Classroom of the Elite: Unexp...

By KingpinRisette

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Soooooooooo after reading so many COTE fanfics, I got inspired to create my first one so I am very sorry if i... More

A true Devil
Bitter Betrayal
Weaknesses & Strengths
Surprising Summer
Mysterious Coincidence
Faithful Discovery
Sacrificing One's self
Broken Chains
Demonic Angels
Villainous Faces
I made a new book!
Y2V4.5 illustration leaks
Dealing with the Defectives
Shining Darkness
A lesson called Agony
Torture Time...
Taking out the trash
Fixing Witnesses
Gambling Life and Death
From Bad to Worst

Striking Mayhem

972 42 27
By KingpinRisette

??? POV

In every classroom...there are students...

And those students...have secrets...

Secrets that are so valuable to find out and take every advantage, no matter how it harms that particular person. A secret is a secret.

I want it. Everything that are meant to be hidden. Oh my god, I want all every single scoop.  Especially THEM.

Those juicy, sexy, secrets Ayanokouji is hiding, along with his three henchwomen, I want it so bad...

Speaking of his henchwomen, they're so fucking hot. Those plumpy breasts, thick thighs, glossy lips, giving everyone their gyaru nature...oh my god, they make me so rock hard! Once I've found out about their dear secrets, I cannot wait any longer! I want to taste their sweet delectable pussies!

"Hey boss, you called for me?"

"I'm so glad you could make it." I smiled at her beautiful face. Maybe I should treat myself a for a little while. But first, I have to address something first.

"D-Do you need something?" She nervously asked.

"Ofcourse I do, dimwit. What in the world happen to Amikura?!"

"She's dead? That's what you wanted us to do, isn't it?"

"News flash, she's not. She survived."

"What?! I swore I saw her hung herself!"

"Yes but you didn't kept watch on her room. Look what happened, she got saved and now she's alive and kickin'. Perhaps I need to do something about your little fuck up."

I signal her to come towards me.

"I-I didn't mean to! Maybe there's some other--"

"Shush. Come here and get on your knees." I demanded.

"No! Not again! You told me that was just one time!"

"Ohh but this is different. This is your punishment for your fuck up so either come here or I'll have one of my men do it for me."

"You're sick!"

"I'm not sick, I'm just horny. So what's it going to be?"

A few moments later, she walk towards me and get on her knees.

"Good girl."

One day. One of those girls will be mine. Now that I think about it, it's time for the big party to begin. I already got a call from the professor and the acting director, and it seems I got the permission on whenever I should start.

I'm getting excited just thinking about it. Now whose girl I should start first?....

Maybe I'll start with... Satsuki Shinohara.

Ayanokouji POV

It's been three days since that tragic night had happened. So many things that everything from bad to worst. It still leaves the question on why does my old man have to take such malevolent measured just to make me go back to the white room to the point where murdering innocent students and hiring some just to have me expelled? If this goes on, this entire school would be in ruins that the government have to get involved.

If that man wants to destroy my normal life, I'll make sure that if I ever see him in person, he won't see the light again. He wanted a masterpiece, then eventually, his masterpiece will rip him to shreds until he could no longer breathe.

This has gotten beyond far. All I wanted was a peaceful life and experience what this school would give to me but instead, everything here has turned into a complete massacre and it all started back at the ship where I started to "rehabilitate" Satsuki.

Speaking of Satsuki, that girl change for the past few months. Well it's mostly because of myself but thanks to that, she went from being a useless pathetic defect to a strong and obedient ally. I could basically say that she'll agree with whatever I told her to do with no absolute hesitation.

I created a wonderful right-hand man but it leads me to wonder on what if... my original plan was a success and Karuizawa became my pawn instead of Satsuki. Would it lead to a different situation or the same result as to what's happening now?

"Hmm... so many outcomes..."

I'm so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize I'm still in the classroom like everything just went back to normal. Well, except for Ike and Miyamoto being absent for... malevolent reasons.

I also can't help the fact that my neighbor keeps switching her sight between me and our homeroom teacher. Well, it's not just her, almost everyone here is looking at me, specifically my injured hands.

I don't need this kind of unnecessary attention right now.

"If you substitute the problem of x and y, it will result to--"

*Knock *Knock

There was a sudden knock on the left side of the door which grabs everyone's attention. I took a sigh of relief, relieved that everyone stops looking at me.

The door opens, revealing the homeroom teacher of Class B, Hoshinomiya-sensei with a suprising appearance. She looks really pale and has a severe worried expression in which also suprise our own sensei.

"Sae-chan, sorry if I disrupted your class but may I borrow you for now? We have a sudden meeting along with the other teachers as well." She gave an obvious fake smile.

Everyone was muttering, mainly talking about Hoshinomiya-sensei's appearance. The problem here is that Horikita and Chabashira-sensei kept taking glances at me like I'm the main involvement in this. Well, I guess I am but there's no need to look at me so suspiciously.

"I see." She then looks at the whole class.

"I'll be going out for the meantime. Try to behave yourselves while I'm gone." She took one last glance at me before leaving.

Everyone was silent for twenty seconds, assuming they're waiting for the two teachers to be out of range.

"I can't be the only one who noticed how terrible Hoshinomiya-sensei is earlier." Kushida broke the silence.

"Yeah, I wonder what happened to her?" Inogashira asked.

"This is just a rumor but I heard that some of her students just stop going to class like they just suddenly disappeared or something." Onodera replied.

As they continue to discuss about the rumor, I can see Maya and Chiaki trying to resist the urge to lash out at them while Satsuki is currently taking a nap. The rumors are true after all as I currently have a recovering Amikura in my room along with another student that I made Kiryuuin-senpai bring so Chiaki could drag her inside.

"Ayanokouji-kun." Oh great. The devil has spoken.

"Do you need something?" I lazily respond.

"I just... we haven't had any contact ever since your injury and over the past few days, everything here in this school has gotten out of control for some reason. It has become weirdly bizzare ever since Karuizawa-san committed suicide."

I can't blame her to be feeling this way. Everyone here besides the traitors was a first for witnessing such a traumatizing sight.

"And then there's Ike and Miyamoto accusing you, numerous missing students... honestly, I don't know what's going on anymore." Her voice began to tremble a bit.

I better pick my words carefully here or she'll start to suspect me even more in which I do not need to happen.

"What do you think needs to happen in order to resolve this issue?" I asked.

"A temporary suspension of classes, maybe? I don't know how would that work but I just want all of this to go over. The amount of stress I've had just thinking about this only makes it worst." She answered.

"How are your hands, if you don't mind me asking?" I do mind but it doesn't matter for now.

"I can still move them and make it function normally. It wasn't anything major."

"Being philosophical was unnecessary but I'll let it slide... for now." She started glaring at me.

"Anyway, I think you keep your guard up and be cautious from now on, Ayanokouji-kun. You don't want that kind of incident to happen again, now don't we?"

"Yeah. As long you do your part of the bargain." I check the time and it seems we only have twenty minutes before it's dismissal time and it seems that the staff meeting might take longer so I took this opportunity to give a short text message to Maya and Chiaki.

"Head to my room as soon as possible. There's a possibility there can be a wide search-up for the two girls."

"Got it."

"How about Satsuki?"

"I'll wake her up. Don't wait up on us."

After that, I try to get some rest and take a short nap while ignoring the massive chatter everyone is doing right now.

'When can I get my own time-off from all this?...' I thought as I feel my eyelids getting heavy and close them.


As the sound of the bell ringing pass through my ears from right to left, I got up from my rest. Well, it wasn't enough but I needed it for today.

"You slept well, I presume?" Why is she still here?

"It's more suprising for you to be worried about my well-being. Did you eat something weird for breakfast this morning?"

I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my shoulder.

"Ow." The compass has made its return, I see.

"Just look after yourself. Who knows, there might be another maniac just awaiting to stab you again." And with that, she grab her bag and leave the classroom. Thankfully.

I see Maya and Chiaki taking glances at me and Satsuki before leaving as well. I sure hope they wouldn't just walk in to my room without being cautious of their surroundings.

Now that I look around, there's still a few students left in here. It consist of me, Satsuki, Hasebe, Sakura, Inogashira, Okitani, Hirata, Miyake, Yukimura, and Yamauchi.

Hirata and Yukimura only check around their belongings before leaving shortly.

I don't need to be worried about Inogashira, Okitani, and Yamauchi but are they perhaps waiting for something or someone? I don't know if I should stay behind and wait or just be on my way.

Sakura I can understand as she's always the last one to leave but after the time I "silenced" her, her routine began to change.

Miyake and Hasebe are still sitting on their chairs, completely silent. Great, don't tell me they got blackmailed as well and they've been force to do some dirty tasks just like Sakura.

Satsuki just woke up and as she rubs her eyes, she looks around and immediately grabs her phone, pretending to be casual and began to text someone.

I felt my phone vibrate and got the text.

"Should we leave or wait?"

"I'll be leaving first. Wait for 30 seconds then leave without looking back. I'll be waiting by the lockers."

"Got it."

I put my phone back and grab my bag. As I'm about to leave however...

"Hey uhh, Ayanokouji?"

Miyake suddenly calls out my name, catching the attention of everyone.

The atmosphere suddenly got tense.

"Hm?" I turn around to face him. There's a nervous expression on his face.

"I was wondering if you remember our homework from earlier?" He asked.

We don't have homework from earlier.

"Maybe Horikita or Hirata knows. You should go ask them." I replied.

"Ahh, I see. Sorry for taking your time."

"It's fine." I walk out the classroom immediately, ignoring the looks I'm getting from everyone.

I can only assume they got Miyake as well. This is getting ridiculous. How many students do they have to blackmail just to put me down?

As I continue to go down the building, there are students from both second and third years, looking at me suspiciously.

My phone suddenly vibrated and got another message from Satsuki.

"Some senpais went inside for some reason. I can feel their eyes staring daggers at my own soul. Same goes for the others."

"Leave immediately and follow me quick. There's no telling on what'll they do to you."

Fifty seconds later, I can hear the sound of running behind me. I make sure not a single student are surrounding us. Once it's safe, I begin to slow down.

"Kiyo, it's me." Satsuki whispered.

"What took you so long?" I asked.

"The senpais began talking to Okitani and Inogashira so I stick around for a bit longer just so maybe I could hear atleast a bit on what they're talking about. Reckless, I know but I left immediately once they began to notice that I'm still there." She explained.

"You seem to be having a good sleep earlier. I'm surprised you could sleep through all that ruckus after Chabashira-sensei left." I change the topic as I noticed someone's hand from my right side. Satsuki also notices as well but from her left side.

"I had a weird fucking dream actually. There was this guy who transported me at a different universe with you guys in it and made us react to some random shenanigans. I swear to you that some of the ones we watched were fucking mental."

"What do you mean?" This piqued my interest, but only a little bit.

"Like for example, we reacted at an exam in where you, Miyake, Hirata, and Yukimura have a 14-hour labor pain simulation and guess what? It was an exam! A goddamn special exam!"

"There's no need to shout."

"I'm sorry but there are so many things I want to tell you later on and I promise you, it only gets crazier." Satsuki calms down a bit before getting closer to me.

"Kiyo..." She whispered again.

"What is it?"

"I don't know why but I have this feeling that something big is going to happen soon."

I wonder about that. Maybe it seems to be obvious as there would be no difference considering even more students are now following us, not hiding from the shadows.


"I know. Contact Either Maya or Chiaki immediately. We need to hurry."

As we finally get outside, Satsuki finally gets a hold of either one of the girls.

"Chiaki, major emergen--Chiaki?! Hey, can you hear me?! hat's going on--oh no. You might want to hear this, Kiyo..." Satsuki gave me her phone. She's severely shaking.

"Hello? What's going on there, Chiaki?"

"We're sorry, but Chiaki Matsushita and Maya Satou aren't currently available right now."

That voice...


"Hello, Kiyotaka. Don't worry, both of your girls are still alive along with your other two guests... for now..."

"You seem desperate enough to bring me back. Now tell me who is the biggest monster from the two of us?"

"When I say I'm going to make you go back, I will. Even if I need to use some OTHER measures. Remember that you are my property. My masterpiece."

"This would only decrease your chance of bringing me back. One more step and you will die by your own son's hands."

"Is that so? This school has surely change you for the worst. Having useless pesky shitheads on what you call your allies or a much better term, your pawns."

"Lay a finger and I'll break yours one by one."

"How about we play a little game?"

"I have no time for your childish antics."

"The title of this game is called choices. Basically, you have to decide on who gets to see the light of day while the other one gets to see red roses around them. Do you understand what I'm getting at, masterpiece?"

I already don't like where this is going. This man has gotten beyond far.

"Kiyo... behind us..." I turn around and see a frightened Satsuki and a crowd of students from every year, some of them are holding blunt weapons. So these are the whole group of traitors.

"So Kiyotaka, either you give up return back to the white room or stay as the rebellious brat that you are and play my game. It doesn't even matter anymore ss I already know you're going to pick the second option."

"Kiyo, what are we going to do? What's the plan?" Satsuki nervously asked.

This is completely out of hand. The whole school is in his control now. Now I have to deal with this bastard's game while also dealing with the traitors in front of us.

"Who's it going to be, Kiyotaka?"

"Maya Satou or Chiaki Matsushita?"

I miss this book. Now it's back and better than ever. I hope. Now it's back to my mini research. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the cliffhanger, thanks for reading!

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