The Other Side Of Paradise

Von beynikaoutsold

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Beyoncés taking a break from college and decided to spend the summer with her older sister In Malibu. Onikas... Mehr



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Von beynikaoutsold

"Stars shine the brightest when they're dying."

Onika Tanya Maraj

"Nah he looks like a trust fund baby." Onika said as she looked at the people at their beach club.

Her and Beyoncé were on break and were playing eye-spy but with rich people.

"I spy..something orange." Beyoncé said and Onika scouted around. "You gotta be more specific every unless you mean tht guys tan." Onika said grinning and Beyoncé tried to hold in her laugh.

"I actually did—okay your turn." She said nudging okay.

"Okay—I spy..something—hazel—and—really pretty.Onika said looking at Beyonces side profile and Beyoncé looked around. She couldn't see anything hazel to be specific.

"I don't see anything." Beyoncé said shrugging—Onika blushed slightly and looked away. "N-Nothing. You wanna go watch old people get mad at Nate for being good at golf?" Onika asked and Beyoncé nodded grinning.

The two had fun on their break together, and even when Onika had to return to her post she was always waving and smiling at Beyoncé.

As evening approached and their shift was over Onika made her way to the employee lockers to wash off sand she got everywhere.

As she got dressed she heard her phone buzz—and she swiped up to see who it was from.


Don't forget u have NA tonight
ight ily

She frowned at it—she hated attending NA and it felt disrespectful at this point because she knew she couldn't stay away from drugs.

She got another message at that same time.


i got new stock
come over when u want

Onika felt her senses heighten at the thought of what Lauren was talking about.

But at the same time—she's been meaning to talk to her about something. she quickly grabbed her stuff and when she walked outside the locker rooms she saw a innocently smiling Beyoncé.

"Hey—you alright?" Beyoncé asked Onika and the shorter girl felt like a deer caught in headlights.

"I—I'm great. I'm just on my way to somewhere—important." Onika stammered and Beyoncés smile dropped a bit.

"O-Oh okay I wanted to see if you wanted to go out to this newly opened diner—it has all the food I know you like so.." Beyoncé trailed off and Onika immediately starting feeling bad.

She took Beyonces hand which caused the taller girl to look up.

"We can hang out again soon —I promise." Onika said with her pinky held out. "You've been there for me these past few weeks and we haven't really done anything fun so I apologize for that." Onika said.

"Being around you when you're happy is fun within itself. Don't worry about me I know you have alot on your plate." Beyoncé said. She did miss hanging out with Onika independently but—she held out-for her.

"I'll see you tomorrow alright?" Beyoncé said and Onika nodded. "Tomorrow."


Onika Tanya Maraj

Onika felt Lauren's hands trail her stomach  as she laid on her back.

It was around 12 am and Onika was at Laurens house yet again.

"Lauren can we—talk?" Onika asked softly as the girl sat on top of Onika. Lauren stopped movements and looked down at Onika.

"About?" Lauren asked and Onika gulped.

Onika had returned to drugs while lying to her family and Beyoncé about her being sober. The drugs—are addictive but she's not feeling happy—the feeling of relaxation is addictive but—right now it's not kicking in.

"Can we—just talk? Like friends for once?" Onika asked and Laurens face scrunched up. "We are friends." Lauren said and Onika sighed and turned her head.

"Y-You say that but—friends don't do what you do to me. I—I don't—always feel like—comfortable with this." Onika said softly.

"Like—I don't always want sex. Especially since I don't remember it half the time." Onika explained.

"That's because we're both always high. And when you do remember it you're always the one who's satisfied." Lauren said and Onika gulped.

"But—sometimes I just—I think about how I'm not happy like this." Oniaks voice quivered.

"And—I—I just want to be happy." Onika cried as Lauren sat on top of her in shock.

"God stop crying—that's a turn off Onika." Lauren said crawling off of Onika while she was sniffiling.

"This is the last time I let you drink while getting high." Lauren mumbled as Onika continued to ball her eyes out.

"I—I don't want you any more I—I want—Beyoncé." Onika cried and Lauren scrunched her face up. "I know your half drunk right now but even you and I know that's bullshit." Lauren spat.

Onika shook her head as her lip quievered.

"She actually cares about me! A-and she'd hold me if I was crying!" Onika yelled and Lauren covered her ears.

"Jesus christ you've known me for years and known whoever the hell that bitch is for like 2 months. Stop speaking drunken nonsense." Lauren demanded and Onika shook her head as she got up.

She looked for her clothes and when she found them she put them on quickly.

"Jeez you're such a baby." Lauren said watching her put her clothes on.

"I—I'm not a—a baby!" Onika hiccuped as she tried to put her sweatpants on.

"Fine. Storm out! See if I give a shit! You're lucky I even want to fuck you!" Lauren yelled and Onika weakly opened her front door before turning to Lauren with tears.

"Y-You're really—m-mean." Onika hiccuped before attempting to walk herself home. Her head felt dizzy from her crying and the amount of alcohol and drugs she did hours prior.

She wanted to find her sister—or Beyoncé—she wanted to find somewhere or someone that made her feel safe in her drunken state.

Beyoncé Giselle Knowles

That'll be $4.15." The man said and Beyoncé handed him the money in exchange for her snacks.

She hummed as she walked out the convince store, unchaining her bike from the bike rack and making her way back to her house. 

Her minds been wondering off to Onika lately—this would be her 20th day of sobriety and she was thinking of getting the girl a gift.

As she approached her house she saw something unusual.

She saw someone laying on the sidewalk—face down and she was confused and slightly worried she stopped right infront of them. "God please don't be a dead body or something." Beyoncé silently prayed and when she saw that curly hair she immediately dropped her bike.

"Onika?" She asked as she tried helping her up. She heard her groan as she sat her up by her fence.

"Onika—Onika look at me alright?" Beyoncé asked and the girl seemed so drowsy, and she was blinking slowly looking at Beyoncé.

"Onika? What happened?" Beyoncé asked, the taller girl felt her forehead—her face felt hot and Beyoncé was starting to panic.

"I—I'm fine." Onika said quietly and Beyoncé didn't believe it one bit.

"Onika I need you to tell me what's wrong—I need you to stay awake for me alright?" Beyoncé asked before reaching for her phone in her back pocket and Onikas eyes widened.

"D-Don't. I'm fine." Onika said and Beyoncé couldn't believe her. "You aren't! You actually look like you're about to die." Beyoncé said and Onika shook her head.

"I'm just—crashing. Like—hard." Onika mumbled and Beyoncé was still confused. "Crashing from what?" Beyoncé asked.

Beyoncé quickly moved Onikas hair out of the way to check her pulse—her eyes widened when she only felt a faint pulse—it was irregular—and sometimes it didn't even come.

"Onika I need you to tell me what's wrong. Or I'm going to have to call 911." Beyoncé said seriously and Onika shook her head.

"I just need—I need—I need cold water and an adderall." Onika mumbled and Beyoncé helped her up, and since her house was closer she helped her inside.

She didn't know what was wrong but she was praying it wasn't what she thought it was.

She watched Onika collapse on her couch as she ran upstairs quickly—she knew her sister wasn't home so she couldn't ask for help.

She found adderal and rushed downstairs almost tripping to get a clean rag and cold water. She placed the cold rag on Onikas forehead and gave her the adderal and Onika shook her head.

"No—not by mouth—I—I need it crushed." Onika mumbled and Beyoncé beyond confused but seeing Onika fighting sleep—or death—scared her into crushing it up.

Her eyes widened when Onika snorted half of it and her eyes widened as she fell back on Beyonces couch.

"Holy shit." Onika and Beyoncé said in unison. "Onika—what the fuck was that? Are you okay?" Beyoncé asked and Onika looked over to Beyoncé while coughing a bit.

"I—I think you just saved my life." Onika mumbled.

"What? Onika? What did you do?" Beyoncé asked raising her voice and Onika gulped attempting to get up.

"Nothing." Onika mumbled getting up and Beyoncé held her wrist. "Onika—I need you to tell me why the hell you almost just—died on my fucking couch?" Beyoncé asked and Onika gulped.

"I didn't almost die I was exaggerating. " Onika said looking down at Beyoncés grip on her wrist.

"Onika have you been using again? Please don't t tell me you have this would be close to your 20th day of sobriety." Beyoncé begged and Onikas lip quivered.

She turned around and she couldn't hold it in anymore—

"No it fucking wouldn't! Do you want to the fucking truth?" Onika asked and Beyoncé stood her ground.

"Tell me the fucking truth Onika."

"I'm a drug addict. I do fucking drugs. I haven't been sober since Ming stopped babysitting me and let me freely walk the mother fucking streets!" Onika shouted and Beyoncés eyes widened.

Onika could see the disappointment in Beyonces eyes.

"And I haven't been attending NA! I've been lying to you—I've been lying to you—Ming—everyone—because I'm not fucking okay!" Onika cried.

"I told you people talk Yonce—and I'm begging you—please.." Onika said taking Beyonces hand.

"Please give up on me. Because I—I'm giving up on myself." Onika said weakly.

"I'm not giving up on you Onika and there's help available! There's so much help available—" Beyoncé tried and Onika shook her had as she backed away from Beyoncé.

"No—no there isn't'! I cant sit here and smile in your guys face—I will never fucking recover! No matter how hard I try I can't—I can't fucking do it." Onika said as she broke down.

Beyoncé reached out to help her but—

Onika rejected her.

"D-Don't touch me. You shouldn't talk to me—I don't—I don't want to cause you any harm—or anyone else for that matter." Onika muttured and Beyoncé began shaking her head.

"Onika where are you going? you shouldn't be by yourself in this state—" Beyoncé tried and Onika turned to her with her hand on the door knob.

"I—I really appreciate everything you've done for me. And I'm so sorry you've wasted your time with me—because the truth is.."

"I'll never get better." Onika said before opening the door and Beyoncé felt tears sting her eyes. "Onika please don't say that—you'll be okay—you'll be fine!" Beyoncé tried and Onika ran—Beyoncé stood there in shock.

She felt her tears fully come down her face as she watched Onika disappear.

"I—I still like you." Beyoncé whispered while tears blurred her vision.


Onika stumbled through the streets—she was about an hour away from home.

She was lost but she had an idea of where she was going.

She found where she was headed to and knocked lightly as she sniffled.

She was tired.

Tired of depending on drugs to feel something—because to be honest—she felt something even when she wasn't high. Wether it was when her and her sister genuinely bonded or with Beyoncé—but she felt something.

But she couldn't stop.

She went to the only person she knew had been through it first hand.

The door opened and the two stared at each other through the screen door.

"O-Onika?" She heard the rough voice of her father call, he began to cough a bit as he tried to get rid of his confusion.

"Hey." Onika said weakly still sniffling.He let her in immediately, and closed the door behind her.

She walked past him and he was still in shock.

He stared at his youngest daughter, shaking, sniffling, she had bandages around her arms and some on her hands. She had blatant hickies along her neck.

"I know i've been a trash kid. I haven't talked to you in months or updated you on my life or anything." Onika rambled.

Robert just listened.

"But that's because—it's fucking terrible. And—and—I've hit—rock bottom. And I know you know what that feels like." Onika said weakly.

Robert looked at her confused—"Onika—

"I'm a drug addict. And I need your help dad I really do because I may have ruined one of the most important relationships in my life because of this sickness." Onika broke down and her farther hugged her immediately.

"A-And ming's tried to help me—mom tried and Beyoncé tried and I'm the issue—Im the fucking probl—em." Onika choked out.

He let her cry into his shoulder as he rubbed her back.

"Shh..shh..daddy's here. You're gonna be okay. I've got you Oni." He said rocking her back in forth as she continued to sob.

"I've got you."


Woooo that was a dosey

How y'all like this chapter?

Onikas character so far?

Why do y'all think Onika turned to drugs?

Onika and her dad?

Onika and Bey?


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