All I ever wanted

De kukkuuryyd

26.3K 1.4K 418

They were young, and she loved him more than anything. She wrote a love letter to him, a poetry, but nothing... Mai multe



615 38 25
De kukkuuryyd

                33. SCREAM FOR HELP

Trigger warning: Violence, harassment


"What the fuck man!" Olli shouted while blood runned down from his nose. I was scared, I started shaking. The blonde man took a grip from Olli's shirt, and hit him again in the face with full force with his fist. Tears started to fill my eyes, and I was shocked. What is happening? Who the heck is this man who is beating the shit out of Olli?
I walked up to the man, and I tried to get him to stop.
"Fucking stop that!" I shouted behind him. Then he slapped my face fast, and I fell to the ground.
My cheek hurted a lot, I put my hand in there and cried. I was in panic. I'm fucking scared.
I saw the door still open, and fast I stood up and tried to get there, but it was too late.
Some other man suddenly stood there, a brown haired and tall one. I looked him, tears blurring my eyesight. He walked in, and I stepped back. But now I was between them. The other one was beating Olli, while saying something angrily. And the other one was standing in front of me, looking at me like I was just a small ant. And he would step on top of me, crushing me. I shaked because of the fear. Everything has happened so fast, and I didn't know what to do.

I turned around, luckily I was still fast enough to run past the blonde one. I stopped and turned around to look Olli. He just layed there, blood everywhere.
I didn't know if he was alive anymore.
"Fucking fuck.. no no no..." I quietly mumbled by myself in huge panic. The brown haired one still stood there, in the dark hallway, staring at me. He didn't move anywhere.
I had one chance. Only one option. I started to think.
"Phone..!" I quietly said by myself and then started to look around.
No. My phone is in my bag, which is in the hallway.
What about Olli's? I runned to the couch, and tried to search it.
It's nowhere to be seen.
I'm in trouble.
I will fucking die.

I was in huge, huge panic.
What am I supposed to do? Scream for help?
I didn't trust my voice, it was weak. I didn't have the courage to scream.
"No!" I shouted in panic when I felt pair of hands wrapped around me, from behind me.
I tried to get him off from me, but he was so strong.
I cried, a lot. I tried to kick him, but he lifted me up and had such a strong grip.
I cried out loud, and if the neighbours didn't hear me already, then I'm suprised.
"Fucking shut her mouth!" The other one said from the hallway, probably the blonde one. He let me stand on my feet again, but covered my mouth with his hand. I placed my other hand on top of his, and I tried to get it off.
It didn't help. He's going to do something bad, I just know it.
I don't know who these men are, but they are definitely here to kill us. There is no other way.

"Eevi..." I heard Olli's voice from the ground, he sounded like he almost was alive. His voice got me even more in the hole full of panic. I got more strength, and I did everything to get that man to lose his grip.
Then the other man walked in front of me, it made me stop and freeze.
I looked him straight in the eyes, and my breath was so fast. His face was serious, scary. He had strange look in his eyes, like a psycho.
He probably was.
He tilted his head a bit to the right, and an evil smirk appeared to his face. I breathed fast, loudly while the man still kept his hand in front of my mouth.
My body was close to his, he breathed to my neck.
The blonde one lifted his arm up, and with couple fingers he put some of hair behind my ear. I closed my eyes for a second, I was afraid.
"If you.. fucking touch her.. I will.. kill you..." Olli suddenly mumbled from the ground, with his very weak and raspy voice. Tears escaped from my eyes, his voice made me even more sad and it gave me anxiety to hear him like that.
At least he was alive, for now.

"Don't worry. Shall we have some fun?" The blonde one looked me in the eyes, smirking. My breath got faster and faster, and my heart was probably going to jump out of my chest. I cried even more. I tried to shook my head in panic, but the man just chuckled.
"My friend will let you speak. If you scream, we will kill that man over there. And you will do everything we say, or else something worse will happen." The blonde one said, and I had no other choice but to nod. I was in so huge panic.
The man behind me let his hand off from my mouth, and I breathed through my mouth. But the man didn't let go.

"Why you do this.. who are you..?" I asked with my weak and quiet voice. The man in front of me chuckled, he looked to the hallway where Olli was. I didn't see him.
Then he looked me again, he just kept smirking, and he wasn't going to answer me. I knew what he wanted. He looked his friend that was behind me, and he gave him a light nod and started to walk towards Olli.
"No.. no!" I started to panic, and I tried to get away from the man behind me. But for nothing.
I turned around, and I saw Olli on the ground. I didn't see if he was breathing or giving any hint of him being alive.
The man was taking me to my bedroom.
No. No. This can't be happening. I have to do something.

I got a perfect chance, he had such a lose grip on me so I was able to kick him, straight to where the sun is not shining. He groaned, and let go of me.
I was suprised of how I was free now, but I had to do something and fast. I didn't know where I was supposed to go, I didn't have an escape.
Then I figured it out, my eyes landed on the balcony. I started to run towards it.
"Take her!" The blonde man said angrily next to Olli. I suddenly heard running steps from behind me, I was panicking again. I opened the balcony door and went in.
I turned around, but the man was already there. I tried to close the door with all force I had.
It was getting almost closed.

But it wasn't enough.

I lost the grip from the door handle when the man opened the door with force. It made me lose my balance and my back hit the glass behind me. I also hit my head in that, and it hurted a lot.
The man took grip of me, but I hit him in the head with my fist.
I guess it was a very big mistake. The man lost his patience, and he hit me in to my stomach.
It hurted, a fucking lot. I pressed my hand in there, and I closed my eyes while I leaned a bit forward.
He wrapped his hand around my neck, and pressed my body against the glass behind me.
On the other side would be freedom. But we were so high, I wouldn't survive from the fall.
I guess I have no other choice, but to let the mans do whatever they want.
I don't want them to kill Olli. If they would, I would want to die too then.

The man looked me straight in to my soul with his grey eyes. He looked so mad.
His grip around my neck got tighter, I was just able to breathe.
I saw the world spinning around me already.
Is this it? Am I dying?

"Bring the woman here!" The man shouted from inside the apartment. He let go of my throat, and I started coughing uncontrollaby. The man took grip of my wrist and started to walk with me back inside.
The man pushed me to the ground, I was shaking.
I lifted my head up, and I saw Olli sitting in front of me, and he leaned against the wall behind his back.
I looked him with widened eyes, he looked bad.
Very bad. Blood everywhere, he had black eyes and he had wounds on his lips. The sight of him scared me.
"Oh dear..." I whispered and went closer. He breathed very heavily, and he closed his eyes.
With my shaking hands, carefully I touched his cheeks. His beard had blood in there, I touched it.
I started to hear talking from my bedroom, I turned my head on the direction and the door was closed.
Both of the men were there.
I was wondering what they were up to. To kill us?
I don't know, I don't even know who they are and why they do this.

A phone started ringing. I flinched, and looked around. It was two meters away from us, fast I went to took it and dragged myself back to Olli. I sat in front of him, stroking his leg. I looked at the phone screen, it was Olli's phone.
And Tommi was calling. With shaking hands I answered to it.
"Tommi.. two men came here.. they beated Olli and..." Immediately I started talking with my shaking, weak and quiet voice while I stared my bedroom door.
"What? What did you say?" Tommi said confused from the other side of the phone.
Then Olli placed his hand on top of mine, and he interwined our fingers. It made me look at him, he was in bad shape.
"We need help.. please.. I'm afraid they will..." I continued. Tommi heard it in my voice that I was in huge panic. He knows me so well.

The bedroom door slammed open, and panicked I pressed the red button on the screen and throwed the phone away. We still hold hands with Olli. He opened his eyes carefully, and he looked at me.
What will happen next? Is this our last moment alive, together?

They walked to us, and they were silent. Slowly, and with lot of fear I lifted my gaze up, to look at them both.
The blonde one placed his hands on his legs and leaned forward to look at me better. He started to look pleased again, that stupid and scary grin in his face.
"Our work is done. But there is one thing we didn't get what we wanted to have." He grabbed my wrist.
He started to stroke my skin with his thumb.
"You won't get what you want. Only over my dead body, and not even that." I hissed to him that much how I could. My voice was weak, but I wasn't going to give up.

"Listen. You fucking slut will do what we order. Or this pathetic man will die." The brunette one hissed, I didn't even move my gaze on him. I kept the intense staring contest with the blonde man.
I needed to procrastinate. I trust on Tommi, with all my life.
I kept staring the man in silence, he started to lose his patience.
He almost pulled me up. But then, just in time someone knocked the door loudly.

"Police! Open the door!" I heard a deep man's voice. The blonde one let go of me, and then looked me in the eyes after he changed panicked looks with his friend.
"What the.. you piece of shit will die now." The man then said. His reaction wasn't the one I was excepting. Or kinda was. It made me scared again. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me up.
"Stop!" I screamed so the polices could clearly hear me.
The brunette one went to the kitchen. No. No no no!
I was very much more afraid of Olli's life. He wasn't able to talk anymore or react properly. He was so beated up and tired.

The man came back with a knife, a large one. My eyes widened while I stared the silver weapon in his hands. The man hold me tight and still from behind me.
The front door was slammed open, I heard the polices coming in. They had guns.
Everything happened so fast. Suddenly those strong arms didn't hold me tight anymore. I breathed heavily, I felt dizzy.

Polices and paramedics were here. The mans were gone. I looked very carefully when the nurses take care of Olli, and they started to carry him away from the apartment, to the hospital.
"Eevi?" I heard a familiar voice.

"Joel?" I asked, and the man walked up to me, passing the polices. He hugged me tight, and I wrapped my arms around his body too. I buried my face against his chest. I started to cry again.
I was relieved. But I was in shock.
"Everything is fine now." He whispered.

That was intense.
I would love to hear more of your opinions about this story. Also every vote has it's meaning for me, then I know that you guys want more and like these chapters. I'm honored that you guys read this story <3
I have thought that this story would have two more chapters, then it would end. BUT, if you really like this story, let me know, and I'll keep going to write this :)
The new song.. I have no words. I absolutely love it!
I went crazy last night, almost crying because the song is so beautiful and emotional.
I just can't wait for summer and the new album and gigs.
Stay safe and strong, and don't forget to take care of yourself🖤

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