this is us | jjk

btsgotjams27 által

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How could you possibly forget him? You couldn't even if you wanted to. You wanted to extract core memories of... Több

one ~ this is how u fall in love
two ~ back hugs and peppered kisses
three ~ hot tubs and clubs pt. 1
four ~ hot tubs and clubs - pt. 2
five ~ daydreams and stargazing
six ~ it's not all rainbows and butterflies
drabble ~ girl's night
drabble ~ the reveal
seven ~ party of three
nine ~ a blast from the past - pt. 2: the college years
ten ~ a blast from the past - pt. 3
eleven ~ the call
twelve ~ i do
thirteen ~ the heartbreak hotel - pt. 1
fourteen ~ the heartbreak hotel - pt. 2
fifteen ~ here comes baby
drabble ~ it'll be okay (jk pov)
sixteen ~ so maybe you're not okay
seventeen ~ one year later
eighteen ~ you're seeing things, aren't you?
drabble ~ dream bigger, darling
nineteen ~ together again
twenty ~ ending credits
epilogue ~ us
TIU Celebration

eight ~ a blast from the past - pt. 1

2.1K 84 172
btsgotjams27 által

~ warning: sexual content ~

Sitting on the couch, with one hand holding your phone and the other hidden inside a chip bag, you glanced over to see Jungkook smirking, eyeing you up and down. You stuffed a chip in your mouth, "What?" You asked, still munching away at the savory chip.

"Baby...your tits look so nice right now. I just wanna---" Jungkook closed his eyes, pretending to motorboat the air in front of him.

You shook your head and chuckled at your silly boyfriend. "Oh why thank you, they'll be full of milk soon. That's why they look so nice," you teased him. Eight months pregnant and you were ready for this baby to come out already. Everything hurt - everything!

"I've always wondered what breast milk tasted like." He bit his bottom lip, staring off into space as he thought about it.

You rolled your eyes at the soon-to-be dad. "Of course, you would," you snapped at him. Licking the chip dust off of your fingers, you pushed yourself off of the couch and waddled over to him.

"What? A guy can't be curious?" Jungkook's mouth curved into a smile while you straddled his lap, your basketball of a belly in his face. He gently caressed the bump. "God--you're so beautiful," he expressed lovingly, placing a kiss on your bump. "Can't believe you're having my baby, can't believe you let me."

You playfully smacked his chest. "You practically begged me, remember?"

"Mm and I'll keep begging until we have a house full of kids. Am I able to put another one in you while you already have one in you?" Jungkook teased.


"Your dummy."

"Mm, my dummy," you mumbled, before placing a kiss on his lips.

A constant, faint buzzing sound woke you from your dream. A dream that you almost didn't want to wake up from. It almost, felt too real.

"Baby. Hey, I'm heading off to work," an indistinct, mumbled voice could be heard as your eyes opened. Jungkook placed a kiss on your cheek before backing away.

Your hand lingered on his fingers before he was out of reach. "Have a good day at work."

He couldn't resist, he leaned down to give you another kiss. "It's going to be a long day. I'll text you when I get out."

"Kay, love you."

"Love you more."

The silence in your apartment after Jungkook left, didn't help. The dream you awoken from was milling around while you lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. Ugh, you knew at some point you'd have to tell Jungkook. You didn't want him to get his hopes up of a family when the possibility of it was low. Soon, you'd tell him soon.

After the success of his company's game, Jungkook became a hot commodity within his workplace, being pulled left and right into divisions he knew nothing about but those in the divisions didn't care because whatever ideas Jungkook had, they were sure it would be better than the ones they came up with.

"Have we tried reaching out to those Twitch influencers who came to the party? I think they'll be a good resource," Jungkook suggested.

"Ah, yes! That's a great idea. Someone write that down!" One of the team leads instructed the interns, and they all furiously jotted it down.

Funny how the gaming industry consisted of men, but mostly nerdy, geeky men. So, no wonder Jungkook was a popular individual, he had it all: looks, wit, brains, hot girlfriend. Lucky guy.

The company's newest game, "Night Star" was in the beginning stages of storyboarding and illustrations. Jungkook was in meeting after meeting, and if he wasn't in meetings, he was drawing like a maniac, trying to meet his deadlines.

While in his corner office, Jungkook was on an important phone call with a new investor. He was doing his best to convince him to come on board and see the vision behind the new game. They only wanted to talk to the man who was responsible for the successful launch of the company's previous game. He was already on edge and frustrated after an hour on the phone with a man who didn't understand a single thing about the gaming industry.

Jungkook was ready to give up, and when he looked up from his desk, his eyes widened and his heart dropped. Jin mentioned earlier in the day to block out some time for a meeting, but Jin didn't specify with whom. Jungkook just didn't think it would be the person walking alongside Jin.

She was a petite, confident, and charming woman. Her brunette hair is styled in a blunt bob, skin, a creamy ivory hue with a hint of rosy cheeks, and an angelic (not so angelic) smile to captivate hearts around her. And how did Jungkook know all of these things?

Because he recognized her as a blast from his past, his ex-girlfriend, Alex.

He abruptly interrupted and apologized to the investor on the phone, and asked if he could call back. His hands were trembling when he clicked the call to end.

Was this real or a dream? He thought he'd never see her again, let alone here at his workplace. The beauty that first caught his eye when he was a young college kid was still there, an alluring, polished beauty he could never quite put his finger on.

She was charming and seductive, and she had a way with words, amongst other things. He didn't want to admit it, but she was just as beautiful as the first time he laid eyes on her. Ugh, he hated that he still thought she was beautiful when he had a girlfriend.

They stopped in front of Jungkook's office. Jin peered through the glass window, smiling, unknowingly bringing in the one person Jungkook loathed, which was rare for him. It took a lot for him to hate someone.

Jin quietly knocked before opening the door. Jungkook took a deep breath before they stepped into his office. He just had a feeling it wasn't going to be a good day.

The two of them walked in, laughing, probably at one of Jin's terrible dad jokes that he loved so much. "Hey Jungkook-ssi, meet Ale--"

"Alex," Jungkook replied curtly when he stood up, cutting Jin off. He didn't need an introduction to the person who he loathed. Why one may ask? We'd find out soon enough.

Jin cocked his head to the side, "Oh, do you two know each other?" He asked, pointing back and forth between the two, a confused Jin glared at Jungkook, wondering what the hell was going on.

"Hi bunny..." Alex flashed a sweet innocent smile, but Jungkook understood the real meaning behind it. Hardly innocent. He'd seen it too many times to count. "We went to school together," she added, answering Jin's question.

"Bunny?" Jin snickered after hearing the nickname. "I will be a gentleman and not ask for any details right now, but Jungkook-ssi, you will owe me an explanation." He sent Jungkook a wink.

Jungkook clenched his jaw and narrowed his eyes at Alex. He needed to get to the bottom of why she was here and how she knew where to find him. He cut off all communication with her, he even went rogue on social media so she couldn't keep track of him. Whatever it was, he knew it would be trouble.

She giggled at Jin's comment but Jungkook could see right through her. He wasn't going to fall for her tactics. "So, bunny...did you miss me?" she asked, hands behind her back as she stepped towards Jungkook.

"Not really." Another stubborn remark from him. He was done with her before she could even start. He's learned his lesson, hopefully.

"Oof-" Alex playfully clutched her heart. "A fearless bunny I see. I raised you well."

Jungkook's spiteful comment hurt her. Good, he thought. His defense mode was on full alert and he couldn't let her penetrate him with her words or actions.

"I'd like to think that I actually raised him," Jin teased, not knowing the real reason behind her comment.

"Seokjin-ssi, did you need something?" Jungkook didn't care how he sounded at this point. He needed her gone. Whatever she was doing here, couldn't be a good thing.

"Seokjin-ssi? So formal Jungkook-ssi." He cleared his throat. "We have a meeting, remember?"

"With her?" Jungkook pointed to Alex. Fuck--he thought. Why, why would there be any reason to meet with her? Please, dear god--Jungkook will quit right this second if the company has anything to do with her. Yes, he was that adamant about Alex. Jin wouldn't understand, to be honest, no one would.

"Why else would I bring her to meet you? What's with you today?"

"Nothing..." he mumbled.

A buzzing started going off, Jungkook checked his phone but it wasn't him. Jin took out his phone and saw it was a call from his brother. "I have to take this. Jungkook-ah, can you keep Alex entertained while I step out for a second?" Jin was already heading out of Jungkook's office before he could say anything.

Jungkook and Alex watched as Jin stepped out and walked down the hall. Alex snapped her head to a tense Jungkook, trying to ease him with one of her sly smiles, but he wasn't having it. He's known her throughout his time in California, whatever she came here for could not be good news.

"So, how will my bunny entertain me today?" Alex asked with a shit-eating grin on her face. She could think of a lot of ways for him to keep her entertained.

He didn't say a word. He wasn't going to keep her 'entertained'. He silently sat back down behind his desk, looking through his emails, clicking and clacking away at the keyboard. Was there anything to answer? No, of course not, but he needed to distract himself somehow.

See, the thing was, Alex took pleasure in making Jungkook uncomfortable, seeing him squirm under a few simple words or touch. "You're not going to offer me a seat anywhere? You're being kind of mean today bunny," she pouted.

He cringed at the stupid pet name she came up with years ago. "Sit wherever you want. I don't care."

"Okay," Alex shrugged before walking over to Jungkook's desk, pulling his chair back, and sitting on his lap.

He immediately pushed her off, causing her to stumble forward in her heels. "What the fuck are you doing?" Jungkook stood up, scowling at her. He couldn't believe she had the fucking audacity to pull shit off like this in his office of all places. He walked over to the two chairs facing his desk, leaning against the side of one of them.

She laughed, straightening her hair and skirt. "You said to sit wherever I want. I saw an opportunity and I took it," she said with another shrug, now taking a step in Jungkook's direction.

"You need to leave, Alex. You shouldn't be here," he asserted, closing his eyes, and taking in a deep breath. Jungkook's heart was beating out of his chest.

Alex flashed a sinister smile, taking this opportunity to get closer to the one thing she wanted, Jeon Jungkook. "Aren't you curious as to why I'm here, bunny?" She cocked her head while slotting herself between his legs.

She was so close to him, close enough to smell that familiar floral scent he loved so much when he was younger. He could still remember it lingering for days on his pillow.

"Stop...stop calling me that," he said, stuttering through his words as he opened his eyes. "I'm not a fucking kid."

"Mm, you're right," Alex confirmed, her hands resting on his tense thighs, fingers gently grazing back and forth. "You're not a child. I can see how grown up you are now," she said, observing every fine detail of this new Jeon Jungkook, all tatted and pierced. "You have no idea how insane you're making me."

Jungkook felt like there was a lump in his throat, he could hardly get the words out to tell her to fuck off. And then, suddenly, his office door flung open.

"Jungkook-ah--" Jin stared blankly at the two in an incriminating position.

Finally, Jungkook dared to break away from Alex's hold. Clearing his throat, "We need to head to that meeting right?"

"Uh-huh..." Jin knitted his eyebrows together. Something fishy was going on but now wasn't the time to pry. " ready?"

"I'm all set, my Worldwide Handsome Jin. Can't wait to meet everyone!"

When the two left Jungkook's office, his knees were wobbly, causing him to drop down beside the chair, while he buried his face in his hands. He wanted to scream into the void but the day had only just begun. He needed to find the energy to get through it somehow.

During lunch at the company's cafeteria, Jungkook pulled Jin aside, not caring who Jin was cracking jokes with. Jungkook was pissed about seeing Alex.

"Whoa! What's going on Jungkook-ah?"

"Forget what you saw in my office, okay?"

"Okay--okay. Whatever you want, man." Jin twisted his arm from Jungkook's grip, straightening out his tie. "What's up with you two anyway?"

God--Jungkook didn't want to have to explain his past life, knowing it could filter through to Namjoon, Yuna, and back to you. He's never addressed his previous relationships with you, and he's only briefly mentioned Alex, but nothing else about her.

"Nothing--" Jungkook chirped back, trying not to be so obvious that there was indeed some kind of history between him and Alex.

"Uh-huh...I'm completely convinced. What? She used to suck your dick or something?"

"Hyung!" Jungkook whisper-yelled, looking around to make sure no one heard him.

Jin chuckled, "Don't worry, I won't tell your girlfriend."

Jungkook scowled at his friend, sighing loudly. He wasn't sure how much longer he could keep this whole Alex thing hush-hush before it all blew up in his face.

"Bro--I'm joking! Unless..."

"Yah--" Jungkook hated the fact that even though Jin was joking, he was right on the spot.

"I'm kidding! You know I love your girlfriend, but uh--get ahold of yourself man before you don't have a girlfriend anymore."

Jin stopped by Jungkook's office after giving Alex the grand tour of the office. He barged in like he normally does without warning and plopped himself down on the chair in front of Jungkook's desk.


He didn't want to give Jin the time of day because he could tell Jin needed something. What other reason could there be for barging into his office in the middle of the day? Jin sat there, arms crossed, waiting for him to answer. But Jungkook continued to type away on his monitor, answering emails that didn't need to be answered.

Still typing away.

"Jungkook..." Jin called him again, trying to get his attention. "Some of us are taking Alex out for karaoke tonight and since she's never been to Seoul, let's show her a good time. Come with us and bring your girlfriend."

Jungkook quickly glanced at his hyung and then back at the screen. He was fuming. He didn't want to be in the same room as Alex, and fuck--to be in the same room with you and Alex. What the hell was he going to do with himself? He just had a feeling that Alex would say and do anything to make him feel uncomfortable in front of you. No, she'd push him to his limits and he'd erupt like a volcano.

Maybe you coming along could make Alex jealous--or that in itself could be bad, bad for every party involved.


Or...maybe you could come along and he could use you as an excuse to dip out early. Yeah...yeah! That's what he'll do. Did want to use you as an excuse? No, but right now you were the only viable option.

"Fine," Jungkook answered in a straightforward tone, he didn't even bother to look up.

Jin pursed his lips, mouthing an 'okay' before pushing himself off the chair. Immediately after Jin left, Jungkook reached for his phone, finding your name.

boyfie 4:07 PM
You're coming with me
to karaoke tonight.

4:10 PM
Is that a request or a command?

boyfie 4:11 PM
Please. I need you there.

4:13 PM
Who's gonna be there?

boyfie 4:14 PM
Jin, Alex, and a few other colleagues.

4:20 PM
😮‍💨 Okay fine, it's your ears
that'll stop working tomorrow.

boyfie 4:21 PM
That's perfectly fine with me 😘

boyfie 4:18 PM
We'll be at Borahae Noraebang at 7.


6:35 PM
Boyfriend...don't hate me.
They need me to stay behind.
I don't think I'll be able to make it tonight. 😔

boyfie 6:36 PM
What??? You can't get out of it?

6:37 PM
I can't. 😭 I really wanted
to go too.

boyfie 6:40 PM
It's okay. You do your thing.
I'll see you at home.

6:45 PM
I'm so sorry. I'll make it up to you.
But have fun with the guys!

Jungkook didn't correct you. He knew at this moment that he should have called the whole thing off but he could already hear Jin giving him a hard time about it. He'd never hear the end of it.

The noraebang wasn't packed like it was on most nights. It was fairly empty with a few booths being taken. Jin went all out and reserved a private room, all expenses paid he stated since it was going on the company's credit card.

"Order whatever you want. I'm paying," he joked, waving the credit card around.

He looked through the food menu with Alex, pointing out which items they wanted. While Jungkook sat and stared at his phone. He wasn't sure what he was looking for but he just didn't like being there without you. It didn't feel right.

And of course, fucking gaming nerds--they all bailed on Jin last minute because there was a surprise drop for a new game coming out.

"Whew, this last song got me winded. I need some fresh air. I'll be right back," Jin exclaimed, out of breath.

Jungkook quickly glanced at Alex, feeling nervous, small, like he was that naïve college boy when he first met her. She was his first sexual encounter, and any young adult man with eyes and a dick wouldn't say no to sex with someone that looked like Alex. If Jungkook was the definition of sex on legs now, Alex was that for him in college.

Jin handed him the remote to pick the next song to sing. He was doing his best to ignore Alex, even though he could feel her eyes watching him closely. She put her drink down on the table, the one separating him from her, and casually wandered over to sit next to him.

He watched her as she sat down, unbearably close he thought. She sat, knees pointed towards him, she leaned in close and tucked his hair behind his ear, sweetly smiling at the bunny boy she once knew. His nose was filled with the scents of lavender, vanilla, and bergamot-an aroma that college Jungkook was familiar with.

His eyes met hers, exploring the intimate details of her face, details he'd go over and over for hours on end. She really was beautiful and enchanting. Then his eyes fell to her lips, parted and pouty, painted with a mauve matte stain--so plush, so delectable.

His eyes fluttered shut and he hurriedly stood up and moved away from her, against the wall. Don't let her get to you, he thought.

He remembered limbs entangled for hours, his lips on hers, smiles and giggles until daybreak. Everything came flooding back to him as if it were yesterday. Alex making him do things he thought he'd never be into. He didn't want to admit it, but she molded him into the man he was today.

Alex chuckled at his action. "You look so good bunny."

"Don't call me that," he responded curtly, still focused on the screen, fiddling with the remote to find a song.

일, 이, 삼... (one, two, three)...the robotic voice announced as Jungkook pressed his selection.

"You loved it when I called you my little bunny." She rose to her feet, inching her way slowly towards him. "I bet my energizer bunny is even stronger and faster now." She could tell that she still affected him, whether or not he showed it. His frame was much bigger than the one of the 18-year-old boy she remembered. He grew up well.

Alex stood in front of him, looking up, trying to get his attention. She took the remote he was using to distract himself.

Jungkook sighed, clenching his jaw, finally, he looked her in the eye. "What do you want?" he asked begrudgingly.

She grinned. "Confidence looks sexy on you." She ran her hands over his shoulders, down his toned chest, taking her sweet time. The third button on his dress shirt came undone, so she could get a better idea of how big he had become. His breathing slowed down and his eyes fluttered shut at her touch.

Jungkook was concentrating so hard, that a bead of sweat trickled down his temple. It was like she had some kind of weird power over him, he couldn't move, couldn't resist her.

"I've missed you so much, Kookie," Alex whispered, nudging the tip of her nose against his lips. "I've missed these hands." She looked down, making him unclench his fist, entwining her hands with his. "Can you touch me?"

Jungkook's breath became hitched in his throat. He wanted to say so many things, but nothing was coming out. He leaned forward, his forehead touching hers. "Alex..."

The still small voice inside his head was sending out warning signals, but his body, his hands had other plans. One gripping her waist, the other traveling past her skirt, touching her soft, silky thigh.

She sported a smirk before lifting her skirt, and her core ached at his fingers being unbearably close to it. "Mm, look at how wet I am for you already."

Alex didn't have to say much for Jungkook to give in to her. It was like he was transported back into his 18-year-old body, touching a woman for the first time. His body shuddered as she stepped closer, his hand lightly grazing the soft, wet cloth.

"Keep going bunny, you can do it," she encouraged, nipping his nose with hers, lips ghosting his.

"Shit..." A shaky breath left Jungkook's lips. His heart pounding outside of his chest, his ears red with embarrassment, his mind yelling, 'Don't do this'.

But it was like clockwork, his fingers slid her panties to the side, feeling how slick and wet her folds were.

Alex brought his fingers up to her lips, to have a taste of herself on him. "Glad to know I can still make you hard." She was talking about the growing bulge in his jeans.

Jungkook hated himself at that moment. He didn't do anything to stop her. He should have left when you said you wouldn't be able to make it.

With dark eyes, she looked up at him again and inched closer, pulling his chin towards her. "You'll always be my bunny," she whispered, proceeding to press her lips against his.

Shit--and he did it, he let himself succumb to her antics, he kissed her back. Alex smiled into the kiss, pleased at the fact that she was successful in making Jungkook crumble like he always does when it comes to her.

Jungkook finally got a hold of himself and snapped out of it. His brows furrowed, eyes burning into her like a thousand suns, jaw clenched harshly he could crack it, and he nudged past her, heading towards the door.

Right as he opened it, he bumped into Jin, without saying a word. He kept walking, trying to forget that he didn't stop her in that room.

"Yah--Jungkook-ah! Where are you going?" He looked back towards Jungkook, but he was long gone.

It was a long day of revising and editing, nearly midnight when you left. You were glad to be in the comfort of your own home, ready to relax and do nothing for the rest of the night. You opened the door to find Jungkook sitting on the couch, sipping on a beer. It was reassuring and comforting to find him every time you came home.

"Hi, honey. I'm home." Repeating the phrase you'd both come to use, announcing your arrival. "How was karaoke? I'm sorry I couldn't make it tonight." You said as you hung your coat and bag on the hooks behind the door.

He didn't answer, which you found odd. Maybe he was tired. You slipped your shoes off and walked towards him. You softly uttered his name to get his attention again. Instead, it was like he never heard you call him, and he stood up, cupping your face in his big hands, hungrily crashing his lips into yours - which took you by surprise.

His tongue nipped to enter your mouth, and hands all over you, tugging at the hem of your sweater, then tugging you out of your skirt, almost ripping it. It felt exhilarating after a long day. Your fingers threaded through his dark black hair, which was now growing longer, grasping roughly at the man ravishing you. "Kook..." you moaned as he pulled away from your lips.

"I love you, baby...I love you so much," he whispered in between kisses against your jawline. He muttered over and over, more so reassuring himself that you were the person he truly loved, wanted, needed.

"I love you too..." You replied, eyes rolling back, skin feeling hot from his touch.

What has gotten into him right now?

Helping him, you unbuttoned his shirt and then unhooked your bra, letting your breasts spill out for him to eye fuck.

"Shit baby, you're so fucking beautiful." He leaned in, taking a handful of your tit, squeezing and sucking it harshly. He abruptly stopped and brought you in close, whispering, "Noona, on your knees. Now."

Noona. You hadn't heard him call you that in a long time. You'd been so used to the pet names, him calling you Noona struck a different chord in you. "Right here? In the living room?" Someone was shameless tonight. You were getting this Jungkook. You didn't see this side of him often in the bedroom, and you didn't mind it one bit. But you preferred him being in charge.

He grinned and you did as he asked, you were shamelessly on your knees in the middle of your living room, ready to please him. An amused smile was plastered across his face as you obliged so willingly, so eagerly.

He unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants, letting it and boxers drop to the floor before shaking them off. Your core ached at the sight of his fat cock springing out, smacking against himself.

He looked down at you, patiently waiting for him as he pumped himself a few times. He thought you looked absolutely breathtaking at this moment, being a good girl, attentively waiting for his instructions. If there was a moment he could capture in a photograph, it would be this moment right now. "Open." And he asked this so sweetly, but what he wanted to do to you was far from that.

You licked your lips, getting it wet and ready to take in his cock. You brought your hand up but he instructed you not to.

"I'm gonna fuck your throat, baby."

Suddenly, you were a bit hesitant. You've only done this one other time and with someone not as big as Jungkook. You gulped and opened your mouth as wide as you could. He entered slowly, your tongue laying flat on the underside of his cock, following along the vein bulging from beneath, then swirling slowly around his length. He gently stroked your hair, thinking you looked so pretty with him in your mouth. "You okay?" He asked most gently.

You hummed in response.

He thread his hands through your hair, pulling it into a makeshift ponytail before he started to gently thrust it into your mouth. You hollowed your cheeks, trying to take more of him in, looking up to see him fully enjoying this view. He couldn't take his dark, lustful eyes off of you, looking so pretty with your mouth full of his cock, and wanted a photo as a keepsake.

He twirled your hair, grabbing it tighter, making you take him in deeper, pushing against the back of your throat, repeating it over and over again. Tears began to form in the corner of your eyes as he continued. You moaned into him and held onto his legs, your nails digging into the back of them. You gagged, almost forgetting to breathe.

"Fuck. Fuck--I need to stop before I come. Wanna fuck you first," he abruptly pulled himself out from your mouth, and a loud pop followed.

You took a moment to catch your breath, before he hungrily kissed you again, tasting himself on you, his tongue playing with yours.

He wanted to be in control.

No. He needed to be in control.

"Turn around."

You did as he asked.

"On all fours."

He took a moment to admire the view, a reminder of who he wanted, who made him hard by simply saying his name. His hand caressing your soft pillowy ass, giving it a good smack, making you jump and squeal.

"This is my favorite part of you," he said while caressing the part where your thigh met your ass. He leaned down and lightly took a bite.

"Did you just bite my ass?"

God, he was acting so strange tonight.

His digits began sliding up and down your cunt, making you whimper and arch your back. "Damn baby, so wet already?" On one knee, he positioned himself at your entrance, his reddened tip already leaking with pre-cum. He leaned down, his chest pressed against your back, his cock slightly grazing your entrance. You hissed, desperately wanting him to fuck you already.

"Are you still on the pill?" he asked before spitting on his hand, stroking his saliva over his cock. He pumped himself, getting ready for you.

You nodded.

"Good," he said before shoving his fat cock in your pussy. It felt so good to be inside you, better than anyone that he's had, the only one he'll ever want again.

You yelped, not ready for him to shove it in. The pain and pleasure from it all washed over you. He barely let you get used to his size before he started to thrust in and out of you. His hands gripped tightly on your hips, your elbows now propped over the armrest, trying to get control as he pounded his way into you.

He's never fucked you like this. Almost desperate, like he had something to prove. It was primal and savage, a side of him you hadn't seen. You weren't complaining, just wanted to know where his head was.

"Baby, you're taking me so well," he groaned before smacking your ass again, harder this time around. He told himself he'll soothe it later, but you looked so pretty with your ass marked by him.

"Kook..." you whimpered slightly when you felt the loss of his cock. He was in charge and you weren't going to tell him otherwise.

He sat on the couch, guiding your ass to sit on him. You brought his cock to your entrance, teasing him before letting him fully enter you. He groaned loudly when you did. It felt fucking amazing, he could come right then and there. He grabbed a handful of your tits, squeezing the mounds he loved so much, running his thumbs over your hard pebbled nipples. The stimulation from that alone became sensory overload.

One hand continued massaging your breast, as the other made its way to your clit, parting your folds, rubbing in circles to overstimulate you. "Noona, I love you...I love you," he continued to whisper as he kissed the nape of your neck. Perhaps telling you he loved you repeatedly would rid his mind of tonight's earlier events.

"I love you too."

You leaned forward, holding onto the coffee table for support, your ass now in Jungkook's full view. He spaced out for a moment as he watched your pussy bounce ferociously on his dick, pounding over and over again, thighs noisily slapping against one another. The lewd sounds echoed throughout the apartment. You were sure your neighbors would be complaining to your landlord again.

But he couldn't get Alex's words off his mind. "You'll always be my bunny." Maybe if he fucked you hard enough, he could forget what happened earlier tonight. So, his hands dug deeper into your hips. Now, he began thrusting harder from underneath, giving you a hand.

"Shit--Right there Kook, just like that," you mewled, unraveling, basically fucked out by his urgency.

He bit down hard on his bottom lip, attempting to fuck tonight's events out of his mind. Both of your bodies are sticky and sweaty, your breathing rapidly increasing, almost reaching your peak. He could feel it, your walls tightening and clenching around his dick. He loved fucking you raw. This was a treat because you didn't let him do this often. A surge of electricity went through you, your walls convulsing and trembling at the orgasm immersing throughout your body.

At the same time, Jungkook groaned loudly as he unloaded into you with streaks of white covering your walls. He tightly held onto you as he was coming down from his high. The two of you molded into one at this moment, bodies rhythmically breathing in and out together. You sat up and wrapped your arms around his tattooed one, smiling like an idiot who had been completely ravaged by her boyfriend. He continued to pepper kisses on your back, then you felt his cheek pressed against you.

It was a sweet moment, minus the streams of white oozing out from your pussy. He was beginning to become soft but didn't seem like he wanted to let go, so you held onto him a bit longer. His embrace was warm and felt like home.

You unexpectedly felt something wet on your back, maybe it was from the sweaty sex you just had, then you heard a sniffle from behind. You immediately frowned, "Hey...what's wrong?" You attempted to turn towards him but he wouldn't let you.

"I'm sorry," Jungkook muttered softly.

"Sorry for what? Fucking me like a mad man in the middle of my living room? I'm pretty sure my neighbors saw and heard us," you chuckled.

"I'm sorry for not being a good boyfriend."

Okay, now you were worried. He was upset about something. "What are you talking about?" Maybe that's why you heard an innumerable amount of 'I love yous' tonight.

Don't freak out, you told yourself. You weren't even sure what he meant by it.


Are we surprised at seeing this dominating side of Jungkook? 😶 Because I sure am! Lol I honestly surprised myself by writing this. Who am I? Haha. You'll see in the next chapter why he is...the way he is, why he's kept some things in the dark and why he loathes Alex. Stay tuned!

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