Peace [Destiel]

By 14Katherine14

2K 63 35

Dean saves Cas from the Empty and they both admit their feelings for each other. They later defeat Chuck and... More

I - Lost
II - Despair
III - Empty
IV - Give him back
V - I got you
VI - Now what
VII - Trust you
IX - Wait
X - Carry On
XI - Embrace

VIII - Ground

102 5 2
By 14Katherine14

Chapter eight - Ground

They decided to drive to a secluded spot by the lake, to begin setting up the spell they planned to use to weaken Chuck. "Michael," Dean called out, before stepping out of the bunker.

"What?" Michael asked, pausing. Sam looked back at him.

"Are you sure the spell will work? Chuck won't feel Jack and Cas?" Michael rolled his eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me, I-" Dean sighed, curling his hands into a fist. "I just- I can't lose them again."

"It's God, Dean," Michael said, looking down at the spell book they needed. "You can't guarantee anything, but it's a strong spell. Castiel has always been a wild card to Chuck, so he has that advantage."

"Besides," Sam cut in. "We're his favorites, right? So he should focus on us and if we just keep him distracted, the plan will work." Doubt crept into his voice. "It has to," he said more to himself.

"I'm retiring after this," Dean said, trying to lighten the mood. Sam smiled slightly. They piled into the Impala and drove silently.

Once they got there, Sam began setting ingredients up while Michael and Dean warded the location. "Okay so the spell should release an unstoppable force that will find Chuck..." Sam looked around at all of them. "And finish him." The three of them stood equally spaced around the bowl and ingredients.

"Let's light it up," Dean said as Sam lit the match and dropped it in the bowl. Light flared for a moment but sputtered out.

"Hey guys." They all jumped and turned to find Chuck. Michael raised his arm, and with a flick of his wrist, swung the two brothers away from the bowl and onto the ground.

"Father," Michael said.

"Son," Chuck said. "Listen, I appreciate the heads up about," he gestured around, "all this."

"It's always been my destiny to serve you."

"Yeah... The thing is... it's kinda late in the game. And you did side with the Winchesters." He shook his head. "I can't forgive that."

"Father, no," he pleaded. "That was a lapse of judgment, I admit, but I swear I w-"

"Save it!" He screamed and raised an arm, burning Michael with his own grace, causing an explosion that shot Dean right back to the ground. Sam and Dean scrambled to get off the ground as Chuck slowly approached them. "And you two. You know, eternal suffering sounds good on paper, but as a viewing experience it's just kinda meh." He made a face. "So we're done. I'm canceling your show."

"Alright," Sam said, walking towards Chuck. "Well, one for the road." He sent a fist flying towards Chuck and groaned in pain.

"Cute." Agony ripped through Dean, a pain oh-so familiar. In the span of two days, Dean's heart had been crushed three times—once metaphorically, when he thought he lost Cas, and twice literally, first Billie and now Chuck.

Both brothers gasped in relief when Chuck loosened his grip on their hearts, though he raised his arm to snap his fingers. Chuck hesitated though, staring at Sam and Dean slowly pull themselves up. "Eh, what the heck," he shrugged. "I can get my hands dirty."

Sam, almost successfully off the ground, fell right back down with a hit to his face. Dean ran at Chuck but caught a fist to the face. Chuck grabbed his shoulders and slammed his head against Dean's.

Sam rushed at Chuck, blood dripping down his chin, attempting to get another punch in. He failed, instead getting a palm to his chest and kicked in the groin.

Dean threw a punch at Chuck, though he caught the arm and hit Dean's face multiple times in a row. He fell to the ground with a groan and grunted when Chuck kicked him.

Sam, on his hands and knees, caught a kick to the face, and fell back with a groan. "Fellas," Chuck said. "Give it up now."

Dean got up and attempted a punch, which Chuck easily subverted. He held onto Dean's arm and twisted it. Dean screamed as he felt the bone crack, and collapsed to the ground.

Chuck grabbed Sam's hair and gripped his arm and cracked the bone. He threw Sam back down and stomped on Dean's leg, cracking the bone. Dean groaned and coughed as Sam tried to get back up again.

"Come on, guys. Just stay down." Neither of them listened.

Dean stood in front of Chuck and caught another fist to the face. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been beaten so badly. Maybe when John was around.

Both brothers caught multiple punches from Chuck, groaning in pain with every hit. "That's enough, guys." Stubborn was probably a synonym to Winchester, as they both got up again. "Guys, come on.

The punches kept coming.

"Just stay down.

Dean's nose burned in pain when he heard it crack.

"Fellas, give it up.

Sam spit out sand that fell in his mouth. Dean considered staying down, closing his eyes for a moment. Chuck sighed.

"That's enough guys."

Both breathing hard, they rose slowly.

"Guys, come on. That's enough!" Chuck growled. Sam helped Dean stand, slowly, and both—bruised and bloody— started to laugh. "Why are you smiling?" he demanded.

"Because," Sam said, breathing heavily. "You lose." He laughed, looking behind Chuck, who turned to look in that direction.

"Hey, Jack," Chuck said, turning to fully face him. He walked towards him and they both stared warily at each other. Chuck quickly snapped his finger, expecting a repeat of what had kicked off his descent into the dark side. The only thing this snap did, though, was make noise.

Shocked, he snapped again, hoping the outcome would change. Jack started defiantly at him as Chuck snapped a third time.

Fourth. Fifth.

Jack walked towards Chuck.

Sixth. Seventh.

Chuck breathing grew shaky and he snapped more desperately.

Eighth. Ninth. Tenth.

Jack's eyes sparked up and he grabbed Chuck, draining him of his remaining power. Chuck fell to the ground, groaning and gasping for air. Jack looked at Sam and Dean and nodded. It was over, they beat God.

Jack snapped.


I took the scene from 15x19 cause I had no other ideas to beat Chuck.  

Miss me? Sorry I was gone so long, I had so much writer's block so... 

Wedding anniversary tomorrow?! I love them so much and I hope they're happy.

Hope you liked the chapter!

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