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Shinohara POV

Pain. I feel nothing but pain throughout my whole body. This hurts so much I just want to take a gun to end everything right here, right now. I don't want to live in this cruel world anymore. Just let me die alone now so I can get rid of this unbearable pain... is what I would've said if this was my first time to  experience this. No matter how many punches, slaps, and kicks they've given me, it'll always feel the same. I've gotten used to every beating I've received from my shitty father so Onodera and her new "friends" just gave me the usual. They probably expected me to cry and beg for forgiveness but I ain't that easy to pull off. Gotta give them credit for trying though.

As I lay there all bruised up with drops of blood coming out of my mouth, I started to rethink my life choices. I wonder if this is going to be my life from now on until I graduate. I've only been at this school for half a month and my life already turned upside down.

I got framed, betrayed, and get beat up all because of one thing, trusting the wrong person. Onodera is out of the list I guess. Who's gonna be next I wonder?




Are they gonna do the same thing to me one day? Am I gonna get betrayed again? Have I trusted the wrong person? I don't know if I could even trust myself anymore. What the hell is happening to me? Why do I feel scared all of a sudden? Is this even me? Am I going to be alone? What's gonna become of me?

"U-uurgghh!" Damn, they really hit me hard. My arms and legs are so swollen I can't even sit down properly. I'm gonna be here for a while am I? Well, there's no use crying over spilled milk. I guess I could just take a short rest here until I can move a little. I hope no one sees me here.

"This is my life now I guess." I said as I slowly close my eyes and fall asleep.


Great. Just fucking great. My luck couldn't get any worse huh?

"Hey, wake up." Huh, that voice sounded familiar.

I opened my eyes and see a familiar male figure standing infront of me. Oh, it's him. Out of all people who would've found me here, it has to be this creep.

"What happened to you?" He asked in his usual gloomy voice.

"Huh? What are you doing here?"

"Answer my question first." He demanded.
This guy is acting tough now huh? Two can play that game.

"Nothing. Why do you care anyway?"

"You look like hell." Thanks for stating the obvious.

"No shit sherlock. You're starting to piss me off you know? What are you even doing here anyway?!" I shouted. I'd rather get seen by Ike than this piece of shit. Making me mad already instead of helping me.

"Atleast tell me what happened."

"I got my ass whooped by some girls from another class! You fucking happy?! If you ever tell anyone about this, I'll make sure you regret it. Understand?" Maybe that'll get through his head for once.

"I see. So Onodera decided to frame you and Manabe and your friends beat you up. Isn't that right?"

My eyes widened the moment he said those names. How the hell does he know? Did he set this all up for me? I felt shivers down my spine as imagining he's the one behind all this.

"Ho-how did you--mffmmfffmm!" Before I could even finish my sentence, he covered my mouth.

"Thanks to you, you ruined my plan." He said coldly. He looked at me directly straight into my eyes maybe through my soul as I saw his eyes completely changed. It was nothing like I've ever seen before. What the fuck am I looking at?!

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