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By Sessakag

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New danger is on the horizon for the shinobi world. Naruto, a celebrated war hero, finds himself, once again... More

The Beginning
Man Up
Love At Last
Creeping Darkness
Sixth Sense
Loving Gem
Carnal Climax
Blooming Flower
Right Place Wrong Time
The Otsutsuki
Frigid Confrontation
Desert Nightmare
Just a Cold
Big News
Uncomfortable Reunion
Party Planning
Love and Drama
A Deity Speaks
Akechi Village
Childless Clan
Anything But Orange
Drunken Antics
Entity 504
The Fodder
Restless Night
Endless Worry
Lean On Me
The Final Entry
Don't Like It? Fight ME!
The Truth
Preparing For Tomorrow
The Uzumaki's
Honeymoon Adventure Part 1


278 16 15
By Sessakag

Chapter Thirty-Two


April 25, 2010

Kakashi read over the short message.

It was from Shino.

No sighting of Shukaku, but the trail remains.

The Hokage placed the slip of paper down, then folded his hands together. The insect user kept in regular contact as he tracked Shukaku's trail all through the Nation of Fire and beyond but he was debating whether or not to call the chunin back to Konoha and send another tracker to relieve him and take over the trail. An Anbu operative beneath Sai's direct command, one with the tracking skills needed to keep pace with the wandering tanuki. Shino wasn't supposed to be away this long, and while extended missions were common place, this had exceeded the alloted time he'd expected him to be gone without some sighting of ichibi.

Nineteen days.

Nearly a month.

These signs of Shukaku's trail, though helpful in denoting that the bijuu was still alive and in what direction he was wandering, were naught more than that. Nothing tangible had arisen from it, no confirmed sightings, not even from Shino himself. At this point, the shades wearing ninja was circling the region on a wild goose chase, skirting too close to other Nations that were currently distant in terms of alliance. He was sure he'd receive words from the Tsuchikage or the Raikage about the encroaching.

If all they could do at this point was monitor, then this mission had become one for the Anbu.

Decision made, he grabbed a small roll of parchment, a writing utensil and penned a response ordering a rendezvous point be set, a trade off to be conducted and the subsequent return of Shino Aburame. He rolled it once it was dry, attached it to the bird at his window and watched as he flew off. He returned to his chair and started a new message, this one to be delivered to Sai.

He stood and walked back to that window. He gave a low pitched whistle and a beat later, a masked woman blinked onto the ledge. Without a single word between them, the woman took the parchment he handed her and was gone.

He'd just regained his seat when a knock at the door sounded.


It opened and Shikamaru stepped through, Naruto behind him, or rather, a clone. After the condition Hinata had been in yesterday, he knew his former student wouldn't leave her side for even a moment.

"Perfect timing, Naruto. Shikamaru was just on his way to collect you," the Hokage remarked.

Naruto closed the door behind him while his adviser moved to stand to his right.

"How is she?" Kakashi questioned.

Though they weren't particularly close, Kakashi liked the Hyuuga heir and enjoyed speaking to her on those rare cases they spoke outside of a professional setting. She was pleasant and polite, and he could tell by the look on her face when they spoke of the shinobi currently across from him that she loved him silly. But of course, the whole of Konoha had known that years ago.

"She's not doing so well," the blonde jonin admitted, running a worried hand through his short locks, "she feels really guilty and she's scared...and really depressed, 'ttebayo."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Naruto," the silver haired Kage replied honestly and somberly, "however, if anyone can help her, it's you...but, I'm sure you realize..."

"I know," the clone sighed, "and I'm trying my best but...it's hard to make her do something she's afraid of. I don't...wanna put her through that. I know its for her sake too, for us to figure out what happened, why it happened, but...I've never seen her like this before."

He paused, turning his gaze to his feet, the quiet intensity in his piecing cobalt eyes emphasizing the anguish he felt.

"I'll figure something out," he continued a moment later, though his tone was less assured than his words, "Any news about Yuma and the rest of the villagers?"

"There aren't any casualties to report," Kakashi replied, zeroing in on the heart of his question, "Yuma will be arriving early tomorrow morning. The medical shinobi I sent reported she's no longer in critical condition and well enough to travel. A couple days in the hospital and she should be fine."

It wasn't great news but, it was better than the alternative. And yet, it was still something Hinata Hyuuga would have to reconcile within herself and live with.


"Not the news you wanted to hear?"

"No, it is, it's just, I had hoped she hadn't been hurt as badly as that," he clarified, "Tani's gonna be really worried..."


He wasn't really familiar with Tani either, however he knew of the Nakamoto clan. The five siblings, Tani included, were close. Yuma's injuries wouldn't be taken lightly.

"Were you able to get her to speak?" the former Copycat ninja asked, turning the topic back to the Hyuuga.

Naruto nodded, a deeply disturbed, intensely pained expression crossing the face of the usually cheerful Uzumaki.

"At the hospital," he murmured, "she apologized over and over, saying she didn't mean to do it."

He sighed, the exhalation carrying sadness and a measure of frustration.

"I told her it wasn't her fault. Nobody thinks she meant to hurt anybody, its not in her to do something like that. She knows that but she...whatever happened to her, she's not separating it from herself. She's not taking into account the fact that she stood between the jubokko and the villagers, that she was there to protect them, no matter what happened after that. She's just...taking the blame for all of it and punishing herself like she meant to do it, no matter what I say. Somebody has to pay for it and she's decided it's gotta be her."

"We assumed as much," Shikamaru commented, "Hinata's always been a sensitive person. None of us had to be there to witness what happened to realize this incident was an accident. We grew up with her, hell, all of Konoha know's the type of person she is but for her..."

He shook his head, sympathy in his sharp gaze.

"It's going to take a while for her to accept that this was an accident and maybe longer to forgive herself for it."

The clone stuck his hands in the pockets of his sweats, the melancholy suffusing his face deepening.

"I know," he whispered to he two men.

"If she needs anything to help with the emotional healing of this...trauma, I have a team of specialist at your disposal," Kakashi offered, "Though, I suspect you'll be the only specialist she needs to get her through this. But if there's anything you need, anything you need help with, ask. She needs you, and the way you two are, it'll be the best medicine for her, but situations like this can be...delicate. If you're unsure of yourself, of your choices, come and find me or any number of your friends. Its important for you to take care of yourself while you're taking care of her."

A portion of that dark cloud cleared from that whiskered face.

"Thanks, Kakashi-sensei."

The familiarity within the Hokage's professional space was not only ignored, but welcome. Right now, they weren't Kage and jonin.

They were sensei and student.

Family and friends.

However, it was Naruto that redirected them towards business once more.

"Last night, Hinata tried to...I guess describe what she felt but it wasn't very detailed. She just said there was something strong inside of her that made her stronger. She didn't know it was gonna happen and I don't think she's ever experienced anything like this. She felt stronger during her fight with that Toneri asshole after Hamura shared his chakra with her, but when she told me about it, at the time, it didn't seem anything...weird like this, 'ttebayo. The way she made it sound, she'd gotten a boost from Hamura but it wasn't anything scary or that she couldn't control," he explained, recalling the memory of their discussion before she'd gotten sick, "outside of her being really happy and 'humbled' that he found her worthy to share it with her, she didn't really say much more about it."

"Then you don't think this is an effect of Hamura's chakra?"

The lookalike rubbed at the back of his neck, brows furrowed.

"I don't know...maybe?" he shook his head, "when I went looking for her in the hospital, I was in senjutsu and her chakra felt...different. Like it was mixed with something."

"Mixed with what, exactly?"

"I'm not sure, it was really hard to make out. I'm thinking Kurama Mode will make it easier to feel."

"But until we can get her to recreate the scene," the shadow user injected, "you won't be able to give us more detailed information."

Naruto nodded.

"Once she's...feeling a little better, I'll see if she can explain what happened to her or at least tell me what she felt during the fight and report back after."

Kakashi nodded.

"What about her results from the hospital?" the blonde asked.

The Hokage grabbed a paper nearest his elbow and handed it to the jonin. Naruto took it, glancing over the black ink. There were a lot of numbers, ranges circled, most of which were within the 'normal' bracket.

"Physically, she's fine," Shikamaru explained, "based on previous medical records, nothing seems abnormal in her physiology. We put her through a sensory observation, the new levels Hamura's chakra added to her own remain unchanged from her initial return from the moon mission. We even had a Hyuuga on site to check her chakra network, again, nothing out of the ordinary."

"We're aware your sensory abilities are the most advanced within the village, and the Hyuuga on staff was not one of high ranking experience, so take these preliminary examinations with a grain of salt," Hatake warned, "until you and a more experience Hyuuga have had a chance to observe her, there aren't many conclusions we can draw from the incomplete information we have now."

Naruto sighed.

"Back to square one, dattebayo."

"For now."

"What about that place we found under Sunagakure?"

Leaning forward, chin cupped in a single hand, Kakashi met his inquiring gaze with one that was open and shrewd.

"The team we sent are still investigating, but given the sensitive nature of the assignment, they're to share their findings with the Kazekage and his council before they send that report. And again, due to the circumstances, that report will be delivered in person. In short, give it a few more weeks."

Naruto frowned but made no comment.

"The moment we hear anything, you'll be among the first to know."

A single nod, then a puff of smoke. With the clone gone, Kakashi sat back in his chair, gazing up at the eggshell white colored ceiling, a million worries on his mind.


Cerulean orbs rose half mass.

Naruto didn't miss a beat, maintaining the slow, soothing caress along the smooth arm of the woman cuddled against his chest as he silently processed the information unfurling within his mind.

'A few weeks, huh?'

He hadn't expected it to take this long, but even as he thought that, he recalled the massive space he and his friends had wandered through and had second thoughts. Sifting though the rubble, the labs, the bodies...it was going to take a while to put the pieces together and gain any concrete insight into who had created that village and what had gone on in it.

He glanced down at the dark head below his chin.

She'd finally fallen asleep. Clinging to him so sweetly...so desperately.

For the balance of the morning, she'd been unnaturally quiet, even for her. Though she hadn't cried again, she often looked like she was on the verge the few times she met his gaze.

He frowned.

She was avoiding his eyes. This was no throwback to the days of their youth, when the shy young girl with love in her pearlescent orbs had struggled to face the boy she adored.


He knew without asking why she wouldn't look at him and it upset him in the deepest chambers of his heart. It was shame that kept her eyes downcast.

Fearing what she'd see in his eyes.

Terrified he thought of her what she thought of herself.

He'd given her nothing but his steady gaze blazing with the adoration he felt for this lone woman. Without uttering a word he bellowed his love of her, roared his faith in her and wept his anguish at the pain she was in. And through their voiceless exchange, she'd struggled with what she saw in his eyes, with what she knew of him and of herself regardless of the current circumstances. She wanted to punish herself for what had happened. She wanted him to punish her too. To call her a monster, to castigate her for the innocent blood on her hands.

And he refused.

There was nothing to punish, nothing to repudiate but the torture she was putting herself through.

She knew it, the last time she'd looked at him. She'd read his thoughts, seen his determination and unwavering resolve. And as she fought another bought of weeping, she'd reached for him again. With more strength than warranted, he'd swept her into his arms, and stroked her soft skin until he'd felt her weight sag onto him.

Even in slumber, she clung to him.

He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

They would get through this, he vowed silently.

His Princess was shaken, but strong. She needed a few days to absorb and process what had happened, something he had done following the many instances he'd lost control of Kurama's chakra. He would help her work through it. Be there when she wanted to talk, and if she didn't know how to speak about, wasn't able to speak about, he'd help her with that too. He wouldn't let her sink beneath the self loathing she had to be feeling. Somehow, someway, he'd find the words that would allow her to lay all that burdened her on his sturdy shoulders. So many times, for so many years she had done the same for him. Taking the numerous hurts in his heart and wrapping them in love. That's how he knew, she was strong, that why he knew she would get through this. And that's why he was determined to see her through it.

He was in a position she was always in and this time, he wanted to be to her what she had always been to him.

Her salvation.

Her savior.

A familiar face entered the bedroom, placed a takeout bag on the bedside table on his side then disappeared in a puff of smoke.

He had news.

He had her favorite food.

Now, he needed to rest. He wasn't particularly tired, but he knew he needed to sleep so when she woke he'd be at his best to see to her needs. It was similar to undertaking a mission. You rested where you could whether you were tired or not because you never knew what lay in store for you from one minute to the next. Ensuring one was always at pique performance was not only a requirement for any shinobi of worth, it was the difference between life and death in the world they lived in.

He closed his eyes, shut his mind down and slept.

They slumber for nearly four hours before she began to stir. It woke him. He looked down at her as she rose from his chest. She still looked really tired, but not in a physical way. Dull lavender orbs met his briefly, before turning away.

He was having none of it.

Reaching out, he gripped her chin and turned her back to him. Surprised, wide orbs looked back at him.

"Did you sleep okay?" he asked.

She nodded.

"I went out and got you something to eat."

"I'm...not hungry."

He gave her a soft, determined look. Unlike a moment ago, he wasn't asking.

"Its late in the afternoon, Hinata. You have to eat something."

"Naruto-kun..." she began, her gaze downcast.

"No, Hinata," he murmured, "I know what you're going to say. No, I'm not going to sit here and let you do things to hurt yourself. I know I'm being pushy, and I'm sorry about that, but I can't let you destroy yourself over this."

He craned her head up a notch, ducking his head to catch her eyes with his.

"You don't have to talk about it right now. You don't even have to think about it right now. Right now, all you have to do is have something to eat."

She didn't seem like she wanted to, but didn't argue. She just seemed kinda, deflated. He smoothed a thumb over her cheek.

"We'll get through this, 'ttebayo," he told her, "you trust me don't you?"

The question seemed to startle her, then her eyes misted.

"Yes," she whispered, "of course I do."

"Then let me help you," he implored, "let me take care of you. Okay? I know it's hard, I know how you feel. You know what I went through before me and Kurama became friends, the people I hurt. Trust me, I know how hard this is."

He brushed his thumb over the wetness of one eyes, stopping the tear before it could trace her cheek.

"But I need you to try, if not for yourself, then for me?"

By any means necessary. That's what he'd decided last night. He knew she'd give him the world if she could and right now, he didn't want the world, he wanted her to recover even if he had to use her love of him against her to accomplish it. He'd never been a manipulative guy, but he felt no remorse for trying his hand at it. Not in this situation and any like it that arose. If it helped him put her pieces back together he'd grasp this new ruthlessness in pursuit of her wellbeing. He'd let nothing deter him, not even her.

He gave her a small smile.

"I'm hungry too, dattebayo. I can't eat if you won't."

She softened and he knew he'd won this small battle in what he saw as a war.

They shared the meal his clone had brought. The portion was way too big for her to consume in her current state and though he hadn't directed it to, he was glad his clone had foreseen his own hunger and tripled the serving size. He may have used his hunger to spur her to eat but it hadn't been a lie.

He was hungry.

She ate a small amount of the food, but polished off all the cinnamon rolls. It was nice to know that even depressed, she couldn't resist their sweet lure. He made a mental note of it. When they finished, he rose from the bed, placed the empty containers back in the bag, dropped it to the floor then reached for her.

"N-Naruto-kun," she gasped as he lifted her slight weight.

"We still have the engagement gifts to sort through," he told her, "I waited for you."

"Naruto-kun," she mumbled, "maybe now isn't...the best time."

"Why not?" he asked, knowing full well why not.


He deposited her gently on the couch, then crouched down in front of her. Her head turned slightly, her gaze drifting off to the side. He reached for her chin and brought it back.

"Because...?" he prompted.

"I don't think I'm in the right...frame of mind for this, Naruto-kun. This is supposed to be a happy occasion and right now, I'm...far from it."

"I know that," he replied softly, "but maybe this will help you get closer to it. I told you earlier, for today, you don't need to think about it. I want you to think about something else, something that can make you happy."

He took the had that bore his brand. He lifted it, watching as she locked eyes with the twinkling diamonds.

"Thinking about our wedding, making plans for it, it makes you happy, right?"

"Of course it does."

"Then let's be happy for a little while," he leaned down and did one of his new favorite things, he kissed both the ring and the supple knuckle it circled.

His gaze turned tender...somber.

"What happened on your mission, what happened on mine, what's going to happen in the future, we can't change it, but we can decide how we're gonna deal with it, and how much of our happiness we're gonna let it steal from us. I won't lie to you, we're going to have to figure out what happened the other day."

He could feel the stress radiating from her distraught form. Those beautiful eyes that said so much shadowed with fear.

Fire twisted his gut, the overwhelming sense of wrongness exploded in his brain.

He didn't want her to be afraid, never did he want her to be afraid. And the fact that he couldn't take this agony for her, that he couldn't slay this dragon and lay its head at her feet drove him crazy. All the strength he held, all the feats he'd accomplished, in the face of this, they couldn't help her, they were nothing. Nothing he could put to use for her sake.

"But I'll be with you every step of the way and we'll figure this out together."

His words cleared some of the shadows, though she whispered another fear that he'd already decided he was fine with.

"I...I don't want to hurt you too."

As he'd thought earlier, she could blast him to kingdom come and he'd still be waiting with bated breath for her in the afterlife, ready to laugh and love her for an endless eternity. He kept that to himself, however, he wasn't fool enough to think she'd find comfort in that.

"Hinataaaa," he sighed, "just what are you trying to say?"

Confusion bloomed.

"I'm saying I don't want to hurt you."

"You do know it takes a hell of a lot to hurt me," he stated, lifting a brow, "I fought Pain, Obito, Madara. Kaguya, Sasuke, and I'm still standing but it sounds like you're saying I've gotten rusty since then. I mean, I haven't fought anyone that strong in a while, but I think I can still put up a good fight, 'ttebayo."

"N-No, Naruto-kun, I don't mean...I know you're strong," she bumbled, "You're the strongest man I know-"

"Then trust me," he told her, his voice low, eyes tender, "that's all I want you to do."

He stroked a finger along the gentle curve of her cheek.

"Just trust me."

Pale hands captured his own. She hugged his hand, her pupiless orbs just as tender.

"I trust you," she murmured, "More than anyone in the world."

He grinned.

"And I trust you more than anyone in the world. And that's why you don't have to hide from me, you don't have to worry about what you'll see in my eyes. I know you. I trust you. I love you. And I believe you. Whatever happened, I believe you," he told her.

He eyes misted.

He used both thumbs this time, wiping them away before they left her milky depths.

"No more tears. This is the time we cut out to be happy. So for the next few hours it's probably gonna take for us to go through these mountains, we're gonna be happy. Okay?"

Her lower lip wobbled, but she nodded between his hands.


"Good," he murmured, leaning forward to taste her lips.

She forced smiles for the first half hour, but fifteen minutes after, the curl to her lips, though scarcer than they usually were, became genuine. There was even some excitement over a few of the appliances and pretty, glittery pink things she received. Hell, he even he was thrilled by the gifts the unwrapped.

It was the letters that did her in, however.

The letters from acquaintances and strangers that moved her to the tears he'd wiped away at the start. He smiled, a pained, joyful expression of the emotion welling inside his chest. He curled an arm around her waist, pulling her tighter to him as he read the words on the page with her.

"Even they know how special you are, Hinata."

She was tired after they finished and he took her back to bed. He settled her into the curve of his abdominals, wrapped strong arms around her own before burying his nose in soft raven hair. He was nearly asleep when she spoke.


He opened sleepy blue eyes, the drop of 'kun' an instant giveaway that what she was about to say next brought her some level of stress.

"Whats wrong?" he questioned quietly.

She was silent for several moments, and he would've though her sleeping if not for the fierce grip she had on the hands he had locked together at her naval.

He nudge the soft skin at her nape.

"Hinata?" he urged.

"Those...people...and Tani's-"

"There were no casualties, Hinata," he told her with a gentle squeeze, "None. The only thing that died that day was the jubokko."

"Thank goodness..." she whispered, her voice wobbly.

He tightened his hold, knowing what was coming next.

"Thank goodness...Naruto." she wept.

She cried for a while, some of those droplets, he knew, were those of relief, and he held her through it. Silent and comforting.


Hinata stared up at the ceiling, lavender orbs aglow in the darkness of their bedroom. A heavy, muscle arm rested against her belly, and warm breath tickled her ear. Her lover's snoring was a very distant rumble as she stared upwards.

She could see something up there.

Many things.

They were swirling...


The colors...oh so vivid.

So foreign, so many. She could put name to none of them. Never before had she seen their color. What were they, she wondered.

Those streaks and vibrant trails.

What were they?


April 26, 2010

Naruto was up cleaning the living room, gathering the wrapping paper and throwing it in the large garbage bag he held while Hinata sorted the lighter boxes. He'd already done the heavy lifting earlier, stacking it all against the wall. Once she finished figuring out what she wanted to keep and what was taking up space, he was taking the left overs to a storage unit until they could find a use for it.

The organizing had him thinking, however.

He loved this place, his apartment.

It was the place he'd first made love to her. The place he'd proposed. The place Hinata and his friends had made home...but...

For the life they wanted, the children they wanted to nurture, this place wasn't big enough for their dreams of the future. He wanted a yard to run around with children in. He wanted a garage to store these precious gifts from the inhabitants of Konoha. He wanted the white picket fence and family dog. He wanted the dream home he saw in movies and tv shows, but he also...wanted it to be something they did together. Something they built together.

He didn't really know much about it but, he knew sometimes, instead of house hunting, couples would draw their own house plans. They'd craft their dream home for an architect and have it built on a plot of land.

It was something Ino had been debating about doing before the jubokko had invaded. Sai had gone on and on about it and he'd found the concept...interesting.

It was something he wanted to do.

This new home they'd build, it was the start of their family.

The Uzumaki household.

He wasn't sure what Hinata would think about it, but he for one was excited about the concept, and seeing how happy she had been planning their wedding, he could only see her ecstatic over planning where they'd spend their life as husband and wife, where they'd raise their children.

A knock at his front door took him from his thoughts.

He glanced over at his fiancée. She too was looking at the door, her delicate face etched with trepidation. He gave her a reassuring smile, dropped the black bag in his hand and went to answer the door. Though not surprised, Naruto felt a little trepidation of his own.

Tani stood at their door, her face, while not hostile, wasn't the cheerful he was used to seeing. She seemed subdued.

"Naruto-sensei, good morning."

"Good morning."

He didn't even pretend not to know why she was here, however, he was curious as to what this visit entailed. Tani wasn't a mean spirited girl, and he didn't, for a second, think she'd come here to shout accusations and recriminations at his significant other. Her family had raised her better than that. And the time he'd spent training and mentoring the youngest girl of the Nakamoto, he knew that's not who she was.

"How's Yuma?"

That drew a smile.

"She's okay," Tani said, "she'll still at the hospital, but the nurse says there's a good chance she'll be released tomorrow, then back to training in a week or two."

He returned her smile.

"That's great, dattebayo. I'm glad she's okay."

"I actually came to..." she hesitated, "Is Hinata-san...home, sensei? Can I talk to her?"

"Tani," he began, concern brightening his eyes, "Hinata's...not doing so well."

"I know, Yuma told me, how she...got her injuries. But it was an accident!" she rushed to say, "Yuma said Hinata-san was trying to protect the village and then something happened and a bunch of people got hurt...she said...Hinata-san was probably blaming herself for it."

By the vague descriptions, he knew his genin student had gotten a very watered down version of what had occurred, however, what he honed in on was the words she passed on from Yuma.

She too knew without a doubt that what happened was an accident.

"Can I see her? Yuma is worried about her."

Naruto nodded, and opened the door wider. By the time she'd divested her shoes, Hinata had spotted the girl, and though her face held a terrified pallor and her eyes were a bit wide, she stood her ground. Waiting for the meeting that was inevitably going to happen. She said she trusted him, and though she looked afraid, the small panicked glance she sent to him seemed to calm her a fraction. She knew he'd never let anyone in their apartment that had ill intentions towards her.

Tani wasted no time. She wandered over to the seemingly frozen woman. He closed the door then went to stand in the archway to watch.

"Hinata-san, good morning."

"G-Good morning, Tani."

"Hinata-san, will you...come to the hospital with me?"

That surprised him, though not as much as Hinata was.

"Come...to the hospital?"

The Nakamoto nodded.

"Yuma sent me. She wants to see you."

"Wants to...see me," his fiancée parroted, completely stunned.

"Yes. Hinata-san, we know it was an accident," she proclaimed, taking a step forward, "I know you'd never hurt anybody. You'd never hurt my sister. And that village you saved, Yuma says they wanted to thank you. For protecting them from that monster!"

Tani reached for her clammy palm.

"Please come and see Yuma. She's worried about you. The other people on your team told her you were really upset when they brought you back."

Though her eyes were shiny, Hinata swallowed, then nodded her head.

He held her hand as the trio made their way to the hospital, and when they reached the door, she hesitated. It was Tani, this time, that encouraged her to keep moving.

"Hinata-san, it's okay. I promise. Yuma will be really happy to see you."

And she was.

The forest haired tomboy broke into a smile the moment they stepped through the door. She wore the official swath of cloth bespeaking her status as a patient. Her arms were bandaged, a few were scattered on her face, but other than that, they couldn't see any other signs of healing. There either weren't any more or the gown covered the others.

"Hinata-san!" she grinned, "there you are."

He felt a threadbare amount of resistance, but ignored it and tugged his fiancée closer to the bed. Yuma reached out and grabbed her other hand the moment she was close enough. Hinata looked a little shell-shocked...and guilty.

"You really were blaming yourself, weren't you?" the bandage wrapped woman asked.

With tears in her eyes, Hinata gave a gentle squeeze to the hand in hers.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean-"

Yuma sighed.

"Who told you it was your fault?" the injured woman questioned, "I'm sure the only person that thinks that is you. I know it wasn't your fault. And as for the villagers, they were fine when I left. A few scrapes and bruises but that thing you killed would've dealt them a much harsher blow. They would have died. They know that, and if a few broken buildings and bruises was the price for living, they were happy to pay it to avoid the slaughter that monster had in store for them. You saved their lives, Hinata. Botan, Asahi, even me, we wouldn't have been able to handle that thing. But you...I don't know how you did it, but it was amazing! You're strong, in more ways than one, and on behalf of me, and the people you protected, thanks a ton!"

She was grinning again.

"We couldn't have done it without cha!"

Naruto watched and listen as Yuma told them about the status of the village before she was transported. How the rebuilding was speeding along quick and efficiently, how an underling trained directly under Sakura-san was tending to the wounded, how the villagers had sent their thanks and well wishes. As she spoke, he could see the dark cloud clearing from his lover;s face. Could see the sun peaking over the horizon.


After their visit to the hospital, Naruto steered her towards the outskirts of the village. They'd been sequestered in their apartment since he brought her from the hospital, shutting away the rest of the world in an effort to stabilize her distraught mind.

Today, however, he planned on coaxing her to talk, to take the first step forward.

The clearing he'd led her to inclined sharply into a grassy hill overlooking a calmly flowing stream. She stood atop it, her long, simple baby blue dress and shiny dark hair blowing with the slightly chilled breeze. When they got here, she'd slipped her hand from his and continued on. Sensing she needed a moment to herself, he'd hung back, finding a sturdy tree to lean against as he took in her graceful form.

That had been nearly a half hour ago.

It was time.

Uncrossing his arms, the blonde Jinchuuriki pushed away from the tree and walked towards her. Wrapping his arms about her waist, he pressed his lips to ear before speaking.

"We have to talk about it, Hinata," he murmured into her hair.

She shook her head.

"I know you're scared, but I'm here," he told her, giving her midriff a gentle squeeze, "I'm right here. I won't leave you alone. If something...happens, I'll be right there to stop it, but we gotta know what's going on, and we can't do that if you won't tell anybody, 'ttebayo."

She was quiet.

"Tell me, sweetheart," crooned, placing a kiss to her head, "Tell me what happened."

More silence and then, she spoke.

"That day...before we reached the village, I scanned the area with my Byakugan, and the moment it activated, I...felt something. It was...like something was whispering beneath my skin. It felt...alive."

Blonde brows furrowed and unease filled his gut, but he maintained his silence. He didn't want to interrupt her and risk her drawing back within herself.

"I thought at first...that I had imagined it but it bothered me all day. Then there was an explosion, and I used my Byakugan to see what it was and again, that...foreign sensation flared up again, and I knew, I wasn't imaging things. There was something inside of me, it didn't feel bad, but it didn't feel like it was good either, it just felt foreign, something that was not apart of me...but, I didn't have time to try and figure out what, or to try and stop it, I had to protect the villagers."

Something they were going to have a discussion about later.

"It ran right through us. We couldn't stop it. It was after the villagers. I chased it, but I wasn't fast enough, I tried to push myself, to move faster and then it stopped and came towards me."

He grew alert at that, for so many reasons. Terror gripped his insides knowing she'd come face to face with one of those things. Anger that she'd actively, recklessly chased it, that she'd put herself in danger chasing it. Over whelming pride at her courage and desire to protect those that couldn't warred with that rise of temper. But beneath that emotional torrent, the fact that the creature had stopped just as she strained for more chakra stood out among it. These creature where after chakra and if it had turned its attention to her just as it rose, then it was likely that was the moment her chakra had either spiked or was increasing towards the high peak that had caused the destruction she'd released moments later.

"And then..." she looked down at her hands, a slight tremble in them, "As I was building chakra for Hakke Kūshō, it was there again, but this time, it wasn't a soft brush against my mind, it was like a waterfall. There wasn't a place within me that wasn't touched. My mind...my body...my tenketsu. Everything was alive and churning with this...energy, this...sensation. And in that moment, I knew something was wrong, that something wasn't right but...I couldn't stop. I had to fight, and what came out of my hand..."

She shook her head, the trauma of that day clear in her eyes.

He held her tighter.

"What came out saved everyone. We're gonna have a talk about you standing against that jubokko like that," he warned mildly, "but I'm proud of you, 'ttebayo. For protecting those people. For opening up to me now."

He leaned down, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Hinata," he said softly.

Her eyes closed, she knew what he was going to say next.

"You've gonna have to show me too," he told her, "I need to understand what this power is and where it's coming from. Kakashi-sensei already has a place for us to go, somewhere far away from Konoha, or any villages for that matter. It'll be safe. Hell, its even safe for me. I've been out there before, trying out new jutsu, sparing with Lee and the others. If it can handle me, it can handle you. Nobody will get hurt out there."

"You promise?"

He smiled against her neck before placing a kiss there.

"I promise," he whispered, "and I never go back on my word."

"I know," she murmured.

There was a beat of quiet before she spoke again.

"I'm scared...Naruto."

It hurt him, to hear that. He tightened his hold in an effort to comfort her and himself. He was scared too. Scared for her.

"I know, but I'll be with you. I won't let anything bad happen to you. I swear I won't."

Supple palms curled over his hands.

"You can't promise that."

"The fuck I can't, dattebayo," he growled, "Whatever I have to do, I'll do it. I'll protect you no matter what happens."


"I will protect you," he repeated, his tone firm and uncompromising, "No matter what."

Another pregnant pause and then, she leaned into him.

"I believe you, Naruto. And...I trust you. More than anyone in the world."


Yo, another chapter. Hope it was to your liking. Not much to say this time around. If you have questions bout anything, let me know. Make sure you drop a comment or review, otherwise, I get the thought that people aren't really interested in the story and its sooooo depressing, lol.

Anyway, I'm crafting the next chapter already so it should be out soon. See you all then.



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