Hell Bound |Michael Langdon|

By ElizabethRose__

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Her whole life Cynthia Primrose Moore felt unloved and misunderstood. She felt like she was missing something... More

My Stories :)
Childhood memory
The meeting
The connection
The connection pt 2
Two Truths and A Lie
Who you truly are...
Ms. Mead
Welcome to Murder House
Darkness Unleashed
You're not a monster
Before the Blood Moon
Rise of the Alpha
Rise of the Alpha pt 2
Fool me once...
Back to the Coven?
The Return
Black lives Matter!!!
Resurrection of John Henry Moore
This Girl is on Fire
The Broken
Black Mass
Jeff and Mutt
Miriam Mead 2.0.
Better Run, Better Run.
We'll Meet Again...
I Don't Want to Forget
Welcome to Outpost 3
What Does it Mean?
Pale Blue Eyes
Who are You?
Memories bring Back You
Memories bring Back You pt2
I hate you, I love you.
Future Demise
Blood Ritual
Dynamic Duo Demise
I'm in Love with...You
We're Always and Forever
Another Supreme? pt1
Another Supreme? pt2
Into the Battlefield pt1
Into the Battlefield pt2
Part Two Cast
The Sanctuary
Home Sweet Home?
Ms. Mead Lives
An unholy Trinity
Two can Play at That Game
Warning Signs
Here Comes the Bride
Deadly Celebration
Breaking Point
Sex and Lies
Business Trip, New friends, and Mysteries
Baby, I'm Sorry.
Little Kicks and A Plan?
Files and Baby Drama?
Surprise Bitch,
The last Witch?
You Are the Reason
Labor Day
Happiness we Never Knew
The Tables have Turned
Family Affairs
Bathtub Fantasies&Tiny Fits
Last Friday Night
One Year of Hell Bound!!
No Control😏
Lilith's Messenger...
Unexpected Departure...
"I Loved the Idea Of You"
Friends close, Enemies closer...
Sympathy For The Devil
Late Night Confessions, of The Antichrist.
Tellings of A Mad..elyn?
The Best Part of Waking Up...
Secrets of The Supreme
Submissive Ideas...;)
Hold on...I Still Need You.
Lucifer Rising
Two years of Hell Bound!
Dooms Day Pt1
Dooms Day pt2
New Book!!
New Hell Bound

Happy Deathday...

114 7 1
By ElizabethRose__

A/N: So we're almost there...You don't want to miss the last half of this chapter.

Let's welcome our newest character Bexley Weston...;)

Welcome the real Lucifer!

Happy reading!!

5 months later...(A week before Pandora's birthday)

It's been five long, heartbreaking months. Every waking moment was torture for Michael. He thought he would have his wife back by now, but he was wrong. It was making him mad why was it taking them so long to get his wife?

They were close, but not close enough, in his opinion. A lot of his nights were sleepless. It was near impossible to sleep in what was their shared bed. He got really depressive and moody the only thing really keeping him in check was his daughter.

Pandora was his only motivation now, and if he lost her, he'd lose himself. The friend group worried about Michael constantly; they would check on him frequently. At least they did the first three months it seems to have died down now.

The sanctuary worried too. Once they found out, which wasn't until a month after Cynthia was trapped. Michael couldn't bear to tell them at first. He didn't want to say the words because he knew how much more real this would become. But he finally did and everyone watched him like a hawk, of course, the people who weren't close to him were timider about going up to him and asking if he was okay. Especially since they knew what he was like after the witches took Cynthia.

Of course, these months have been hard for more than just Michael. Pandora struggled too. At first, she wouldn't fall asleep unless she was in her dad's bed where Cynthia would lay. Eventually, it came to the point where Michael would spray some of Cynthia's perfume on Pandora's stuffed bunny to help her sleep. This helped, for the most part, still. She'd cry for her mother. The poor thing didn't know what was going on and just wanted her mom.

Then on top of that, she could no longer be breastfed fed, which was a challenge at first. But they got through it with the help of their friends or family rather.

Now, things were a bit easier. Michael worked a lot and still made time for his daughter. While working, Edward or Madison, and Charlie would watch Pandora, sometimes Madelyn. They would switch off just so no one was overworked.

"How long until I have Cynthia back?" Michael asked Lucifer and Lilith were in his office right now. Once a week, he'd sit down with them so he could find out how close they were to getting his wife.

"Hello, how are you? I'm good, how are you?" Lucifer says in a joking manner, "You see how that works?" They ask with a quirked brow.

"Sorry that I am not in the mood for pleasantries as it's been five months since I've had my wife, and in a week, I could be losing my daughter." Michael responds sternly; he was so fed up with how long it was taking them to get his wife.

"It won't be long," Lilith answers with a sigh which Michael wasn't happy with. He shakes his head and pinches the bridge of his nose,

"You've been saying that for five fucking months. I think it's pretty obvious now that you have no idea what you're doing."

"Look," Lucifer says, "Within a week or so you'll have her back I can promise you that." They told him, making Lilith give them a knowing look before turning to Michael.

"Good," Michael said, not acknowledging Lilith's look to Lucifer, "now, what about the weapon to kill God?" He asked that was another thing they were doing; trying to find the weapon that kills God. They knew it was a type of blade they just needed to know how to find it.

"Well, as suspected, God has it." Lucifer said. Michael nods, not really expecting anything other than that. It made sense God would have the weapon that could kill him.

"So, how do we get from him? In battle?" Michael asked and both Lilith and Lucifer nodded.

"That's what we were thinking." Lilith says, "His guard will be lowered then."  Again Michael nods, agreeing with what is being said.

"How's the training going?" Michael asks, changing the subject. Lucifer and Lilith had been training those without magic who wanted to fight alongside him, while Michael trained Charlie and Madison.

"Training?" Lilith asked quickly, her eyes wide for a second before quickly adding, "oh, yeah, great, they're all eager to take God and his army down they keep getting better."

Michael sensed something going on with Lilith; between the look, she gave Lucifer and now the training question.  But he brushed it off as her just be on edge with the battle coming up. Which made sense to him so he didn't see a point in dwelling on it.

"Good," Michael responded, "I want you guys to discuss the plan about the weapon with the group you're training and I'll explain it to my group."  And with that, they end their discussion.


"Dada," Pandora exclaimed as she ran to her dad as he walked in the door. Two months after Cynthia got trapped Pandora began walking and she's been on the go since then.

"Hello, princess." He said lifting her into his arms, "I see she's still only in a diaper Edward." He says with a smirk knowing damn well Edward dressed her and she undressed. Lately, that's how it been she would be dressed then she'd take her clothes off she hated being dressed and would often put up a fight when the time came to get dressed.

"Still? Oh no, I got her dressed, and then like usual she undressed."  Edward says as he folded his arms pretending to be upset. Michael chuckles as he walked further into his home. "It's not funny! She bit me earlier! Evil little chihuahua." He says,

Michael laughs, "Don't call her a chihuahua." He tells him, "And Pandora we don't bite because it's..." he trails letting her finish the sentence

"Ow," she finishes it was an exercise that he came up with to try and break the habit of biting which worked...for the most part, of course, the infant had a few slip-ups, she is only 1 after all.

Michael praises her then turns back to Edward, "How did today go?"  The brunet asked,

"They said within a week or so I could have her back."

"That's great news!" Edward exclaims in a hopeful tone he missed Cynthia dearly she and he had gotten close within the last year that's she's been at the sanctuary.  He was eager to have her back just so he could hear her crack a joke or make a weird insult to someone.

Michael nods, "It is...but Lilith seemed off today, I think she's unsure that I'll have Cyn back." He says looking down at the coffee table avoiding eye contact as he felt tears form in his eyes. The thought of not having her back as they said terrified him and broke his heart.

Edward sighs and sits on the couch next to where Michael was now sitting while Pandora now played on the floor, "I'm sure it's just the stress of everything, I mean in a week we're all gonna be fighting to save Pandora. Just relax and breathe I'm sure everything will be fine." He says running a hand through Michael's now long hair. It was now long like it used to be his hair always grew fast and this time he used a little magic to help the process.  Michael wanted it long he knew Cynthia loved it and he missed it as well.

Michael jerks his head away slightly, "What are you doing?" He asked with a slight chuckle.

"I thought this was something Thia would do." He shrugs with a smirk,

"You're missing the part where she sits on my lap as she comforts me before it turns into sex."

"I can turn it to sex, all you have to do is ask." Edward jokes, but Michael shakes his head, holding in a laugh as he speaks.

"Sorry, I still belong to my wife."

"Oh so that's who you pretend your fist is everynight." Edward says his tone sarcastic,

"Well who else would it be? Obama?" He jokes, making Edward throw his head back in laughter. "Well have you seen him?" Edward asked, Michael just shakes his head and rolls his eyes in response.

"I have to get my daughter dressed." He says as he gets up from the couch ready to lift Pandora up, but a knock on the door disrupts him.  He wasn't expecting anyone so he was curious as to who it was. It wasn't Madison or Charlie he couldn't sense magic for it to be them, so that leaves one of the sanctuary members.

"I got it," Edward says even though Michael was up he wasn't risking having to get Pandora dressed instead.  Michael nods and lifts Pandora in his arms,

"Who?" Pandora asked pointing at the door as it opened,

"I don't know, Edward is going to find out."

"Eggard," Pandora nods and Michael stifles a chuckle he loved that now instead of 'egg' it was 'eggard'. 

"Yes my little Love." Michael says with a smile as he looks at his daughter,

"Is Mr. Langdon home?" He heard a feminine voice ask from outside,

Edward nods, "He is, may I ask what this is about?" He questions before deciding to let the woman in.

"I just need to speak with him." 

Edward looks back at Michael as if to ask if it was okay to let her in, Michael rolls his eyes and nods he wasn't in the mood for dealing with anyone.

Edward opens the door wider and steps aside letting in a fair-skinned girl with wavey brunet hair and green eyes. "Mrs. Weston," Michael states with a quirked brow.

She was one of the people Lilith and Lucifer were training to fight and was curious as to why she was here.  "Mr. Langdon, I have a few questions."  She says as she walks in.

Michael nods, "Have a seat Mrs. Weston."  He gestures to the couch signifying he was willing to answer her questions.  "Edward will you dress her, please?" He asked, Edward gives a look like 'of course,' obviously, he didn't mind at all, but he loved being dramatic about it.

"Of course, but if I wind up dead you know why," The brunet says dramatically as Michael hands Pandora over to him. Michael chuckles,

"I'm sure you'll be fine,"

"You haven't seen how she treats me when you aren't around, she's so mean!"

Michael only shakes his head knowing Edward was being dramatic, realistically she acts the same way when Michael is around and Edward just dramatizes it because he's well...Edward.

"You're so dramatic."

"Oh yeah, I'm the dramatic one, I don't make a big deal about getting dressed."

"Edward, I have something to take care of dress her or you're eating baby food for dinner."

Edward quickly nods with a 'horrified' look, "Yes sir." At this point, Mrs. Weston giggles from the couch making both men look at her for a moment.

"You're always so dramatic!" She exclaims as if they were old friends confusing the two men, they barely knew this girl. Mrs. Weston seemed to have caught on and quickly covered her ass, at least that's how Michael and Edward saw it.

"I mean, just from what I've seen like in the gathering room,"  she explains quickly like she was hoping they'd believe her.

"Right," Michael said softly

"Dramatic?" Edward asks deciding not to acknowledge his suspicions, "No one ever takes me seriously around here, when will someone side with me?" He asked as he heads upstairs making Michael shake his head. 

"He seems fun." Mrs. Weston says as Michael made his way to the couch and sat down. He only nods in response wanting to get on with her questions.

"What did you need to ask?" He questions tilting his head to the side, for a moment Mrs. Weston only stares at him like she was studying him. Taking in all his features. 

"Umm..." she stammers, "I was only wondering if you knew how everything will go down next week."

"If you mean in battle you should already know, haven't Lucifer and Lilith told you?"

Mrs. Weston shakes her head, "No, I mean do you know when God is going to try anything?" She seemed unsure of her question giving Langdon the vibe that she wasn't being completely honest with what she wanted to ask.

"No, but I'm pretty sure that was established before. Are you sure you're this is what you want to ask?"

It looked like she was fighting a smirk as she looked away, "In a way...but I also wanted to know how you were doing. The group and I have been worried and wondering so finally I'm asking." She starts to ramble,

"I assure you I'm fin-" Mrs. Weston cuts him off mid-sentence,

"Don't say you're fine. You lost your wife." She tells him but then immediately apologizes, "I'm sorry, I just don't like to see someone hide their pain."

"Mrs. Weston," Michael says carefully,

"Bexley," she corrects, interrupting him.

"Bexley" his tone calm but stern,  "I assure you, I'm doing just fine," his brows were furrowed he couldn't quite understand why they were worried about him.

"Yeah, but are you sure with next week coming...I don't know I-we just want you to know that-' Michael cuts her off again,

"Look, I'm fine there really is no reason to worry." 

Bexley for a moment, looked like she was trying not to say something, it was like she wanted to push, and she did.

"I can tell you want to push further and I would advise you not to." He explained his voice stern as he spoke, "Now if you don't have any questions worth while then you can leave."

Bexley lets out an irritated sigh, "I just think that Cyn- I mean Mrs. Langdon," she corrects herself wanting to respect his wife. "Would want you to know that you're not alone so you don't need to shelter yourself, or work so much, or be cold." She explained rather frustrated, she was trying to get through to him show him that he had the support of the whole sanctuary. Everyone was on edge they don't see Michael at all and it was driving them crazy.

"I know exactly what my wife would want." He informs her getting more irritated by the second, one more push and he might just rip her heart out.

"Then why won't you do it?" She asked in a tone that reminded him of his wife.

His stare grows cold and his jaw clenches, "How do you know I'm not?" His tone is low as he spoke.

"It's obvious, how wouldn't I know?" She scoffed like it was obvious.

"You don't know me let alone my wife. Maybe this is how I live my everyday life and this exactly what she wants." It wasn't, he knew that but now he was defensive, who was she coming into his home and telling him how his wife would want him to act? Better yet, why hasn't he kicked her out?

Bexley again scoffs and mumbles something he couldn't understand not that he was paying attention at the moment. Now he was really trying to focus on her mind to see why she was really here. But nothing, he couldn't get into her mind, which to him only meant one thing...this wasn't Bexley it was one of God's people pretending to be her.

So, with that in mind, he lunged over wrapping his hand around her, or rather their throat.  Now 'Bexley' was on her back while Michael hovered over her with his hand wrapped around her throat with just enough pressure to install fear.  To anyone else, this position they were in would look very sexual not that Michael even thought of that he was more focused on who this person was.

Bexley's eyes widened in surprise and her breathing increased not expecting the move. "Who are you?" He asked dangerously, his jaw was clenched and his stare was colder than it was a few moments ago if that was even possible.

Bexley places her hands on his wrists as if she was going to try and pull them off. "Mr. Langdon," she croaks under him,

"What? You didn't think I'd catch on?" He smirks it wasn't charming it was dark.

"Sir," she tries to get out of his grasp but fails as he slightly adds more pressure. "Please," she begs struggling against him.

Michael chuckles darkly, "Who are you?" He punctuates each word, "I won't ask again." 

Bexley stops her struggle and looks at him, what she did next took him by surprise. Bexley places her hand on the back of his head leans up slightly and pulls him in for a kiss. For a second he reciprocated this kiss and as soon as he did he stopped and pulled away in shock at what just happened.

"Mr. Langdon-" she says quickly with wide eyes.

"Leave." He says his voice rough as he put space between them.

"I-" Bexley tried to apologize but he cuts her off again.

"You need to leave." He tells her not even looking her way he was too in shock. Bexley nods quickly and leaves the penthouse.

"What the hell was that?" Edward asked from the bottom of the stairs unable to register what he has just seen. Michael shakes his head and puts his head in his hands.

"I don't know."


A week later (Pandora's birthday)

The gathering room was buzzing with celebration for the princess's first birthday. Well mostly buzzing, of course, there was a lot of anxiety with it Michael didn't even want to be downstairs but Madelyn and the rest of the group convinced him.

"Cynthia would want you to go as normal."  She had told him in the penthouse a week ago. "Plus if God tries to do something everyone will be there ready to take action. We wouldn't have to round anyone up." She added.

"I know. I just don't want to worry." He told her honestly, and the older woman understood,

"Look, no matter what you'll worry, you're her father." She explained, "But wouldn't you rather everyone be there ready to defend your daughter? Or do you want to risk something because we had to round everyone up for the fight?" And that was when he decided that they would celebrate downstairs because he would rather everyone be there and Cynthia would have wanted that, she would want Pandora to have a special day.

So now they were downstairs with Pandora sitting on Michael's lap wearing a red and gold Hi-Low tutu dress, her soft wavy strawberry blonde locks in pigtails tied in red and gold bows.

"She's so beautiful," Madelyn gushed from across the table,

"Thank you." Michael says tersely, he's barely spoken he was too anxious too. What if something went wrong? What if they couldn't win this? That's all that went through his head.

"You've been tense all day," Edward said it was now around 8:00 at night, they decided to celebrate after Pandora had a nap and ate. They have only been there for an hour and a half.

"You would be too if it was your daughter's life at stake."

"I know, all I'm saying is you need a drink just so you can relax a little."

Michael chuckles, "For the thousandth time Edward no." Edward had been trying to coerce him all day to drink and Michael continuously told him that this was no alcohol at this party.

"But it will help you ease up a little,"

"Edward!" A stern feminine voice says from behind him shocking him for a moment.

It was Kayla.

"Kay?" Edward asked turning his body to look at her, he was surprised to see her. It's been months since they have seen each other they agreed that while on their break it was best if they didn't see or talk to each other both knowing if they did, they'd end up back together sooner than they should.

"Hey," she said softly, "I know we agreed not to see each other but I wanted to say happy birthday to Pandora." There was a knowing smirk on her face it felt good for her to talk to him after so long.  Edward nods he understood and was honestly glad to see her.

"And you just had to yell at me to do that?" Kayla shakes her head at his remark as she chuckled slightly.

"You were harassing Michael."

"Was not,"

"Sounded that way,"

"Well, I wasn't." Edward folds his arms as defended himself,

"He was," Michael confirms, "He's so bad Kayla, I don't know how you handled him."

Edward looks offended by Michael's words, but he gets even more offended when Pandora speaks up.

"Eggard, bad."

Kayla laughs at Pandora this was the first time she heard her say Edward's name, and she found it hysterical.

"I'm bad Pandora? I don't bite someone who is only taking care of me." Edward says to the infant as a smile graced his face he couldn't keep a straight face as he "called her out."  Pandora at first just smiles back at Edward but it turns to laughter as everyone else laughs.

"How are you enemies with a baby?" Madison laughed,

"How are you not?" That was what he responded with before they were interrupted by none other than Bexley. At first, Michael was confused, he basically called her out last week, why was she still posing at Bexley? Was he may be wrong? Or was God playing at something?

Then, he grew annoyed after what happened he didn't want to deal with her; he just wanted to forget about her honestly. And if you're why he didn't just kill her. Well... he was wondering the same thing too over to the past week, and the only thing he could come to was he just felt like he couldn't.

"Mr. Langdon..." she said carefully'

Michael exhales heavily through his nose, not missing the look Edward gave him. After she had left last week Michael and Edward talked about what happened and the brunet felt strongly that he should talk to Bexley about the incident to ensure it does not happen again. But Michael disagreed he just wanted to pretend like she didn't exist.

"Yes?" Michael responded, looking a the nervous girl before him,

"I just wanted to speak with you for a moment."

"I'm spending time with my daughter, it can wait."

Bexley glances at the infant in his lap, her eyes noticeably softening. Pandora flashes a sweet smile and waves at the woman. Bexley in response smiles and waves back.

"She can come with you," she suggests looking back at Michael who is shaking his head.

"I already don't trust you, I wouldn't bring her with me."

Bexley runs a frustrated hand over her face, "Sir, I just need to talk to you about the kiss." She blurts out shocking everyone at the table,

"The fucking what?" Madison asked with daggers at Michael,

"This kiss, you know when two lips pucker.." Edward says as he pouts his lips and imitates kissing before Kayla smacked the back of his head.

"I know what a kiss is. I just want to know why Michael kissed this bitch,"

"You went to see him?" Lucifer asks Bexley with folded arms and a stern look.

"Never mind that Luc, You kissed him?" Lilith asked looking stunned as she flashed them an apologetic look.

"I'm sure there is a logical explanation." Madelyn speaks up, "I've known this man for a while. He wouldn't so much as look at another woman or anyone for that matter while Thia was taken by the witches." She explained a matter of factly.

"Maybe he moved on?" Charlie intervened but quickly changed her response when Michael sends a glare her way, "Or used her as a distraction?"

"It was my fault I kissed him," Bexley defends but that earned Madison standing up and placing her hands on the table.

"It's time to smack a bitch," she said feeling Charlie grip her hand,

"Madi, sit down."

"No, this bitch needs to get what she deserves everyone here knows that Michael is like insanely loyal to Thia, and she thinks she can just kiss him?"

"You believed he kissed her like 30 seconds ago,"

"He did," Edward says quickly then adds, "But for only a second,"

Madison glares at Michael, "When Thia gets back don't think I'm gonna help out of the trouble you'll be in. I'm gonna sit there with popcorn as she beats your ass, then kills this bitch."

"Kills me?" Bexley asked wide-eyed as Madison chuckled at her,

Michael chuckles at Madison now, "I'll keep that in mind Speedy," he said before turning to Bexley and sighing, "Fine, we can talk but it will be right out there." He points to the corridor right outside the gathering room. "And Kayla will you take Pandora?" He asked, "That is if both you and Edward are okay with being in the same place at the moment."  and she and Edward nods confirming they were fine with it.

"Auntie Kay is gonna hold you while Daddy takes care of something." He explains as he hands Pandora to Kayla, she whines a little a first but instantly calms down.

In the corridor...

"Mr. Langdon, I first want to say Pandora looks beautiful today, her pigtails the dress everything is amazing-"

Michael stops her before she can say more.  "Thank you, but my daughter isn't the subject of this conversation."

"Right," Bexley nods, "I just wanted to say that I shouldn't have kissed you that day...I don't know what came over me."

"Don't you?" Michael asked quizzically Bexley looks perplexed as he asks this.

"No," she shakes her head, "I don't,"

Michael hums walking around her in a predatory way, "I think you do."

"I can assure you I don't Mr. Langdon,"

Again Michael hums, "Right, Darling I think you and I both know why you kissed me."

"I already told you I don-"

"I don't want to hear another lie Cynthia." He's now standing in front of her watching as her eyes go wide for only a split second.

"Excuse me, sir, but did you just call me Cynthia?"

"Would you rather me call you Cyn? Cara mia?"  He walks closer to her making her take a step back.

"I'd rather you call me Bexley."

Michael chuckles, "You're really gonna keep this up?"

"There is nothing to keep up, Michael." She said trying to hide her nerves as her hand reached to fondle something tucked under her shirt...big mistake.

Michael wasn't having it he knew this was his wife. He just knew it, hence why he felt like he couldn't kill her.

"Seriously?" He asked with a chuckle, "Love, I'd notice that nervous gesture anywhere." He points to her hand and she quickly removes it,

"I have no idea what you're talking about," she says a smirk now evident on her face,

"You don't do you?" He smirked backing her against the wall,

"So if I reach in your shirt am I going to pull out the necklace I gave you at Hawthorne along with that one I got you and Pandora?"

She rolls her eyes mutters something under her breath. Then in the blink of an eye, Cynthia is standing in front of him.

"You're such a stupid fuck head you know that Langdon?" Cynthia says with a small laugh. Michael only shakes his head, his eyes lighting up as he stared at his wife.

"I'm not really stupid if I figured out you were posing as Bexley, now am I Moore?"

"Shuddup, you high fructose ramen noodle."  She says as she wraps her arms around his torso, making him laugh before he pulls her in for a deep passionate kiss that she was more than happy to return.

It didn't take long for the both of them to start tearing up at the realization that they were here in front of each other after five long months.

"Fuck, I missed you," Michael said as he pulled away, caressing her face.

"I missed you too, Mon cher." Michael smiles at the usage of the nickname, "But how did you know?"

Michael chuckles, "Well, you got on me about my 'behavior.' You were way too concerned with my well-being for a stupid subordinate. Then you kissed me." He's looking back at her lips his thumb tracing them, "The kiss Cyn, there was no way that wasn't you." He tells her earnestly.

"Then, there was the fact that you talked to Edward like you knew him, and there was a way that you looked at Pandora in the penthouse and just in there. Those incidences further confirmed my suspicions, but that damn kiss was a dead giveaway." He finishes ending with the kiss maybe if she never kissed him he wouldn't have caught on.

"The kiss was too good, wasn't it?"

"Only you ever kiss me like that."

"I'm the only person to ever kiss you, besides Mads during the threeway and Edward when we were drunk. Oh and Charlie that one time."

"That's how I knew your kiss. Nobody compares to you,"

"Damn straight," she breathes, pulling him in for another kiss.

"How long have you been back?" He asked as they pulled away, her hand comes to her necklace as she nervously looks away.

"Almost a month..."

"What? That long? Why didn't you come home baby?" He asked a little heartbroken,

Tears start to fill her eyes, "I wanted to. So fucking bad," she tells him, "But God had to believe I'm still there in that place as long as he thinks I'm there his guard will be down. He's afraid of me because I'm strong enough to kill him without that blade, that's why he trapped me. " She explains, "And Lucifer and Lilith have been training me with my 'God-given' powers so it wasn't safe for me to be around anyone I love."

"That's why Lilith was so off last week, and why they questioned 'Bexley' in there."

Cynthia laughs through her tears, "I wasn't supposed to interact with you at all until after the battle. But once I had more control over my powers, I needed to see you, to talk to you. I had to make sure my husband was okay,"

Michael wipes her tears, "Without you, I will never be okay. But I was managing," he assures her.

"Barely, you're so mean without me," she chuckles which made him chuckle.

"I was stern, not mean."

"You choked me, and I was only being nice,"

"You liked it, I'm pretty sure that's why you kissed me and said 'please sir,'"

"Only partially, I had to stop you from killing me on our sofa somehow."

Michael chuckles, "I couldn't get in your head, I thought you were on God's side."

"Good call," she tells him, "But I need to ask you something."

"What is it, my Love?"

"Are you mad at me for not coming home right away?

"How could I? You did protect our daughter? I can't be mad," he tells her, "And frankly, I'm just happy you're back, I really don't give a damn what the circumstances are."

"I was so scared that'd you'd hate me for it. " She tells him more tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Never, baby." He says as he kisses away her tears, "But we can talk about you coming back when we have more time." He assures her, and she nods.

"I don't know if Lilith and Lucifer told you, but the blade is dangerous."

"I know,"

"It can kill anyone with magic pretty fast, it destroys the soul and everything. A simple cut will weaken you, they figured that out late last night and planned on telling you today, but for most of it, we were busy. So, I don't know if they got a chance to inform you."

"They didn't, but thank you for telling me, I'll let Madison and Charlie know."

Michael leans in for another kiss, he didn't want to stop kissing her, "We should get back out there," he said softly as he pulled away. Cynthia nods in agreement.

And just as Cynthia was about to turn back into Bexley a scream emits from the gathering hall.

"I think we've got company..." Cynthia says as she looks at her husband.

A/N: Well Bexley is CYNTHIA!! She's back bitches and the final battle is next who will we lose?

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