Save Me (MxM)


204K 9.4K 956

After being excluded from his pack, Luke found it hard to survive specially for a guy like him, being blind w... More

2~Cloudy Grey
3~ What are you doing here?
4~We Have To Go
5~Temtorary Home
6~ You Look Nice
7~ The Moon
8~Fuck the rules
9~The Vision
10~Nice To Meet You
11~ As The Days Go By
12~Love Hurts
13~He's Nicer
16~ Dinner
17~You're not him
18~ Can I Tell You A Secret?

1~A good breakfast with a good discussion

18.5K 756 90

11 years later
Luke's P.O.V.

"So what are we going to eat again?" I asked Legacy, since he was the one that told me he wanted me to try something different for breakfast.

"Pancakes." he answered a little bit excited.

"Do they taste good?" I asked kind of remembering that I had eaten them before but that was long since.

"We're about to find out." he responded, excitement already showing in his voice.

Ten minutes later I was sitting on a cold metallic bench, humans running or walking around me talking about their weekend or about their social life.

Ask how I knew all of this, well legacy told me that if I lose one of my senses the others get stronger, that's why I can hear so well and plus I'm a werewolf, but if you asked me how I got pancakes, I will say I really don't know because I really don't. The only thing I know is that I got them from a store, a very busy one.

"Do you like them?" Legacy interrupted my thoughts.

"Yes! They're sooo good!" I moaned as Legacy chuckled.

"I'm glad you like em." Legacy spoke, and I knew he was smiling.

"So what are we going to do today?" I spoke eating the last piece of my pancakes and savoring for it as much as I could.

"No what do you want to do, remember today is our birthday, that's why I wanted you to eat something good for breakfast," he spoke happily and proud.

"Really! I almost forgot," I spoke making an o with my mouth.

"Well I want to stay here and listen to the birds, if that's fine with you?" I answered after several seconds.

"Whatever you want," he spoke, his voice showing that of tiredness.

"OMG, he is so cute!" I heard some women speak as they were running nearby.

"I think he's blind Sonia." I heard another woman answer.

"Go ask," the first woman spoke.

"No you go ask!" The voices got closer.

"Fine."  The woman named Sonia answered.

"Um, he-"

"Yes I'm blind, why do you ask?" I cut her off trying my best to make my eyes look at her.

"How did you know I was going to ask that?" she asked surprised.

"I lost one sense and now the other ones are stronger," I answered tilting my head to the right.

"Yeah I heard of that, so do you want to, you know, catch a drink sometime?" She asked now sitting down beside me.

"Thank you for your gratitude, but I can't." I responded.

"Why not?" She insisted.

"First because I barely know you, and second because I have no money," I responded trying my best to look at her, but probably failed miserably.

"Well I can pay for the drinks," she tried.

"Thank you but no thank you. I have many things to do so please do not bother me!" I felt my eyes change color, as it was now Legacy speaking.

"Oh I'm sorry," she apologized standing up, leaving me alone in the bench.

"Why'd you that?" I asked Legacy as his temper was rising.

"She was trying to take you to bed!" he growled.

"And you could've at least be a little nicer you know." I spoke

"Being nice does not help you survive." he growled again. I stayed quiet.

I was already used to Legacy's high temper. There was a time when he wasn't that sensitive about people talking to me but that was all ended when he gave all his trust to a hunter. He was the first one to know what we were and he was "fine" with it, but all of the trust that Legacy had on him died when he tried to sell us to a science department.

Legacy ended up killing him and eating his remains. He didn't talk to me for a whole week, but when he started speaking to me, his voice was rough, dark, and hateful. He was strict and rarely smiled or got excited. Each night he howled out all the pain and sadness we went through. Even though I knew I was a burden and if I would've been born able to see, we wouldn't be living in the streets, we would be the alpha of our pack, able to lead other people to victory, and like Legacy says, it all happens for a reason.

"Luke!" I heard Legacy yell.

"Huh, what?" I shook my head focusing on what Legacy was about to tell me.

"I asked you 'what are you thinking about?'" He repeated himself.

"Just memories," I answered, feeling a chill run through my spine making me shudder.

"Let me change into myself, I want to go somewhere." Legacy spoke as I stood up, stretching my arms and started walking where Legacy told me to.

I heard some women talking and asking how in the world did I know where I was going. I always practiced to use my other senses better than the one I lost. Of course Legacy was always guiding me and he's the one that taught me how to fight without using him.

I suddenly bumped into a wall, taking me out of my thoughts and focusing on my aching forehead.

"Watch where your go-" once I heard a deep voice speak I looked up to where it came from, but for some weird reason it stopped, I only heard the man take a big gulp.

"I'm sorry, as you have noticed I'm blind, I really am sorry," I spoke trying my best to concentrate on him.

"Who are you?" I heard the man ask after several silenced seconds.

"I'm Luke," I extended my hand meaning to greet him properly.

"Well Luke, would you please get out of my way, I have many important things to do, other than stay here and speak to a blind man." he spoke harshly, clearly showing he didn't want anything to do with me.

"Sorry," I lowered my head waiting for him to leave.

I heard a soft clicking noise and I started walking in the direction Legacy had given me.

Once we were finally in the forest, I changed into my wolf, letting him to what he wanted to do. I felt him running not even talking to me once, not even saying a word when I asked him something, so I decided to just stay quiet.

Legacy was in pain, I could feel it, I just didn't know why. Was it because of what that man said to me? I don't think so, he normally just speaks for me when someone says things but for some reason he stayed quiet this time. Was he afraid? Because that man did not smell normal, he had a scent alright, but he didn't smell like a human, neither like a wolf.

Is he another creature? I have never smelt someone like them before and he defiantly was not a friend. The way he spoke was just different, normally people have sympathy of me, but this man didn't. There was something off about that man and I am willing to find out, the only problem is that I don't know what he looks like.

But I know what he smells like, no I can't. Legacy will get angry at me and I don't want that, plus curiosity killed the cat.

What should I do? I want to go find out what he really is, but I might get in much more trouble and Legacy won't be able to fight against that man, for the same reason that something was off about him. I want to know more but my blindness keeps me far away from it. Could it be that he's from my homeland, or from a place near it?

So many questions, yet one only answer that can not be found, but what's killing me the most is Legacy's refusal to speak to me.

Yay fist chapter done and ready to be enjoyed, any who hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of this new story.

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