips to surpass his emotions. "Don't start. Don't start" He repeatedly thought to himself.

As Win finally took a step on the slightly elevated platform. A fast and eerie shot disturbed the venue, Screams of people echoed as they all ran out. Win quickly looked at his grandmother- a shot from her back. "Grandmother" He utter as he saw her fall lifeless on the ground.

"Grandmother!" Win shouted as he felt his body being dragged, more shots of arrows were fired to everyone. With teary eyes, He looked at Vachirawit who was forcing him to evacuate. "I can't leave her!" Vachirawit didn't reply as he successfully got both of them out. Leaving the lifeless body of Win's dear grandmother.

Vachirawit finally stopped on a hidden pavilion there Metawin cried his heart out. He cannot believe that the only person who have cared for him since he was young will die infront of his eyes. "We will be safe here" Vachirawit utter breaking the gloomy atmosphere. He kneeled and took Win to his embrace trying to comfort the lost.

"Bring me back! I want to go back!" Metawin plead gripping hard on Vachirawit's garments shaking him. "There is no use, Everyone already ran or they have-" He paused hesitant to say the next words. Vachirawit sighed as he got up and turned. "I need to go back there, you stay still here. I will get Jumpol to guard you" Vachirawit announced as he ran leavings Win on his own.

"Guess he abandoned you after all" A teasing tone reached Win he turned to see the source in his shock- It was Atthaphan. "That pathetic bastard has finally got tired of his plaything" Atthaphan continued crawling his fast hand on Win's hair, gripping it tightly.

"This is what you deserve. I should be the one he loves not you!" Atthaphan spoke in fury hitting Win's cheek. Streams of tears flowed on Win's cheek. "How can he do this to me?" He said to himself.

"Why are you doing this? I thought we get along" Metawin utter feeling his heart ache more. He plans to befriend Atthaphan but he didn't thought that they will get to this point. He didn't know he will get betrayed.

"You took Vachirawit away from me! If only you didn't show up then maybe he-" Atthaphan cut his statement as his own tears dropped. "Maybe he will look at me instead" He continued as he was about to reach his pocket getting the sharp object. Atthaphan suddenly spat blood, a sharp arrow has pierced on him. The rush of poison quickly got him.

Metawin sat there in shook. The trauma of seeing people drop dead is getting to him, He gazed up to see Jumpol. "Run!" The man who shot Atthaphan shouted. Metawin quickly got up and ran out of the pavilion. The man stood there in silence

"Atthaphan" Jumpol utter with a shakey voice. He bend his knees and carried Atthaphan's dying body. Droplets of water streamed on his face. " I'm so sorry, so sorry" he chanted, his calloused and rough hand touched Atthaphan's face, it was getting colder by the second. "How can I show my affections to you now" He once again utter as he gripped Atthaphan closely to him. "I'm too late"


Red and orange beam of sunlight peaked the sky. The noise of clashing swords and the pants of two men was the only thing that was heard on the field. Vachirawit took every opportunity and opening to violate the person who has threaten. The person who he vowed to protect and serve is the one who will betray him.

"Give up Chivaaree, there is no end to this" Sattabut spoke with pride. Both are bleeding in every spot of their bodies yet they do not stop. One should be the victor while the other will be the loser but none of them wants to be the losing one.

Tiredness was visible on their faces. It felt like ages, Vachirawit wanted to stop and tend to Win yet his opponent thinks the other way. The king wanted his head and show it with pride, he didn't even tried to hide it. "I suggest you surrender yourself. You are already bleeding hard it won't take long until you give up" Vachirawit utter gripping hard on his blade attempting to strike the other.

The king smiled teasingly, He knows that he doesn't stand a chance against him but he doesn't intend to strike him personally. There is another way. "Do you think you have protected the most precious thing?" He spoke making Vachirawit stop his tracks. He knows and He was too dumb not to consider.

Fast and clumsy footsteps ringed the stone path. Metawin ran as far as he could but the problem is, The household is too big and all of the entrances are blocked by the king's guard. Win found himself on the lavish garden- where he and Vachirawit has told their affections to one another. He stood on the middle of the bridge looking around for any possible threats.

"Don't you dare!" Vachirawit screamed as wrath towards the king engulfed through him. He didn't think twice to strike. Charging abruptly as peirced towards the king's chest. Droplets to pools of blood colored the floor. Vachirawit hissed in pain, the stinging pain of the blade on his abdomen was too unbearable yet he prevailed. He watched his enemy's lifeless body drop helplessly on the dirt ground.

Win walked down the bridge. He can't help but notice how the flowers bloomed so beautifully. He wandered carelessly almost forgetting the chaos that has been going on. He walked until he reached a unfamiliar field.

"Do you think you have protected the most precious thing?" A groan attracted Win's attention. He carefully looked at the source to see The king being stab and Vachirawit? Win gasped as he ran the opposite direction going back to the garden.

As he entered the household's garden, A loud wisp of air resonated the area. Win halted his tracks the stinging pain conquered his senses. The fast rush of the poison that has covered the tip of the arrow stabbing him. It was unbearable yet he accepted that. Win let his heavy body drop on the field of wild flowers that were growing in between the stone path.

Win's eyes wandered the man who has shot him ran away in fear. The silhouette of the feisty general scared the murderer off. As his vision got blurry, the sceneries of his memories started to flash before his eyes. "Is this what's like to die?" He asked himself

"Win!" Vachirawit's loud shout rang the surrounding area. Quickly but gently holding Win to his embrace. The growing fear and sorrow crawled fast on his senses. His nightmares, The wish he will never tell has come true.

"Metawin, Stay awake for me. I will get the physician for you just please-" Vachirawit reassured trying to lift Win off the ground yet Win stayed still, a small stream of blood flowed on the side of his mouth, gazing up to Vachirawit with tears forming. "The poison is already corrupting me. I recognize it" Win explained, it was the same one that killed his beloved mother and also the same poison that will end him.

Vachirawit couldn't help but let his emotions fall. He has once again failed his loved one. He has again broke his oath. "Don't cry. Please smile" Win plead, a single tear dropping. It hurts to see people cry especially if he was the reason.

"How can you say that? Don't leave me" As Vachirawit held the Win's hand bringing it to his teary face. "Please let me go" the words made the general sob more. It was the most painful stab than anything he has taken. He leaned in making their faces close to each other- almost kissing it.

"I am blessed to have the chance to love you in this lifetime, Vachirawit. I will beg the heavens to meet you again in the next life" Win whispered softly. Vachirawit leaned more closely, their trembling lips touching even so their tears mixing, It will not stop. The piercing pain of losing someone is something Vachirawit will not get over yet he knows that.

"When we met again, Even if I forgot, Please find me" Win cupped Vachirawit's wet cheeks and tried to smile slowly, his vision was attempting to go black as his eyes get heavy. Vachirawit nodded slowly letting sorrowful moans escape his lips. The delicate hand declined, the warmth of his beloved faded at a slow pace.

"I took an oath, a promise to my beloved. You will always be the abstract of my life, The pillar of my sanity and joy. You will always be loved and cherish my lotus as this will carry on to the next. Thus, I will love you forevermore, My dear Metawin" As the sun rose to it's brightest, an unbreakable oath was heard from the almighty general. The lotuses and heavens will always be the witness. For that it shall be granted.


Years later...

The brush strokes and the chriping of birds resonated the room. Beautifully painted canvas has surrounded the room but there was only one subject. The fairest of the skin, the space black hair, the plump lips. The lavish and elegant details on the subject's wear was on point detailed. It was simply beautiful.

"Every painting that I have created always hit me hard. I must do this before I get hazy though I don't think I will forget you Win" The tall man said as if there was someone with him. He let down his color palette to admire his work.

"It has been years yet you still look beautiful as I remember" Vachirawit utter, raising his hand to touch the subject's face. Hot tears blurred his vision seeing the life of his beloved only through the colors of art. He grinned his teeth tight leaning his face close. Gazing the face so tenderly.

He let his shaking hand crawl on the center of his neck, a plain silver necklace hanging lowly. It was decorated with nothing but noticeably, a golden ring, adorned with small diamonds. Win's wedding ring. Vachirawit used his thumb to rub his own ring, sitting on his ring finger elegantly.

"If only I came early then maybe I have saved you" Vachirawit started. His whole form has changed ever since his passing. After successfully killing the king, He was offered to be the new one but he denied. He stills remembers the days he locked himself up after Win's funeral, how he forgot to take care of himself. The lavish garden that Win adorned dried up as years went by yet he didn't care.

"I miss you, Win" His voice shake and cracked as his hands gently caresses the painting. He cannot live any longer. Vachirawit let out a small smile his tears gracefully flow downwards "I love you much"

Without noticing, The small beautiful butterfly flew off Win's painting. It has flew away but not that far. Soon, It landed on a slim soft finger, The person chuckled and looked at the direction of the room ahead. "I love you too... We will meet again" Thus, white particles lift up the air going through the bright white light. Miraculously, The withered flowers bloomed once again as if celebrating an anticipation. It all has bloomed beautifully.

How can the heavens be so cruel? Is it an obstacle? or is it a miracle? That is we don't know.

The delicate lotus and the mighty general will always be together, not only in this life but to next.

That is how it should be.

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