The Day He Said Goodnight (Yi...

De 4qu4m4rln3

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Living a dull and miserable life. That's how Wang Yibo lived his life for the past few years, after his first... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12 (Last Chapter)

Chapter 11

322 34 6
De 4qu4m4rln3

The moment Xian arrived back to Zhan's ward with the doctor following after him when he saw the situation of his own brother, he froze. "Z-Zh-Zhan," his voice croaked out. Even though he was frozen to his position, the doctor immediately got into action and called some nurses to back him up. When the nurses arrived, one of them gently grabbed Xian away from the scene and pulled him outside, so that he could get himself back. 

"Mr Xiao, stay here and if you could. I would need your help to call your parents so..." the nurse's voice slowly faded out since she didn't want to bring more chaos into Xian's mind but the man was willing to hear the worst part even though he prepared himself for it, "say it, nurse," Xian encouraged the nurse and so the nurse bit her lip before telling Xian the worst possible scenario, " that if something happens to Zhan, they will be able to see him one last time..."

After saying that, the nurse shut his mouth back and went into Zhan's ward so that she can assist the doctor in retrieving the life out of Zhan's almost lifeless body. When the nurse left, Xian lifted his shaking hand with him holding his phone as he dialled his parents' number hoping that they would immediately pick up his call. In a matter of seconds, a deep voice could be heard from the other line.

"What is it Xian?" his father's authoritative voice clouded their conversation. If this was just a normal phone conversation concerning one of their companies then Xian would've answered his father immediately and stated the problem using his formal tone or professional tone. But today wasn't one of the days where he wanted to call his father concerning their company, he called his father because of his little brother, the only one who's inside the room and is currently fighting for his life. 

"D-Dad..." his tone was no longer professional, nor formal...instead it was vulnerable as if the ruthless business tycoon is exposing his weak self to his father who hated weak people ever since he came of age. 

Xian's father who was surprised at his son's tone decided to drop off the cold father attitude and decided to ask his eldest child, "What is it Xian?" he asked again, in a much softer voice and hoping that his son would answer it. However, instead of words, Mr Xiao could only hear muffled sobs on the other line.

"Xian..." Mr Xiao called out and was currently nervous about what news Xian would tell him. He never his sone's tone like this. Finally, Xian had the strength to tell his father what was going on, "Zhan."

One word was enough to make Mr Xiao run out of his office and grabbed his wife who was at their other company, managing their other business. When Mr Xiao arrived at his wife's company, he immediately strode towards Mrs Xiao's office and banged the door open, revealing his wife who was buried under her untouched documents. "Honey, what's wrong?" Mrs Xiao asked her husband who was acting strange. Ever since he married this man, he never saw this kind of attitude from him...well except when she gave birth to Xian and the next few years to Zhan. But aside from that, she found it strange that her husband was acting like this...especially since she wasn't in labor, nor giving birth to another son.

"Zhan," Mr Xiao only uttered Zhan's name but it was more than enough to get Mrs Xiao's head out of the documents that buried her almost 2 feet under. The couple immediately made their way to the hospital where Zhan was admitted to.


Xian was standing there, pacing back and forth, waiting for his parents to show up so that he could share with them the news about Zhan from the doctor who had talked to him earlier.

Flashback, minutes ago...

Xian was sitting down, fidgeting his fingers with one another and continuously biting his lower lip to suppress himself into bursting inside the room and reviving Zhan with his own hands.

"Mr Xiao?" Xian immediately stood up when he heard the doctor's voice.

"Is my brother alright doctor?" he asked, panicking...

The doctor sighed at Xian and hearing this, Xian could tell that the news wasn't good. So he told the doctor to tell him about Zhan's current condition and that he would be the one to break the news to his parents who were currently riding towards here. "Tell me, is my brother?"

"Hah..." the doctor sighed as he took off his surgical gloves before facing back to Xian who was on the verge of crying. He could tell how much this man treasured his own brother. It was as if he was ready to kill all people for his brother. "Truth to be told, Zhan's condition isn't getting any better. He's slowly getting worse...his heartbeat is becoming irregular so with this we knew that his heart is already failing...if we can't find a donor in 5 hours then we would expect the worst-case scenario to happen," the doctor explained, without taking a break.

Xian was beyond devastated, if he couldn't find a donor in 5 hours then Zhan would...and it would be impossible to find a donor in such a short time, considering Zhan's rare blood type and if they were to find a brain dead person then that would happen to be in other countries which would become to no use since it takes more than 3 hours to travel inside China and considering the amount of time they have to spend in order to find a perfect donor would take more than 3 hours!

In short, whatever they do would be useless...


And so Xian grabbed his phone, harshly wiped his tears and absorbed all the positivity he could absorb as he put his faith in that one person...and so with just a second, he grabbed his phone and dialled that person's number.



Loud steps could be heard echoing throughout the hallway as they made one destination and that is none other than Xiao Zhan's room.  When Xian caught the figure of his parents, he immediately leapt off his seat and ran to hug his mother who was now also bursting into tears while his father was just watching the both of them crying their hearts out. 

As Mr Xiao watched the scene, he noticed how vulnerable his eldest son truly is. He thought that he was strong to the point of not paying attention to his little brother at all, but the truth was, what he expected was indeed the opposite. His son was neither strong nor weak, he was the type to show his ruthless side to those who needs to see it and he would display his weak side to his one and only brother. Mr Xiao now noticed why his eldest son was so afraid and formal to wasn't because Xian wanted to impress him, it was because Xian's greatest fear was disappointing his father.

"Shh, son...your mother's here," Mrs Xiao called out and rubbed his son's back continuously as her tears were also falling. "Honey, what are we going to do..." Mrs Xiao turned and asked his husband who was busy thinking about something and a while later, he then turned to his wife with tears now also brimming in his eyes. "I also don't know hon," he blurted as he looked away from his wife and son. In his whole life as a father, he doted everything on Zhan since he knew that the child was born frail so ever since Zhan was born, he prepared himself to this day that if something happens to his last born then he'll just let it be and not interfere with what destiny wishes..."what a cruel father" was what everyone told him but he didn't mind it since Zhan would still leave this world after a while.

But what happened right now was very far from what he prepared the moment Zhan was born. He could never let destiny do what it wants to his own blood and flesh, oh how he wants to beat the shit out of his past self for preparing this kind of rubbish. Right now, he just wanted to go into Zhan's room and apologize to Zhan... for what he did and what he prepared himself for.

" is your brother?" Mr Xiao tried to hide his shaking voice and asked his son in his usual tone. Xian faced his father with his red eyes and tears still streaming down his face, but something was strange in Xian's face, he was not sad, instead, his face held no emotion. 

"The doctor said that if we can't find a donor then Zhan might well be dead," Xian bluntly said, breaking the news to both of his parents with no ounce of filter in his voice. He spat each word with venom, he was both angry at his parents because they stopped finding the cure for Zhan's disease and now they're both here bawling their eyes out because of the fact that the one they gave up on was about to die. 

Earlier, when Xian called his father, he was out of his mind. He became blank and out of instinct, he called his father whom he had grown to hate to inform about Zhan's situation. Even though Xian came to hate both of his parents, he could still not go against them as they were the ones who brought him into this world. This is the best way of revenge that he could do to avenge Zhan. This was the best way that he could do so that he could get back at what his parents did, for giving up on finding the cure for Zhan's heart.

And with that, Xian's anger left him as it had held no more purpose for him because he did what he wanted to do, to make both of his parents cry and felt regret for giving up on Zhan.

"What do you mean donor?" Mrs Xiao separated the hug and wiped her tears, Xian finally realized that both of them were so busy that they haven't had the time to visit their frail son in their own hospital. "You two were not informed about the cure for Zhan's disease?" Xian asked, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Seeing that no one answered him, he let out a scoff, "oh, yeah, I remembered that none of you spared time to visit my brother in your own hospital as both of you were busy at doing your works," both Xian's parents were offended by the man's words. It was as if the Xian they saw earlier had completely transformed into this strange Xian.

"D-Darling, why are you like this?" Mrs Xiao asked his son as she found it strange for his son to change behaviours in a sudden second. "Oh, I'm like this because I felt pity for my brother who had never seen his parents face ever since he got admitted here," Mrs Xiao was offended at Xian's words. When Mr and Mrs Xiao heard this, they immediately felt guilty. They were indeed trying their best to avoid Zhan so that they could not feel guilty at giving up in searching for a cure for Xiao Zhan's disease.

"S-Son..." Mr Xiao called out and Xian was waiting for his explanation but to hear that nothing followed after, he let out a scoff again. "Did you two know how Zhan asked me every time how you both were doing? He asked me about your situations while you two are so busy doing your own works that couldn't even bother picking up a phone and call your son who was waiting the whole time inside of this goddamn hospital!" Xian shouted making his parents realize what they did to Zhan.

Xian could recall the time when Zhan asked him how their parents were doing with a smile present on his face, expecting his brother to tell him that they would visit him sooner. At that time, Xian could only tell Zhan that they were doing well and avoided telling him that there is only a 0.99% chance of them visiting him. Zhan was still smiling, expecting the answer of his brother, Xian could only curse his parents inside his head for ignoring the ball of light that was sitting in front of him.

Mrs Xiao was now breaking down on the floor, with her cries echoing on the hallways and one could also hear Mr Xiao's suppressed sobs. They thought that Zhan hated them for giving up on him but the truth was it was the complete opposite of what they thought Zhan would feel. Zhan still loved them and was trying to reach out to them but they were the ones declining Zhan's callings. 

"I'm sorry honey..." Mrs Xiao apologized, crying her whole heart out while Mr Xiao was still standing there, regretting the actions he did for his last born, how cold he treated him. Even though he let Zhan do whatever he needs, he never gave Zhan the fatherly love that he always craved for. "Zhan...I'm sorry," Mr Xiao could only sob his way as he continuously blurted "I'm sorry" to their son who was now in the ward, waiting for the donor to show up. 

An hour passed, Mr and Mrs Xiao were busy contacting their international friends into making them help Zhan, just finding the perfect donor would be perfect. Even though the couple tried hard, it was still to no avail since they haven't found one. Xian told them that it was no use but the both of them were stubborn and so they still continued to contact everyone they knew just to find a donor for Zhan.

Another hour passed, Xian was now holding Zhan's hand who was cold as ice. Only 3 hours left then Zhan would be gone. Just thinking about Zhan inside a coffin broke Xian's heart. He could not bear to see his precious little brother trapped inside a coffin, with his eyes closed forever, unable to open again. "Zhan, hang in there for me okay?" Xian pleaded Zhan who was laying on the bed with his eyes tightly shut. "Fight it little brother and I did it, I made mother and father regret why they gave up on finding a cure for you," Xian said as he softly caressed Zhan's cold cheeks.

One hour passed again, there was still no updates, even though Mr and Mrs Xiao are now losing their hope, they still continued contacting their connections and other hospitals hoping that it would have a compatible donor to Zhan's blood and had the antibodies that their son needed. While Zhan's parents were out there, Xian never left Zhan's side. He held Zhan's hands, cheeks and even his chest, hoping that it would warm him up...truth to be told, Xian is now almost losing it, his hair was dishevelled, his suit now crumpled and his eyes now red.

One hour left then Zhan would leave the world. There was still no progress in their hunting. Right now, both Mr and Mrs Xiao were at Zhan's side, saying the words that they weren't able to tell Zhan when he was still alive. Mrs Xiao was holding Zhan's cold cheek, Xian was still holding Zhan's hand while Mr Xiao could only look at his son. He could never touch him, he wasn't allowed to do so, after what he had done to his youngest son. 

"ZhanZhan..." Mrs Xiao called while tears still streaming on her face, "mommy is sorry...I'm sorry for not giving you the love you deserved. I'm sorry for giving up on you and I'm very sorry for turning my back on you when you needed me the most, I know that you'll never forgive me but...please...don't give up, please fight...fight for your brother," she cried and cried, her tears were falling into Zhan's cold cheeks.

Xian on the other hand decided to accept what will happen to his brother, "if you can't do it anymore...then don't force yourself..."

" Zhan, you did a good happy in there," just right when Xian said those words the line on the monitor that was keeping Zhan's pulse in check went straight.

...that's it...


As the line went straight, the doctor immediately came in with sweat dripping on his face, "WE HAVE FOUND THE DONOR!" 

All three immediately stood up from their seats and looked at the doctor with mixed emotions, both sadness, shock and hope. "Excuse me..." the nurse immediately went to Zhan's bed and transported him to the operating room so that they could begin with the surgery. Seeing the flatline, the doctor immediately hopped in Zhan's bed and gave him CPR just so he could bring him back so that they can operate on him. 

"Intern, you explain the details to the family," the doctor that was now performing CPR on Zhan gave a task to the doctor that was standing behind him all the time, clutching a clipboard on his chest. The intern nodded and Zhan was now carried out of the ward, leaving the Xiao family with the intern that was tasked to explain everything to them.

"Family Xiao, there is good news since we have found the perfect donor for patient Xiao Zhan. He had the antibodies that the patient needs and he had the same blood type as the patient...if the operation goes well then we will expect patient Xiao Zhan's recovery in two months at most or maybe more depending on how the surgery goes," the intern explained which gave relief to the remaining members in the room.

Xian was feeling both shock and happiness at the same time, so he immediately grabbed his phone and decided to call Yibo. He called once but no one picked up, so he called again...and again...and again until he called 30 times but there was no answer which was unlike Yibo at all. Normally, Yibo would immediately pick up, hoping that it was Zhan who called him even though he knew that Zhan had no cellphone. It was then and there he realized how lovesick Yibo was to his brother.

"Strange, why isn't Yibo picking up?" he asked but diverted his attention back into the great news that the doctor shared with them.

"Can we know where the donor came from?" Mrs Xiao asked she wanted to give her utmost thanks to the donor's family for donating something that would make another person live his life again. "All I can say to you is that he was an accident victim, a hit and run," the intern said.

Both Mr and Mrs Xiao were shocked to hear that such a man was able to experience that kind of terrible fate, But nevertheless, they thanked the heavens for giving a blessing to them. They finally had the chance to make it up to Zhan again and this time, they would do whatever they can to make Zhan happy again, give him the love that he deserved and let him do whatever he wanted ever since he was a child.


Hours passed, it was now dawn and the Xiao family were still standing outside the operating room, waiting for the updates about their son. They wanted to know how the situation was, how Zhan was and importantly, how the operation went. 

Xian's right foot was non-stop crashing against the floor with his whole body now shaking, both from the excitement that he will see his brother alive and well again and also from the fear that he might lose his only brother from this operation. Nevertheless, Xian was ready to accept what Zhan's fate was but still, he had hoped that Zhan will survive this operation.

Minutes later, the doctor came outside and took off his surgical gloves, followed by his mask and a smile was hidden from beneath. He took it off and greatly shared how successful the operation was. "Zhan survived, his body is reacting to the heart that was transferred to him, the antibodies are also working to make it possible for Zhan's disease to completely disappear!" the doctor smiled in glee while both Mrs Xiao and Xian thanked him deeply.

"No problem, it's what us doctors do and in my observation, Zhan would wake up in a month at most since his body needs to get used to the new organ that was transplanted into him," the doctor explained and left. When both Mr and Mrs Xiao celebrated Zhan's successful operation. Xian on the other hand followed the doctor and talked to him.

"Doctor, can I perhaps know who the donor is...because as far as I know, there is only one person who could save Zhan from his disease..." Xian was thinking of that possibility but shrugged it off since it was far from happening.

"...and the intern said that the donor was a victim of a hit and run accident," Xian continued while the doctor just looked at him, waiting for him to puzzle everything that happened.

"Is it...?!" XIan covered his mouth the moment he realized everything, the reason why the person whom he tried to call several times didn't pick was all because...

"That's right Mr Xiao, it was indeed the person whom we tested and had the antibodies we needed..." the doctor paused.

"...Mr Yibo Wang," the doctor continued and Xian was beyond shocked at what he discovered.

The reason why Yibo wasn't able to pick up... was because he got involved in an accident...and the main reason why Yibo got involved was because of him...he was the main reason. If he hadn't called Yibo then he wouldn't have killed him but on the other side, if Yibo didn't get involved in that accident then Zhan would be the one to die.

Right now, when Xian exited the office, he felt nothing. He felt that he was responsible for all that happened. If Zhan died then he would blame himself for not finding the donor himself. And when Yibo dies, he also blamed himself because if he hadn't made that call, then Yibo wouldn't have died.

"It's my fault!" Xian screamed to the top of his lungs before collapsing on the floor after losing his consciousness.


A month later, Zhan woke up. And when he woke up, he was surprised at the crowd present in his room. His father, sitting on the couch while sleeping and his mother was laying her head on his father's lap who was also sleeping and his older brother, Xian who was leaning his head against the wall, sitting on the same couch where his parents slept with him also sleeping. 

And most importantly, Yibo was sitting on the chair beside his bed with his face glowing like he had won a lottery. Not to mention, he was also smiling, it was a happy smile. Yibo was happy that his beloved had finally awoken from his slumber.

"That took you long enough to wake up, sleepyhead," YIbo spoke, smiling as every word came out from his mouth while Zhan lay on his bed confused about what is happening right now, Yibo was not the type who would smile at every word he spoke. "What's wrong with you?" Zhan asked with his tone being funny but Yibo didn't answer but only continued smiling as he looked lovingly into Zhan's figure. 

Yibo caressed Zhan's hair as he smiled while doing, Zhan wanted to slap his hand off him but never did since he had a bad feeling about this. "Yibo, what are you doing?" Zhan asked Yibo as confusion was written on his face. 

When Yibo heard his question, he pouted at Zhan which made Zhan smile and then laugh at his lover's silliness, "you won't let BoBo touch your hair? Hmph, BoBo is now mad," said Yibo as he puffed his cheeks out. Zhan laughed at Yibo and sat properly before he pulled Yibo into a hug. "That's more like it," Yibo said as he hugged Xiao Zhan back, as tight as he could.

When they separated, Yibo was still smiling but there was a hint of sadness in that smile. "Hehe, Zhan, can you promise me one thing? I know I made you promise a lot before but I want this promise to be kept until the end," Zhan was indeed confused at his lover's weird request but he still went on with it. "Hmm, depending on what it is," Zhan decided to play with Yibo.

"Hmm, promise me that you would take care of your family..." Zhan raised his brows as he found it ridiculous for Yibo to make this request, why would he agree to something like this when he knew that he was about to die. Nevertheless, he agreed to take part in Yibo's play.

"Alright," said Zhan as he mustered every ounce of confidence that was left inside of him. Just then he noticed Yibo scratching the back of his head, so Zhan asked his lover, "let me guess, you still have a lot to say," Zhan said and Yibo nodded like a kid.

"Alright, tell them to me," Zhan gave up since he knew and thought that he was going to die sooner than Yibo anyway.

"Promise me that you'll visit my parents in their graves," 

"Promise me that you'll give a visit at Xichen-ge,"

"Promise me that you'll visit the studio where I work, Xchen-ge will tell you where it is,"

"Promise me that you'll take care of BoBo,"

"Promise me that you visit me once every week if possible,"

Zhan was now getting tired of hearing Yibo's nonsense, "is there still more??" he asked. Zhan thought that these promises held no meaning but boy was he wrong.

"Why are you telling me this anyway, I'm gonna die soon you know," Zhan tried to make Yibo face his reality, that Zhan would die sooner.

"Ahahaha, love, that's where you are wrong..." Zhan was puzzled as to what Yibo said. He was about to shout at Yibo to explain everything to him when he was cut off by the younger.

"And one last promise Zhan, I really need you to do this, for you and for me," Yibo stood up and touched Zhan's chest. 

"...please take care of this and..." he took his hand away and kissed Zhan passionately on the lips. Even though there were people present, though they were sleeping, Zhan didn't seem to mind them and continued to kiss his beloved. 

"...always remember that I love you, dìdì ài nǐ," and with that, Yibo stood up leaving the clueless Zhan behind. Yibo was now standing at the door with light coming out from the other side, "please fulfil your promises Zhan, especially the last one and remember that I'll be always inside there," Yibo pointed at Zhan's chest referring to the heart.

"I love you, love but it seems that fate was too cruel for it to let us be one," and with that, Wang Yibo went out of the room leaving Zhan in tears.

"Yibo, come back..." those words came out as a whisper.

"YIBO!!!!" Zhan screamed his heart out but there was no Yibo who went back inside the room



Zhan screamed shocking the people who were surrounding him. He sat up as if nothing serious had happened to him.

"Doctor, patient Xiao woke up...the surgery was a success!" celebrated the nurse who was beside the doctor while the doctor examined Xiao Zhan.

"He is responsive, there seem to be no bad effects on him from the surgery he had and I must say...he's a survivor," the doctor cheered sooner to be followed by the nurses.

A moment later, loud footsteps could be heard from the outside and were soon to be followed by the door slamming, "ZHAN!" Xian's scream could be heard throughout the room as he strode forward and gave his brother a tight hug. 

When Xian let go, behind his brother was both of his parents. "Mama, Papa," he called out as tears went to his eyes. "My son!" both his parents exclaimed as they hugged Zhan tightly as they could. After a while, they separated the hug and Mrs Xiao cupped his son's cheeks, "oh look how thin you've become...ah! I know, I should cook that rabbit so that you can eat it, it has become very fat lately," Mrs Xiao said.

"BoBo? Where's he?" Zhan asked anticipating that Yibo would be coming inside with BoBo in his arms. While thinking about Yibo, he recalled his dream. It seemed so real but Zhan decided to not mind it.

"BoBo's at home Zhan since no one was here to take care of him," Xian said and Zhan was now confused.

"Huh? Yibo was supposed to take care of the way, where's Yibo?" Zhan asked as he peeked his head on the door hoping that the man he had been waiting for would come inside while bringing his favourite pastry, canelé.

Zhan stopped peeking towards the door when he noticed how quiet it had been. "U-Uh, why are you all quiet?" Zhan asked until a certain question came inside his mind, "who's the donor?" he asked and no one was able to speak until the door opened, revealing Xichen who was bringing the bag that Yibo used to bring whenever he would visit Zhan.

"Hi Zhan," XIchen greeted the younger and Zhan could only wave back. "I'm here since Yibo had entrusted me these things. He tasked me to give it to you when you wake up," he said as he gave Zhan the bag that he was tasked to give. Zhan was confused but still decided to receive it. 

"Xichen-ge, where's Yibo?"  Zhan asked and Xichen was hesitant to tell Zhan everything. "Where is Yibo?" Zhan asked once again, his tone becoming more demanding. 

Before this could get out of hand, XIan decided to speak out. "Zhan, you asked who the donor is right?" Xian started and all Zhan could do was nod.

"Yibo...on his way to this hospital when you almost died met with an accident..."

"Where is he?" Zhan asked, trying to calm his voice down even though he was already shaking because he had almost finished the puzzle, the only thing left was confirmation.

"Inside you," Xian said and Zhan was confused, and so...Xichen decided to step in and touched Zhan's bandaged chest, "he's in you Zhan, your heart was replaced with his."

Zhan was flabbergasted when he heard this when he finally realized it all. Yibo who appeared in his dream was the last moment Zhan spent with him. 

"No," Zhan managed to croak out as his voice was hiding.

"Yibo's dead, Zhan."


Hey guys...I hope I made you all cry because I was silently crying while writing this chapter. Anyway, the next chapter will be the ending of this story...I really thank you all for supporting me even though I'm just a newbie author in this app...I also hope that you all will continue supporting me on my future projects! Thank You!

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