Not Guilty // William Afton

By opithoe

86.5K 2.4K 5.4K

Willow Lister, age 26. In desperate need for a job, she tries out Freddy Fazbears. There she finds out, that... More

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fifty : stay quietโ€ข

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1.7K 51 130
By opithoe

I checked the time on my watch while tapping my finger on the table.

It was near closing time. I wanted to go thank William for helping me with that guy yesterday, he was truly a pain.

Henry had already left, he said he was having a family emergency. I hope everything is alright.

There was only one family left here, but as of now it seems they've noticed the time and have begun to wrap themselves up.

As the family wrapped themselves up, one of the little girls ran up to the stage, where the three animatronics hadn't been performing, but they simply have just been moving their heads side to side as if observing the kids.

The little girl had been standing in front of Bonnie, whispering something inaudible to him. She had been giggling and smiling. I simply just watched the happy child.

The girl had her head down whilst speaking to Bonnie and fiddling with her fingers when the three animatronics shifted their eyes slowly to the girl. I picked my head up from the table suddenly.

"Anna! Let's go!" one of the adults shouted.

"Coming mommy!" the girl shouted back, saying something final to Bonnie and running off to her mother.

I watched as the animatronics eyes followed her. Once the family left the building, the animatronics eyes stood idle once again and kept moving their heads.

I sighed and went to go power them off.

Their whirring and mechanical noises slowed, eventually coming to a stop.

I hopped off the stage and shut the main room's light off, turning back around and walking down the hall into Williams office.

I knock three times before entering. "Hey William? before I leave I just wanna let you kno- oh" I say as entered, realizing that William is not even in the room.

"Huh." I furrow my eyebrows and close the door. Where is he?

I walk across the hall to Henry's door to see if he's in there. I knock before entering once again. "William?" I enter, to an empty office.

i shut the door and begin wandering through the halls, looking for William. Yeah, I wanted to thank him, but I also had wanted to let him know I was leaving so he wouldn't be confused if he had come out and I wasn't there.

"William??" I called out.

I stopped in front of Parts and Services. It was the only room I hadn't gone in yet.

William had once told me to never enter Parts and Services, and I told him okay because there was no need for me to be in there anyway. But I can't seem to find him anywhere, and if he's inside Parts and Services, i'm sure the most he'll do is tell me I can't be in there, right?

I placed my hand on the handle, sort of nervous. I had only wanted to thank him, and leave. I pursed my lips and sighed, opening the door.

Immediate darkness hit my eyes and the strong scent of metallic filled my nose. It was so strong, it had made me a bit nauseous.

"Oh gee, I wonder which animatronic needed fixing today" I chuckled, covering my nose. "Hey William, i'm not sure if you're in here or not, but if you are, I just wanted to thank you about helping me with that guy yesterday." I stood by the doorway, a bit too afraid to switch the light on.

I looked down the hall to my side as i spoke. "He was a pain, and I was afraid he might've done something to me if you hadn't stepped in. Anyway, I hope there's some way I can repay yo-" I turned my head back to the room and let out a quick and quiet gasp.

In front of me, stood a tall, about 7 feet, yellow bunny. It's eyes had been dark and hollow, and the only sign of life was the fingers slowly balling into a fist. I slowly backed away.

"W- Uh- Woah.." I gulped.

The bunny's head then looked directly at me, revealing a deathly, gray and dull gaze.

I had kept backing up, until my back finally hit the wall. The bunny was still standing at the doorway. the moment my back hit the wall, I pushed myself off of it and began to sprint back down the hall.

Heavy, and fast footsteps followed behind me.

"Playing a game of tag now aren't we!" the angry rabbits voice shouted out.

It had not been long before I realized I wasn't making it very far. A violent, and sudden kick to the back of my leg caused my leg to bend mid-run and topple me over. It was the type of kick kids in middle school would do to be funny.

I yelped as I fell. I knew there was no time to lay around and catch my breath, I had to leave.

But before I could pick myself up, I felt a tight and suffocating grip against my ankle. "Fuck!" I screamed.

I flipped onto my back and tried to kick as hard as I could as the bunny dragged me back down the hallway, letting my elbows burn against the floor tiles squeaking against my skin.

"Fucking shit!" I grunted, trying to pull my ankle away from it. The rabbit simply looked down at me as it dragged away.

"We tried to tell you. But you wouldn't listen." a young voice calmly spoke from behind me. I quickly spun my head 'round behind.

"What?" I spoke back.

All the way down the hall, Chica had been standing with her cupcake, Bonnie peeking over the wall, and Freddy standing tall behind Chica.

"We're sorry." a different voice spoke.

I stared down the hall at the three animatronics, almost completely forgetting I had been getting dragged by a seven foot tall bunny.

I came back to realization when a loud sound of a door opening filled my ears. I turned back around to the bunny.

It let go of my ankle and gripped onto my arm instead, carelessly and aggressively throwing me into the dark room. It followed me inside, slamming the door shut behind it violently.

I had begun to cry, knowing I was stuck inside a closed off space with some insane bunny.

The bunny flicked on the light with its thick fingers. light filled the room. It was not too big, but not too small.

It took me a moment to notice the huge puddles of blood surrounding me. "Fuck-" I breathed out in panic with my eyes wide. I had been getting the blood on my hands without noticing.

I had looked back up at the bunny, pushing myself back against the wall.

"Didn't I tell you something about this goddamn room?!" the bunny approached me slowly.

The tears that had been flowing from my eyes had begun to find its way through my lips. "William- William please I know it's you!" my lip quivered.

"Don't you think I know that you know? My sentence about just a few seconds ago should have let you known, but you should have known from the start anyway." the bunny stopped in front of me.

I stared at its feet, too afraid to look up.

What was going on with him?

I felt a sudden movement towards my neck, effortlessly picking me up against the wall. It's grip against my neck got tighter and tighter by the second.

"I appreciate your appreciation towards my kind gesture a little ago. But love, if you truly want to thank me, you'll stay fucking silent." the bunny spoke before striking me in the face, leaving ringing in my ears.

It dropped me, staring at me from a few steps back as the world around me faded.

I soon passed out.


"It's too late for her Freddy." Chica spoke.

"Yeah but don't you think we could have at least helped out more than just sit back and talk? She was confused! I'm getting really tired of this whole being dead thing, why can't we just walk up to her and tell her what the hell is going on!"  Freddy replied.

"Would you two shut it already!" Bonnie spoke angrily.

I woke up gasping for air, though I had all the air I needed.

The moment I raised my head, an awful pain shook through my jaw. "Shit.." I whispered.

I held my jaw and looked around, taking in my surroundings. I was still in that damn Parts and Service room and it would have been really helpful to know the time.

As my eyes adjusted, I noticed William sitting in the corner with his chin on his knee, tracing something in the dust of the floor.

"W-" my voice cracked. "William."

William slowly lifted his head up from his knee, not bringing his eyes up to me. He had been too focused on what he had been drawing in the dust.

"Yep." he said, still looking and tracing through the dust.

"What? What do you mean 'yep'!" I angrily furrowed my eyebrows.

William held his finger in one spot in the dust and finally looked at me. "Oh goodie, you're awake!" William cheerfully clasped his hands together and sat down next to me.

I, in annoyance and frustration, slowly turned my head to him. He had been all smiley and giggly as if he hadn't done what he had just did.

"William, what the fuck?" I gestured my hands. "Where did all the blood go?"

William looked at the floor where there had supposedly been blood. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Blood?" he asked. He whispered something to himself until it clicked. "Oh! Yes right, the blood. Well of course I cleaned it up, why would I leave it there?"

I scoffed. "Why would you leave it there? Why was it there in the first place!" I raised my voice just a bit.

"Shh lower your voice a bit." William giggled.

"Afton what the fuck is so funny!" I fully turned to him.

"Nothing, it's just the way you looked after I punched you. You looked all.. silly and it's just funny to think about it." William smiled at the ground.

I rolled my eyes. "You haven't answered my question."

"What was your question love?" William turned to me.

"I asked why the blood was there in the first place. Whose blood was that anyway?" I looked at him.

"Well you asked the first question but you didn't ask the second." William responded.

"William. It's literally like, the same question." I widened my eyes at him.

"Alright alright." William leaned against the wall next to me. "I just pine-soled and mopped before it could dry and stain. I flushed the bloody mop water down Henry's toilet. Why was the blood there? I dunno, it's what humans have inside of them."

I looked at him like he was insane. "Whose blood was it." I asked seriously.

"Gah, I don't know their name, but it was some random kid who kept pushing my buttons." William shrugged.

"What the fuck do you mean.." I widened my eyes. "William.. you didn't.."

William began to grin and play with his shoelaces. "Why yes, yes I have." he turned to me and looked me dead in my eye. "And that's not going to be a problem now, is it?"

My mouth was left ajar. "S-So that means.. the five ki-"

"Yes, yes it does mean the five kids." William rolled his eyes. "Why is that such an interesting topic for everyone around here?"

I looked away from William and leaned my head against the wall, tears still escaping from my eyes that I haven't even noticed.

I'm not so sure why i'm still sitting here, I should be running for my life, or calling the cops, or packing my shit and leaving the state. But i'm still sitting here, and the now known thought of William being the causing of all those deaths, including the one today, not phasing me as much as it should.

Oh of course i'm still phased you know, i'm actually quite scared right now and, sad that this is what he turned out to be.

Though I should be angry, I should be furious and I should want to kill him myself.

But I don't.

William sighed. "Please don't cry.." William brung his hand up to my cheek, wiping away the tears causing me to flinch.

There's something seriously wrong with this guy. Killing children, dressing up in an old bunny suit (even while he kills them), dragging someone down the hall and knocking them out with his fist, giggling and smiling, and now wiping away someone's tears?

"But you still haven't answered my question." William took his hand away and gripped my chin, forcing me to look at him. "It won't be a problem, will it?"

He stared at me with those dull, gray eyes with the scary eye bags underneath. And I stared right back into them. How could I not? In all honesty, his eyes were beautiful.

With shaky breath and tears still falling now into his palm, I nodded my head hesitantly.

William smiled with his imperfect teeth. "Honestly, I thought you would've reacted way more horribly. Screaming, crying, angry, etc." William slowly let go of my chin. "But i'm glad you know now. Because I couldn't be friends with you again if you didn't know certain things about me, right!" William smiled.

"That's great William. But i'd like to go home now. I really need time to process this." I slowly stood up.

But by the time I picked my head up, William was already standing in front of me. When did he get the time to even get in front of me so quickly?

He pushed his finger against my chest, pushing me back to the wall. "Oh i'm not done with you just yet. We haven't made a deal yet."

William took his finger away, trusting me to stay in front of him. "You're not going to tell a single, goddamned soul about this."

I unbelievably let out a chuckle. "And if I do?"

William slightly raised an eyebrow at my chuckle. "If you do? Willow, if you do, i'm gonna scoop your fucking eyeballs out one by one with my hand and shove them into your fucking mouth."

I nearly gagged.

"So do we have a deal? You're not going to tell anybody?" William put his hands behind his back.

I gave William a weak smile. "Sure, Afton."

I moved away from him who was standing in front of me, and towards the door.

I wiped the tears off my face and took in a deep breath. "Goodnight William."

William stayed facing where I was once standing. "Goodnight Love."


was this chapter confusing? let me know because i feel like i made it a bit confusing😭

anyway, happy valentine's day and as always, let me know if i made mistakes.

also, i changed the desc of the story to what had happened above ^^ because i felt the old desc didn't fit the story.

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