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                                  MY LOVE

 ALL I EVER WANTED WAS YOU                                   MY LOVE

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I was packing my stuff, and I had my headphones on. I jammed with the music, and I lipsynced at the same time.
Months has been passed quickly, and tomorrow would be the day when boys are leaving to the tour in America. It's year 2022, and the new year's party was wild. I didn't drink at all, but still I had so much fun.
My mental health is much better. Better than ever before. I got my medicine, and my therapist helps a lot. I feel like everything is fine.
This year has been a good one already, and boys have prepared their coming tour with such a passion. They spent some vacation, and we spent quality time with Olli in Lapland. We rented a cottage, it felt like honeymoon to us...
We complement each other. We also visited our parents a couple weeks ago, and they were the most happiest when they saw how happy we are together.
My mother started almost crying when she saw us.
"You two are so beautiful together." She said happily.
Sometimes you have to walk through the most hardest way to find your happiness.

All those sweet nights with Olli when he comes from training or from the studio, when he's tired. I'm waiting him in the couch while I'm watching something from the tv. He lays down on the couch, and puts his head on my lap, and I put my hands on his hair and caress him.
Then he tells me about his day, and I'm so happy to hear how much he loves working with the boys.
He asks how I have been doing for the whole day.
If I'm honest, he texts or calls me often.
"I wanted to hear your voice." He then explains himself, and it makes me blush on the other side of the phone.
And then, he tells me how much he loves me.
How much he loves being with me.
It makes me emotional, everytime.
"He finally gets his deserved love." Said Joonas one day to me when I visited their rehearsal place.
Apparently they all see how truly happy Olli is nowadays. And they see how happy I am.

I have spent my days at home, visiting my therapist, taking long or short walks and.. just been thinking.
I play piano sometimes, not everyday. But the best thing is when Olli plays it. He looks so focused, and often he glance at me, then I see how he smiles shyly when he looks back to the piano keys.
Niko has also been very caring. Of course, he's my brother. And it has become an habit that either I'm visiting his apartment, or he visits mine. And we drink some coffee and talk about life. He has helped me with finding a new job. My sick leave is still continuing, but we have been thinking about different careers. My heart is beating to music, and I think I'll find something from that industry.
Not just yet, but soon.
Joel. We have spent some time together too. We haven't mocked or fighted with each other.
And, everything is fine between us.

"Fuck..." I mumbled by myself when the music stopped. I took my headphones off, the battery run out. Sighing I put my phone away, but at the same time I heard how the door got open. Smiling I walked out of the bedroom, Olli just came home.
I watched how he took his shoes and jacket off.
"Hi, I brought some pizza." He walked to me with two boxes. I smiled and he gave me a quick kiss.
"I see." I quietly responded while I watched him walking to the kitchen.
I followed him, and then leaned against a wall. I watched closely his every move, and I started to smile by myself. I guess he didn't saw anything new.
"You didn't see it?" I questioned smirking. He turned to me, and looked confused. He shook his head.
He kinda looked scared, maybe he thought that I had new hairstyle or something and he didn't saw it.

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