Who Art In Heaven || BrightWin

By yawntea_

39.1K 1.7K 115

"In our next life, I shall find you" Bright Vachirawit Chivaaree a rich model student that kept seeing a man... More

Who Art In Heaven || BrightWin
Chapter 1 | The Sorrow
Chapter 2 | The Beauty was You
Chapter 3 | Sarcastic
Chapter 4 | Cute
Chapter 5 | Rushed
Chapter 6 | Confusion
Chapter 7 | Let's have Fun
Chapter 8 | Possession
Chapter 9 | Thinking of You
Chapter 10 | Stranger
Chapter 11 | Rumor
Chapter 12 | Mine
Chapter 13 | You and The Lullabies
Chapter 14 | Similarities
Chapter 15 | Differences
Chapter 16 | Reasons
Chapter 17 | Reveal
Chapter 18 | Traitor
Chapter 19 | Identity
Chapter 20 | Fates
Chapter 21 | Answers
Chapter 22 | Fell
Chapter 23 | Found
Chapter 24 | Consequences
Chapter 25 | For You
Chapter 26 | Mistakes
Chapter 28 | Lotus and Swords
Chapter 29 | Memories
Chapter 30 | Withered Flower
Chapter 31 | Present and Past

Chapter 27 | Veil and Thorns

686 33 6
By yawntea_

"You are my person. Someone who will be by me until the end"


"Wake up!" A loud high pitched scream echoed the dusty room. Fast footsteps rumbled the floor as countless of droplets of water pooled the wooden floor.

"Bring that brat to the hall" The same voice ordered the waiting servants. The tall and fair woman soon dismissed herself out of the room accompanied by maids side by side.

It wasn't long until the poorly awoken person was dragged to a chair facing an old mirror. Touch up there, Suit that up and drag it here. Yet besides all this aggressive actions he still hasn't gained his senses.

"Young Master Metawin, Please wake up. The Madam is angry at you." A old woman's voice pleaded. Win sat properly after hearing his dear 'grandmother' plead. Win couldn't bear hearing her be sad even though they're not related she still took care of him after his mother passed.

Win looked at his grandmother and smiled. He then focused himself on the mirror and prepared himself. It wasn't long until a knock was heard signaling him that he was called.

He got up on his seat and walked carefully on his way to the hall. Metawin couldn't help but think why he was called especially from his mother, It was rather a odd occasion but he can't deny that he was excited. The thought of him helping his family excites him.

He entered the lavish hall where his father, mother and his siblings are. On the center dines his father, a elite noble, governs partial on the country and very influencial. His mother on the other hand, a daughter of the same rank. Win looked at both sides where his siblings are, his lazy older brother on the right and his over-reacting perfectionist sister on the left.

"Young Master Metawin has arrived my lord" The servant that guided Win announced, as she leaves the center alongside the others who had prepared Win. Win bowed at his parents and stayed at the center of the hall.

Lord Opas-iamkajorn coughed loudly bringing the attention of everyone in the room.

"Metawin, Stay there, I have something to say to you" The old man utter looking at his son dearly. He gestured his servant which they obeyed. Soon the servant brought a elegant scroll to the lord and repositioned.

Lord Opas-iamkajorn cleared his throat and opened the scroll, His wife sitting herself with glee as if anticipating this moment to arrive.

"I will not say nonsense any further" The lord of the house started. "The Opas-iamkajorn household will present a maiden to the Chivaaree household. There the chosen maiden will be wed" He finished dropping the scroll he slowly gazed up to his son and continued. "And the person that will be wed is you, Metawin"

Win's heart sank to the floor. He thought if he has a chance to be deaf then he will take it but that's clearly impossible. He fought the verge to stand up and fight for himself but he couldn't, he can't

"Who would have thought that this lowborn will get married before me" His sister talked loudly specifically hitting Win. His brother on the other hand laughed alongside his wives.

"Don't be so bothered Metawin. I heard that your soon to be husband is a catch though he might be broken over here" His mother said pointing her finger on her head joining her children's ride of mocking Win.

Win sat there in silence. He couldn't protest nor fight them. He was only an offspring of a affair of the Lord and a lowly maid. His fingers gripped the fabric of his attire wrinkling it.

"But father, I am a man. How could that proceed?" Win asked quietly. The noises of the hall stopped as awkward silence covered the room. Instead of his father's words he received his mother's complains.

"That doesn't matter! This is the only thing that you could do for this family! Yet, You dare refuse!" His mother screamed throwing her table around. "Enough! Don't cause a ruckus" The lord prevented his wife's outbreak. He gazed up on his trembling child and sighed.

"Whether you like it or not, It will proceed regardless of the thing that hangs on your center. I should dare mention that he will come later" His father ordered. Soon, He dismissed Win.

Win walked slowly back to his room as he reached his space. Streams of tears rushed down his face. Win hugged himself on his knees and cried skipping his morning meals.


"You look very beautiful my dear" Win's proclaimed grandmother complimented with a smile. He brushed Win's hair tenderly as she prepares Win for their wedding portrait. Win forced his smile touching his cheeks.

"Let us go" The old woman announced. Finishing some final touches. Win walked out of the room on his way to the Chivaaree household.

Win couldn't help but gasped on what he saw. The place was big and very lavish! Much more than theirs. It looks more of a palace than a common noble house. Lush gardens was scattered in the mansion. It was truly a sight to behold.

"This way" The servant of the Chivaaree's announced. Win fast walked towards the direction in fear for being late. If the front is beautiful the same thing will be said on the back. It was marvelous! Again, Win couldn't help but be excited on the garden that he saw. Every kind of flowers and plants adorned the place.

"You seem to enjoy this" A low voice was heard. Win yelped jumping a little from his spot. A tall handsome man was facing him. His arms covered with visible scars. "It's a general" Win thought to himself.

"Yes, I'm a general" The man said and walked away. Metawin was too stunned to speak. Who was that? Is he perhaps the one he will get wedded? A light tint of pink flushed his cheeks.

"Young Master, Please move a bit" The painter asked. The Young Master of the Chivaaree complied. "It really is him" Win said to himself he couldn't believe it the famous general of the country is going to be wed to him.

"Isn't he lucky? Out of all of the master's marriages, He gets all of this special treatment" A whisper from one of their maids. Special treatment? He got special treatment? Win gazed his eyes on the general. He was married countless times yet he got special treatment.

"Refrain from moving" The painter agressively utter. Win shaked and repositioned himself. He felt something vibrate behind him as a low chuckle was heard. "This is embrassing" Win thought and tried to focus on the portrait. They only started a few moments ago and it will continue until later.

"I will take it from here. Thank you very much for having me" The painter politely bowed. As he went on to have his own duties leaving the engaged couple on their own. Metawin tapped his forehead with a handkerchief brushing off the sweat. He stood there waiting for his grandmother and a few servants that were sent with him. Not minding his fiancé.

"I might guess that you are Metawin Opas-iamkajorn, the youngest of the Opas-iamkajorn family" A calm voice swayed through Win's ears. He stood there frozen as he doesn't know what to do. He slowly turned his way to him and bowed politely.

"Yes, you are correct" Win politely replied not looking at the young man. The Chivaaree laughed at his fiancé manners which he do not mind. "I presume you do not know my name?" He continued and marched towards Win.

"What should I do" Win whispered quietly still hesitant if he should look at him or not. He shake his head and close his eyes shut preparing himself for the consequences. Instead of a hitting like he expected he only earned a laugh from the general.

"It is fine. Don't be too scared" The general spoke trying his best to reassure his soon to be wife. "I am Vachirawit Chivaaree" Vachirawit continued. His hand went to Metawin's hair patting it tenderly.

The gesture made Win jump a little. He eyed the general with shock but calmed himself down. Never in his life has anyone made him feel this way. He feels so special and so taken cared of. The hand was retreated to Vachirawit's side as the general smiled lightly.

"I will be leaving now please come inside if you need anything, We will be happy to entertain you" Vachirawit utter and left leaving the frozen Win on his spot.

Metawin couldn't believe in what just happened. He wants to pinch and poke himself with the sharpest knife to prove himself that this was real and not an illusion. Never in his life that he will feel this way.

Guilt tickled his heart. How dare he judge someone without knowing them. He feels guilty for coming up assumptions of the young Chivaaree when he was this nice.

"Hello" A soft voice was heard on Win's back. A light tap on his shoulder has brought him his attention. He swayed his body around to see a short pretty man. Win awkwardly waved his hand gaining a chuckle form him.

"I would like to introduce myself. I am Atthaphan Phunsawat, Vachirawit Chivaaree's concubine" The man named Atthaphan said. Win's heart tighten a bit  but he chose to ignore it. He can't be surprised that Vachirawit has many wives. It's common after all.

"Oh you must be his legal wife, Hello" Win said and bowed. Atthaphan shakes his hands gesturing that he got it wrong. "No no please, You got it wrong. I am not his legal wife but you" Atthaphan utter making Win froze on his spot. "Me? The legal wife?" He quickly looked at him with a confused look.

"What do you mean? I am only a new comer, I am sure that the legal wife is here" Metawin said and looked around trying his best to spot the legal wife.

"But it is true, It's you who will be legal" Atthaphan defended himself. Win still being confused, He looked at Atthaphan as he gestured that he should explain. "You wed him first then that doesn't make you more powerful than me? Also where are the others? I thought that the young Master has many wives" Win asked continuously making Atthaphan's head throb.

"Yes I came here first but you will be the legal one. I was not registered as one of his wives maybe because if my low status but for the others" Atthaphan pause looking at the surroundings and went closer to Metawin. "They either fled or died in an illness" He continued.

"So please Metawin. Please take care of Vachirawit" Atthaphan utter as he bowed formally and politely. Win's mind couldn't seem to function. Him? The legal wife?


It has been few months since he came to meet Vachirawit but he couldn't seem to get him out of his head especially all of the information that he got. His eyes gazed on the box near his bed. A box filled with letters from Vachirawit. As a tint shade of pink beamed his cheeks.

After their encounter they were advised to keep in touch just to prepare themselves on the wedding but because of the general's busy schedule only they could do is sending letters. Win thought to himself that he will be the one who will start but to his surprise it was Vachirawit.

Currently, The mighty general is on the countryside doing business and handing out important matters in behalf of the king because of this the wedding has been suspended plenty of times but both of them didn't mind.

It was already past midnight when Metawin decided to rest. He was almost asleep when a loud thud was heard on his room's corner near the window. Win's instincts shot up as he woke up and grabbed a dagger under his bed.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Win said trying his best to be calm. He pointed the dagger onto the direction of the intruder. "Metawin is me, Vachirawit" The intruder replied. Ruffles and scratching was heard from the dark. Soon, Bright light from a candle revealing the intruder's face.

"Lord Chivaaree? What are you doing here?" Metawin asked Vachirawit, He eyed him up and down to his surprise blood was dripping from fresh wounds adorning Vachirawit's body. Win dropped his weapon and walked fast to him. "What happened to you? Who did this?" He asked checking the wounds.

"It is nothing. Wounds like this are common from my trips, You should not worry" Vachirawit reassured but it didn't buy Win. He rushed over outside and went back with healing supplies. He signaled his guest to sit on his bed. Vachirawit took of his bloody garments.

"Please stay still" Metawin utter as he started to treat Vachirawit's wounds. Vachirawit hissed but calmed himself down. "If I may ask, how did it come to this?" Win boldly questioned. Vachirawit looked at him at awe. "He really is kind as they say" He thought to himself. He sighed to himself and answered his fiancé's questions

"It was unexpected. I was about to come home when someone ambush us. This has already been notified to the King and they are currently investigating. Do not worry about it" He replied to Win's worried question. When he heard it wass taken cared of he felt like he lost a heavy burden. Win nodded and continued.

Vachirawit looked at Win carefully. He expected him to call for his father or anyone in their household yet he volunteered himself. He couldn't deny that he was touched by him. How can a kind person be with him, a distressed and cruel person. They have nothing alike. He laughed at himself.

Metawin paused at treating his wounds and gazed up. "Why is he laughing?" He said to himself. His and Vachirawit's eyes made contact but was quickly cut when Win looked down fast. Earning again another laugh from the general.

"I wonder why would you choose to be with me. You should have said no from that engagement" Vachirawit voiced and smiled at Win dearly. It was true on his part, He doesn't mind if someone like Win will turn him down but he wasn't dumb either that it was his family that decided for him.

"Why should I? You are a kind person who protects the innocent. That it already an enough reason for me to be wed to you" Win said with a bright smile. He continued his work not able to see the drip of Vachirawit's tears.

"Even if I'm distressed? A warmonger? A mass murderer?" Vachirawit asked Win continuously. He quickly brushed off the tears that are about to fall before he sees them. "Of course, I have accepted you long before" Win replied his bright smile not leaving his fair face. "You also did that for the people am I right?" He continued. Vachirawit nodded and smiled back. Both couldn't help but laugh at their confessions. Soft hands of Metawin brushed Vachirawit's face, Letting the wetness of his tears hit his fingers.

His hands crawled towards Win's letting it touch his face more. He tilted his head and kissed Win's wrist making the younger blush. "I have killed countless of people in the name of honor. They still haunt me to this day until to my final but I don't think I should worry about that any further. Thank you dear Metawin" Vachirawit voiced kissing again Win's wrist.

Metawin smiled brightly. He is now fixated that he will not regret his decision. The decision to marry him.

"Metawin, I don't think I can't hide this any further" Vachirawit suddenly utter gaining a questioned look from Win. He stood up and looked at Win's sparkling eyes. As nervousness conquered him.

"Metawin, I have like you for a long time now. I do not know when it happened but I do" He confessed looking at Win very carefully. "Are you kidding?" Win unexpectedly asked. He doesn't want his hopes to be up but it was there. Both hearts beating fast- one because of nervousness and one because of the flutter.

"I am not. I really do like you"


It was morning, The famed general already left after Win slept comfortably on his bed. He was changing the medicine to a new one when a sudden knock on his door disturbed him.

"Come in" He shortly replied not looking at the person coming in. It was his right hand man- Jumpol. Jumpol saluted respectfully to his general which Vachirawit accepted it.

"Sir, Regarding the situation of the ambush. It has come to us that the suspects has been captured, The king ordered us that the officials will handle the case so we shall not worry." Jumpol utter on a military manner. Bright laughed at his friend's manners. "Act like yourself Jumpol"

As soon as that command was declared, A different version of Jumpol showed up. "Oi, I didn't know that you will get married and it's a Opas-iamkajorn!" He congratulated in glee. "But are you sure you want to get married to that perfectionist? I heard she's overbearing and demanding" Jumpol continued.

"Not that Opas-iamkajorn" Vachirawit replied suddenly, Jumpol gasped and went on his knees. "Sir, Don't tell me it's that lazy scumbag. I didn't know you have that type" Jumpol accused him. Vachirawit did not hesitate to smack his head with a rolled paper. "Certainly not that Opas-iamkajorn!" He defended himself loudly.

"Oh I thought it was him but then who?" He asked again. Vachirawit smiled at him and eyed his papers. "Metawin, The youngest one" He utter earning another gasp for his friend.

"Him? I heard he's the most prettiest among the siblings though despite being a child out of wedlock. He was his father's favorite" Jumpol started rumbling his known knowledge. "I know that's why he is more interesting'' Vachirawit said to himself. The general and his trusty right hand man converse until a knock disturbed them.

"My lord, Young Master Metawin Opas-iamkajorn is here to see you" The voice of the servant echoed through the walls. Vachirawit jumped to his seat in panic. He couldn't believe he was being visited.

"Oh I guess this is where we will end. I shall take my leave" Jumpol politely said and saluted smiling teasingly on Vachirawit. He gestured Jumpol to get out which he laughed it out.

After his friend left, He looked himself on the mirror and prepared himself. He felt flattered since his beloved is visiting him but at the same time nervous. He can't help but think negative thoughts that maybe Metawin chose to cancel it. He sighed and walked to their pavilion.

He walked himself slowly admiring the blossoming and fragrant flowers that scattered on the garden. The big pond in between another site was adorned with lotuses making it more unique. He took the chance to take one fresh lotus. In the beginning of the bridge there stand a rather tall fair man-Metawin.

"My lord" Win bowed politely with a smile on his face. The older male smiled and bowed back. He carefully presented the lotus on his hand making Win gasp.

"It is such a pretty lotus" Win complimented and smiled brightly. "It's beautiful isn't it?" He continued. Vachirawit looked at Win with awe. The beauty of the younger one glowing under the sun's light "Yes very beautiful"

"It is a surprise that you have come to visit me though I don't mind" Vachirawit started making the younger laugh lightly. "I can't help it. You just vanished once I woke up, I fear that father have discovered you. I was worried" Win said with relief on his tone. The taller man's heart beat faster than before. "Isn't he too cruel to me?" He thought to himself.

"I am grateful for your worries but worry no more. I am fine because of your treatment. I can't thank enough" He bowed again and lightly took Win's hands. He looked at the younger's widen eyes asking if he likes it. Both have walked to the center, Win still preoccupied by the lotus on his hand.

"I wonder how long do I have to wait for you to return your feelings even so, I will wait for that moment to arrive, my dear" Vachirawit utter while looking at Win fondly. As they both walk across the bridge. A wonderful scenery indeed.

"I cannot tell for now but I do know that it will come" A gentle voice replied finally looking at his partner.

"Say what if I tell you that the answer is already here" The man replied walking towards his partner, holding his soft hands against his.

"I know that you already have an answer long ago. Why did you have to wait long?" He continued bringing the soft hand to his cheeks, kissing on it's palm. The gesture made Win blush and gulp. Isn't he being too bold? but he doesn't mind.

"I-" He stutter. He took a deep breath and looked at the taller male's eyes. "I like you!" The man then chuckled. He felt great to hear that but it's too forced. He thought that he shouldn't push him to far.

"Don't force yourself Metawin. Listen to what your heart and mind want, I will wait even it's a hundreds or thousands of years" Vachirawit reassured holding to Win's hand tight but carefully. How he wish this will continue but he still have other plans to attend first.

"Metawin, I apologize in advance but I will be away for a few weeks." He announced dropping his hold. As Win's mind went blank, He just got back from his previous trip then he's going to leave again. Win wants to protest and ask why but he brushed off the idea- He's a general with important duties that needs to come first. He smiled and eyed him lovely.

"Very well. I hope you don't come back with wounds again. Please be careful" Metawin plead and bowed his smile not leaving his face. Immediately, Strong arms has covered him bringing him close to contact. "I will. I promise you that" The response made him smile wider, hugging the man back.

On a tall tree far away, Eyes filled with fury eyed the couple. The man fought the verge to attack. "They seem to be touchy, I want to kill them" A low voice echoed through the spy's ears. He turned around to see a masked man with elegant garments- a noble? a royal?

"Let's make a contract. I am sure this will benefit us both"


"Where could he be?" Win whispered to himself. He have made an imaginable thing, He has never thought he will do this all his life. He has escaped from his home to meet Vachirawit, lowering his head for him not to be seen.

He walked and walked when he finally got to the back of the Chivaaree household. He leaned of the stone wall and waited. "Have you been waiting long?" The voice of the man he was expecting came.

"Not really but finally you are here" Metawin said in relief. The general has promised him to take him somewhere before he leaves the next day. The new comer chuckled and took Win's hand before running.

"Where are we going?" Win asked in between his runny breath. They have already passed the bustling night market and are nearing the outskirts of the town. When he saw one of his father's guards, he panicked.

"Father's guards! Turn away!" Win utter loudly which Vachirawit complied they took a alleyway skipping the incoming guards soon they took the main road after they have passed.

After a long run there they were finally here. A vast field fill with any types of flower. Even if it's night, The moonlight has brought light to the wonderful flowers. At the center, two lanterns made the flowers surrounding it glow.

"This is beautiful" Win complimented and walked towards the lanterns. Vachirawit smiled at himself walking alongside him. He took a white rose and removed it's thorns. As he walked closer, He took the chance to put the rose in between Win's left ear. Taking the lanterns, He gave the other to Win who was still in awe.

"Shall we make a wish?" He asked. Win grabbed the lantern both of them closing his eyes and wished. They finally released the lanterns watching it go up in the starry night sky.

"I have wished to have a happy life" Metawin suddenly utter while looking at the floating lanterns. He fondly gazed at his partner who was looking at him as well. "With You"

"I love you Vachirawit. Now, I am sure of it" Win continued smiling. The taller man's heart beat fast. It feels like a dream- it's a dream come true after all. Bringing his face close to younger one, his tears flowing gracefully in delight. Crawling his left arm on his waist while the right took Win's make bringing him closer to his.

"I love you too" Closing the gap in between them, carefully crashing his lips into his beloved. He won't exchange this moment for anything. As finally he can call him mine as he was his. Both thinking the same thing.

I am yours as you are mine...


This went long than I expected but here you go their past. Please wait for more! Thank you for reading. <3

Also want to say, Praying for Win's recovery as well Happy Birthday!
It is also 2gether's 2nd Anniversary. Happy 2nd Anniversary 2gether the series!

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