My World. (D.S.M.P Headcanons...

By NotasimpManic

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Dream SMP one-shots, head cannons, and preferences! -No Smut. -Minor Cursing. -Requests: open! Enjoy! More

⬇Author Notes!⬇
Personal Guard?
The Ball!
Fly High.
It's the happiest time of the year!
⬇Wilbur Soot!⬇
I need to be someone to you.
⬇Niki Nihachu⬇
⬇Karl Jacobs!⬇
Prefrence #1
Preference #2
Prefrences #3
Preference #4
Preference #5
Preference #6
Preference #7
Preference #8
Preference #9
Preference #10
Preference #11
Preference #12
Headcanon #1
Headcanons #2
Headcanons #3
Headcanons #4
Headcanons #5

The New World.

44 1 0
By NotasimpManic


Pov: Reader

Trigger warning: Cursing, mentions of death


TechnobladeXReader. Royalty AU 
N/N= Nickname
Voices= Techno and Y/N
Netherland = The nether.
(Philza:💚Tommy:❤️ Wilbur:💛 Techno:👑 Tubbo:🐝Y/N:💖 Niki:💗)
This is exactly accurate to Minecraft, you can get certain things in the Nether like cake ingredients, and the warped forest is cold in this universe. Cool? Cool.

Request By: SkyFire200 


I can't believe this. I have been called a freak all my life for having wings. It doesn't bother me anymore but what does bother me is none of my family had wings as far as I can remember so why do I have wings and why do these people hate me just because I am different from them just because I have wings doesn't mean I don't have a heart and don't feel a thing. My family left me alone to survive when my wings grew out and since then I have been on my own and I am used to that by now, people excluded me from everything because of my wings but my own family excluded me and as much as it hurt back then, I am numb to it now. But now they are coming after me because I am some sort of alien and they want to run experiments on me to see why I have wings. That will be the last thing I go through.

When I was left alone to survive on my own, I learned how to fight to survive and how to hunt. I have a cottage hidden in a forest but some people are cutting down the forest so they will find me soon so have to get out of here with all the stuff I need. I live here to hide from people and if they cut down the forest then nothing is hiding me so I have to go, the only reason I have survived is because of this cottage and as soon as they find me they will come after my wings, I am not letting myself get experimented on. The only way I have chances of surviving is by going through the portal, I don't know what is on the other side but whatever it is cannot be worse than humans. They say there are monsters on the other side and they call me a monster so I should fit right in.

I hear them coming to cut down the forest, they are making their way to the part of the forest I live in. I have to get out of here and fast. I grad my weapons, some food, two pairs of clothing, and some other stuff I needed along with a map of where the portal is, I walked out of the cottage only to see someone about to knock on my door, welp. I pushed the person aside and lit a flint and steel and since my cottage was made of woods, the fire quickly spread while I started running into the forest, now I could fly but that would catch peoples eyes and it would make it easier for them to see me so I just decided to run throw the forest instead of trying to dodging a million arrows, I ran to throw the forest dodging arrows and branches. I got a head start so they were a bit behind me. Soon I lost them but I kept running in case they were behind me.

Soon I looked behind me to see no one behind me but when I turned back I ran into a branch. I decided to rest after running for so long. The portal was deep in a lush cave, so I would have to climb down without breaking one on my limbs. After I was rested I looked at the map to see that I am very close to the portal, I didn't know I was going in that direction, if the people behind me figured it out then they will send people to camp the portal, well shit. I decided to start walking to the cave, only to see fresh footprints. Time to fight I guess, and the voices go wild.


I chuckled lowly and started to walk into the lush cave, see the one benefit I got from this was that I could just follow the footprints and recent activity to get to the portal. Soon after I had to drop down so I spread my wings and dropped down. I saw the portal come into my view but one little problem, there are like 10 people here. Welp, you have only yourself to blame for this. I took out my rocket launcher and loaded it with rockets and shot them, some of them got injured but others were alerted so I took what I had, I spread my wings and flew up, ready to strike, good thing these caves have high ceilings. I swooped down and the dust from me flying went everywhere, making it hard to see but I took this to my advantage and knocked out the rest of the people. "WALK THROW THE PORTAL, THEY CAN'T FOLLOW YOU!" A voice came through the portal. I looked around before realizing what it was. I decided to listen to the voice, I will die, either way, I am sure more people are on their way.

So I ran through the portal, only to become very dizzy all of a sudden. I regained my consciousness and was on high guard when light emitted from under my feet and rased up towards my face, um what the fuck? Soon I realized that it was changing my outfit from wherever the light-emitting upon, soon I was wearing some sort of warrior suit with a hole in the back, which I presume if for my wings since they were still out so I decided to hide them when I up to see 3 men standing in front of me, I took out my sword before they raised their hands in the air as to say we mean no hard so I put my sword away but stay on high guard. "HEY! Welcome to the Underworld, otherwise known as the Nether Land. We call it the Nether and I am Willbur but call me Wil."💛 The tallest one spoke. "Let her breathe for a bit, Wil! Hey! I am Tubbo"🐝 the shortest one spoke and the other just looked at me like I was crazy before being nudged by Wil and he spoke, " I am Tommy."❤️ He spoke simply. " I am Y/N"💖 I spoke. 

"Nice to meet you Y/n but since you are new, we have to introduce you to the Kind and the rest of the royal family,"💛 Wil spoke once again, that's when I noticed the crow on top of his head along with Tommy. "Ok...I guess"💖 What am I meant to do, I can't say no. I am new here, I don't want them to hate me already, they started walking on the path and I followed suit. The voices were yelling at me to be on high guard which I was. I was looking around realizing how pretty this place it, we were walking for quite a while and walked throw multiple biomes, one had blue trees while the other had red and the one was were hard to walk on but we got to through it before coming into a clear area and I saw the huge castle in the middle of a lava lake with a bridge leading to it. Will, Tommy, and Tubbo kept walking and I walked behind them, not to be rude.

Soon we were in front of a huge gate that opened soon after Wilbur gave the command. They lead me into a huge room with high ceilings and 4 thrones sat in front of the room with two of them empty. Wilbur and Tommy went and sat on the empty thrones and Tubbo stood by Tommy's throne soon Wilbur and who I could only presume to be the king since he looked the oldest started a conversation every once in a while looking at me. There was also a pick-haired man reading a book but I know for a fact that at one point he gave me a hard glare. This will be fun. Soon the king spoke, "Welcome to the Nether, Y/N! I am King Philza, the one with pink hair and reading a book is Prince Technoblade and you have already met Prince Wilbur and Tommy. I presume you have some special ability or feature if you were able to walk through the portal can you please tell me what that might be and how you got it,"💚 He spoke in a kind voice. 

I nodded before spreading my wings and flying up and coming back down. "I have wings but I don't know where I got them since no one in my family had them,"💖 I spoke, and they all looked at me. "You said had?"💛 Wilbur spoke, "Yeah... they abanded me when I got my wings and voices,"💖 "Voices?!?"💛💚❤️🐝👑All of them said in unison and I nodded. Thye looked at each other than at me, "What do they tell you? What do they do?"👑Technoblade spoke and to say I was shocked to hear his voice, he had a monotone voice but I found it calming, the voices went calm.  "Depends on the situation, they have an opinion on everything no matter what. When I am fighting, they are yelling something along the lines of 'Blood for the blood goddess' or encouraging me to fight. They crave blood for some reason and are very violent, can be annoying at times but usually just having their conversations."💖

'What are they saying right now?"💚King Philza spoke, "Uh... they were very calm a second ago but now they are yelling at me for calling them annoying, oops"💖I said with a slight smile. "Why did you escape here, you know the humans call us monsters and stuff so"💛Wil spoke once again. "Well ever since I was abandoned when I got my wings and voices at 16, I learned how to survive they called me a freak and monster and soon I got used to it, and when I turned 17, I found a cottage in need of some renovations in the middle of a forest so I made the renovations and lived there away from the human town and society, minding my own business but now they are cutting down the forest so I can't hide there anymore and I was NOT about to let them experiment on how I got my wings, that will be the last thing I do, I heard people here are hybrids and such so I thought, maybe some people will be like me. As of right now, I think they are the monsters, killing trees and people for their advantages." 💖I spoke sounding sad. 

"Oh Y/N, I am so sorry also how old are you now?" 💚
"I am 21 now, after 5 years, you learn to not be bothered by what people say,"💖
"Don't worry, Y/N! We welcome people like our own here and if anyone disrespects you or any other people in my kingdom then there will be consequences, now since you are new here, you can live in the castle until you find a place to live or build one,"💚King Philza spoke.
"Thank you, your majesty. I appreciate that more than you know."
 "No need to be too formal, you can call me Phil also guards can you please fetch Niki or Puffy, please?" Phil spoke and the guards saluted and walked away. I looked around taking in the castle. Soon a pink-haired girl walked in.  She walked up to me and stood next to me and did a small bow. Phil nodded and spoke, 💚" Please show Y/N around, she is new here and she will be living in the castle until she has her residence."

"Of course, your majesty."💗She spoke, her voice was soft. "Niki, I have told you that you can call me Phil and Y/N she will be your tour guide. She lives in the castle since she is a cook here, please treat her with respect,"💚 "Of course,"💖I spoke and Niki did a little bow again and nudged me to do the same. Phil chuckled and nodded dismissing us, Niki took my hand and walked out the door. "Hello! I am Niki and as Phil said I am your tour guide for the time being, so where should we start,"💗Nki spoke and I thought for a minute before speaking up, "We can start by looking around the castle since it's where we will be living also I am Y/N and thank you for being my tour guide,"💖

"Of course! Let's start by getting you a snack, you must be hungry from your journey so we can start by going to the kitchen,"💗
"Ok!"💖 Soon we arrived in the kitchen and Niki left my side to go get me some water and snacks. I just leaned against the counter only to realize, that it was burning hot, that's when it hit me that, we are above a lava lake and I am not having a heat stroke. Niki came back and I asked her. "Hey, Nki? Why am I not having a heat stroke, we are above a lava lake,"💖 I spoke. She looked at me and chuckled. "That's because of your clothes, silly. That's why people who come from the overworld have to change their clothing otherwise they will die within seconds, I had to do the same."💗Niki spoke. "What is your ability?"💖 I asked. "I can turn plants into food when I am about to starve or in severe need of food for myself or others which don't happen often but I can also make planets bloom wherever I want."💗
"That's so cool!"💖"Yeah! Let's continue the tour though, I have to cook later."💗

Time Skip: They are done with the castle tour and now are outside.

Now we are in the Basalt Deltas biome trying to find the Bastion since Niki said Piglins and Grutes live here and it's good to know them a little bit in case you need to trade with them for something. When we found the bastion and walked inside, a couple of Piglins greeted us and while we were talking a baby Piglin ran up to me and started trying to bite me. Um..what do I mean to do now? See it doesn't hurt but a child trying to bite my ankles off is a minor inconvenience.  Soon the Grutes and Piglins started attacking us and to fend them off, I did the only thing I could. I drop-kicked the baby Piglin to stop it from restricting my movements. I got my sword out and told Niki to go hide behind a pillar and soon I saw a figure charge at the Piglins, the figure had something pink on. It was moving too fast for me to be able to tell who it was but soon I got to help the figure fend off the Piglins. Before I knew it all of the Piglins and Grutes were gone. 

The figure stopped moving and motioned Niki to get out of her hiding stop then turned to me and my surprise it was Technoblade. Well shit. How do I get myself into this type of shit? "Why did you drop-kick the baby Piglin? Do you now know that the rest would attack you if you attacked one of their kind?"👑 He spoke monotone as ever. "I drop-kicked that child in self-defense!! and the child started biting at my ankles first and the others were about to attack so to defend myself I had to get rid of the child."💖I spoke in a matter-of-factly tone and Technoblade chuckled, apparently me kicking children is amusing.  "Is your tour done? If so let's head back to the castle and you said that they attacked you first? That's weird."👑Tecnoblade spoke starting to walk the way the castle was. 

I caught up with him and so did Niki. "Prince Technoblade, if you don't mind me asking: Why is the Piglins attacking us first weird?"💖I wanted to know just in case something was going on. He looked at me like I was an idiot before he looked like he had a sudden realization. "Oh, right you are new here, any of the mobs here shouldn't attack you unless you hit them first. Weirdly, the Piglins attacked you even though you had the suit. The suit protects you from any mobs, the moment you take the suit off, all the mobs will turn against you so a tp, don't take the suit off unless you are in the castle or your home. Also, you can call me Techno, I don't like it when people call me prince, it's a constant reminder of my duties." 👑he explained and I nodded and just walked beside Niki and Techno. Good to know.

When we entered the castle, a tall boy teleported in front of us. He was half with one side black and the other white and one eye green and one red. That's cool! Niki spoke from behind me, "That's Ranboo, he is our messenger in the castle. He is half Endermen and half something we don't know. But he is kind so if you need to get a message to someone with the castle, he is the person to call for."💗She finished and I nodded. Then Ranboo spoke up,🔲"Uh. Techno, Phil is looking for you and Y/N? Did I say that right?" 'Shit.' I muttered. "Yeah, you said that right, and thank you for telling us, we will go see him now. He is in the throne room, right?"👑Techno spoke, a lot calmer than I would be if the king wanted to speak to me but again Phil is his dad, you better have a plan Technoblade. Ranboo nodded and Teleported away and Niki took her to leave by saying she needed to start on today's dinner.

Techno and I started walking towards the throne room, I was nervous and I don't know what the fuck is going on in his head. We will see I guess. We walked to the throne room and I let Techno walk in front to be respectful. Phil looked like a dad about to have a serious conversation with his children. Well, I guess he was about to. This is the part where I get kicked out. "Techno. Y/N. I have received a complaint that you both fought a hoard of Piglins and Grutes and Y/N that you drop-kicked a child. Is this true?"💚That's the first time I have heard Phil's stern tone. I spoke up, "To be fair here, I drop-kicked that child in self-defense. It was biting at my ankles and the rest of its family tree was about to attack me and Niki."💖I finished and Techno looked like he was about to laugh. "You said they attacked you first? That shouldn't happen." 💚

"Phil, Y/N is a bad influence, you should kick them out, and it's way too dangerous for them in the Nether anyways and she can just go back." ❤️Tommy spoke, you little shit. "I can't just go back. They have a bounty on my head for 50.000 and anybody right now is willing to kill me without a second thought in that shit hole and if you guys can't enter the overworld that means I can't either since I am logically a part of this place now and like I said they have a 50,000 bounty on my head and if I have survived this long in that place then I can survive here too."💖 I spoke in a very unamused tone. Wilbur burst out laughing and Techno chuckled beside me and the voices going wild yelling 'L'. Phil just had a smile on his face. "Since you are next here, I will let you off the hook this time but next time, there will be the consequence. and they attack you first..."💚Phil trailed off before a look of sudden realization hit him. "Techno, WIll, Tommy. What about the prophecy? DIdn't it say something like, "The ones 'who held peace because of the power that lays within the armor shall betray you,' She must be the one from the prophecy then that means..."💚Phil trailed off again. "What prophecy? I am confused." 💖I spoke tilting my head to the side.

"We will show you. It will help you understand better."👑Techno spoke and Phil nodded and called a guard to make sure that no one enters the throne room no matter what while they are gone. Techno nods towards me to follow him behind the throne and so I do. But there is a wall behind the throne, well that was before Phil said something. and the wall opened into a room with drawings, maps, and writing everywhere. "Can I touch this stuff..?"💖I asked, looking at the drawing and writing. "Sure, just don't damage it." 💛Wil spoke. I took one of the papers in my hand, reAding over it. "I will summarize what it says in these papers. Otherwise, it will take a very long time to read and understand. So the prophecy starts by saying that 'the ones that live in the underworld shall never enter the overworld until the prophecy is broken otherwise the consequences will be severe.' Pretty self-explanatory. Then it says that 'the one who walks throw the portal and into the overworld shall never leave unless the prophecy is broken' then it says 'the only way the prophecy can be broken is if the prince in line to become king and the one with wings who has joined the underworld in their fight for freedom and has provided them with wisdom defeat the floating black monster with 3 heads in the deep ends of the underworld. The only ones where that can find this monster are the prince in line and the one with wisdom and wings and the marking of a withering rose upon her wrist.' and that part finish there. we found a drawing of the marking. The Prophecy also says 'The Underworld needs to be freed from the ruler to have the curse removed and once the savior enters the underworld then everything will start doing down the hill and the more time it takes to defeat the monster, the more people become corrupt'. that all we have on the prophecy along with the drawings and maps." 💚Phil concluded, handing me a drawing and to say I was shocked.

I have that exact marking on my wrist. What? There is no way I am the one who defeats the 3 headed floating monsters. And the prince in line, would that be Wilbur or Techno. Logically Wilbur because he is older but he refuses to become the king. That's what Niki told me. That means Techno and I will be the ones who defeat the monster. "There is no way..."💖I whispered but not quite enough since everyone looked at me. They all gave me looks that said 'What?'. "Um... you see I have this marking on my wrist, my parents told, I have had dit ever since I was born,"💖I spoke nervously, everyone's eye widened and Techno walked up to me grabbing my wrists and looking at them once he saw the marking I presume he let me go. 'She has the marking, Phil. That means there is a disaster heading our way very soon."👑Techno spoke pacing.

Wait, that means I am the reason, their kingdom is under danger and a type of boundary. Ever since I entered this realm that danger has been growing. What? Why was I chosen for this? If I am the reason that they are trapped then I will be the one who frees them. "Well, what are we waiting for? Christmas? Let's go, we have armies to train and make sure that everyone has the resources necessary for survival in case we have to do a look down to keep them safe from the danger. Come on, let's go."💖I spoke, now I know that I am needed for the prophet so they can't dare hurt me and I know how to fight very well so if I have to train people then I will. "Don't order us around, women. We are the royal family, we order people, and you will not order us around."❤️Tommy spoke and I walked up to him. "Thomas, you are a prince to a kingdom that WILL be destroyed if you don't listen, got that? Now you choose if you want your kingdom destroyed or you want to listen to what I am saying and instead of trying to get me to leave, work on protecting your people,"💖I spoke sternly.

"She is right, Tommy. the prophecy says that she is the one who will defeat the monster then we should listen to her and what she said was a thing that should be done anyways. Out people need things to survive so let's get to work, we don't have a lot of time, we don't know how fast the corruption spreads." 👑Techno spoke and everyone nodded. Soon we had a plan: Me, Techno, and Dream, the general of the military were going to train them. Wil, Tommy, and Tubbo were going to make sure that everyone has a place to stay and if they don't then we made a little shelter for them. Niki, Puffy, and Bad the chief chefs of the castle will make sure that everyone has supplies needed to survive like food and water. Phil will make sure that everything is going smoothly. Everyone else in the castle would be making sure that no one is stressing themselves too much and is resting properly.

Time Skip: 2 months.

A lot has happened in the past 2 months. Certain mobs have gotten harsher and more aggressive which was expected since the prophecy said that but along with the mobs getting harsher, our army has grown stronger, everyone has worked together to make sure the safety of our people, well the royal family's people. But that doesn't matter we have figured out how to work together and work through the hard times. Tommy and I get along just fine ever since he stopped trying to get me kicked out. We work well as a team, even if it's against Wilbur trying to prove a point. We seem to do that a lot. I have spent the last 2 months living in the castle. I am allowed to eat with the royal family and I help Niki, Puffy, and Bad out in the kitchen when I have free time and I am not tired. I and Techno have gotten closer to each other too. I was also introduced to Karl: the chief councilor of the kingdom, Quackity: the treasurer of the kingdom, SapNap: the marshal of the kingdom, and George: the spymaster of the kingdom.

I also met Foolish: the grand diplomat, AwesamDude, we call him Sam: the warden of the kingdom, and Eret: the royal enforcer of the kingdom. All of them are amazing at their jobs and I am so glad to have met them and become friends with them. Unfortunately, I can't spend time with them a lot because of the whole situation. I will spend time with them if I can after the whole situation. Welp, me, Techno, and Dream just got done with training the military for today and I am headed to help out in the kitchen. Now don't think that we only train them, we are also training ourselves, we fight and point out mistakes in each other's moves. We have gotten better with fighting too, 80% of the time, it's a tie between whoever is fighting. I have also met Punz, he is also the chief of the military, just a lower rank than Dream, not by a lot though.

Now, you might be thinking that if our military is strong then why don't we just go and beat the monster. Well, we can't because we don't know where to find the monster, we will figure it out eventually but right now all we can do is defend the kingdom and make the best of the time we have. Soon, it was time to eat and all of us just sat and chatted. We made it a rule to not talk about the situation at the diner table because it stresses everybody out. We talk about anything and everything, this one time we were talking about my experience in the overworld and I told them about Foxes and Tommy was so amused to hear about them. They seem like the family I never had, they know when I am being too hard on myself and when they need to grab me and drag me back to earth. It's amazing having people I can lean on and I don't know how long I don't how long I will have them for but I will cherish every single memory I have made with them. 

My favorite place to just go and be able to think is the balcony in the tower, it has a perfect view of the nether. It's a beautiful view really, the crimson and warped forest and the Basalt Deltas. And to think that all this might be gone because of me because I was selfish and wanted to protect myself so I came here. If my passing is what it takes to keep this place safe then so be it. I came here to protect myself and only myself but to protect all these people, I am willing to pass. Soon I heard loud footsteps heading towards the balcony. I wiped my face clean of any teas that might have leaked. Not even a minute later I felt a presence by my side, it's Techno, I can see his pink hair from the corner of my eye. "I am sorry..."💖I spoke quietly, I felt like I had to say it. Techno looked at me, I just knew he was looking at me. "Why are you sorry, N/N?" 👑he kept his voice low. probably not to wake up the sleeping people. Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo's rooms are in the hallway leading to the balcony. "All of this is happening because of me, if I hadn't come into the underworld then the timer of disaster wouldn't have started taking down. I was selfish and wanted to protect myself but now I have put everyone in danger. I am sorry, I am so-"💖I was nervous rambling, I was also crying at this point. Techno cut off my rambling by pulling me into a hug and I hugged him back. I know he isn't a fan of physical affection it meant a lot to me.

"N/N, there is no way you could have known about the prophecy and I know it's hard for you but you are doing everything you can to make it up, from staying up all night studying the drawings and maps to training the military all day and then helping out with dinner. And I am in the prophecy too so it's also my fault, and I am doing everything in my power to make it up. We will get through this together, for our people, for everyone we love, alright? Now, stop crying and smile. We will get through this, together."👑Techno spoke with a soft and sympathetic tone. "Thank you, I appreciate that more than you know, Techno. Can we stay like this for a little bit longer?"💖I spoke and he hummed back in response. "You know Techno, you give amazing hugs and you are good at comforting,"💖

"*Huff* you just named the two things I am not good at doing,"👑
"But you are, and there are other things you are not good at doing,"💖
"It happens in the spur of the moment and what are other things I am not good at doing?"👑
"You want examples? Ok, let's see. You aren't good at dealing with children, you are horrible at cooking, and-"💖
"HEY! I think I am pretty decent at cooking!"👑
"Since when? In what universe do you put a potato in a CAKE mixture?"💖
"Ok maybe, I am not but still"👑

We stayed there for a bit longer just embracing each other, "You know we should head to bed, we have to train tomorrow. And, we have a meeting tomorrow about the whole Withering rose mystery."👑Techno spoke and a realization hit me, "Oh my GOD! Techno, you are a genius!" 💖
"I know that but what did I do-"👑"I will tell you tomorrow at the meeting, thank you! Go to sleep soon!"💖I spoke, kissing him on the cheek and walking away. Little did I know that I had just left him as a blushing mess and that his voices were going wild too.

1397: Technosimp!
173: Techno has gone soft!

0723: Y/N is making big moves!
162: What and how did you figure it out?!
1063: Awe! Y/N's first crush!

Eh, it's fine and soon it was morning and time for the meeting, the royal family and I were meeting in the records room where everything was kept. The meeting started once everyone had arrived and so I spoke up, "Ok everyone, I might have figured out the mystery, and before you all go wild, listen to me. There must be meaning behind the wither rose, right? Something other than the marking, it's a symbol, the symbol which makes me special and there has to be some sort of marking on the maps that are given to us. We have been looking for an obvious marking but what if it's hidden, what if we have to look just a little harder."💖
"What are you implying, Y/N?"💚
"First help me put this map the way it's meant to be and be careful!"💖

So they did, and before we knew it the map was prepared. I took the magnifying glass that I had brought and handed each to one of them and before they could question it, I spoke "Look for a marking, any type of marking, it doesn't have to be a withering rose, just has to be a marking. and it's doesn't have to be on the map, look through every paper."💖Everyone looked at me like I was crazy but when they saw I was serious they got to work and after about 3 hours of searching, Techno called out to me and pointed me to a symbol. The symbol showed a paper with ruined shapes on it above a fire symbol? Wait...if this is right then. I grabbed one of the candles that were near and went over to the part of the map where the Nether ruins were. "Y/N!!"💚👑❤️💛🐝Thay all screamed and I looked at them with the look that said 'Shut up, I know what I am doing" and so they did. They shut up. I pick up the paper with the Nether ruin on it and put the candle down on a table holding the map above it, high enough to get the heat to the paper but not burn it. They were looking at me questioningly, "If I remember right then back in the overworld they would write secret messages like this, the military and thieves would use it to communicate between without the others knowing but soon it came to an ending because of how much it was being used and how people got confused,"💖I explained.

Soon I took the map and put it back in its place, looking over it with the magnifying glass, and I found it, I found what I was looking for! The withering Rose, I motioned for the boys to come to where I was and showed them and before I knew it, I was in a bone-crushing hug by all of them. "Oh my god! Y/N! How did you figure it out? What? We have been looking at it for years and haven't figured it out."💛Wil spoke. "I and Techno were talking yesterday and he reminded me about the meeting and he called it 'The meeting about the Withering Rose Mystery,' and that's when it clicked that the meaning for the withering rose must be more than identifying the person from the prophecy, and when you think about it, it makes perfect sense. The Ruins are home to a lot of Wither Skeletons since there are ruined fortresses there and the mobs that have gotten the most aggressive are the Wither Skeletons so there had to be a connection between everything and as far as I can see, the monster from the prophecy is a Wither Strom as the prophecy said 'A giant floating monster with three heads,' and when I was looking through more papers I found a more descriptive explanation on its appearance.  'A monster that shares the color of the chosen one's wings and has powerful large tentacles capable of breaking the hardest of materials, a purple eye engraved into each of its heads, and upon eating the world around it, it only grows more powerful. The only thing that can stop is attacking its heart and to do that, one must enter the wither storm.' then I looked at a creature's book and found that the only monster with those traits is a wither storm. A powerful creature that lives in the ruins of the nether every since the creatures that live there now came into its territory, growing stronger by the day and waiting to strike..."💖I finished.

"Also it says that 'The chosen one shall be the only one to strike upon its heart otherwise the whole nether will go up in flames.' We don't have a lot of time, if it's getting more powerful day by day then we have to strike as soon as possible. We have to prepare the military and warn the citizens. Techno, with me. We are meeting up with Dream and Punz to help them sort the military. Tommy and Tubbo, do a last run-through on the villages and make sure everyone has enough supplies and a place to live, and no matter what DON'T leave a single person unassisted, cool? If we run out of space in the shelter then bring them into the castle, they can live in the dungeons until time passes, Get Puffy, Bad, and Niki to go with you guys. Wil, I need a report of the treasury and how it's looking and how much we can spend without putting the kingdom at risk. Phil, you have the hardest job, you have to break the news to the people of the kingdom, and please try to make sure that there is a little panic as possible, just insure that we will deal with it and DON'T make the announcement until everyone is back and reported to you. Safety first. Will, also get Foolish to send letters to the kingdoms, close or far from the ruins, and tell them to warn their citizens and make sure they knew what will happen if they don't take precaution and now everyone gets to work and Phil until every report back to you, makes sure everything is going smoothly." 💖I spoke and everyone scattered out of the room and do their part. If this is a war then we will fight and win side by side. Soon I and Techno Headed off to the military headquarters.

Before we knew it, we were standing on a podium commanding the military. The map of ruins behind us to tell them what and how to do it. After everyone was there, I motioned Techno to start explaining the plan. "Like you, all know by now that we have been training you guys to fight against a monster, and as it turns out that the monster we will be fighting is a wither storm and we don't have a lot of time so we have to strike as soon as possible. As much as I hate to say it, we may lose some people and with that, we are going to start the planning for the battle. Y/N, your turn."👑Techno spoke and as I went to speak, a voice yelled: 'HOW DO WE KNOW WE AREN'T GOING TO DIE!?' and before anyone could say anything, I shushed them. 
"We don't. We don't know but I know for a fact that we will try our best to keep, not only you guys but also the people of the kingdom safe. I want you all to realize that when you signed up for the military that meant that you are willing to pass away if that protects the people of the kingdom, and this isn't just about your protection, it's about the people of the kingdom who you swore to protect when you joined the military and about you families. And I want you all to realize that I have spent every single day since I came to the Nether preparing for the battle so please I need you to be courageous and just bare with me You all have mostly long range since the WitherStrom can't hear so we are taking the long approach so it's doesn't know where to attack. But if you want to leave, you can." 💖I spoke, I don't want them to think I am rude but I also don't want them to chicken out, it's for their safety along with their families.

 When I think I gave them enough time and no one left, we started explaining the plan. We only have so much information on the weather storm so we will have to go and see what we can do to beat it as fast as we can. We decided that 3 days is enough to prepare the army and make sure they understand what to do under Dream and Punz's supervision while I and Techno mapped the area around the kingdom and deploy groups to make sure the safety of our kingdom while we are gone. Wil, Phil, Tubbo, and Tommy were going to stay behind to ensure the safety of the kingdom and to not put them in danger. It was easy to convince Tommy and Tubbo not to go but WIl and Phil was a whole different story, it was a whole hour conversation of why they shouldn't go.

3 days pass like the wind. Now we are departing with the forces towards the ruins. I, Techno, and Dream were going to be leading the military into the battlefield, we planned for a lot of long-range attacks like cannons and archers since I found that Wither Storms can't hear for their life, in this case literally. Punz was going to stay behind and make sure that the kingdom is safe while the rest of us are gone. Phil, Wil, Tommy, and Tubbo will be making sure that the village has the supplies and things needed to survive along with Niki and Puffy. Bad and Skeppy were going to special abilities which are healing and making potions. Bad is good at making potions and Skeppy can heal people so we are going to set up camp a little bit away from where the ruins are in case someone gets hurt and needs help. 

Tommy, Tubbo, Wil, and Phil were staying behind to keep the kingdom in control and ensure that everyone within is safe and healthy. Everyone else would be taking over the jobs of people who are gone until we come back. I, Techno, and Dream were headed into a battle that could very well be our last one. And we are leaving right now, we are outside the gates of our kingdom waving to the people of our kingdom, I know this isn't a goodbye but it feels like it. I don't know if I will ever see them again so in case I have left them a little note. It's just a little goodbye letter for them in case I don't make it back. 

We made small talk along the way, I could tell everyone wanted it to be over before it even starts. When we set up the camp and when we went forward, we saw the ONE thing we hoped we wouldn't see. The place where the archers and cannon were meant to sit is gone. "N/N we should go back to the castle and make a better plan,"👑Techno spoke, worry in his voice very noticeable. "We can't go back to the castle because we got the updated version of this place like 4 hours ago when we made the plan and if it can do this in 4 hours then it can most defiantly do more damage in 8 hours that it takes us to go back and then come back plus the new plan which will be useless,"  💖I spoke looking over the area. "Then what do we do?"🟢Dream questioned. "we improvise, team 1 look for RELIABLE high ground where you have a clear shot of its head but maker sure it's doesn't spot you, team 2 try to find a spot on main ground where you have a clear shot of its head preferably. Team 3 and 4 make sure that teams 1 and 2 have back up and especially team 1 has some people holding a net to catch them if they fall, team 5 and 6 make sure that if someone gets hurt get to camp safe and sound as soon as possible.  7 and 8 have shields ready and on guard at all times, cover for the guards who fall until they are out of the dangerous area. Team 9 and 10, you guys are back-up at all times, stay on high alert, from covering for the people who fall to making sure that the teams are properly equipped from weapons to supplies. Got it? Techno and Dream make sure no one is slacking off and I will find a way to beat this bitch," 💖I spoke, I don't want them to get hurt, anyone. I will make sure they get home safely.

"Buy. Y/N that's dangerous to go by yourself, take at least one of us."👑Techno spoke.
"It's the only way, I can get close to it without being seen, the more people that get close to it, the more chances of getting caught."💖I finished as I got a little closer to the place where the monster was but still staying behind the wall we were behind. Techno followed me, getting closer to the monster, he just held my shoulders to keep me from going further. I turned around and hugged him tightly, he hugged me back holding me close. "Please be careful Y/N."👑He spoke quietly. "I will try my best, you be safe too, Keep the other's safe, alright? In case anything happens to me, know that I truly considered all of you fucks my family. You can have my sword, give Niki the recipe book for the overworld dishes. I left a note, I am sure you will find it. I will be fine, now let me go so I can go beat that bitch."💖 I said and he let me go but not fully, he held me by my shoulder, placing a kiss on my forehead and mumbling "be careful so we can go back home safely and without anyone missing,' then let me go and started commanding and helping everyone get into their positions.

1653: Be careful Y/N!
1628: You got this, Y/N!
1767: Beat that bitch so we can go back home to our family.
127: YOU GOT THIS, Y/N!! Blood for the Blood God and Goddess!

Let's go mother fucker, I am more determined to beat that bitch than ever. I want to return to my family and I WILL do that. I slowly made my way closer to the beast, as I got closer I noticed that there was a huge beam of light coming from his eye that was in its middle head. Where every beam touched it disappeared and the monster grew stronger. Welp, that gives me a point to target, now where is its heart. See it was the prince and the chosen one that could attack and not destroy the nether but was I about to tell Techno that? No. Why? Because he won't listen to me and go to attack the Wither Storm's heart and I am not about to put his life at risk. Once I got high enough and close enough for it not to notice me, I saw his heart, the only way to get to it is climbing one of its tentacles or I will have to fly. I came up with a plan. 

"AIM FOR THE EYE! AIM FOR THE EYE THAT IS RELEASING THE BEAM!!"💖 I yelled to anyone from the military, soon a voice yelled back, "GOT IT!!! GIVE US 5 TO POSITION THE CANNONS!"🟢Dream's voice came through, 'Huh? Weird.' See it would usually be Techno who yelled back but ok, he must be busy with setting up people in positions. I wanted it to be distracted so I could attack the heart. Soon they started shooting, guess that's mine queue. I flew up into the sky where I had a clear view of the heart, the Wither Strom's tentacles were going everywhere, doing them is hard but dodging arrows flying my way was hard to dodge too but I survived got this.  I hope.


Pov: 3rd Person.


When Y/N went to strike when she thought was the perfect moment, one of the tentacles hit her, knocking the wind out of her and throwing her against the ruin's wall, Techno saw this, running to her aid, "Techno, I and you have to attack the heart from both sides and make sure that it's focused on the others," 💖Y/N spoke as she got up thanks to the regeneration potion. "But-"👑Techno started before getting interested by Y/N. "Yeah, I know what I said. It wasn't a lie, I was just hiding the truth for a little bit but I realize there is no way to do it without both of us attacking at the same time,"💖 Y/N looked at Techno hoping for a positive reply but she got a slight glare, "I will talk to you later about this but right now, we have got bigger fish to fry,"👑Techno spoke and Y/N sighed in relief, deciding to focus on the situation at hand. 

Y/N and Techno decided to go in from different directions, Y/N dropped Techno off at a cliff on the left side and stayed up high on the right herself. Soon the signal was sent out that some soldiers have been hurt, Y/N and Techno got tense, worrying if they can beat it before too much loss. Soon, back was called from the camp on command from Dream. Cannonballs and arrows flying everywhere, Y/N and Techno on high guard, ready to strike. More cannons and archers were brought in on command, ambushing the Wither storm on high, low, and left, right. Within seconds the Wither was distracted by the ambush and Y/N gave the single for the attack. "TECHNO! NOW!!" 💖Y/N yelled, ready to strike when Techno gave the go that he was ready, Y/N flew down aiming for the heart and Techno jumped down aiming for the heart. From then on, everything went in slow motion for everyone. 

The Wither Storm going crazy and the ones from eh prophecy attacking, we will see where this goes. The two attacks hit the heart dead center making it burst into a million pieces and the Wither Storm exploding. Y/N and Techno were blown away and hit the cave wall getting buried by the debris from the explosion. The celebration halted to a stop, everyone looking for the two heroes, finding them buried by the debris sent a way of panic through everyone, getting them to the camp everyone held their breaths while Techno and Y/N held each other's hand. After getting them to the camp to find out that...they will make a full recovery. A wave of relief and happiness hit everyone, Dream wrote to Phil telling him how they made it alive and how the Wither Storm was gone forever, hopefully, to never return, and telling him that they will be back as soon as Y/N and Techno make a full recovery.

The battle had gone on for day upon days but for the ones fighting it felt longer and for the ones waiting for their loved ones to return home, it felt even longer but the battle was won, the loved ones ready to return home, to the ones they loved. Techno, Y/N, and Dream walked in with all their glory through the gates of the Kingdom and were welcomed with every open arm along with the people who fought in the battle, risked their lives to save the citizens of the kingdom. Soon the General allowed the military to have a couple of days off and go spend some time with their loved ones, as the crowd disappeared into their houses, Dream, Techno, and Y/N decided to return to their home, the castle where the royal family and the staff was waiting for them with open arms. They could have gone to the kingdom gate but Techno, Y/N, and Dream strictly told them not to say that it was too much of a threat to their safety so they didn't. They didn't want to upset the three after such a long battle. 

The loss was minimal, with 0 men killed but some severely hurt but nothing too serious to the point where they won't survive. Some weapons were lost but that wasn't too much of an issue. But, once the three entered the castle gates and were ambushed by the ones they are close to, Y/N was left out so she decided to give the families some time and backed away but not on the royal family watch, they opened their arms to welcome her and she walked right into eh bone-crushing hug but once everyone greeted the one returning home, Techno gave Y/N a dirty look and walked away. Y/N was confused before she remembered why he had done that so she excused herself from the others 

It was already night time so it was, time to sleep but Y/N knew, he wouldn't have gone to sleep just yet. He was where she thought he would be, he was where they began their journey. On the balcony, he was leaning against the railing, looking over the nether. "Hello, Mr.Blade, how are you?"💖Y/N spoke softly, going to lean against the railing too. "I am alright. I am very upset though,"👑Techno spoke. Y/N could tell he was giving her a hard glare but she kept looking forward. "Why is that?"💖 "Well, because SOMEONE lied to me for I don't know what,"👑
"Safety, it was for your safety and it was for your good so it doesn't count,"💖
"What made you think that I can't handle myself don't in the battlefield? and you dying wouldn't have done me any good."👑
"Well, I do trust you on the battlefield but this was against a Wither Storm and I couldn't risk you dying, you had people waiting for you to come back, you are related to them. and who sad I would die."💖
"Those same people were also waiting for you to come back with me, they didn't only want Me and Dream to come back, they wanted everyone who left to return home safely. And like you said it was against a wither storm."👑
"Fair, but they would have gotten over my death, I have only known them for 2-3 months but you. They would have probably never gotten over your death. They would have crumbled apart."💖
"And did you think about if I would get over your death? Did you think about me? Did you think that maybe Technoblade, the blood god needed his goddess to fight by his side? I would have crumbled part if I lost you Y/N."👑Techno spoke and again Y/N could feel him looking at her but this time she turned, realizing how close their faces were.

"Since when was I your goddess? huh? and I did think about that but you would have found someone better, It's not like I am not replaceable, most people have replaced me in their lives."💖Techno grabbed Y/N's face, putting their foreheads together. "Don't. say. shit. like. that. I will drop-kick you just like you drop-kicked the baby Piglin on the first day you came here."👑 Techno said and Y/N smiled, closing her eye. She finally had someone that she knew would never hurt her intentionally. Techno leaned forward when Y/N opened her eyes "Can I?"👑Techno spoke, Y/N just closed the gap between them, connecting their lips. The two heroes from the prophecy kissed under the pale lit glow stone. Soon they pulled away and Techno spoke, "Now, do you wanna be the blood goddess to my blood king?"👑
"You are such an idiot."💖Y/N chuckled, "I will take that as a yes."👑. They just held each other under the pale lit glow stone before Y/N remembered something. "You know there is still one last thing for the prophecy to be complete, let's go"  💖and so they walked to the throne room where the royal family was present and Tommy spoke interrupting Y/N "You done making out?"❤️. See that was a very bad idea. Y/N was right next to him, hitting him on his neck, she spoke. "You done being annoying? and fix your posture."💖She had hit the soft spot, so the dam of curses opened before being shut down by Wilbur. 

"Anyways as I was going to say before being interrupted rudely. Phil, there is one last thing for the prophecy to be completed,"💖and when everyone gave her their full attention, she spoke again. "You have to free the kingdom, the prophecy said, 'The underworld shall be freed from the terror of the Wither Storm and the ruler then only shall the prophecy be completed.' So now it's the last stretch, you don't have to do it right now but I think they are very well capable of keeping themselves safe. Take your time, sleep on it."💖Y/N spoke and Phil nodded, dismissing everyone. Everyone went to their bedrooms for a good night's rest, well whatnot of a goodnight's rest. Techno dragged Y/N to his bedroom, holding her tight all night, and before they knew it the morning arrived and they were all summoned to the throne room.

"I have made my decision, everyone has made so much effort to be free and get to see the overworld and I am sure the overworld wants to see the underworld, the nether shall be free."💚Everyone cheered but knowingly sad due to the fact they won't be seeing each other as often but they will see each other. Soon the announcement was made public and the news of the underworld world being free to spread like fire and everyone visited the house to the previous royal family, it was a tourist attraction now. Punz, Dream, George, SapNap, Sam, Bad, Skeppy, Niki, Puffy, Foolish, Quackity, and Karl went to live together in the overworld soon after it was freed, they lived in a country made by them called the Kinoko Kingdom. It was a very beautiful country. 

Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Eret, and Wilbur decided to make their little place called L'Manburg. Wilbur soon had a child with a salmon, her name was Sally, she was a shapeshifter. Their son turned out to be a fox but can change into a human and fox and a state in between, guess that's what you get for your mother being a shapeshifter. Techno,  Y/N, and Phil decided to go live in a tundra far away from any of the countries, not wanting to be involved with any drama. Y/N and Techno had a boy named  B/Y and a girl named G/N, both of them had wings but too small to use to Phil, and Y/N would just hold them carefully and fly with them to give them a feel for the feature. Phil would go to visit her wife at least every once a year. Everyone ended up with a happy family and the right people around them. Guess Y/N going to the Nether wasn't a bad idea, it gave the Underworld freedom and that all she could ask for and the trip gave her a chance to meet her Soulmate.

3 days later you get this! Sorry for the wait and how long it is but, I hope you enjoyed it! I am going to finish the Quackity book now by the end of the school year. I was watching Foolish, TpaL, and Phil while writing these so thank you for being with me in the journey even if you didn't know it. I LOVE YOU! Eat, sleep and stay hydrated!

10,244 words


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