this is us | jjk

By btsgotjams27

61.1K 2.4K 1.9K

How could you possibly forget him? You couldn't even if you wanted to. You wanted to extract core memories of... More

one ~ this is how u fall in love
two ~ back hugs and peppered kisses
three ~ hot tubs and clubs pt. 1
four ~ hot tubs and clubs - pt. 2
five ~ daydreams and stargazing
drabble ~ girl's night
drabble ~ the reveal
seven ~ party of three
eight ~ a blast from the past - pt. 1
nine ~ a blast from the past - pt. 2: the college years
ten ~ a blast from the past - pt. 3
eleven ~ the call
twelve ~ i do
thirteen ~ the heartbreak hotel - pt. 1
fourteen ~ the heartbreak hotel - pt. 2
fifteen ~ here comes baby
drabble ~ it'll be okay (jk pov)
sixteen ~ so maybe you're not okay
seventeen ~ one year later
eighteen ~ you're seeing things, aren't you?
drabble ~ dream bigger, darling
nineteen ~ together again
twenty ~ ending credits
epilogue ~ us
TIU Celebration

six ~ it's not all rainbows and butterflies

1.8K 79 64
By btsgotjams27

~ Warning: some sexual content ~

~ Two months together ~

Getting to this point in your relationship with Jungkook wasn't an easy task - particularly with your mother. She was beyond furious when you told her. The thought of you choosing to be with someone close to a decade younger than you completely disgusted her. She loved Jungkook, adored him, and even thought of him like her own son, but she couldn't support your relationship with him.

"Please explain how this happened." She asked with anger rising in her tone while pacing back and forth.

"It started after the family reunion. We hung out a lot, and things just happened." You tried explaining without giving too much detail - especially the part where the pair of you were going to maul each other at your house during dinner with her and Yuna.

"Things just happened?" she scoffed. "What does Yuna think about all this?"

You cleared your throat before answering, "...she didn't like it at first. We didn't talk for a little bit while planning her wedding, but she's fine with it now." Honestly, you needed to sit down and talk to your best friend, like sit down and hash this all out, but she just got married, so you keep telling yourself - you hated having hard conversations.

"You were dating him before Yuna's wedding?" your mother asked sternly. There was anger and resentment in her eyes, and the tone in her voice amped up even more. "Who would do that to their best friend?"

There was the one thing you had to struggle with only a few months ago. What she said triggered you. You fought through all the voices in your head telling you that you were the worst best friend in the world; you didn't need to go through all that again. And who was she to judge you in the first place? You had a running list of the things you disapproved of from her. Though she never cared much for you, why would it even matter?

"No! We weren't dating or anything. We were just hanging out more than usual..." you lingered with your sentence, not wanting to explain more than needed. She didn't need to know that you made the first move or how he kissed you in your childhood bedroom while she and Yuna were only a few feet away in the other room.

"I can't believe I have to call you my daughter," she muttered under her breath.

"Mom..." The muscle sitting inside your chest cavity sank to your stomach. Did she have to say that? Did she hate you that much? What have you ever done to her to deserve that? You've done everything she's ever asked, but somehow you still failed to meet her expectations. She was the only living relative you had left, and she treated you like nothing, like an outsider, someone who didn't deserve her time.

"Your father would be furious if he were here," she huffed as she sat down." I need to sit before I pass out."

"You have to call me your daughter? What's that supposed to mean?"  You frowned before kneeling in front of her. "Mom, I'm sorry I've never been able to live up to your expectations, but that comment was low, even for you." This conversation sucked big time, but her comment and words continue to pierce into the depths of your soul - a grown-ass woman you are, and the one person you needed continued to, without shame, detest your existence. You wondered what you needed to do for her to accept you as you were entirely.

She couldn't even look at you; that's how ashamed she was. Your whole life, it seemed like you couldn't do anything right in her eyes. She would praise her friend's kids for their success but fail to acknowledge yours. And that hurt--deeply, not having the approval of your mother.

"I suppose it's time to tell you," she finally spoke, still avoiding your gaze.

You sat back, resting on your feet, trying your best to speculate what she could tell you. "Tell me what?" Would she finally admit fault?

"I only have to call you my daughter because of your father."

You weren't sure what she meant by that, well, of course, you were their daughter.

"I promised I would keep this a secret for your father's sake, but now that he's not here with us anymore, I see no reason to keep it from you anymore."

You froze. A part of you didn't want her to continue. Could it be worse than the situation at hand or just add more fuel to your already strained relationship? Whatever it was, it would change your life either way.

"You're not my daughter," she stated openly, sighing as she leaned back on the dining chair. She finally gazed down at you, almost proud of the words that came out of her mouth.

"Now you're just trying to hurt me, and it's working. Good job, mom."

"I'm not lying. What reason would I have to lie to you? Your father had an affair very early on in our marriage, and that woman," she said with bitterness, "died after giving birth to you. She listed your father as next of kin--and here you are."

Eventually, it hit you. You understood why she hated you so much and never bothered to have a relationship with you. She couldn't tolerate looking at you, raising someone else's child, raising someone who wasn't hers.

"How did it go with your mom?" Jungkook asked, even though he could already tell by the tears forming that it didn't go well.

Already on the verge of tears, you shook your head and mumbled, "Not good." With your shoulders slumped over and head down, you were biting your lip, trying your hardest not to break down in front of Jungkook. There were many things you didn't like, and crying was one of them.

You hated being so vulnerable, so weak. It felt like someone cut open your chest and left you to bleed out.

He walked over and gently enveloped you in his arms, one hand wrapped around your waist and the other around the nape of your neck. His chin nestled into your shoulder, whispering, "It's going to be okay. We'll be fine."

It was hard to accept what he said. Would it ever indeed be okay? Your mother was never the 'best friend' type, and you never looked for that. All you wanted was someone to listen, to support you, to love you. It was hard to reflect on your life and try to find joyful moments with her. There were hardly any, and your dad was always there if there were.

You wrapped your arms around Jungkook, trying not to soak his shirt with your tears, but failing miserably - mascara running, snot coming out of your nose, all-around ugly crying. You started to sob into his chest softly. He pulled you closer, gently shushing you and caressing your hair, whispering, "I'm here. It's okay, I'm here. I'm never leaving you," making you sob even more.

There was a risk in stepping into a relationship with him, but it was one you were willing to make. Regardless of the stares and side-eyes you received from strangers on the streets and whispers from relatives and family friends, you'd do anything for him.

Thoughts were racing through your mind, replaying the conversation with your mother. You didn't tell Jungkook about the second half of the conversation. He would eventually come to know, but right now, you didn't have the heart to say to him because you needed time to process it yourself. You didn't want him to pity you, your situation, your family. And to be honest, you weren't sure if you could even spit it out in coherent words.

After a month of constant arguing and the same conversations, the two of you agreed to stay out of each other's lives. Seeing your mom not support you hurt, but you weren't surprised. Ever since your dad passed away, the first protector of your heart wasn't there to guide you and hold your hands through hardships. If he were here, he'd understand your choice and support you in every way he could.

You weren't sure how you would ever move on from this secret.

~ Seven months together ~

When you saw the text notification on your screen, you didn't know if your mother had intended to send it to you or if it was an accident.

Mom 9:43 AM
I heard the good news.

First off, what good news? The news about your script? And secondly, you wondered how she found out in the first place. There's no way Jungkook or Yuna would be talking to her, right? It's possible she heard through the grapevine but regardless, you didn't want to give any attention to her. Now that you found some success, was she proud of you? She didn't deserve any credit because she wasn't the one who supported you - it was your friends, your boyfriend.

But you brushed off her text and didn't respond to her. You weren't sure if you even wanted to; what was the point? You didn't want to hear anything else she had to say about your relationship with Jungkook. You'd respond when you were ready.

Jungkook was working hard on the launch of his company's new game, Final Approach. He was the lead storyboard designer on the project. He was hesitant when his team leader asked, but you gently nudged him to take it. Jungkook has the skills and vision for a project like this, but he just needed to be confident to finally take the initiative and show off what he could do. His potential's far more significant than he could ever dream of.

"How are you feeling about your launch party?" you asked as you were putting away dishes into his cupboards.

"Good. I think," he said with a nervous smile and nod. "What about you? You excited to come?"

"Yeah, I think," mimicking his answer.

Jungkook raised both eyebrows. "You think?"

"This will be the first time everyone will see us together." The two of you hadn't attended any big events together as a couple. It would be your first time going 'public' and meeting his colleagues. Wonderful--more stares and whispers to endure.

"Good, because I want to show off my beautiful girlfriend." He smiled as he looked up from his laptop.

You gave him a closed-lipped smile. You'd be able to get through this...maybe with a lot of alcohol in your system. That would be your first trip for the night when you arrive - to the bar. "Right, but I won't know anyone."

"Jin will be there. You can hang out with him. I'm sure he won't mind," he said casually.

You could already picture the worst-case scenarios, but you could do this. You've handled way harsher criticism before, but the thing was, this would be extremely personal - because it would be about you, about Jungkook, about your relationship.

You shook the thoughts from your mind. Happy thoughts only. This was an exciting moment for Jungkook; it wasn't about you. There would be plenty of time for that later.

Clearing your throat, you figured you should ask him about the text from your mother. "Hey, this is random, but have you talked to my mom?"

His brows furrowed, lips in a pout, thinking about his last interaction with her. "I haven't spoken to her since Yuna's wedding. Why?" He looked up from his laptop.

You were tapping on the porcelain mug in your hand. "Oh, um, she just randomly texted me this morning."

Jungkook nodded. "What did she say?"

"She said, 'I heard the good news.' Whatever that means." You figured it wasn't him since he'd tell you immediately if he had spoken to her.

"Huh, that's interesting. Maybe she's coming around." He shrugged, typing away at his laptop.

You scoffed at his remark. "I highly doubt that. You know her."

"Maybe I could talk to her," He said casually because he knew your mom was still a sore subject of conversation.

You shook your head furiously. "No, no. I don't want you anywhere near her. I can hear her already, 'You're too good for her Jungkookie, you can do better,' blah blah blah."

Jungkook stood up, pushing his stool, to walk over to you. He held his hand, waiting for yours, pulling you into him. He rubbed your arms and leaned in for a kiss.

"I know, I know. I already know what you're going to say."

"What am I going to say?"

"To stop with this self-deprecating nonsense."

"And." His eyes crinkled with a sly smile, showing off that adorable dimple you just want to crawl and live in.

"And that I'm smart and beautiful, and wonderful, and everything you could ever want in a partner," you added in a dragging tone.

He laughed because that's precisely what he would say. You'd been together long enough to know his quirks, mannerisms, and thought process. You sighed and pinched your nose, trying to shake all the negativity away. "Enough about my mom. I'll worry about her later. This week is about you, and you only," you said as you reached up to kiss him. "I love you; you know that?"

He nodded. "Mmhm, I know. I'm simply irresistible."

As the event was approaching, your anxiety began to flare up since this was the first time you would attend a work event as Jungkook's girlfriend. You only knew Jin, as you briefly met him at the Open Mic Night and throughout Yuna and Namjoon's wedding festivities. There was some comfort in knowing at least one person, but your nerves were getting the best of you.

Jungkook said the event would be a black-tie affair since they were celebrating the launch of their new game. There would also be potential investors for the next game the company needed funds for.

The company went all out for this launch. They even provided him with a limo to pick the two of you up. You heard your door code unlocking just in time, forty-five-ish minutes before the event began. 

Walking into your bedroom was a dashing, handsome man. Jungkook was sporting a fresh haircut, parted off to the side, showing off his perfect face, decorated with his eyebrow and lip piercing. He donned a dark gray two-piece suit, black dress shirt, and tie; his waist looked tiny due to the cinched belt. Was there anything this man didn't look good in?

You greeted him with a warm smile as you found his gaze in the mirror. "I just need to put on my shoes; then I'll be good to go." In your opinion, the dress purchased for this event felt risqué, even though Hyunie and Yuna told you otherwise. You rarely dressed up like this.

Jungkook came from behind, wrapping his arms around you. "Hello, gorgeous," he whispered, pressing a kiss on your shoulder.

You leaned away from him, trying to escape from his hold. "Kook--stop. You're going to mess up my outfit." He groaned before letting you go.

You stood up from your vanity table and took a seat at the edge of your bed, grabbing your strappy heels. Jungkook sat next to you, gesturing for you to give him your feet so he could help you. You happily obliged. Putting on heels shouldn't be sensual, but when it was Jungkook strapping them on, it's a different story. Instead of slipping them on right away, he leaned down to kiss your toes.

You giggled and squirmed under his touch. "Didn't know you had a foot fetish."

"I don't--I have a you fetish."

You chuckled, telling him to go on and hurry up, or he'll be late for his party.

He slipped on the right side, carefully buckling the strap, then he moved onto the next, but not before gently grazing his fingers along the underside of your legs, heading towards your clothed heat. It took everything in you not to make a peep or feel any excitement under his touch. He was just putting on your shoes, for fucks sake. You stopped him from going any further.

"You'll have all the time in the world for a me fetish later, boyfie. Now come on, or we'll be late."

He groaned. He knew he should have come to pick you up earlier than scheduled. He finished helping you with your shoes and held your hand, helping you stand up. You did a quick spin for him, and he whistled, liking what he saw. He pulled you in for a kiss and whispered against your lips, "Can't wait to rip that dress off of you later."

Netmarble went all out for this launch; they spared no expense. There were areas for video game simulators, tables upon tables of bags full of freebies, a stocked bar; you name it, they had it.

A young man in a white button-up and black slacks approached you and Jungkook as you arrived, "Jungkook-ssi! You're here. Let me take you guys to your table."

Jungkook lightly gripped the young man's arm, grabbing his attention. "Ha-Joon, this is my girlfriend."

"Hello!" He greeted you with a warm smile. "It's so nice to meet you finally. Jungkook-ssi always talks about you."

"He does?" you asked with a surprised tone. "I hope they're good things." 

Ha-Joon laughed. "Of course. He's very much in love with you. Our whole team can see that." He said before turning back around, leading the pair of you throughout the crowd.

As you looked around, you could see a few eyes and whispers on you and Jungkook. One hand in Jungkook's, and with the other, you tugged on his blazer and whispered, "How much do you talk about me?" You didn't think anyone would know you, but maybe you were wrong.

Jungkook responded with a grin and raised an eyebrow. Goodness, this man was utterly and irrevocably in love with you, huh? You chuckled, "What am I gonna do with you?"

He leaned in, "I have a few ideas." You gently pinched him. "Harder," he teased. And you did until it became uncomfortable. "Yah--yah--okay, okay. Save some of that for later."

When Ha-Joon showed you to your table, you weren't expecting a video game launch party to be so fancy, but here you were. Your name was written in beautiful calligraphy on a place card; it almost felt like you were at a wedding. As you sat down, Ha-Joon pulled Jungkook aside; you guessed he was telling him about tonight's schedule. 

After a few minutes, Jungkook came and sat next to you. "So, apparently they invited some popular game influencers to the party, so I gotta go make good with them. Will you be okay if I leave you for a little bit?"

"Yeah. Yeah, of course. You go do your thing." You smiled warmly as he pressed a kiss into your temple. You couldn't help but feel proud of your boyfriend as you watched him walk off to mingle amongst the crowd. He's so good at this, you thought to yourself. You wished you had an ounce of his confidence.

You looked around the room, feeling a little out of place. You straightened your dress, making sure nothing was out of place, then you heard a familiar voice from behind.

"Fancy seeing you here," said the tall, broad-shouldered man.

"Hey!" you said with a sigh of relief, thankful to see a familiar face so that you wouldn't look like an outcast in a sea of gamers and business people. "Are you sitting with us too?"

"My table's over there, but I switched the place cards." He leaned in, covering his mouth, "I hate the people I work with--but shh--don't tell 'em that," Jin joked as he sat down next to you.

You laughed. "My lips are sealed." You pretended to zip your mouth.

The both of you let your eyes roam around the noisy room full of people before you turned to Jin, "Hey, thank you for letting Jungkook use your house for our date. We appreciate it."

Jin laughed. "You guys are welcome to use it whenever you need to, as long as you follow the rules I left."

"Us? Breaking your house rules? Never," you teased him. There may have been some touching and kissing, but nothing more.

"Uh huh, sure." Jin nodded, tinkering with his place card.

You always wondered why you didn't hang out with Jin more, especially when Yuna was dating Namjoon, and it was only now that your paths were crossing more and more. Jin seemed genuine, down-to-earth, and the type of guy to tell you like it is, which you appreciated.

"So, how are you and Jungkookie?" he asked, trying to fill in the silence.

"We're--we're doing good." And you weren't lying. Of course, there were a few bumps along the way, but it wasn't anything the two of you couldn't handle.

"Good," he said with a smile. "I think this is the happiest he's ever been."

"You think so?"

"Yeah, the guy comes in happy to work. No one should come in that happy to work...You're good for him."

You scrunched your nose. "Nah--" you joked, of course.

"I'm serious; you are. You both deserve to be happy."

"Thanks, Jin, that means a lot to me." And it did; there were countless times when you questioned everything about your relationship with Jungkook. But hearing Jin's approval helped boost your confidence in making the right choice.

Twenty minutes had passed, and Jungkook was still nowhere to be seen. Jin was trying to lighten the mood with a few jokes up his sleeve, but he could still see how nervous you were at the party, being out of your element. "Stay here. I'll get us some drinks. I have a feeling Jungkook will be mingling for a while."

You smiled, "Sure, I'd love one. Thanks, Jin." You watched him walk off to the bar, waving down the bartender. Immediately you reached for your phone to keep yourself busy.

He began tapping the bar counter and looking around as he waited for the drinks. There were two interns behind him talking loudly.

"Can you believe that's Jungkook's girlfriend? She has to be at least thirty," said the young blonde girl. Both girls snickered and took a sip of their champagne glasses.

"I'm going to fucking cry when I turn thirty, and who does she think she is wearing that dress? I bet she's just trying to look like she belongs with him. He could do so much better than her," said the brunette.

Jin overheard their conversation and debated whether he should say something. He tugged at his collared shirt and tie, itching to let them have a piece of his mind. But he bit his tongue and composed himself for now.

"Look at her. She's pathetic. She has the audacity to date someone, basically ten years younger than her," the blonde scoffed, crossing her arms.

"Sounds kind of desperate to me," the brunette inserted. "Oh my god. What if she's going through a midlife crisis or something?"

"I mean, that would make sense about why she's dating someone that young," the blonde stated, continuing to sip on her drink.

The brunette nodded. "She's practically a pedo. Someone call the cops."

The two laughed at their stupid joke, and that's when Jin had enough. He turned around and walked towards them, giving him his best smile.

"Hi ladies," he said with a dashing smile, looking dapper in his black three-piece suit.

The brunette became shy when she saw him approaching and tucked her hair behind her ear. In her sweetest voice, "Oh–Seokjin-ssi, you look so handsome today." She let out a tiny giggle. Shameless, really, the way she was acting in front of Jin.

"That's where you're wrong. I always look handsome, thank you," he curtly replied. "You know what is foul tonight?" He wrinkled his nose in disgust.

They shook their heads and didn't respond, acting dumb.

He leaned in close, almost pretending to let them in on a secret, "Your mouths." He stood with his arms crossed and a stern look on his face. "I didn't realize you were an expert on Jungkook's love life and had a say on who he should and shouldn't date."

The blonde and brunette were taken aback by Jin's rude comment, but he couldn't let them get away with acting superior.

You saw Jin looking your way and flashed him a smile, wondering what he was doing with those two girls - probably flirting.

"You know what she has, and you don't?" He asked rhetorically, and the two were still dazed and shook their heads. "She has more class than the two of you ever will. And she's amazing and doesn't say stupid shit behind people's backs. You're lucky we're not in the office. If I hear you say anything about Jungkook or his girlfriend, you'll never work in this industry again. You hear me?" He threatened with raised eyebrows.

They nodded, mumbling sorry and bowing before scurrying away. Jin walked back to the bar and grabbed the ready drinks. He trekked back to where he left you and placed a glass in your hand.

"You good?" you asked curiously. "You weren't hitting on those girls, were you?"

He waved you off. "Pfft–more like they were hitting on me." He took a sip of his drink.

You chuckled and nodded at the handsome man. You were thankful that you had Jin to hang out with tonight.

During the night, when he wasn't with you, Jungkook was surrounded by a sea of people wanting his attention. They had heard so many beautiful things about him, so you loved seeing others fawn over him, getting all the attention he deserved. You found yourself grinning whenever there was mention of Jungkook. Everyone easily loved him. It's hard to hate the guy when he's always willing to help those around him - cleaning and picking up after others, making small jokes with the ahjumma at his favorite tteokbokki stand, playing with the kids that mistake him as their appa. See? Very hard to dislike him. 

He could finally step away since dinner was going to be served soon. He found his seat next to you and pressed a kiss to your cheek. "Hi," he said with relief in his voice. He was all mingled out; his cheeks started hurting from all the smiling and talking.

"Hello, Mr. Popular." You chuckled. You could tell he was embarrassed being the center of attention.

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Stop--I hate it."

"Oh, you love it. You love being praised."

He had one arm on the back of your chair and the other leaning on the table, inching towards you. "Only in the bedroom." He smirked. He couldn't wait to leave the party and get out of the stuffy suit he was wearing. But the launch had barely begun; there were still more smiles and networking to do on his part. He hated it. Besides, it was part of the job.

Throughout dinner, there were speeches upon speeches until the lead of Jungkook's department stood up and announced that he was getting an award. Jungkook's eyes widened with surprise, not knowing he'd be given anything tonight. He was given the 'Rising Star' Award and asked to make a short speech while accepting. You could tell he wasn't prepared, but if anyone could come up with something on a whim, it was Jungkook.

He nervously scratched the back of his neck while looking out at the audience. He let out an awkward chuckle as he thought about where to begin. "I'm sorry I don't have anything prepared. I wasn't expecting to receive anything tonight, but I just want to thank my team leader, who continues to put his trust in me. And thank you to the rest of our team, who worked tirelessly to prepare this game for today's launch. I owe you all my life." The crowd laughed at his words; then, his eyes darted around the room until he landed on you. "And lastly, I want to thank my beautiful girlfriend who's with me tonight." He pointed at you, making everyone turn to take a good look. You smiled and waved shyly. He continued, "Baby, thank you for always pushing me and supporting me in everything I do. I wouldn't be here without you. I love you." He bowed politely, gave another word of thanks before taking his award, and came back down to sit next to you, giving you another kiss.

The night was finally coming to an end. You didn't realize how wiped you were until the limo pulled up but overall, it was an enjoyable night, getting to see Jungkook and his world.

"I'm pretty sure I'll like video game launch parties." You laughed, holding up your massive bag of freebies. "I mean, look at all this stuff."

Jungkook chuckled. "Is that the only reason why you're here? For the free stuff?"

You scoffed. "Well, obviously. It's free." He pinched your waist, making you yelp. "And to see my hot, sexy boyfriend be the talk of the town."

"Ugh, don't remind me," he said, opening the limo door, and the two of you went in. "It's so embarrassing."

"What? No--I loved seeing everyone go all heart-eyes for you. To be honest, I was a little jealous," you said, setting the large bag on the floor mat.

"Oh, you? Jealous? Tell me more." He urged as he slid closer to you, pulling you into him, then lifting your legs onto him. He began caressing your thighs and nuzzled his head into your neck, peppering kisses wherever he could.

"For an industry that's mostly made up of men, there were way too many women surrounding themselves around you." You said breathily, trying to keep your cool from all of his kisses.

"Mmhm, keep going," he implored, now his hands beginning to roam your body freely. First, your breasts, then your ass.

You closed your eyes. He was barely touching you, and you were soaking wet already. "I think I even saw someone lingering a handshake with you a minute too long. But what she doesn't know is that those hands are mine." You proclaimed while taking his hand in yours. "These fingers are mine." Smiling as you pressed his fingers against your lips, then shamelessly took his index and middle finger into your mouth, pulling them in and out. And he watched with fascination, your lips surrounding his fingers; he couldn't wait for them to be on his dick instead.

You grinned as you pulled his fingers away, then hiked up your dress, bringing his fingers towards your clothed heat, already soaked and ready to go. Jungkook visibly gulped. He loves when you're confident and unashamed. Leaning in, you kissed him fervently; you couldn't wait for the driver to hurry up and get the two of you home. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him even closer than he already was.

"Someone's horny," Jungkook said as he broke the kiss.

"You have no idea," you replied as you made your way to straddle him. Thank god for this limo; there was no way you could do this in a smaller car.

"You gotta keep quiet, though. Don't want to be called into the boss' office on Monday morning asking why I was fucking my girlfriend in the company limo."

A giggle left your lips. "Jeon Jungkook, Rising Star, scared of getting caught?"

"I quite like my job, you know..."

"Kay, I'll moan and whimper your ear."

He grinned. "Perfect."

After a night of wanton sex-capades throughout the apartment, the two of you were spent. Jungkook was laid out on his stomach, mouth agape, with little snores leaving him. You found yourself gazing at him, gently caressing the little scar on his cheek.

See, it's easy when it's just you and Jungkook, but when it's the two of you against the world, it's a different story. If you two were the last two people on earth, you'd probably just fuck each other into oblivion and have tons of babies. But that was the issue, you weren't the only two people on earth, and you probably cared way too much about what other people thought about you. And in the end, what would be the thing that mattered the most? What Jungkook thought about you or what other people think? It was probably time to stop worrying about other people's perception of your relationship with Jungkook and begin to focus on the man who was undoubtedly and hopelessly in love with you.


hi everyone! i hope you enjoy this update. how are feeling? how are we doing? what are we thinking about the progression of this story? and lmao, i'm sorry i'm always edging you all. <insert laughing emoji> 

i'll be heading off to korea soon for vacay :) so i won't be updating any other stories until i'm back. i'll also be meeting up with the queen of bts fanfiction herself, dappleddaisies (here on wp). if you haven't checked out her stories, please do so! i have them listed in my fic recs. read them and go tell her how amazing she is <3

and as always, i would love to hear your thoughts/comments/feedback and if you could vote, that would mean the world to me.

see you all soon,

also, here's mc and jungkook's outfit from the launch night :)

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"I can't look at you," his voice trembled with a painful vulnerability, "And not remember the sweet betrayal, Y/N," "I am sorry for betraying you, Ju...
39.6K 1.4K 17
"W-What are you doing, Y/N?" Jungkook stammered, an uneasy frown on his face. His gaze drifted to her plump lips, which seemed to utter beautiful but...