Fixing Witnesses

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Shinohara POV

This has completely send jolts inside me. There has to be an explanation for this. I mean, he wouldn't just pick out random students for us to take care of, right?Especially someone from Class B. I heard about their class works on trusting everyone thanks to their leader, Honami Ichinose. I'm not close with both of them but it's a bit surprising that some of them don't agree with their class representative's terms.

I guess it's true on what people say nowadays. You can't judge a book by its cover, for it has their own hidden pages that are left unopened.

Kiyo showed me his hidden side multiple times now but there's something more that he isn't showing me. I think it's best if I don't pry into his life for now as it would be one regretful choice. I still trust him fully though, no matter how cold and ruthless he can be.

I trust Maya and Chiaki as well but why do I have a slight feeling that these two have hidden pages within them? I wonder what their life was like before enrolling into this school? These two along with Karuizawa-san and I became friends during the first week of school which was not too long ago but the four of us already treated each other like sisters. The only flaw on our friendship was none of us revealed anything when it comes to our past. It wasn't until the untimely death of Karuizawa-san and the moment Kiyo recruited them made me realize that these two have something hiding as well.

Well, now's not the time to think about these. I gotta keep my focus on.


"Kiyotaka... don't tell me that Amikura-san is also--"

"Amikura is not one of the traitors."

"Huh? Then why do want us to take care of her if--ooohhhh, I see." Looks like Chiaki is getting it.

"She's hiding something so crucial so we need to get it out of her. Isn't that right, Kiyo?"

"That is correct but there is no need for torture methods."

"I can live with that."

"You only need to talk to her without violence. She's probably too traumatized at what happened to her."

"Traumatized? What the hell happened?"

"You'll figure out once you get to her room. Now I'm going to give one task for each of you. Now I know it's late but this has to be done on this time so it will be less risky but because it's less risky doesn't mean you can just let your guard down. Remember that there are cameras everywhere so put on a disguise so it wouldn't recognize you but I recommend avoiding them so it wouldn't raise suspicion."

"Got it. What's next?"

"The first one will go at Amikura's room which is on the third floor, the second one needs to stay right where you are as you will be waiting for someone important and the third one is going to Sakura's room which is on the second floor. Now, choose among yourselves on who's going to do which and decide quick. We need to get this done before sunrise."

"I'll go to Amikura-san's room." Maya volunteered.

"I'll stay here then. I'll contact you immediately if no one comes." Chiaki followed.

"Guess I'm going to Sakura's room for some reason. You'll explain all of this once I get go her room, right?"

"Yes. Now if you don't have any questions left, move out once you put on your disguises. That includes you as well, Chiaki."

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