My Roommate

By CuteMoth

136 0 0

Random old story i was to scared to Post but Fuck it , my grammar is shit and so is the Stories plot line whi... More



7 0 0
By CuteMoth

Feeling dizzy from the Heat wich radiated from my Body , i saw with blurred vision Hawks going out and coming back as i felt relieve wash over my Body . My Eye sight got clear again once i had opened my Eyes as i saw him holding Ice against my Chest .

Hawks asked are you Okay ? I nod and said Thanks . We went in the Living room and he called someone while i was quietly sitting in front of him as he ruffled my hair to calm me down wich worked .

After a While an elderly woman came in as he opened the Door . He adressed her as Recovery Girl and she was smaller than us but she was older so we both have massive respect .

I sat down and she made basic tests as Hawks put a cooling blanket over me as he reacted pretty fast . Demogorgon stood in the Shadows as i asked y'know i sense you or ?

He came out covered in blood , scars and cuts . I asked could you please patch him up first since he is on the Very edge of dying if he stays like that ? She looked at Hawks as he nod while he held Ice against my forehead wich made a sizzling sound as soon as i came in contact with it .

Endeavour was here as well and used his Quirk to absorb the heat so everyone didn't suffer as i did wich i was very grateful for . After Demogorgon was patched up and tugged in my Bed , i got the Results .

She said as almost the Whole Top ten Heros were in the Living Room , he is as hot as Endeavours Hellfire attack times Twenty from the Heat and it is a literal Miracle that he is still alive at this Point .

Mirko asked wait how war- she opened a water bottle and poured it on me as it instantly sizzled and evaporated as soon as it came in contact with my Skin causing a massive steam cloud .

Beast Jeans asked how in the World are you so quiet !? I straight up asked what would it bring me to say that it feels like hell ? Nothing , right so I'll wait and hope i survive that and don't almost die again while showering .

Demogorgon came looking neutral and the first thing i whisper asked was what were you even doing ? I made a matori myself as a birthday present for you since i knew you like it but i Miss calculated the Time i need to get there and back he whispered .

I whispered the Urge to Hug you is Bad . Demogorgon whispered then do it heat or Fire can't do me a thing . As soon as he said that i Hugged him and felt finally at Peace .

Knowing i am a cuddle person , he knew that as well as Hawks that i need affection in shape of a good , warm and relaxing Hug . I said Thanks as he went to sleep and thought about how i could handle that Fire Within me .

As Endeavour said try to focus a single point and try to let the Heat wander , before he went out as the last one . I now sat there alone and tried to focus on moving the Heat in my Hand as i thought about using that Fire in me as an external flame in my Hand wich worked .

Hawks and Endeavour came in as i kinda got the hang of it to reduce my Body temperature for the first time . I focused the Heat within me into my open Hand as i saw a Flame coming out while my Body cooled down rapidly .

I was concentrating on the regulation of the heat amount i let out as i eventually stopped because it takes a lot of oxygen to be able to use the Flame .

A couple of seconds later i was warm again but less than before wich i was grateful for after being almost fryed from the inside .

I heared Endeavour say not bad but you need to reduce the oxygen that you allow your flame to take as it only needs a bit to work so keep it to a minimum .

After he finished i nod but decided to do that tomorrow so i won't over do it . I sat down on the Spot where i was standing a second ago as i felt extremely dizzy .

For a few Minutes i just sat there in silence watching outside the Window thinking . What i was thinking about ? No idea but , do i know why ? Actually no not a single Damn clue why to be totally Honest .

Endeavour was gone as i looked over to Hawks wich was walking towards me with a worried expression . As he pulled me up i hugged him feeling him hug back and feeling his Wings around me .

I asked how about you shower before me and we change in comfortable clothes and after that you tell me what's up ? He said deal .


We sat down on his Bed as he laid down between my legs as his head rested on my Chest . I ruffled his hair up as he told me his worries , i purposely heated my body a bit up to relax him .

I was humming while he tried to sit up but groaned as he seemed tensed as heck . After he looked at me i asked want a massage ? He was thinking until i said shirt of and lay on your stomach .

As he did what i requested , i was back with oil and used a bit on my hands as i started to massage his shoulders .


After a while he seemed relaxed as every knot dissolved finally . I cleaned his back , keeping a safe distance from his Wings and noticing he is asleep while putting his Blanket over him and his wings , kissing his forehead as i was about to go out but got pulled back as i was being spooned .

Knowing he likes cuddling as much as i do , i hugged him as i nuzzled my head in the crook of his Neck feeling protected as he laid his Chin on my Head .


The next Morning came by as i found myself wrapped up in his Wings and arms rather tightly . I knew he wouldn't mind me hugging him so i did before sleeping in again .

As my alarm went off i slid out of his Grip , shutting the Alarm off and closing his Door . Going into my actual Work office , i left a note with the Adress as i walked there .

Opening up i was starting to decorate everything a bit . At one p.m i was done with an article and an interview as i started a break with a good , fresh , Delicious Coffee .

Going back to my Office i heared a few co-workers talking to my Roommate with my Phone . Knowing damn well how that is going to End i let them and asked a few Minutes later where my Phone was , also knowing they were done talking .

The Secretary gave me my Phone and said you left it on my Desk . I knew it was a lie but said cheerfully thanks anyway because i had to play along .

I was filling out an article as i heared " so who stole his Phone ?" As i walked out with a client i casually said Sub Hawks . He asked in the Room so who stole it ?

While i brought July the Client , since it was her territory to deal with Missing families and such . After i walked over to Hawks i saw Kinua trembling as she said i did it but knowing full well she hates conflicts so she lied .

I asked Melissa how do you even feel to let Kinua take the blame knowing full well i saw you . She said Revenge and seemed professional until she added didn't think he would show up thought .

At some point she rambled on as i got Hugged from Hawks and asked did you take a break ? I nodded and said I'm on a break right now actually .

He hummed satisfied and I said Melissa breath in , as she did i said you have a Meeting in Thirty Minutes , the needed files are already in Place . She scrambled away yelling SHIT THANKS MAN !

Kinua was inside her office as i went with Hawks to mine . As he made himself comfortable and moved me onto his lap , i wasn't gonna ask him why as i relaxed against his Chest .

Noticing his Jacket over me as a Blanket as he wrapped his arms under it around me and Wings over the Jacket as he held frimly but gentle so he wouldn't hurt me .

I saw him smile as he pet me , i said don't make me sleepy please , if you do I'll get you back when we get Home . As Response he just Chuckled humoured at me and said sure thing if you rest now .

Glaring daggers at him did work but now i had to sleep at Home . He let go and said give it back later , hm ? I silently nod as he Kissed my forehead and flew out .

Within an instant i was back at work , meaning finishing quickly as i went Home by foot . I unlocked the Door and i went inside , stripping my shoes off of me feeling tired as Fuck .

Without any word i started my " Quirk " -training , as i felt dizzy and tired after so i slept in in my Chair . It was " just " a gaming chair but i used it for my Office .

After I changed into comfortable clothes , i sat in my Chair and was out cold not even a minute later . I heared nothing but my guard was still up .

Hawks Pov*

I opened the Door and waited a bit until i entered , i was walking futher to my and his Office as i saw him there asleep so i took a fresh Jacket and put it over him as a blanket .

He snuggled into my Jacket and seemed to put his guard down , as i sat down across from him . As i was filling out documents , i didn't notice how the Time seemed to run away like it did and i didn't notice him waking up .


I went behind Hawks and said Hey , he seemed to have noticed me as i said that and turned around . He asked exhausted why i was awake right now as i grabbed his arm and went in his room .

After getting us in bed i spooned him wich seemed to have surprised him . I snuggled against his Neck after he covered me with a Wing and himself , as i heared his calm breathing i knew he slept in and followed soon after .

I woke up and saw him snuggled up to me as his Wings were laying loosely around us so no one that came in would be able to see me . I curled up in one of his Wings and was visibly relaxed , comfortable and sleepy .

He noticed that of course and laid his head on mine softly Humming as he pulled the blanket over us .


We slept peacefully until Mirko came in and asked him something . Not noticing me she went out and Hawks closed every door and Window with his feathers .

I was happy as he nuzzled my Hair wrapping his Wings tightly around me . That was kinda sweet as i tightly hugged him nuzzling his Neck .

He said nothing but turned us over so he was laying on me as he slept in again . Feeling awake i slipped out of his grip and went in my Room to train with my fire regulation .


I had an appointment at UA for whatsoever reason and Melissa told me the details while i changed . I chose a relaxed oversized look with a few chains and a choker .

As i flew on my matori i realised it was really beautiful today , so i took a picture and sped up so i could get a coffee on the way . ( i couldn't bc traffic jam :( )

I went inside and wasn't surprised to smell Hawks perfume at all to be Honest but he could've at least told me that he is going to be here . Melissa filled me in on the Way to the Conference room . We both went inside quietly and unnoticed except for Aizawa that always sees everything .

Listening and taking notes as i remain completely silent and was observing closely from behind . As we were finally done with everything planned i was the last one to go .

Melissa went to her House as i was reading through files , noticing Hawks handing me a to go cup of Coffee . I smiled sincerely as i took the Coffee as he sat next to me . He was using me as a body support but i didn't mind as he side hugged me .

Lightly chuckling at his behaviour ( wich was exactly like mine ) i let him be as i continued reading through files as he slept peacefully even after i moved him on my lap so he would be a bit more comfortable .

I picked him and my stuff up as we flew on my matori back home . Laying him down in his Bed i smiled leaving the Room , i drank a coffee and was thrown into my Bed .

That confused me until i saw Hawks hovering over me , gently caressing my cheek with his Hand before laying on me continuing to sleep . I was really surprised as he did that but i hugged him while combing gently through his Hair with my Fingers .

After a few minutes i was getting sleepy myself and hugged him as i fell into dark nothingness . Waking up alone meant that he was doing either a patrol , had a mission or something happened at his Agency .

Shortly after i woke up my Phone rang , wich is unusual for that time . I pressed answer and listened half asleep but carefully what happened and why they called me , as i said I'll be there in ten , good bye .

Changing as fast as light and using my Matori i was there in under ten minutes and even passed a few Pros on my way here but i didn't even look at them more then a small glance .

The Lady at the front Desk asked what she could do for me as i said why i was here , earning a surprised look not only from her as i took only two Minutes since she had called me .

I didn't care if the other Pros wer listening as she explained to me what had happened to him and why they specifically called me . Only noting the words blood typ , last contact , accident and operation i asked if it was possible that i could donate for him .

She looked shocked but the Head doctor asked how long has it been since you ate ? I said yesterday at twelve p.m sharp . I was led into a Room and waited a few minutes 'till a nurse started to take blood .


Sitting down in the waiting room i was given a bottle of Water as well as a few Medications and a snack so my body would chill and not pass out from the amount of blood i gave them .

I had asked them to notify me immediately when i could see him . After giving them my Number i flew to Work and was scolded because i spaced out almost the whole time , so i was sent Home and sat on the Couch thinking about Hawks condition worrying my Ass off .

After like an Hour , i gave up trying to sleep and made me a Coffee and drowned myself in Work for the next Month so i could be there for Hawks , if he needs me and even if he doesn't want my help i'll help him anyway .


The Days wer slow , painful , tiredly and absolutely frustrating . Day in and out it was always the same dreading rhythm over and over again for over three weeks now .

It's almost been a Month , as i got a Call that they would need my help again and i knew what they needed . After i came back pretty wobbly , i sat down in front of my Pc starting an Article check through .

The next " Morning " I woke up alone again feeling like shit because i haven't gotten my daily doses of Cuddling for about a Month wich sucks pretty bad .


I thought it would start again like every other day in the Month already had but i got a Call that he woke up and i am allowed to go see him today , if i want to wich i do .

Starting my old Morning routine to get ready wich starts with a good Shower , put on comfy clothes , eat and watch a bit news . Grabbing my Keys i put on my Shoes and left the House taking a nice relaxing walk through the Park .

The Hospital is opening at eleven for visitors , meaning i have thirty minutes before I have to start going there .


I walked up to the Information counter and was told that he would be able to leave today in the Evening , if everything does go alright and after Plan . After i donated again but it would be the last as to not overwork my Body , i went into my Office and send every article before taking three Weeks of wich made my Boss proud .

Flying back Home on my Matori , i prepared a long and relaxing bubble bath with candles . So i could finally chill for some time . I have time until late at Night until Hawks comes so I'll prepare a perfect cuddle nest on the couch because he is surely going to be very tired knowing he doesn't sleep well if he is stressed ( and it hasn't to do with Work ).

I put new Clothes for him on the Shelf in the Bathroom .


It was currently eleven p.m and i heared the balcony Door slide open . Looking over i saw a very sleep deprived Keigo , so i said go into the bathroom and after you are done come back here please .

He just nodded and came back out after an Hour , dressed in black loosely fitting Sweatpants and a grey oversized Shirt . I opened my arms laying down in the Nest , as i heared Hawks little Wings flutter and felt him laying between my legs with his Head nuzzled im my Neck , slightly cooing a bit as his arms surrounded me .


I woke and stood up after untangling our limbs and going into the Kitchen to prepare us breakfast and gave him Coffee as well as news about his Agency , the Crime and Villain attack rate with the PSC ( Public Safety Commission ) news .

Hawks looked at the newspaper with his Honey golden Eyes narrowed as his brows furrowed while reading the Article . I was in our Office and started typing on the Keyboard , the ink Words marked on the Paper next to my Keyboard on the Sheet of Paper .

The Questions in standard dark blue as the Answers wer messily scribbled in dark Green ink . Figuring out how to write it down with help comments in black ink neatly written under each answer of a question above .

Finishing the Article was done way easier than i thought as i put the sheet of Paper in my Work folder , saved and send the Article to the Grammar check at the Agency . Putting the Folder back away in it's spot , getting up as i walked in the Living room and sitting next to Hawks with space , until i was laying on his Chest , as he was laying down himself ruffling gently through my Hair .

It was soothing to feel the knots in my Hair dissolve as he combed through it , humming as his wings fluttered ever so slightly clearly happy even thought he still had smaller Wings that are roughly about three times smaller than usual .


We went in my Room and changed into comfortable clothes . I climbed in first as he followed shortly after , nuzzled into each other we fell asleep as he laid his head on top of mine humming quietly , hugging my Waist as he pulled my back against his chest .

I drifted off to sleep as i noticed his steady breathing rhythm , feeling his chest rise and fall behind my back . His Wings around us , serving as a cocoon radiating warmth from everywhere as we laid there like that .


Waking up alone almost caused a flashback but i saw a Note on the Coffee table in the Living room as i rushed into it .

If you read this Note then i was called for a longer lasting Mission . I wasn't allowed to inform you ( i bet you knew it already thought ) . Anyway I won't be able to make calls or do anything else at all until i catch that Person .

Sincerely with Love
Hawks <3

I took the Note and put it in my Folder with a sigh . In that Moment i thought absolutely nothing , i walked into the Kitchen and made me Eggs with Sudjuk for breakfast .

Three Hours went by smoothly , starting pretty relaxed into the Day until it knocked at the Door . As i opened the Door i was greeted by Endeavour with a beat up , unconscious Hawks over his shoulder .

He raged for ten Minutes that he's Stupid to go in this condition but at least he got the Person they needed and went away without another word as i carried him piggyback style inside our Living space . Laying him down on our couch, i went into the Kitchen to bring him pain killers and a water bottle plus a glass .

I got the first aid kit and cleaned his wounds roughly before applying Jod , after that i wrapped his torso and his upper arms in bandages i stripped one of my oversized Hoddies over him and Changed his blood stained Pants to fresh sweatpants .

After putting a blanket over him , i went to our Office to send an Email to his Agency employees . Getting back in the Living room so i could help him .

I sat down and noticed him curling into a Hawks-ball on my lap . He seemed peaceful as i hugged him and slept in myself as i put his Head on my Chest while ruffling his Hair .


I woke up before him and made breakfast for us . Waking him up was a good Challenge , since he was resting for a week because he doesn't quite get a lot of sleep as a Hero in the Top three ranks .

After Aizawa saw what his condition is he said i should take him to recovery-girl , wich is what i did after eating breakfast . I carried him like a sloth and flew as fast as i could to U . A .

Getting let in from Aizawa he showed me to recovery girl . I waited in front of the Room Hawks was in , feeling like something was up .

" And oh Boy ! Was i right when i thought that ! Ha ! "


It was like three a.m when i got pulled out of my trance and back into reality . As i was held rather tightly , i was almost summoning my Scythe but i heared a familiar ruffle and i think that came from feathers , red ones being almost completely back .

Smiling i turned around and hugged him back , i went to ruffle his Hair and noticed two fluff blobs on his Head . I looked up at him and saw Ears , thinking if they are real or if I'm dreaming right now .

I grabbed his Hand and went into his room with him . Setting him down on the Bed , i knew he waited for me to join in but instead i tugged him in before i tried leaving .

He had an Iron grip on my wrist but it didn't hurt , so i sat down in a Chair next to him and fell asleep after he slept in with interlocking our fingers .

The whole Night , i was sitting and wide awake making sure nothing happens to him . Protecting him like he always does me when i go to sleep earlier than him or in general .


Morning came by rather fast and i was still awake wich Mirko knew because she gave me a Coffee when she walked in with the rest of the Pros .

At first she was quiet until she was about to burst out screaming at me on full Volume but i said if he wakes up to your screaming im gonna grill a bunny and i couldn't care less about the Consequences .

She straight up shut her mouth again and nodded before she said eh thought you would forget it 'till now to be honest . I monotone said didn't as i took a sip from the brown hot bean Liquid .

She asked how is Demogorgon ? I shrugged as i read an Article and summoned him as i threw my Scythe away to fuck with him . His face was priceless and i took a Photo without anyone noticing .

He screamed What . The . Fuck !? I said revenge but Mirko actually has a question thought . They went out and talked while i was inside of his Room as the others went out to go full fill their duties as you know Heroes of Japan .

Getting hugged almost immediately after everyone left was my sign to relax and turning around . I saw his tired smile as i ruffled his Hair noticing that the Ears were still there .

I wasn't looking for a literal second and when i looked again i sat on the Bed with him on my lap hugging my waist as his head rested on my stomach . Running my fingers through his hair wasn't new as i did this almost every day .

His eyes fell shut while i continued to play with his hair after pressing a soft Kiss on his forehead . I was reading a book while he slept and had my guard up the whole time .

Mirko came in and dropped Demogorgon of but i convinced them that they should do a slumber party , just because i could have peace in my mind for a few Hours . They were gone as fast as they came and i heared Hawks purring , like literal purring !

I made a Video and went to sleep , putting the Phone away . Waking up early i noticed Eyes on me without opening mine and just because i felt those Eyes pierce right through my Soul , i knew who it was .

Hawks being awake and watching my Soul . I opened my Eyes and saw him staring right in my Eyes , with a goofy grin on his face wich was surrounded by his messy mob of golden Hair smoothly out of it's usual messy / airy look .

I saw him open his arms and rolled over into his warm embrace as i buried my face in his chest . Walls of Crimson red Feathers wrapped around us as he ruffled my Hair saying it's alright kid , everything's alright .

He somehow knew how i felt before i even knew it . I hugged his waist and felt his Head on mine as his Chest vibrated as he hummed quietly to calm me down . We stood up after a while and changed into clothes Demogorgon gave me after getting them for me Yesterday .


Hawks was in a meeting but it was online so he could rest better until he would be fit enough to work normal again . I checked everything because we wanted to make Cookies after his Meeting , so i prepared everything and i knew his Meeting was over .

Walking into the Office i saw him asleep again wich worried me very much , but then i remembered that his " Mating " time would start soon so i would need to avoid him as much as possible . Meaning i go into the office very early and come back as late as Possible so he can sit it out in his Room doin' whatever .

I carried him into his room and tugged him in his Nest wich i build up in thirty Minutes . He curled up in the Nest as i slowly walked out of his Room , closing the Door on my way out , not looking away a second .


The next Morning it was like three a.m , when i went out and started my Day . I used my Waveboard and tried to get used again to ride it after a few Years break .

I heared my Phone ding several times but ignored it knowing full well who it was and what messages that are . Thinking about it i slept over by Jori wich is a good male co-worker and knows my Situation pretty well , since he has a Boyfriend with the same tendency to mate as Hawks does .

After like idk ... five Days i went back Home after thanking them for letting me stay with sweets . I knew it lasts longer than five days but i didn't want to intrude Jori and his Boyfriend to much .


I unlocked the Door carefully and closed it behind me even more quietly then opening it . Walking to my Room i noticed a strong scent of sweat out of his Room direction , so i speed my walking pace up and closed my Door behind me .

That rhythm continued for a few Days until everything was almost normal again . So i was yelled at for sending in finished stuff while i had vacation but after i explained everything they understood my reasons behind it .


Everything seemed relatively calm wich was nice , even thought i couldn't write much and was forced to relax because Melissa and Hawks wouldn't let me do literally anything at all .

I was in my Room until the Door was kicked in and i saw Red .

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