X-23 x Male son of Sabertooth...

By Monksanto

54.6K 1.5K 382

Y/n Aigner, the son of Victor Creed A.K.A Sabertooth has been on a mission of vengeance ever since his mother... More

New information
Time in Japan
The true killer
First mission
Horror movie
First date
Date gone wrong
Carnival (lemon)
Morning after

The encounter

5.6K 122 24
By Monksanto

Third-person P.O.V~

In the streets of new york, a little girl walking with a wolverine on a leash walked through central park. The girl spoke as the wolverine sped about, sniffing everything it could.

???:" Johnathan, stop tugging."

The wolverine didn't hear the woman's words as it kept moving, dragging her along. Then a group of men came up to the little girl as one of them spoke.

Mysterious man #1:" Hey, kid."

The little girl looked up with her bluish-green eyes as she spoke.

???:" Yes, can I help you?"

Mysterious man #1:" You are hanging out by the institute for the muties. You wouldn't happen to be one of them, would you."

The girl gulped as she spoke.

???:" Um yeah. why?"

The group of men giggled as they brought out weapons and were about to attack, but a voice then spoke.

Mysterious man #3:" Oi jackass."

The group of men turned around before they were all punched in the face and fell to the ground, knocked out as the man spoke while looking at the girl.

Mysterious man #3:" You okay, kid?"

The girl nodded as he spoke, studying her face as he spoke.

Mysterious man #3:" Hey, sorry to ask, but you wouldn't happen to be related to a Laura Kinney, would you?"

???:" Um, yes I am; why?"

Mysterious man #3:" Oh, I'm looking for her and need to pay her back for something she did."

???:" Oh well, she's kind of my sister."

Mysterious man #3:" Sorry if this sounds weird, but could you take me to her?"

???:" Sure, Mr... uh."

Y/n:" Y/n, Y/n Aigner."

The little girl spoke with a smile as she picked up Johnathan, the wolverine, and looked into Y/n's eyes as she spoke.

Gabby:" I'm Gabby, Gabby Kinney."

Y/n shook her hand while speaking.

Y/n:" Nice to meet ya, kid."

Gabby took Y/n to the Xavier institute as the duo entered the large mansion. Gabby looked around for a second before she heard a voice call out.

Laura:" Gabby."

Y/n and Gabby turned their heads to see a woman who looked almost like a grown-up version of Gabby except with no scars and in a gray hoodie and jeans as she spoke.

Laura:" You're finally back I was starting to get worried."

Laura then looked over to Y/n and spoke.

Laura:" Gabby, who's this?"

Gabby:" Laura, this is Y/n; he said he needs to talk to you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go get some food."

Gabby left Y/n and Laura alone as they looked at each other in complete silence for a second

before Laura spoke, breaking the silence.

Laura:" Ya like Jazz?"

Laura's eyes widened slightly, struggling to speak. Laura's neck was quickly slashed as she was sent flying back. Laura looked down at her neck to see four slash marks as she looked back at Y/n to see three-and-a-half-inch metal claws protruding from his fingernails.

Laura:" What the shit!!"

Y/n rushed towards Laura, letting out an animalistic roar as he slashed at Laura. Y/n punched at Laura but he caught his fist as she spoke out.

Laura:" What the hell are you doing this for? We just fucking met!"

Y/n:" This is payback!"

Y/n then kicked Laura back and slashed her cheek, making her bleed as he spoke.

Y/n:" For what you did to me!!!"

Laura:" Wait, I don't know what you're-"

Y/n punched Laura in the face making her go flying as two adamantium claws erupted from Laura's knuckles, and she stabbed them into the ground to make her stay on the ground.

Laura:" But wait, listen to me! I don't even know-"

Y/n then grabbed Laura by her lower arm and tossed her into a wall as he charged forward again. Laura growled as she lept into the air screaming out.

Laura:" Fine. If you won't listen! I'll make you listen!!!"

Y/n and Laura began to attack each other in their fight rapidly. Laura slashed at Y/n, but he quickly blocked with his claws. Sparks would fly every time their metal claws struck one another. Laura then unsheathed the claws in her feet, ripping through her boots when she roundhouse kicked Y/n in the face, her blade cutting him. Y/n stumbled back and gazed at Laura bearing his teeth, revealing his hand fangs as the cut on his face closed up and healed. Laura growled as she looked at her injuries to see that her sounds hadn't healed yet. Y/n spoke as he crossed his arms with a smirk.

Y/n:" I'm sure you're wondering why your wounds haven't healed yet."

Laura spoke with some anger in her voice.

Laura:" Yeah, I am."

Y/n:" Well, X-23, my claws are partly made of a metal called carbonadium, which slows down your healing factor."

Laura:" But that means..."

Y/n:" Yeah, your healing factor can't save you now."

Y/n held out his clawed hand as he spoke.

Y/n:" So why don't you just do us both a favor and come with me and save yourself a world of pain."

Laura said nothing as she got into a fighting stance, making Y/n shrug as he spoke.

Y/n:" If that's what you want."

Y/n rushed at Laura as she bolted towards him and they met punched each other in the face. Laura then kneed Y/n in the stomach before the slashed at his chest, making blood fly out. Y/n grabbed Laura's arm as his wounds healed and picked her up before hurling her into the wall as he rushed over the wall and let into the air, claws burst through his boot like the ones connected to his fingernails except in his toes and two and a half inches. Y/n kicked Laura his feet, claws stabbing her before pulling them out and landing on his feet. Y/n grabbed Laura's head and began to run, dragging Laura with him. Laura let out a scream of pain as her face was being scrapped off by Y/n running speed. Laura using her foot claw stabbed into Y/n's eyes before savagely ripping out Y/n's eye, making him scream out in pain. Y/n dropped Laura as stumbled back, growling in anger as he shouted out.

Y/n:" Agh!!! You fucking whore!!"

Laura pulled the eyeball off her claw and dropped it, making Y/n growl as he looked at her with one eye, blood dripping out of his other eye socket. Y/n growled as his eye regenerated, and he charged forward at Laura. Laura and Y/n began to fight with every hit. There was a gush of blood as Y/n Laura began to rip each other to shreds. Laura then sweep-kicked Y/n, knocking him off his feet. As Laura got up Y/n, the sweep-kicked her in relation, but since his claws were out, he cut off Laura's lower leg making her fall to the ground as blood sprayed out from her stump of a leg. Y/n grinned as he stood over Laura and spoke.

Y/n:" Looks like I win X-23."

Y/n readied his claws as he spoke.

Y/n:" Thankfully, unlike Logan, you don't have that damned adamantium skeleton, so I can get right to your brain, killing you. And since I'm going to destroy your brain, you can't come back, any last words?"

Laura was about to speak before Y/n let out a gasp as two claws similar to Laura's adamantium, ones except farther apart, stabbed through him, protruding out his stomach.

Gabby:" Don't mess with Laura!"

Jonathan the wolverine the bit down on Y/n's leg, making blood begin to drip onto the floor. Y/n kicked Johnathan off him, and he managed to pull Gabbys claws out of him before lifting her by the neck and speaking.

Y/n:" Listen, kid, I don't have any beef with you to stay out of its way to avoid getting hurt."

Y/n quickly knocked Gabby out with a chop to the neck before doing the same to Johnathan. Y/n was about to go back to Laura before someone shouted out.

???:" Laura, cover your eyes!"

Laura closed her eyes as Y/n turned around, only to be met with a bright flash of light temporarily blinding him.

Y/n:" Aghhh, god damn it, I just got my eye back!"

A woman in a trench coat and wearing a pair of shades ran past Y/n and picked up Laura in her arms as Laura spoke.

Laura:" Thanks Jubilee but could you grab my leg."

Jubilee:" No problem."

Jubilee grabbed the limb as Y/n shouted, now being able to see again.

Y/n:" There you are, you bitch! "

Y/n charged towards Jubilee as she shouted out.

Jubilee:" Now, Scott!"

A beam of red energy hit Y/n, blasting him back as he hit the wall. Y/n growled as he looked to see a man with brown hair and crimson sunglasses pulled down. Y/n began to march forward as the energy beam hit him before it burst through him, making blood splatter out as the beam went through his chest. After making a few steps, Y/n fell to the ground with a gaping hole in his chest.

*One-hour timeskip*

Y/n P.O.V~

I groaned as I woke up and looked around, seeing that I was in some kind of containment cell of sorts. I groaned slightly, losing my footing as I got up.

Gabby:" Why are you after Laura?"

Y/n:" Well, kid, let me out, and I'll tell you."

Gabby narrowed her eyes as she spoke.

Gabby:" You didn't answer my question; why are you after Laura?"

Y/n:" Well, I told you I'm repaying her for something she did to me?"

Gabby:" What did she do?"

Y/n:" Let's just say she took someone close away from me."

Gabby:" Well, look, Laura isn't like that anymore."

Y/n:" I don't doubt it, but I can't forgive her."

Gabby:" I can understand that but can't you just leave us alone?"

I looked down and smiled as I spoke.

Y/n:" Well, how about you and I make a deal. You let me out, and I'll leave you be?"

Gabby looked up at me as she spoke.

Gabby:" Really?"

Y/n:" Yeah, just let me out."

Gabby opened the door as I stepped out. I then quickly knocked out Gabby with a neck chop as she fell over. I then began to run through the complex; I sniffed the air a couple of times, finally catching Laura's sent again as I began to follow it, dropping down onto all fours as I ran as fast as I could. I kicked open as door seeing Laura again as I shouted out.

Y/n:" Hey bitch!"

Laura turned her head and looked at me, growling as she unsheathed her claws. Laura and I charged at each other. I lept at Laura before getting a slash on her face. Laura then grabbed my leg and tossed me into a wall, making it crack. Laura charged at me her stabbing at my head as her two claws stabbed into my forehead before stopping; the tink of metal hitting metal was heard as Laura gasped.

Laura:" What!?"

I grinned as I gripped Laura's wrist as I pulled her claws out of my head, and spoke.

Y/n:" Forchiantly for me and unfortunately for you, I have a metal skeleton, just like your dear old dad."

I then grabbed Laura by the wrist and smashed her into the wall. I was about to stab her in the stomach, but Laura grabbed my wrist and grabbed my upper arm before she pulled with all her strength; I let out a scream of pain as she ripped off my right hand, and she threw it across the room. Laura kicked me back as I landed on my back and struggled to get up as she spoke.

Laura:" Give up Y/n."

I looked into Laura's green eyes as I spoke.

Y/n:" No!"

I focused on my stub of a right hand as a skeletal metal hand shot out of the stub; the metal bones were quickly covered with flesh before skin covered the flesh. Laura's eyes widened as my claws burst out of my fingers as I charged at Laura. Laura and I began to rapidly slash at one another faster than the eye could see. Laura slashed my face with one of her feet claws as I then lept into the air spin kicking her as my feet claws burst through my boot again and cut Laura's cheek. Laura tried to slash at me again, but I caught her wrist, and I sent Laura flying back with one final slash of my claws, landing on her feet. I grinned a twisted smile as I looked at the woman in front of me, her green eyes gazing into mine. Luara spoke with anger and confusion in her voice while blood dripped from the cuts I gave her down her cheek and blood seeping through her gray hoodie.

Laura:" Why are you doing this! What have I done to you!?"

I grew angry as the bitch didn't even remember the grave sin she had committed against me.

Y/n:" What did you do? What did you do! How can you not remember what you did."

I growled before I screamed out fury in my voice.

Y/n:" You cunt, you killed my mother!"

I charged forward at the woman and began to slash at Laura with my claws, but Laura began to dodge every one of my attacks because, for one time in her life, her healing factor couldn't save this time. Laura's claws impacted mine, making sparks fly. Laura began to rapidly me I blocked her every time I could. Suddenly Laura roundhouse kicked me while also bringing out the claws in her feet, cutting me across the face; I then grabbed Laura's leg and swung her around with all of my might before hurling her into a wall of the mansion. I charged forward and punched her in the stomach, making blood spew out of her mouth. I grabbed Laura by the neck, squeezing it as hard as I could in an attempt to choke her as I spoke, raising my claws to her neck.

Y/n:" So in return for killing my mother, I'm going to kill you. Just like you did my mother."

I was about to stab Laura in the neck, but suddenly something hit my back as it exploded, making me drop Laura as I fell to my knees, my back smoking. Laura looked at the man as she spoke.

Laura:" Remy?"

The man smiled as he spoke.

Remy:" Good to see ya, petite. Now get on up; Logan is on his way."

I got up as I looked at the two and spoke.

Y/n:" So Logan is on his way. Damn, what a shame."

I pulled out a smoke grenade as I spoke.

Y/n:" I'm afraid I'm not yet strong enough to beat both you and Logan at once."

I dropped the smoke grenade as it realized smoke and gasses to cover up my escape as I let out the window running as fast as I could to retreat, but I would return; X-23 needs to die.

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