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Two weeks has been since the two men came in to Eevi's apartment, beated me up and harassed Eevi.
Polices got them, the other one got prosecution of aggravated assault. And the other one, well he just had to pay some compensation. That's not fair, but what we can except.
The blonde one who beated me, he's Emilia's big brother. I knew him of course. But I didn't know his friend. I'm angry because of Emilia, did she say to her brother to beat me? Or was it his own decision?
I don't know. Maybe I don't want to know.
However, I have recovered well. Some nights it's hard to get some sleep, but sleeping pills have helped me.
But they haven't helped Eevi.
She has been strange after all that. She doesn't talk much. She's always in her own world, and barely eats. She also quitted her job. I'm very worried about her, so is everyone else. She doesn't want to talk about the situation. It would help her, but she doesn't believe it.
And another thing.. she started drinking.

We were in the studio, Tommi has arrived here to record some of his drums. We have talked about Eevi in the phone, he promised to help.
I know Tommi has helped Eevi back in the days.
And he called the police, which I'm forever thankful to him.
My thoughts has been on Eevi for the whole day, like every day after the horrible night.
And I was just waiting for the moment so we could go to talk to Eevi with Tommi.
"We're done for today." Joel suddenly said, I was back on earth from my daydreaming, when I sat on the couch. I stood up and took my stuff, I looked at the clock and it was 8pm.

"Where will you sleep Tommi?" Joonas asked from him when we were about to leave the studio, we were outside by now.
Tommi only shook his shoulders, and we were standing in front of his car.
"You can come to my place. If you're going to talk to Eevi now, can I come with you guys?" Joonas looked us both, and he asked that carefully.
We switched gazes with Tommi, he nodded.
"Yeah, it's fine." I responded to Joonas. He smiled a bit and sat on the backseat of the car.

I opened the door of Eevi's apartment. I was afraid of what shape she will be in. Every day when I've come back from the studio, I mean every night, she has been sitting in the dark apartment and staring into nowhere. It has looked a bit scary.
She doesn't react that I have came back. And When I have turned the lights on, every time I saw her tired face. And every night I have seen it in her eyes how she has cried again.
I have tried to comfort her. But seems like she doesn't hear my words. And when I have tried to hug her, she has flinched.
"No." She has said with afraid tone, and then left to her bedroom. And there, she lays down in darkness.
I have slept next to her, but she doesn't want me to touch her.
I have respected that of course. But I'm very worried.
And now when Tommi is around, if he can't help her, there is no other choice but to see a psychologist, a doctor.. I don't know.

I walked in to the dark apartment, it's nowadays normal that there isn't any lights anywhere.
Tommi and Joonas followed me, And Joonas put the lights on.
I looked back, and I gave Joonas a strict gaze.
Eevi hasn't wanted to see anyone, and now when there is those two, I don't know how she will react.
But when I looked to the ground, I didn't see her shoes. The shoes she usually wears.
I frowned, and her leather jacket was also gone.
"No..." I said underneath my breath and walked further to the apartment.
"Eevi?" I asked, but no answer.

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