The Girl Who Read The Dating...

By xXForever_LoveXx

198K 10.2K 2.3K

Eighteen months ago, Candice Sinclair made one of the hardest decisions of her life and moved to England to p... More

rule one: don't act surprised when he shows up on your doorstep
rule two: keep composed, always
rule three: silence is never the answer
rule four: just say yes
rule five: don't get caught
rule six: never look back
rule seven: let loose sometimes
rule eight: it pays to be prepared
rule ten: family doesn't end with blood
rule eleven: make the right choice
rule twelve: honesty is the best policy
rule thirteen: kiss and make up
The Sinchester Story!
rule fourteen: make the hardest choices
rule fifteen: never give up
rule sixteen: we all go a little crazy sometimes
rule seventeen: count your blessings
rule eighteen: take the leap (and don't fear the fall)
rule nineteen: salvage the relationships you can
rule twenty: be silly in the name of love
rule twenty-one: tell the truth, even if it hurts like hell
rule twenty-two: don't be a heartbreaker
rule twenty-three: food, friends and fairytales
rule twenty-four: moving on means letting go
author's note

rule nine: never admit defeat

7K 389 46
By xXForever_LoveXx


Dedicated to dbookworm1895 for being the first person to back me up with the hater. Thanks to your immediate response, I never once had to feel awful over what this person was saying, because you guys proved from the word go that you had my back. Thanks for being there :)



Hold Back the River by James Bay - the beginning of the chapter with Candice and Will

I Forget Where We Were by Ben Howard - when Candi and Genevieve talk

Wherever You Go by Ron Pope - when Will comforts Candice

"Will, I love you and all, but if this thing goes sideways I'm ditching first chance I get," I called through the bedroom door as I slipped into the light purple dress I was choosing to wear at the shindig at the Winchester household.

"And I'll be right behind you," Will called back.

I checked the bobby pins in my coiffed hair to make sure they were secure, and added a pair of fancy diamond earrings. I knew upon entering the door they'd know that I was just trying to fit in; that the diamonds were fake and the only real expensive piece of jewelry I owned was my engagement ring. But I still wanted to look nice. Looks were imperative when dealing with any Winchester other than Will.

"Are you ready?" Will asked, and I could tell by now he'd be nervously fixing his cuff links and checking his watch.

"Yeah," I told him, putting on my strappy heels. "You can come in."

I stood up from the bed just as he opened the door, and smoothed the skirts of my dress. His face slacked as his eyes trailed up and down my body, and he slowly smiled. "I am the luckiest guy in the world."

I pouted and stepped forward. "Your bow's crooked."

I fixed the bowtie and rested it against the silken shirt, and he held my hands in his. He pressed a kiss to my lips, and I savored the taste, loving how beautiful he made me feel.

He pulled back and rested his forehead against mine, his fingers coasting up and down the length of my dress. "I can't wait until you're wearing that white dress and I get to call you my wife."

I smiled and gently fluttered the tip of my nose against his. "Only seven more weeks."

"It's too long. Can we just get hitched now and have a shotgun wedding in Vegas?"

I kissed him sweetly. "And give your parents another reason to hate me? No way. Did you pack the invitation?"

He rolled his eyes. "Yes. I still think sending it to them in the mail would be better, but at least we can get a better reaction gauge of whether or not the blessed Winchesters will attend."

"I don't care if they do or not," I told him. "As long as my handsome groom is standing on that altar, his parents are the least of my worries. They don't make our happiness. We do."

He pulled back and pushed back a blonde curl from my face, his red lips lifting up. "I love you, Candi."

"I love you, too, Will," I told him. "Now, I think if we don't head out now, we're going to be late. Let's go."

He nodded and took my hand, threading his fingers through mine. "No matter what happens tonight, I love you. It's you and me against the world, okay?"

I grinned. "You and me."

We've had a few tumultuous affairs at the Winchester mansion, often ending in tears and fights and heartbreak, but I think Will and I are stronger than their judgmental glares and scathing retorts by now. He'd shown time and time again that I was his first choice, and I believed him, as he'd been nothing but perfect to me, and had jumped to my defense against his parents over and over. They'd always be second to him, and I knew that. As long as I had him, their opinions played little to no role in my feelings.

Easier said than done.

He took my hand, and I bid my goodbyes to Chance, Ava and Jamie, before walking out with Will. Nervousness twisted uncomfortably in my stomach, and Will gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. "Don't worry. I won't let them get to you."

I looked up at him with a forced smile, and we rode the elevator down. Once outside, we hopped into Will's convertible-because apparently every rich heir needs an expensive Italian car, motorcycle and limousine on standby-and rode the way in mostly silence.

Soft music played on the radio, and I hummed along in an attempt to keep my mind off of his parents and the judgmental looks I knew I'd get off of them.

All too soon we were pulling up in front of the wrought-iron gates with the embellished W insignia on the front.

Will buzzed us through and drove up the cobblestoned drive, past lush lawns and wonderful trees that opened into a forest around the back. The house was a fortress of entertainment, with a pool, man cave, cinema and even its own bar room.

The mansion stood as tall and imposing as it had the first time I'd seen it; a three-story building with Greek columns, marble tiles and balconies to rival a sixteenth-century play.

Will pulled up out the front, and I slowly undid the seatbelt. Will stepped out and walked around to my side, opening the door and helping me out. I smoothed the skirts and looked up at the front, with its lion door knocker and imposing mahogany.

Will led me up the stairs and to the front door, and rapped the door knocker loudly enough that I heard it echo through the house. As his spare hand fidgeted with his bow-tie, I realized that in my nervousness I'd never realized how anxious he may be as well. The last time they'd talked, it had ended in a fight between them over me and our engagement.

The door opened far too quickly, and standing there like a goddess was his mother; with the same reddish-brown hair, green-gold eyes and red lips that curled into a smile bordering between politeness and mockery. Genevieve Winchester was a superior creature, with tailored suits and kitten heels worth more than my rent. One withering look could send you cowering, and one compliment could have you preening for a year. She just genuinely held that much influence.

"William," she said, her face sliding into an effortless grin that had probably secured a lot of business deals. She spoke to her son with nothing but love, and when her eyes dropped to me, her lips thinned and her nose scrunched slightly, making me feel about three feet tall and covered in zits. "Candice."

I inclined my head respectfully. "Mrs. Winchester."

She stepped forward and hugged her son tightly, and he shot me a look of contempt over her shoulder. "I've missed you, son."

He pulled back with a tight smile, and she gestured us into the foyer, with its hurricane vases and fresh flowers and crystal chandeliers. It was more regal than I ever could've dreamed.

"Is Lachlan here yet?" Will asked, shedding his suit jacket and handing it over to a maid; one I'd never seen before. She smiled at him and put the coat on the rack, before leading us into the parlor room.

His question was answered once we walked in. Will's father was smoking one of his cinnamon-smelling cigars, and Lachlan sat with him, sipping a Scotch out of an expensive glass.

Lochie raised his eyebrows, and his face brightened. As always, he looked handsome as ever, and grinned widely at our entrance.

Lachlan Winchester was just as handsome as his brother, with a clean-shaven jaw and short brown hair. He had his mother's green eyes, and always smelled of expensive cologne. He always wore polished shoes and expensive suits, but there was always a glitter of mischief in his eyes that said he was more than the son of two imposing business moguls.

"Brother," he greeted, walking over and throwing Will into a hug. He turned towards me and cracked an impish grin. "And sweet, sweet Candi. How are you?"

He hugged me as well, and whispered into my hair so low no one else could hear, "Maybe if we drink enough, we can make it through this blessed affair."

I pulled back with a smile, instantly more at ease with Lachlan and his humorous antics in the room.

"Can I get you a drink?" Mr. Winchester asked, gesturing towards the fully-stocked bar.

"A bourbon sounds fantastic, thank you," Will said, grabbing the decanter and pouring himself a glass.

"And champagne for you?" Mr. Winchester asked. For all of his wife's faults, he always acted civil towards me, which I was grateful for.

I nodded. "Thank you."

He handed me a flute of champagne, and I took a small sip, glancing around the room at the oil paintings and burgundy walls with high metal sconces.

"So, William, what have you been up to?" Mrs. Winchester asked over a glass of red wine, watching him.

"Actually," he said, putting down his glass and placing an arm around my waist. "Candice and I have a bit of an announcement to make."

I felt better pressed to his warm side, and tried to force a smile.

Her glass crashed to the bar with more force than necessary, and she glanced between us. "You're expecting, aren't you?"

Will frowned. "Expecting what?"

"A child," she said. "She's pregnant, isn't she? Will, I warned you something like this might happen. You're in no position right now to be-"

"Whoa, Mom, slow down," Will said, holding up a hand. "No, we're not expecting a baby."

She calmed down and breathed out, and Mr. Winchester continued sucking on his cigar and glancing between us. Lochie just looked highly amused by the whole awkward affair.

"Well, what is it?" she asked.

I pulled out my purse and handed Will the ivory envelope, and he gave it to his mother. "Candi and I have set the date for the wedding to the middle of September. We hope you'll join us."

"Good work, man," Lachlan said. "Haven't screwed it up yet, then?"

Will rolled his eyes, and his mother read the invitation slowly while Will's father read over her shoulder. Once they were done, she folded it up and gave us a smile that I could tell was forced. "Well, that's excellent news. We'll definitely check our calendars and save the date as soon as possible."

"Your son's getting married," Will reminded her. "I didn't realize one of your children's weddings required calendar-checking."

"It's not like that," she told him. "We just have a meeting in Australia around that time. We just need to make sure the dates don't coincide."

"I think you can reschedule," Will said peevishly, and I laid a calming hand on his chest.

"Will, it's okay," I told him, smiling.

"How about we eat?" Mr. Winchester said finally, and everyone agreed-if only to ease the tension.

We followed him to the dining-room, where servants served up crusted pork, shrimp cocktails and expensive salads. I kept my eyes glued to my plate as everyone conversed and passed the salt and dinner rolls. When Will talked about the business at Rive La Belle and the excellent fiscal profits we were making and how we were making connections in the community with our volunteering, I kept quiet and ate my shrimp. When Lochie told about his trip to Paris with his friends and how they'd made some connections the Winchesters could use to expand the hotel business, I nodded and smiled and ate my salad and hoped I wouldn't be the unlucky victim.

This lasted me halfway through dinner, until the inevitable fall came.

"So, Candice, you must be very busy now, planning a wedding," Genevieve said, taking a sip of wine and watching me over the rim. "It must be hard to work and plan."

"Luckily I've got some help," I told her.

"Oh, do you have a wedding organizer?" she asked, lighting up. "Because Serena Michigan is one of the best in the business, and I'm sure she'd be dying to plan the long-awaited Winchester wedding."

"Actually my friend from America has come over to help us plan."

"Oh. Is she an organizer?"

"No. Just a friend. But she has incredible taste," I said, even though it sounded feeble and awkward to my ears.

The unconventional wedding plan did nothing to impress her, and she cleared her throat. "Oh."

Will squeezed my knee under the table, but I was too busy considering whether or not to bother stabbing myself in the eye with my pure silver fork to notice.

The conversation soon turned away from me, but Lochie caught my eye across the table. When no one was looking, he raised his knife to about an inch away from his neck and pretended to slash across, and I shrugged with a 'what-can-you-do' expression. He nodded in understanding and turned away.

Dinner passed at a snail's pace, and I passed the time thinking of my impending wedding and swishing seafood salad around my plate. Finally the maids came to clean up, and Mr. Winchester offered for the boys to adjourn to the parlor for a nightcap. Genevieve used this as an opportunity to lure me into the living room for a coffee. I threw Will a helpless look as he was dragged away by Lochie, and the minute I stepped into the grand room with its first edition books and original paintings and champagne chaises, I felt the tension clogging the air.

"Have a seat," Mrs. Winchester said, gesturing for me to have a seat on the comfortable lounge. I did so and crossed my legs primly, accepting a small china cup of tea. Genevieve accepted hers and crossed her legs at the ankles, watching me over the steaming rim. "Candice, I'd like to talk to you about your wedding to Will."

I looked down at my lap and nibbled on my lip, unsure what to expect.

She sighed and put the cup down. "Candice, you seem like a lovely girl-and I know I haven't made the biggest effort to know you, but I can tell that Will feels deeply for you, and that you feel the same for him. I misjudged you. And I apologize for that."

I was floored by her confession, and it was the closest to affection I'd ever seen from her. She'd never so much as even smiled in my direction before.

"Thank you," I murmured. "It means a lot to me and Will that you accept us."

"See, that's the thing," Genevieve said, wiping her lips on a napkin. "I'm not sure marrying my William would be the best idea."

I seized up, knowing her words were too good to be true. Before I opened my mouth to speak, she held up a perfectly-manicured hand. "Just listen, Candice. I've known William for his whole life, and the one thing I've learned is that William is very good at beginning new projects... and then losing interest very quickly."

"Well, then it's a good thing I'm not a project," I told her.

"I just don't want to see you hurt, Candice. I know what you feel for my son is real, but he's had many flings in his life, and they've seldom ended well."

"All due respect, Mrs. Winchester, but I'm not just a fling. And the fact we're planning our wedding serves to prove that."

"Just think of your future, hmm?" she said coolly. She was like a robot-never showing emotions. "Because when William gets bored of you-and I promise you, Candice, he will-it's you who is going to wind up hurt."

I stood up and put my cup on the table. "This was just a new tactic, wasn't it? Scaring me off didn't work the first time, so you're trying a nicer approach? Well, it's not like that between us. We love each other, and we're going to get married. And your opinion isn't going to change that. I wish you could be happy for us."

"And I wish you could realize you're never going to be what William needs," she snapped, rising to the challenge. "You're just a new phase in his life. You'll never have the money, grace or stature that he needs in his life, and the minute he realizes that, you'll be hit with an annulment so fast your pretty little head will spin."

"I don't need to listen to this," I told her, walking for the door without a glance back. I stopped at the door and turned around, appraising the vicious woman. "If you weren't so blinded by money and delusions of grandeur, you might actually be able to stop for a minute and realize that for the first time in your son's life, he is finally happy. And I wish that was enough for you."

I turned around and stormed out, fleeing the scene as quickly as my stupid silver heels would allow me. I walked out into the cool air and around to the side garden, leaning against the side of the house and breathing in deeply. Tears pricked my eyes and I bent over, trying to collect my thoughts.

"Candice?" Will yelled behind me, and I heard the door crash open as he emerged into the night.

I pressed my lips together, knowing if I spoke my voice would surely crack. I heard him descend the stairs and could feel him looking around, noting the car still parked in the driveway.

"Candice!" he called. "Where are you?"

I let out a sob at the sound of his voice, and he followed the sound until he found me leaning against the side of the house. "Hey," he whispered, spinning me until I was facing him. He placed his hands on my shoulders and stared into my eyes. "Candice, I'm so sorry. I didn't know..."

"What the hell are we doing here, Will?" I asked, pushing away from him and walking around him. I looked into the night sky and squeezed my eyes shut.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Your mother's right," I told him, feebly wiping my eyes. "You and I are from two completely different worlds. And what's going to happen when you realize you could have someone prettier and richer and nicer and better for your image? I'm never going to be rich, Will. I'm not the kind of girl you can take to events."

"I don't want that girl," he told me, cupping my face and brushing my tears away with his thumb. "I don't want a girl with a big bank account or rich dresses or perfect smiles. I don't want the kind of girl my parents would love. I want you, Candi. And only you. I love you, and not some cover girl."

"Are we gonna make it?" I whispered.

He leaned his forehead against mine and shut his eyes. "I have felt this way about you for almost two years now, Candice. And I am certain I will feel the same way for you in two-hundred. If you want, we can sign a prenuptial. But there is not a doubt in my mind that I'm going to spend the rest of my life with you. Regardless of what my parents say. And there is no one on this earth I'd rather spend the rest of my life with than the girl in front of me."

I smiled. "Thank you. I'm sorry, I just..."

He nodded. "I get it, Candi. They're very convincing when they try. But they don't know what we feel for each other. They have all the money in the world, but they'll never be as lucky as us."

He leaned forward and kissed me, and I felt my worries slowly evaporating with each touch. I eagerly reached for him, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him closer. His head tilted, and I felt myself relaxing into his arms.

"Whoa, there!" someone called, and we sprung apart to see Lochie standing there, hands in his pockets as he raised his eyebrows. "I came out to make sure you two were okay, but it seems you're more than fine."

"Actually, we were just leaving," Will told him, grabbing my hand. "Tell Mother we'd love to stay for dessert, but we'd much rather saw off our arms with meat cleavers. Sorry we couldn't make it."

Lochie grinned. "That would be my pleasure. I'll see you the day of the wedding, then." He winked at me. "And I'll see you at the altar, gorgeous."

He turned around and loped off effortlessly, and Will and I made our way down the drive way and towards the car, holding hands and looking up at the stars.

~ * ~

Hope you enjoyed! Did the chapter go the way you thought it would?

Special thanks to @-Sugar-Kitten- a fellow Australian who educated me on the wonders of Netflix! Your dedication will be coming in one of the next two chapters :)

Thanks as always for reading, and if you wanna hear more from me or find me elsewhere:

Spotify: xxforever_lovexx <--- this is for cool new music and my writing playlist titled 'J'adore'. I add music that I like constantly, so educate your ears if you're interested. You can also find the soundtracks from my chapters on there, and it's free! Come join me :)

Goodreads: xXForever_LoveXx <---- book reviews and general literary gaga

Pinterest: xXForeverLoveXx <----- It has writing tips and prompts, a humour board containing my favourite funny things, and you can find me there fangirling and obsessing over my favourite shows and music.

I could make this Author's Note longer and talk about why in a week's time my writing schedule will get whacked-out, but I'll save your eyes and wait until the next chapter.

Updating Tuesday!

Until then, stay lovely.

Much love. xx

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