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                    38. MAGNIFICENT EYES


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Laying in his arms is the safest place to be.
His heartbeat, I hear it. My head is resting on his chest. He is stroking my back carefully, slowly.
The way he's holding me. It feels like he's protecting me from the evil. His sweet words makes my heart beat faster. He's placing kisses on top of my head, and they make me smile.
We're laying on my couch, watching something on the tv. I'm not watching, I have my eyes closed.
But I'm listening. And not even that, because I'm just focusing on his touch.
There is one empty wine glass on the coffee table, it's a late night of october.
Weeks have passed fast, with him.
I'm visiting therapist, first I visited there twice a week, but now only once.
They wanted me to take some antidepressants, I refused. Not smart I know, but I was too scared.
I didn't want that I would get addicted to them.
I promised to my therapist that I will get better without them. And I promised that to Olli.
It has helped, the therapy. It was very hard at first, but in the end it's actually quite nice.

Olli has been the sweetest ever. He's always asking that do I need something, and he listens to me all the time. He has been in the studio a lot, but the album is actually done now.
And he's so happy that he can be with me all the time now, and I'm happy about it too.
And I'm also excited about their new album.
We have relaxed together a lot, taking long and slow walks, watching movies and cooking together.
All the love I'm getting from him, I think it's healing me too.
His kisses are like medicine to my veins.

"Babe.. are you hungry?" Olli asked gently when I almost fell asleep. Babe.. we have started to call each other by that. It's sweet, it makes me smile shyly when he says it. I opened my eyes and lifted my head up to look at his. He smiled and studied my face.
"You look tired, but still beautiful."
Those words made me probably blush, and I tried so hard to hide my smile.
"Please don't..." I chuckled nervously, and Olli chuckled too, in confusion.
"What? You're beautiful, what can I do about it?" He chuckled and smiled to me.
I didn't have any words to say, I was just staring at his magnificent eyes. I can never get enough of them.
It felt like my whole soul was sinking into them, deeper and deeper. His smile was also fading away, but he stared my eyes as intensively as I watched his.
We both were sinking into each other eyes.
We even almost blinked at the same time.
Right now I just want him to kiss me.
And he did.
The kiss was gentle, and filled with pure love.
After that, we pressed our forehears together, keeping eyes closed.
I wish this moment could last forever.

"I love you more than anything." He whispered.
Those words made chills all over to my body.
It made me smile, but also I wanted to cry because of the happiness.
"I love you..." I responded, whispering. Then we hugged, I was on top of him. I hide my face on his neck. His hair was tickling my face.
This moment didn't last longer when Olli's phone rang. I had to sit up, sighing he took the phone from the coffee table.
"It's Tommi." He looked at me and then answered.
Why he would call this late?

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