Dance With Me (Rich Kids, Boo...

By sidneyiskindagay

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UNEDITED [Rich Kids, Book 1] Randall "Randy" Rockefeller is the king of Rockefeller High School. He has every... More

One: The Healthiest Illness
Two: Pornographic Statue
Three: Ten Trillionth Dance
Four: Claustrophobic Closet
Bonus: the characters!!
Five: Torrential Downpour
Six: PhD
Seven: Taylorswiftosexual
Eight: Homecoming-out
Nine: Harold The Ball
Ten: Accidentally Matching
Eleven: Mother Knows Best
Twelve: Stew and Sewers
Fourteen: Backflips and Backflops
Fifteen: Banana Peppers
Sixteen: River
Seventeen: A Tale of Gays and Riches
Eighteen: Fork
Nineteen: Ice Cream and Anger Issues
Twenty: Someone Will Find The Body
Twenty-one: PCG
Twenty-two: Baby
Twenty-three: "You're Amazing"
Twenty-four: Sharing is Caring
Twenty-five: Let the Games Begin
Twenty-six: Free
Happy three month anniversary!

Thirteen: Identical Twins

376 22 162
By sidneyiskindagay


I wound up near the 'bar' which was really just water and soda being sold by teenagers. Soon enough, Li, Dev, and Knox were all next to me.

"He won't see us, I promise. Pretty much the way it works for this sort of thing is we don't out him, he doesn't out us. The unspoken rule. So, even if Nelson does see us, chances are excellent nothing will happen. We're okay," Li said, resting their hand on my shoulder.

"You sure?" Knox asked.

"Mhm. I've seen someone else from our school here. That person's identity is safe with me. They know I'm gay, I know they are too. That's it." Li then wrapped his arms around me and Knox. I assumed that was some sort of comforting method. It was working.

After a few seconds, Li unwrapped their arms and we just kinda sat there again. Well, that was until a guy came over to us, or more specifically Devin. "Hey, you wanna dance?"

Dev widened his eyes. "Oh. Uh. Sure."

As the dude led Dev to the dance floor, while me and Knox were sporting very confused expressions. Li had a completely straight face, which is ironic because he's the gayest person I've ever met.

"How are you not at all alarmed by this? One, Devin has a girlfriend. Two, he's straight," Knox told Li, lightly elbowing them.

Li nodded. "Yeah. Dancing isn't cheating, and dancing with someone can be romantic, but not in this case. Dev will probably tell whatever the dude's name is that he's straight."

"I guess."

We watched Dev and Mystery Man dance. Devin is not a good dancer at all, and from the looks of it, Mr. Enigma found that adorable. I almost threw up when imagining finding Dev adorable. When Incognito Joe glanced over to us with Dev pointing in our direction, that's when things got a little weird.

Perplexity Chappie and Devin began making their way towards us. Camouflaged Comrade said to Li, "You're his twin?"

"Uh, yeah?" Li responded.

"Ha, I should've been able to tell. You guys look so alike. I'm George, by the way."

"Oh. Well, nice to meet you, George."

"Um, are you by any chance...?" George, don't you fucking dare steal my boyfriend.

"Gay?" Li completed.


"I am, but I'm also taken." Wait, what?

I sat there completely stunned, as I was unaware that Li considered going on a single date with me taken.

George grimaced. "Oh, sorry. My bad. Have a good night, I guess." And then he was gone.

Knox laughed. "Hm. That takes care of that, I suppose."

"Yeah," I said, slowly moving my hand until it touched Li, and pretended to be surprised. "Oh, sorry."

They smiled and took my hand. "Don't think you're slick, Rockefeller."

Internal combustion in 3, 2, 1-

Li fucking kissed my cheek. Internal combustion in progress.

"We should move again. Nelson is probably somewhat close by now," Knox blurted, walking away from us. The rest of us followed him, although it was strange how random Knox's statement was.

We ended up in another corner where it was significantly louder. But, mission failed.

Nelson saw us. It was pretty obvious, because his head tilted and we shared a moment of, "Yes. We're gay, you're gay, we're all gay, go away." Only, Dev isn't gay.

"Hey, wanna go?" Li yelled.

I nodded, not wanting to burst my vocal chords shouting over the music. We elbowed the others and pointed to the door. They followed us out.

We made our way to the car, and Devin commented, "That place was very rainbow-y." He was probably talking about the rainbow Christmas lights and rainbow disco ball. When I saw the disco ball, I cringed.

"No shit, Sherlock," Li replied, biffing his brother. "It's literally a gay club, what the hell did you expect? A bunch of deer heads and hunting guns?"

"I don't know. I'm merely saying it was extremely colorful."

"Yeah, well, so are we."

"Fair point."

I chuckled. "That was eventful."

"Oh yeah. By the way, Twins, we need to give Randy his presents," Knox responded.

"Hm, yeah. We do," Dev said.

"You guys didn't need to get me anything, I've got enough. Seriously!" I exclaimed, however I was curious to see what they had gotten me. It was a tradition amongst us to give really stupid birthday and Christmas gifts.

Knox rolled his eyes. "Mhm. We totally believe you. It's tradition, anyway. Somewhat okay birthday, dumbass." We don't wish each other a happy birthday because, well, why would we? We also don't say Merry Christmas. That's for a reason, though. We're all agnostic. He handed me two bags, one red and one purple, AKA my favorite colors. "Open the purple first, alright?"

"Okay..." Inside the bag was a Hello Kitty towel. "Oh. That's quite something. Honestly, I'm kinda in love with it."

"I thought you would be. Now open the red."

The red bag was revealed to be four tickets to a New York Rangers game in NYC. We had always been fans of hockey, even more so the Rangers. "Knox, dude, that's awesome! We're going to a Rangers game?"

He nodded. "We're going to a Rangers game."

"That's sick. Thanks so much, Knoxie."

"Of course. Dev, you wanna go?"

"Absolutely." Devin pulled out another two bags, same colors. "Same drill with Knox. Purple first."

It was a t-shirt that said 'Non-flammable? Challenge accepted.' I grinned, thinking that if my parents would let me, I would definitely wear that. With me, everything is flammable. "This is very accurate."

"I know. I've been friends with you for thirteen years. Unfortunately. Look in the red bag."

That one was a laser tag game. Four sets. Four, again. "Uh, Li?"

"What's up?" They answered.

"There were four tickets. There's four sets of these. What are the chances Knox and Dev are happy you're here?"

Li Ellet out a deep chuckle that was weirdly attractive, and Dev and Knox shared a guilty expression. Dev started, "I mean, the only options were a ten pack or a four pack. I went with the latter."

"Yeah, and, uh, I have no idea if Li likes hockey but hopefully..." Knox added.

"I do. Got a jersey and everything," Li confirmed.

"Oh, thank God."

I snickered. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Devin nudge Li. They whispered stuff to each other. The interaction ended with Dev looking like he was about to throw up, and Li laughing his ass off. Finally, Dev sent a glare to his twin.

"Jeez, what went down just now?" I inquired.

Li turned around and replied, "I made a dirty joke and now Devie is mad at me."

"Please never say that again," Devin grumbled, laying his head down on the center console.

Knox raised an eyebrow. "What was it?"

"You don't want to know."

"Ugh, please? I like dirty jokes."

"Dev asked me why I didn't have anything for Randy," Li began, then moved his attention to me. "Yet. You'll have your present soon, Rockefeller. Anyway, I responded and said that I do, it simply isn't with me. Then he asked what I got him. I answered, perfectly reasonably, birthday sex. It's a thing, you know."

Knox.exe has stopped working.

I blinked. "Huh. Did not see that coming."

"Don't worry, you're not getting sex for your birthday. One, it would technically be nonconsensual. You didn't ask for it, and I'm not gonna be a rapist, thank you very much. Two, we're both minors. Yes, it obviously can happen as long as we both agree, but...yeah, that's still not happening. Four, we haven't even been on a second date yet. Five, we haven't even kissed yet. Six, there's too many points for this to work," Li explained.

"Yeah, when is that date happening?"

"What if it's already planned, and all you have to do is tell me when you're free?"

Devin and Knox nodded in approval. I, on the other hand, let my jaw hang down like there was a weight at the bottom. "Uh. Well, tomorrow is the batshit crazy birthday fiasco my parents are having. Sunday won't work either, because my mom is having her friends over for some sort of party that I will undoubtedly have to make an appearance at so they can gush over how much I've grown since one month ago when I saw them last. My parents definitely won't allow me to go on a school night, so I think we're stuck with next Friday. Is that okay?"

"Absolutely. We'll figure out a way for me to pick you up without your parents seeing me."

"Damn, get yourself a partner like Li." Knox leaned back in the seat. I smiled and winked at him, and strangely enough, he froze again. Just like when Li admitted the - certainly not PG14 - joke they made. He's been doing that for years, though. Me and Devin have always thought it was weird.

Dev sighed. "I suppose I do not get the car Friday?"

Li rolled their eyes. "You can manage."

He better.


My parents always had an extra two seats or so, in case uninvited guests showed up. They were completely looked down upon, but, I also have access to Mom's seating chart. So, I asked Li if they wanted to come. It took a bit of persuading, but, he came. Mom and Dad didn't notice, and I'm not even kidding. He was literally at our table. What I didn't understand when Mom and Dad said that he wouldn't be there was that CeCe and his parents would be. That confused the hell out of me.

They know everything about everyone. They know what colleges the parents want their kid to go to. They know how academically accomplished they are. They know how many achievements in general each kid has. So, they know that Li is a grade ahead, and I can guarantee that they're thinking of using him as a tutor for me if I ever fall behind.

Another thing is, they know that Knox's family is one of the other extremely wealthy families. They're constantly trying to outdo each other. Me and Knox think it's ridiculous, but what can you do? They're adults, we're not. However, I highly doubt they know any other details about the Ferguson's. Any other...interesting, very important, details.

At my family party, me, Knox, Li, and Dev got bored, and we snuck off to the hallway of the restaurant it was being held it. They always booked the same banquet room at the same restaurant for birthdays. I had memorized the layout of the three story building by the time I was nine. There were too many people there (some that Mom and Dad were far more interested in than their own son) for anyone to notice we weren't there.

It's quite ironic that they do all of this for me, and yet, they could not care less about what I thought of it. Mom wouldn't need to call the caterers two months before the party to make sure that everything was ready, and Dad wouldn't have to cancel a whole-ass business trip to be here. I know why they do, though; their image.

In my parents' social group, you're expected to throw these parties. I've heard my mom drill the rules into Josie so much that I've memorized all of them.

•Not a single smudge is to be on a plate, glass, or utensil.
•The food must be of the highest quality.
•Centerpieces are to be beautiful, but not distracting from the conversation.
•What you wear is the first thing people notice about you. It has to be elegant if you are a woman, and sharp if you are a man (because there's nothing in between, obviously).
•Candles should be placed exactly one foot apart.
•As soon as the last person sits down to dinner, the servers come out with the first dish.
•If it is a standing party, food has to be able to be eaten immediately.
•The bartender must know what they are doing.
•There needs to be enough staff for the group, a ratio being one server per ten to twenty people.
•Six courses are expected. Salad, soup, sorbet, entree, cheesecake, and ice cream.
•No kids under high school age are allowed.

When I asked Mom why you needed all of those, she answered it was just something you required. Since that's totally normal.

The four of us ate, and then with some other high school age guys we knew, went to the hall and did what high school guys do. We formed a sub party and actually enjoyed ourselves.

It happens with every party. The girls do the same thing. We've seen them out on the balcony and stuff. When Dev and Li first got here, of course their father greeted mine first (because everything is misogynistic), then the women said hello to each other, and then the parents can greet the kids. It's a rockin' old time. Me and Dev had a competition for who could keep a straight face the longest. You could see Li doing the same thing.

Li and Devin looked far more alike than they usually do. When we were younger, it was incredibly easy to tell them apart. It seems as they grew up, they became more twin-like. For example, Dev used to be far taller then Li. Now, me and Knox were confusing them, especially because they were wearing the same color suit with close to the same color tie. Dev's was light blue. Li's was turquoise. They appeared identical.

I may or may not have grabbed Devin's hand.

I did not know it was Devin. He raised an eyebrow and said, "I think you have the wrong one."

Then I clasped the correct twin's hand and moved on, trying to ignore that exceedingly awkward moment. Li said something, but I missed it. "Oh, sorry, what did you say?"

"I said that you look good tonight. Blue suit with blue eyes is a good combo. Weirdly enough, all of us look good. Kinda. We still look really awkward in suits like any other teenager, but we look good," Li declared.

I glanced around the room. Times like those were always nice. The party itself was boring as hell, but once you left the adults and went with people you could actually relate to, it was quite enjoyable. Dev and Knox laughed about something on one of their phones, and three of the other guys that were in our group teased one another by bragging about their cars (to be fair, one of them had a Mustang). I turned back to Li. "Yeah. Refreshing to see us having fun at one of our parents' stupid parties."

"Technically, this is your party, but yes." He paused and bit their lip, as if he was contemplating something. "Hypothetically-"

"Oh no." I leaned my head on my hand.

"Let's say that we get together officially. Let's also say that we both find someone else attractive. Would you consider adding them to our relationship?"

Didn't expect that. "Uh, maybe. It depends. Why?"

They shrugged. "Curious."

"Do you like another guy?" I asked. I didn't care, we weren't even official yet, like he had said. But I knew that he's polyamorous, and that's fine. All I cared about was that they were happy.

He hesitated. "I think I might be starting to, but I don't know. It's weird, I've never felt attraction to more than one person at a time. Then again, you're only the fourth person I've felt attraction to at all."

"Alright. Who?"

"I don't want to say yet. We'll see if it gets more serious. For right now, the only person I want is you. And I've got you, and hopefully I will for a while."

I smiled. "You've got me."

"Randall, it's time to cut the cake," my mom called.

Li thankfully let go of my hand and mouthed, "Randall?"

I glared in reply. I moved closer to where Mom stood in the doorway. "Please don't tell me you're all gonna sing Happy Birthday."

She laughed. "Of course we will! Come on, it's a seven layer chocolate cake with caramel frosting."

Well, I may have to stand there while 200 people sing to me, but at least I get free cake.

After the humiliation ended, we devoured cake and the mandatory ice cream, Devin went to talk to Knox and their sisters, so me and Li went to the fourth story. There's a window covering the entire north window, and you could see all of the city since the restaurant is on a small hill. We grabbed each other's hands again and enjoyed the view.

Then, of course I ruined the moment. "Did your parents force you and Dev to dress alike?"

Li began to crack up. "No, it was a coincidence. It's happened before. Like, I remember that once when we were younger we both wore blue jeans and a black hoodie to our cousin's house. That was when we were the exact same height and everything, too. Even our parents couldn't tell us apart."

"Wow, maybe twin telepathy is real," I joked.

"Doubtful. If it was, Devie would be using it to cheat on tests."

"Hm, well, you can't blame him." I stopped for a minute, then exclaimed, "I mean, his hair was even styled the same way as yours! There's no way that was by chance."

"It was. He took a shower and didn't have enough time to style it like he normally does. That's it."

"Ugh. This is gonna bug me forever." Li chuckled, and I rested my head on their shoulder. "I like that you're taller than me. Have I ever told you that?"

"I don't believe so, but okay then. Is it because I can reach the top shelf?"

"Oh yeah, the way you extend those three inches I don't have to snag that glass. Really turns me on."

"Well, yeah. Because I am soooo sexy."

"Exactly." Catching me by surprise, he lifted me up. I let out a yelp. "What are you doing, you dumbass?"

"Holding you."

"Why?" Li didn't say anything for a minute, just pulled me close to him. I wrapped my arms around their neck.

Finally, he sweetly whispered, "Happy birthday, baby." I smiled and pecked their cheek. He let me down, and we gazed at the lights of the city.



Fact nine: Rich people really are like this. I'm not even kidding. They're very image-obsessed and will do anything to be the best.

See you all soon :) As always, thanks for reading!! Have a wonderful day <3

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