Highschool Singular Point

By dragonNecroKing132

75.7K 1.2K 955

Issei Hyoudou, a perverted teenage boy who wished on becoming the Harem King. However, after being killed by... More

Issei's Bio
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
New Cover
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapet 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20: SERA O FIM DA TERRA!!
Chapter: [REDACTED]
Singular-verse Rules & Info

Chapter 8

2.9K 59 39
By dragonNecroKing132

Third Person POV

Previously on Highschool Singular point.

Issei: 'Rias isn't human, I guess I'll find out what she is when we get to Kuoh. But she better not stop the Ritual, otherwise, things are gonna get bloody...'




Issei sighed as he grumbled to himself.

Issei: "I hate that people are looking at me"

The black-haired boy and Rias Gremory arrived at Kuoh Academy, they walked into the school grounds as Rias was clinging onto Issei's arm.

Female Student 1: "Please tell me I'm seeing things..."

Female Student 2: "You're not seeing things, I'm actually seeing it as well"

Female 3: "Rias is walking with Hyoudou!"

Rias smiled and waved at the audience that was staring at them, Issei on the other hand simply snorted and looked away.

He didn't care what others say about him, but he also hated that there were some people who think that he is still the same old pervert as he use to be.

Once they walked into the school building, Ruas unhooked her arms, much to Issei's pleasure.

Rias: "I will send someone to get you after school, I'll see you later. Bye~"

With that Issei watched as Rias walked away, possibly making her way to her classroom. The black-haired boy let out another snort as walking and talking to her was really annoying.

He basically ignored all her questions about what he was cause he doesn't want to tell her, why would he? he doesn't even know what she is.

But he does know that Rias isn't human, he can also sense that there were some others that weren't human as well. But with all the students and teachers in Kuoh Academy, it's nearly impossible to know who is human and who is not.

Issei: 'This is gonna be one annoying day, I can already tell...This better be worth it'

Issei made his way towards his class, but before he did he took a quick stop to his locker that all students were given. he opened his locker and well...

Issei blinked in confusion as he wondered why there was a letter in his locker? one with a heart no less, which only meant one thing this was a love letter.

The black-haired boy picked up the love letter and opened it.

He then started to read it, but not out loud cause he didn't want anyone staring at him.

'Dear Hyoudou.

I know you and I don't really see eye to eye most of the time, especially back when you were a pervert...

But, I just want to say that I love You.

You may not feel the same, but that's alright. I don't blame you.

From Someone, you know.'

Issei raised an eyebrow as he wondered who could have written this love letter to him?

There were multiple reasons why this made no sense to the black-haired boy, but the main reason was that Issei wasn't liked by any girls when he was a pervert so why does he have a love letter?

And it's not an old one, he can tell that it was actually placed in his locker today.

But now the question still remains, who is the one who placed it in his locker?

The black-haired boy sighed as he placed the letter in his pocket, he was gonna need to ask someone if they know anything about who placed the letter in his locker.

Issei: "I'll worry about that later, for now, I got class"

Issei then made his way towards his class.

(Time Skip Brought to you by HALO)

Issei groaned in annoyance as he had his head on his desk, his former perverted friend was demanding answers to why Issei and Rias were walking together.

Of course, this annoyed the black-haired boy because he did not want to deal with this bull shit, especially after the events of yesterday.

Speaking of which he heard a rumor about the tree his beam attack destroyed, apparently, people think that it was someone who drove their car into it.

Matsuda: "Tell us Issei! Now!"

Issei sighed.

Issei: "I told you two already, there is nothing going on between me and Rias Gremory. Why would I?"

Motohama: "Lies1 Don't play dumb with us! Were the Pervert Trio remember!"

Issei deadpanned at the two.

Issei: "No, we're not. I gave that up cause I no longer care about any of that...for even being in love"

Aika appeared next to the black-haired boy, which startled Motohama and Matsuda but Issei wasn't phased by this. Why would he? He's got no reason to.

Aika: "Aw, come one Hyoudou. I'm sure that there is someone out there who is in love with you"

Issei looked at Aika.

Issei: "Sorry, Aika. But there's no reason for me to be in love"

Aika: "Well, maybe you'll get a love letter from someone"

Issei: "oh, Already did"

This got Motohama and Matsuda's attention as they stared at the black-haired boy in shock.


This seemed to get everyone else's attention as they looked over and began to whisper to each other.

Female Student 1: "You hear that? Hyoudou got a love letter?"

Female Student 2: "Who in their right mind would do that?"

Female Student 3: "I mean, sure he no longer does perverted things, but maybe it's all a lie to let out guard down"

Male Student 1: "I can't believe this! Hyoudou got a love letter!"

Male Student 2: "Lucky Bastard! it should have been me"

Male Student 3: "I got a love letter"

Male Student 2: "We know, Bob"

Male Student 3: "I'm gay"

Male Student 2: "We know, bob"

Issei let out another sigh as he glared at Matsuda and Motohama.

Issei: "Did you two have to scream it out, what's next? your gonna sing Justin Beaver?"

Aika giggled at Issei's words, Issei heard this and for some reason, he couldn't help but chuckle.

Issei: "Cute"

Silence filled the room as everyone heard what the black-haired boy said, Aika grew a blush from Issei's words.

Aika: "D-did you...s-say, cute?"

Issei: "uh? yeah?"

Aika's face went bright red as steam came off her head, the other students couldn't believe what they had just heard.

Female Student 1: "D-did Hyoudou just call Aika cute!?"

Female Student 2: "OMG! I can't believe it! I never thought this day would come!"

Female Student 3: "Please tell me someone recorded that!?"

Male Student 1: "Holy shit..."

Male Student 2: "Ok, I gotta admit. Hyoudou is one badass mother fucker"

Male Student 3: "Damn Right! He is"

Issei groaned in annoyance and shook his head, he just said that Aika looked cute. Like what's the problem with that?

Issei: 'sometimes, I don't understand people...'

Suddenly, the girls begin to scream happily which annoyed Issei cause they were so loud. He was about to tell them off, but the black-haired boy turned and saw what they were screaming about.

At the classroom door, was a handsome young man with short blond hair, blue eyes, and a mole underneath his left eye.

He wore the Kuoh Academy boys' school uniform, which consists of a black blazer with white accents over a white, long-sleeved dress shirt with a black ribbon on the collar, matching black pants, and brown dress shoes.

Issei sighed as he knew who this person was, this was Yuuto Kiba. The prince of Kuoh Academy, the girls of Kuoh Academy are madly in love with the blonde-haired boy.

As the female students gushed over Kiba, the blonde-haired boy made his way over to Issei. The black-haired boy simply stared at Kiba.

Issei: 'So he must be the one that Rias Gremory said she'll send to get me...'

Kiba smiled at Issei.

Kiba: "Hello, you must be Issei Hyoudou?"

Issei: "Yeah, that's me"

Kiba: "I must say, I have heard a lot about you"

The black-haired boy tilted his head.

Issei: "I doubt that people have talked much about me"

Everyone in the classroom looked at Issei.


Issei: "Ok, then. But why are you here?"

Kiba simply smiled, why does he smile like that? Like that Alastor dude, he saw yesterday's smile was even better than this dude.

Kiba: "I came here by order of Rias Gremory, she wants you to follow me"

Issei: 'Why do I get the feeling that 'Follow me' part is gonna end up as a song for something'

Issei let out a small sigh as he stood up.

Issei: "Fine, Let's get this over with"

The black-haired boy started to follow Kiba, Knowing that he won't get any answers unless he cooperate.

He followed the blonde-haired boy for a good while, when he felt like this was a waste of his time they then reached where Kiba was bringing issei.

It was the old school building, Issei had heard much about it before what happened to him. He heard that it was used when Kuoh Academy was an all-girl school, but since it turned co-ed it was abandoned for the new school building.

Issei: 'So, this must be her base of operation'

Both Issei and Kiba made their way inside the two-story-high building, the blonde-haired boy didn't know that there were some red dust coming off the black-haired boys body.

They went upstairs and went further into the building, as they were Issei looked around and saw that the corridor was surprisingly clean for an old and abandoned building.

Before long the duo arrived at a classroom with a sign on the door that had the words "Occult Research Club" on it.

Issei: "So, this is it?"

Kiba looked at Issei and nodded his head.

Kiba: "yes, Buchou is inside"

Issei: "Well, let's get in there"

Kiba nodded his head as he opened the door and entered the room with Issei following closely behind.

However, instead of an old and dusty classroom what he saw instead as a well-furnished place with couches, candles, a desk, and some other stuff as well.

The black-haired boy shouldn't be surprised, but for some reason he was. In the corner, he saw some sort of gigantic, intricate circle drawn in chalk.

Issei: 'why am I even surprised? like I saw the hallway'

Issei's gaze wandered over the place as he spotted someone well-known. It was a petite girl with white hair and gold eyes. The front of her hair had two long bangs going past her shoulders and several loose bangs hanging over her forehead, while the back had a short bob cut. She also wore a black cat-shaped hair clip on both sides of her hair.

Issei knew this girl, it was Koneko Toujou also known as the Kuoh Academy Mascot. She has a cult following among a select number of males, she is also popular among the females as being called cute.

Issei: 'So she's a part of this group, interesting....'

Kiba: "Koneko, this is Issei hyoudou"

Koneko looked at Issei for a moment, her hazel eyes staring into the black-haired boy's yellow eyes.

She then lowers her head and went back to eating. Issei wasn't surprised by this, from what he has heard from other students, Koneko wasn't much of a talker and preferred to keep to herself.

Suddenly, Issei heard the sound of water flowing coming from a room. The black-haired boy turned his gaze to the noise and saw the body outline of a woman behind some shower curtains.

If Issei was his old perverted self, he would be gushing over whoever was in the shower. But after going for hell and back, he's not even affected by things like that anymore.

Koneko looked at Issei whose gaze was staring at the shower, she thought that he was just a simple pervert. But she was surprised when the black-haired boy just rolled his eyes and looked away.

Koneko: 'I guess he isn't a pervert, but he gives off a very...strange aura...It's like I'm staring at an Apex Predator'

Koneko was different than the others in the Occult Research Club, she had a type of enhanced senses Similar to animals. She can tell that Issei was something else entirely.

Issei stood where he was with a bored expression on his face.

???: "Ara. Ara Ara. Ufufu, Hello there. Cutie"

Issei turned his gaze to someone approaching him with a kind grin. The person was a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous figure, very long black hair, and violet eyes. Her hair was tied in a long ponytail, reaching all the way down to her legs with two strands sticking out from the top and sloping backward, with an orange ribbon keeping it in place.

The black-haired boy stared at the woman who introduced herself as Akeno Himejima, Issei got a strange feeling from her.

Issei: "Nice to meet you..."

Jut then, Rias emerges from the restroom wearing her school outfit.

Rias: "Sorry, I forgot to have a shower at your Place. Please forgive me, Issei"

Issei: "it's fine..."

Rias: "Now then, please take a seat"

The black-haired boy sat down next to Koenko as he looked at Rias who stood in front of her table.

Rias: "I welcome you to the Occult Research Club"

Issei: "Thanks, even though I was forced to be here..."

Rias: "Now, Now. That isn't nice to say to the one who saved your life from a Fallen Angel"

Issei: "...."

This sudden laugh caught the Occult Research Club off guard, the reason is that the black-haired boy's laugh nearly sounded like that of a psychopath.

Rias: "May I ask, What's so funny?"

Issei: "You save me from a what now?"

Rias: "A Fallen Angel"

Issei: "Ah, Yes. A Fallen Angel, you see I wasn't in trouble from that things"

Kiba: "What are you talking about?"

Issei let out a small chuckle.

Issei: "I took care of that pathetic creature with no problem whatsoever"

Rias narrowed her eyes at the black-haired boy.

Rias: "That can't be possible, no human can't take on a Fallen Angel"

Issei: "Oh, Rias. Rias, Rias~ you're right, no human can take one of those down. But neither you nor the others in this room are human..."

This shocked the Occult Research Group that Issei knew that they weren't human, could he sense their power.

Issei: "I'm not human either..."

Rias: "Than what are you?"

The black-haired boy grew a sinister grin as his eyes glowed.

Issei: "I'm a Singular Point"





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