rule nineteen: salvage the relationships you can

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                Angels by The xx – Will and Candi


                Never Say Never by The Fray – the conversation between Candi and Ave



        Walking into Room 215 was one of the hardest things I'd ever done. Every footstep felt like another jolt of uncertainty. I was aware of the fact we were walking into the emergency sector of intensive care, where they put the patients with serious injuries, and that frightened me. What had started out as a harmless night of fun had ended in such tragedy for everybody.

                  I had no idea what I was walking into, and felt blind. Would I even recognize him in the hospital bed? Would he be coherent? Would he know who I was?

                  I tightened my grip around the overnight bag, and the nurse smiled at me. "It's okay."

                  I nodded and took a breath, stopping outside of the white door. The nurse gave me one last comforting smile and turned away, walking back to the station. My fingers reached up and gripped the cold metal doorknob, and it swung open slowly under my touch.

                  The door creaked open with an agonizing speed, and the first thing I saw was Will.

                  His dark hair was messed, and he looked small and childlike in the bed, swaddled in a large hospital gown. He had a thick bandage tied around his forehead, and bruising around his eyes and nose, as well as a small cut just above his eyebrow and one on his cheekbone. I reached out and gripped the doorframe as he turned to look at me, blue eyes peeking out between bandage and bruise.

                  His swollen red lips cracked into a small smile, and he whispered, "Candi."

                  I let out a hiccup, and the bag fell beside my feet, completely forgotten.

                  "Will," I cried, feeling my eyes well with tears as I raced to him. I threw my arms around his shoulders and buried my face in his neck, thankful to have him there and warm and alive.

                  He reached out and stroked my hair with his fingers. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I was such a jerk to you. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

                  I leaned back and sniffed, brushing away a stray tear. "Don't you dare apologize, William Winchester. I am so sorry for what happened. I shouldn't have argued with you. You shouldn't be here."

                  "Hey, don't cry on me," he whispered, pulling me into a hug. "And you were right to argue with me. I was being an ass, and you called me on it. I'm sorry it took this to make me realize how much I love you."

The Girl Who Read The Dating ManualNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ