In The Midst of Snow

By wispylingerer

75.5K 3.9K 2.5K

Following the death of Xiao, Aether went back in time with the help of Lumine to fix things up. But in trying... More

Aether Speedruns Through the Five Stages of Depression
Today, I Give You All My Food Supplies. Tomorrow, Who Knows?
And They Were Cavemates. Oh My God They Were Cavemates.
Till We Meet Again
Talk About Good (Bad) Timing
Morax Tries His Best
When You Wish Upon Morax
Do You Wanna Build an Iceman?
Sweet Madame For Your Broken Bones
The Contract is Now Set in Stone (Literally)
Wait A Minute, Who ARE You?
Tell Me Why (Ain't Nothin' Like A Heartache)
To Tell or Not To Tell, That is The Question
Xiao Gets a Makeover
Happy(?) Birthday Xiao
Record Scratch, Freeze Frame
From Dust to Dust
It's The Final Countdown
Have You Seen My Roommate?
In The Midst of Yellowed Letters
Scaramouche, Scaramouche, Will He Do The Fandango?
One Of Us, One of Us
No Homo Or Full Homo?
Aether Rises From The Dead
...Did I Do That?
The Beninging of The End
Capitalism No More
Aether Gets A Brain Fart
Meeting His Sister
How To Doctor 101
Need A Hand?
You Got Mail!
Lumine Asserts Her Dominance
The Tsaritsa Has Entered the Chat
Cool It!
One Punch!!
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Who's The Sussy Baka Now?
I'm Gonna Do What's Called A Pro-Gamer Move
Living In Spain Without The S
A Whole New World!
For The nth Time, I'm Not Adeptus Aether
Xiao, the Fish Claymore
Xiao Protection Squad Coming In
In The Midst of Snow
Who Do You Call? Ghostbusters!
A Date In A Funeral Parlor? Sounds Nice!
Wait It Was Xiao The Entire Time? Always Has Been
Right In Front of My Salad?
The Wake of Spring

Xiao Yeets A Spear

1.6K 84 104
By wispylingerer

Without saying a word, both of them found themselves back in their room, away from the rowdy partygoers and blasting music. Even then, the dormitory was not too far from the courtyard. So even if the door was closed and the windows were shut, they could still hear the muffled sounds of laughter and cheering.

Quietly, the both of them sat down on their own beds, facing each other but not looking at each other.

For a moment, there was silence between them. Aether was trying to think really hard on how he should start off while the crease between Xiao's eyebrows became increasingly more furrowed.

"Happy b-"

"I was-"

The both of them paused, realising they spoke at the exact same moment. Then, unexpectedly, they both burst into laughter. The tense atmosphere instantly melted away to be replaced by a light one.

"S-sorry-" Aether gasped. "You can go first, Xiao."

Luckily, Xiao doesn't seem to be frowning anymore. Instead, a little amused smile graced his beautiful face.

"I was worried about you, but it seems that there was nothing much to worry about," he admitted.

"Ah," Aether said softly. "Sorry that I made you worried. Honest."

However, Xiao's eyes still spelt concern. "Is your back OK?"

"I'm fine," Aether insisted.

Closing his eyes like he was at peace once more, Xiao mumbled, "Good."

Then, sternly, he demanded, "Where did you suddenly go off to then? I know you didn't mean it but it still made me worried when you didn't come back for several hours."

"Oh, that." Aether felt his face flush. Ah, he truly felt bad for causing Xiao to feel uneasy - especially on his birthday - while he busied himself with his present. But then again, he didn't have a choice. Still, to think that Xiao would be concerned for him made him happy in the way that Xiao cared what happens to him.


"Wait, give me a second!"

Frantically, Aether grabbed his spatial bag and rummaged for the carefully tucked away almond tofu. Once he felt his fingers brush against the container, he took a deep breath. As cautiously as possible, he pulled out the box of almond tofu.

Xiao merely raised an eyebrow at the box.

"H-happy birthday, Xiao," Aether said shyly. Extending his hands, he offered the box to Xiao, who stared at him with something like incredulity. "And of coming of age too."

Wordlessly, Xiao took the box from Aether's hands. Sweet aroma instantly filled the room when the lid was opened. Xiao's face twitched, eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"You sneaked away so that you could make this?" he questioned teasingly.

"H-hey, I didn't sneak away! I clearly told you I needed to go somewhere."

Xiao laughed airily. "I really don't understand mortals."

"Excuse you." Playfully, Aether punched Xiao's shoulder. Nonetheless, a smile still made its way to his face.

The moment of truth came when Xiao took the first bite from the dish. Aether watched Xiao intensely and expectantly as Xiao closed his eyes, relishing the taste of the tofu.

"It's good," Xiao finally declared. Then slowly, he added, "It...tastes surprisingly like dreams. But better. Without the bitter memories and with all the sweetness. I...really love this."

Aether whooped, jumping onto his feet and fistpumping. "I'm not a failure of a chef after all!"

Xiao chuckled at Aether's enthusiastic display.

"It's called almond tofu!" Aether said eagerly. "It's easy to make, so whenever you want to eat any, just tell me and I'll make you some, pronto!"

Bemusedly, Xiao said, "I'll be counting on you then."

Yet just as suddenly as Aether got excited, Aether became jittery again. "O-one more thing...if you don't mind."

Another surprise? He really wondered what Aether had got up his sleeves; he had never ceased to astonish Xiao, after all. Putting the almond tofu aside, Xiao prepared himself.

"Close your eyes first!" Aether begged. Wow, that is really unlike him. However, Xiao still decided to play along and closed his eyes.

And waited.

Swiftly, he felt something on his cheek. Tender. Soft.

Xiao opened his eyes and found Aether's face inches away from his own. Startled, Xiao instinctively leaped back. On his feet, back against the wall.

"Wh-what are you doing?" he demanded, voice totally not an octave higher than normal.

Aether, for his account, looked like he was panicking at what he had just done - whatever it was.

"S-sorry! That was totally uncalled for and I shouldn't have done that."

Abruptly, he turned around and sprinted towards the balcony on his own side of the room, putting one foot on the railing.

That was when Xiao snapped out of it.

Just before Aether could run away, he grabbed onto Aether's wrist, pulling him back.

To find Aether's face bright red.

"Answer me," Xiao said as calmly as he could. Even if his heart was drumming away in his chest. "What was that?"

Aether, meanwhile, apparently found the ground very interesting. "It was...a kiss."

Xiao took a moment to ingrain that word into his head. "Another mortal culture?"

"Ahaha...I guess you can say that."

"Do it again."

Now this time it was Aether's turn to be taken aback. "Wh-what?"

"Must I repeat myself?" Xiao said with the most serious expression Aether had ever seen on him. Oh, by the Seven, he actually meant it.

As quickly as possible, Aether pecked Xiao's cheek, and-

Xiao was smiling. He looked heavenly, staring at Aether with soft, glittering molten gold eyes as the wind playfully ruffled his teal hair.

Then, out of the blue, there was whistling and clapping. Horrified, Aether looked down the balcony to see a group of gods and adepti clamouring and hooting.

"OOLALA! THE BOYS ARE GETTING IN ON IT!" came the unmistakable voice of Indarias.

Goodbye Teyvat it was nice knowing you.

Yet who knew that Xiao would not hesitate to throw his prized Primordial Jade-Winged Spear into the crowd below. With a resounding, reverberating clang, the glowing sharp spear landed in the middle of the ooglers, inducing screams from them as they scattered like headless chickens.

Sighing, Xiao turned to Aether. He seemed mildly pissed. "Archons, they're so annoying. Do you still want to party? We might run into them later."

"If-if you don't mind..." Aether said bashfully. He wasn't over Indarias calling them out all of a sudden in front of the other gods and adepti!

But if Xiao was there for him during the party, and if it meant not holding back Xiao from enjoying his birthday, of course he would join the party.

"Hm," Xiao said. "I'll have to finish your delicacy first before we go. If you're fine with waiting."

"Of course." Aether smiled.

With that, the two of them enjoyed the night together with gods and adepti. To end the night, they released fireworks into the sky. Xiao and Aether both watched the magnificent view as the fireworks burst in a shower of colourful sparks against the dark sky, the continuous loud explosions enough to drown out almost everything else around them.

Aether squeezed Xiao's hand in his own. Soft. Warm. Xiao glanced at Aether with the reflection of a dozen stars in his eyes.

Well, everything else, except for each other.

Xiao: So you gon just bring me a birthday gift on my birthday to my birthday party on my birthday with a birthday gift
Aether: Happy birthday?
Xiao: ... <3
Indarias: I got my dollar-store camera, ON

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