author's note

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I'd like to thank everybody reading this. This is by far my favourite ending of any book I've written ever, and I owe everybody reading this right now for making this story a possibility. Without the readers, the voters and the serial commenters (who never fail to spice up the book and make me laugh or smile), I never would have had the passion to finish this book.

I hope you all can experience a passionate first love one day, and I hope that one day you'll all find yourself as happy as Candice. Maybe one day you can write your own tale of true love for your kids to read.

Thank you to everyone who was inspired me, kept me writing, and been the sweet and kind readers you are. I couldn't wish for a better fanbase, and you guys make every chapter worth writing.

Thank you for everything you've done for me, and I hope you enjoyed Candice's story of navigating the ins and outs of first loves.

Love forever, and forever love,

Laney xx

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