By Gay4nutella

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~~~~~~~~~~~ #I smiled guiltily, about to turn at a corner. "Well-" I started high pitched, getting ready to e... More

Author's note
•1: SS2 Already•
•2: Dem Babes•
•3: I Don't Like Him•
•4: Surprises•
•5: Adekunle•
•5b: Crushes and Bro Hugs•
•5c: Whipped•
•6: Lunch•
•6b: Spice Palace•
•6c: I'm Famished!•
•7: Making Progress•
•8: Fights and Insomnia•
•9: You're a case I swear•
•10: Oh No•
•11: Stay Happy•
•12: Clubs•
•13: Suspicions•
•13b: Sly Motherf*cker•
•14: Movie Date?•
•15: Unlicensed Snack Supermarket•
•16: Ya Doing Well•
•17: Complicated Species•
•18: Talks and Basketball•
•19: Facades•
•20: Bittersweet Nostalgia•
•21: Timiva•
Resumption of updates?🌚
•22: Rubber Duck•

•17b: Galaxy Mall•

155 60 6
By Gay4nutella




Rolake Coker

I did not drive the Ferrari...and I'm heartbroken. Adekunle is mean.

"So what should we do first?" Adekunle asks from beside me while we walk towards the huge building from the parking lot. Tons of humans bustling around, going in and out the building, cars coming in and out, carts wheeling on the floor, the new building standing in its glory.

We were walking into the building after being scanned by the security and stood by the side. Honestly, my jaw dropped.

"Woah" I whisper in awe.

"Okay this is by far, better than I expected" Adekunle says from beside me.

Ya think?!

The mall was huge! Well the architects did a great job at making it exude its name.

The building was a three storey high building. With stores and shops arranged in rows in a circular form on the floor, dozens of food courts littered on the ground floor in sections, elevators on both sides of the building and a huge escalator at the middle leading to all floors.

Every corner had it's own unique design and styles. I looked to the top and my jaw dropped further if it was biologically possible. The ceiling of the building was made of holographic glass which looked like a freaking galaxy! With stars, nebulaes, planets and moon all littered around on the glass like frame moving around to make it more realistic. Just looking at it made me feel like I was teleported out of space. The rays from the sun only aided it the more by making the space bodies move and dance around in their blissful existence. It looked like an inter dimensional mall. It looked out of this world.

The protectors on each floor were made of transparent glass. Honestly, I wouldn't have know there was glass there if not for 3d railings that had holographic images like what was on the ceiling. The images moving around the rods making it enhance its astronomical beauty. The walls were covered with wallpapers that displayed several planets and galaxies with their names and descriptions written close to each one. At least you wouldn't get bored looking at the walls.

A particular food court caught my attention. It was a space themed court. With chairs created in the form of UFOs, lights designed into miniature planets hanging from the roof, tables and counter coloured sky blue and the walls, a deep shade of purple, workers in snazzy looking, sky blue coloured alien space suits with boots. The whole thing was mind blowing.

I swear this place is too fine to be Nigeria. I refuse to believe that we are still in Nigeria. Whoever built this, isn't Nigerian. Must be an alien.

"Woah" I repeated.

"Insane" Adekunle said from beside me. I had totally forgotten he was here.

For the sake of this galactical beauty, I have decided to put my upset for Adekunle aside and discover this dimension.

"Icecream" I simply say while smiling like a maniac and I started dragging him towards my desired destination.

We made our way towards the space themed court because, they also had ice cream!

We ordered for their special themed ice cream because at the moment, I was feeling too adventurous to order regular ice cream. Thank goodness I brought my credit card cause today, I'm going all out even though Adekunle stylishly paid for the ice cream but I'll just let this one slide.

The ice cream, again looked like something imported from space. With galactical multi colours with tiny edible sparkles in them to make it look like tiny stars, served in a transparent cup with planet sketch drawings on them with a moon stick sticker on top and Adekunle's with Neptune on it, I felt weirdly excited like I was about to taste part of the universe but I did well hiding that excitement and thought in me. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they offered space food.

I took out my phone and started taking pictures of me and Adekunle's ice cream.

I relaxed to start editing the pictures while eating my ice cream.

"So what are your hobbies?" Adekunle asked out of the blue.

"Trying to strike a conversation now aren't we?" I asked, looking at him with a smirk on my face while he just offered a shrug with a smirk of his own dancing on his lips.

"Better than awkward silence" he said while I just hummed and went back to my eating or is it licking? Well, whatever you do to ice cream.

"So?" Adekunle asked urging me on.

"Well for one, I love sleeping" I say, taking a spoon of the heavenly tasty deliciousness in my mouth. If I wasn't too careful, I would have released a moan. It was that good.

Adekunle let out a laugh and started chuckling. "You know sleeping isn't a hobby right?" He asked me with his brow raised, amusement dancing on his face.

"Well I consider it one" I say and shrug nonchalantly.

"Okay what else?" Adekunle asked, not bothering to argue with me and my insane mentality.

"Well, I write poems when I'm extremely bored. I also like to look up on random topics so I can have a few knowledge in different fields" I say gently and shrug.

"Well aren't you a smart cookie?" He ask teasingly while I just shoot him a playful glare which he laughs off.

"I also like to cook in my free time, sketch when I have nothing to do and most of the time just glue myself to my phone screen either watching YouTube videos or reading an e-novel" I conclude and put another spoon in my mouth.

"Let's not forget the photography" Adekunle adds while I nod, pointing at him.

"That too" I say, and nod again to his words.

"So in essence, you're a ball of creativity" Adekunle sums up for me, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Well, you could say that I guess" I say smiling.

"C'mon let's go find out other places" Adekunle says, standing up with his half eaten cup of ice cream, his hands stretched out towards me. I take it and he hoists me up.

I balance myself properly and have a sigh with a smile on my face and ice cream on my other hand.

I glanced down towards my hand in Adekunle's, my gaze lingering on it for a few seconds, before I'm cut off my reverie by being pulled by that same hand, out of the food court.

Remind me to go back there later to order some of their food.

"Let's go sightseeing and do whatever the galactical spirit leads us to do hm?" Adekunle says while I nod my head vigorously which makes him to laugh and pull me along.

We take the escalator up to the first floor cause there are more stores there than the ground floor, which is mostly filled up by food courts, and you will not believe what I saw.

"Is that a bot? Like an actual bot?" Adekunle voices my thoughts as we both stare at the different bots zooming around that looked like they just came out of the freaking star wars movie but the upgraded version.

"No fucking way" i gape out in awe. I thought I had already seen more than enough on the ground floor but this place just blows my mind.

The bots were like tiny service guides. With maps in holographic forms coming out of their little projectors on some, customer care services on others. This place looked like freaking Metroburg.

"When did technology become this advanced?" Adekunle asked from beside me. For the second time today, I had forgotten he was with me. That's what the beauty of this place does to you. I brought out my phone and took pictures of some bots that were passing by us.

"I have no idea" I say, eyes still glancing around each corner of the floor.

"Look they have an arcade. Wanna go?" Adekunle asked.

I looked towards the arcade that I had glanced at before and decided to pay attention to it. Again I was mind blown.

"C'mon" I say, and drag his still hooked arm around mine, towards the arcade.

They had tons of games. Space tag zones, floating ringed basketball, space ship rides, virtual reality, PS5 gaming centre, and a lot of creative foods.

And trust myself to try almost every fucking one. Fuck allergies and selective eating today.

Though, Adekunle beat me in PS5 sha. Completely understandable cause I'm not a gamer but I would have really loved to whope his ass.

And yes, I paid for most of it despite Adekunle's countless protests and numerous glares. We're on this date together and it only seems fair but this nigga doesn't want to have any of it. Too bad for him.

"Not cool Star" he says once were out of the arcade, a glare marred his face.

I just shrug and holding on to all the prizes we won so they wouldn't fall down.

"Help me with some of these would ya?" I grumble to him, trying to distract him from the topic.

He rolls his eyes but still carries most of it from me effortlessly. Show off.

I snuck out my phone and took an unaware picture of him holding the stuffed space objects and animals, looking around for God knows what.

I smile at myself at a job well done and put my phone in my pocket.

"I think we should go drop these in the car so we wouldn't be restricted from checking a lot of these places. Besides, it's just past 4, so we still have enough time to spare" Adekunle says to me while jotting his head towards the exit.

"I can't agree more" I say and we took the escalator back down to the first floor. I doubt I'm going to step foot into any of those elevators cause I'm batshit scared of them.

I know what you're thinking. Who the heck gets scared of elevators? Well, me.

We head outside and we drop the prizes at the back seat.

While heading back into the building, still on the parking lot, I think of a great idea.

"Hey" I say calling Adekunle's attention and he answers with a light hum.

"Still up for being my model?" I ask, a smile growing on my lips.

Adekunle looks back at me with so much excitement in his eyes and features. "I thought you'd never ask" he replies with a smirk growing on his lips.

"Cool. Not now sha. Maybe when the sun is setting. I have the perfect idea" I say and Adekunle nods as we get scanned by security and go through the glass doors.

To be honest, I will never get tired of this place.

I bring out my phone to take a picture of the holo ceiling, a few spots like the space court, burger king, KFC, and a lot more others.

"You're really good" Adekunle whispers from beside me, his face a few centimetres above my neck, his breath fanning it which makes me all tingly. I felt my insides twist in an unearthly manner, fire blazing through my veins and for the first time since we got here, I started blushing.

"Uh thank-" I cut myself short when I noticed I did not sound like me. At all. It took the grace of God for me to be able to step two feet away from him, while he stood back to his tall form and I immediately cleared my throat to get rid of whatever the fuck that was.

"Uh thank you" I say, surprisingly not faltering in my words like I had imagined.

He shoots me a teasing smirk on his face while I quickly look away to avoid him seeing my blushing mess.

I clear my throat once more and decide to clear out this choking sexual tension.

"So where are we going next?" I ask him, acting like none of that just happened a few seconds ago.

"Well I saw a phone store on the first floor so why don't we check it out" he says as he starts advancing further into the building.

Wait hold on.

"Where are you going? The escalator is that way" I say, stopping short and pointing my thumb towards the moving, mechanical stairs.

"Nah too slow. And too many people. So we're taking the elevator" he says shrewdly.

"Uh no thanks" I say and shake my head, turning on my heels and heading towards the escalator.

Adekunle runs after me and soon enough, he's standing in front of me, a playful smirk on his lips and amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Are you scared of an elevator?" He asked teasingly.

"Yes and so what?" Yes, I just said that, all thoughts of Adekunle not finding out thrown out of the window.

"Damn" he mutters as he chuckles lowly and I just roll my eyes at him, already side stepping him when he blocks my way. This time he's full on laughing while I glare at him.

"Okay. Okay. Fine. We'll take the escalator" he says, tease still evident in his voice.

I roll my eyes again and this time, successfully side stepping him as I make my way to the escalator. We're lucky we were at the side of the mall if not we would have gotten mauled over by impatient Nigerians.

"Star I'm sorry" he sighs from beside me as we mount the escalator, standing side by side each other. I barely nod at his apologies which makes him sigh from beside me.

"Star I really am. You've been seeming really moody today and if it's because of me, I'm sorry" he says genuinely which makes me sigh and nod my head as we get off the escalator.

"I'm not angry" I assured him while he takes a breath of relief.

Seriously, I'm not angry. Just moody, I guess. Mother nature is that you?

"C'mon" I say as I pull him towards the phone store.

About 20minutes later, we're coming with bags full of awesome gadgets. New phone cases, galaxy themed headphones and airpods, spare chargers, gaming consoles for Adekunle and some other phone accessories.

"I think I just found my new favourite store" Adekunle says, grinning from beside me while I nod my head really fast, not opposing what he said.

"I couldn't agree more" I say.

"Hey let's grab some food and then take pictures. And maybe when we're done, we could jolt and go for a ride. What'd you think?" Adekunle asks from beside me as we go down the escalator back to the food courts.

"Sounds like a plan. But we really need to tell the gang about this place so we could discover the remaining floors. Shatoni and Ava would love this place" I say as we mount down and I start leading the way towards the KFC food court.

I want me some chicken.

"Cool" he says.

We order the biggest sized bucket of chicken, four chips packs and lots of ketchup with drinks to go.

"So much food for two people" Adekunle says as we carry everything outside.

"I know right" I say laughing. Luckily I sight an outdoor sitting area with umbrellas as shade on each table.

"Let's sit there" I say as we walk towards it and pick a table close to the glass protector.

"No cap. This place is literally the best place I have ever been to" Adekunle says opposite me and honestly, I couldn't agree more.

"Time for a photo shoot" I say grinning while Adekunle starts looking and adjusting himself from the reflection of his phone.

This should be fun.


"And post" I say as I click on the post button on my Instagram.

I compiled ten of the best pictures I had taken today to post on my photography handle and going through the pictures, I feel really proud of myself.

The first was of the ice cream, second being the bots, third the holographic ceiling, the interior of the building, an unaware picture of Adekunle, a picture we took together, a picture of Adekunle leaning on the protector with the evening rays basking on his skin, a picture of our almost matching sneakers, a picture of me looking wild and free (Adekunle took it), and a picture of our bucket of chicken in the car while we were driving around. In essence, they were phenomenal.

Not long after I started receiving a lot of likes and comments on the pictures and I quickly switched back to my personal account before they blew up my phone. I decided to just post the picture of me and Adekunle on my page and bombarded my story with the tons of pictures we took today.

When I was done, I dropped my phone on my bed and slumped down on it, relaxing and stretching out. It was past 10 and I was really tired.

Already in my pyjamas, I was about to snuggle into the pillow to snooze off when a knock came on my door.

"Come in" I say, half sleepy.

"Hey baby" mom says as she comes into my room, shutting the door behind her.

"Hey mom" I say, turning to look at her with a lazy smile on my face.

"I see you had fun today" she says as she collapses on my bed while I shoot up in surprise.

"How'd you know?" I asked her.

"I saw your posts and viewed your story" she said, showing me her phone while I just let out a laugh.

"Of course you did" I say. Of course she did, she's my mom and she's also a devoted fan and follower.

"It's nice to see your having fun" she sighs from where she laid at the foot of my bed.

"Yeah. Wanna cuddle?" I ask her with puppy eyes while she just looks at me and laughs.

"Sure. Scooch for momma" she says and I do just that as she lays in my bed beside me and cuddles me close to her.

"Good night mom" I say, already dozing off. I was that tired.

"Good night Star" she says and i teleport to dream land.

I love you mom.

A/N: 🌚
Okay. Okay😂
I know I've been gone for too long but I think this is apology enough 🤗

So thoughts on the chapter?👀

I'm sure y'all are now wishing a place like Galaxy mall existed innit?😂

Don't worry, your wish may be granted 🌚

Anywho, I don't really have much to say but y'all should help me thank Baba God for my life😫❤

Sha sha, vote, comment and share!!!!😉😉😘😘

Till the next chapter✌

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