Steve and Bucky's daughter y/n

By HoldenGrey0

66.5K 1K 330

Y/n is the 12 year old daughter to Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. A child genius much like her uncle Tony sta... More

[1]"Goddamn it Y/N not again !!"
[2]"Who the HELL got blood on my new carpet?!?!"
[3]"When we first found out you had been created"
[4]"Have fun my little queen"
[5]"Im glad you like it kid, you deserve it"
[7]"Good boy"
[8]"Ready, set, kill!"
[9]"Its rogers-BARNES, thank you"
[10]"Hey buck! Catch!"
[11]"Watch the begonias!"
[12]"Captain america cant play frisbee!"
[13]"Always, Sergeant"
[14]"You want to know how he disappeared"
[15]"it's called lento placido"
[17]"i can do this until dinner"
[18]"y/n, please climb down from that bookcase"
[19]"is this common?"
[20]"I'm not getting involved"
[21]"goodnight guys"
[22]"oh stevie"
[23]"Do you think theres another spiderman in the world?"
[24]"boys you're going to hurt yourselves"
Turning point
[26]"happy birthday peter"
[27]"what kind of powers"
[28]"why are we smothering the children?"
[29]"she's never full"
[30]"I get them sometimes to"
[31]"you won't tell anyone?"
[32]"what if they don't stop?"
[33]"it's the school"
[35]"I dont know what's wrong"
[36]"Have a good day"
[37]"Are you ok?"
[38]"Whats happening?!"
[39]"Higher dose!"
[40]"It's interesting...."
[41]"Ok... no more"
[42]"Calm down babygirl"
Not all those who wander are lost
[44]"I thought they were gone?"
[45]"Do you know where you are?"
[46]"Do you remember?"
[47]"I have no idea"
[48]"That wasn't a dream"
[49]"what the hell?"
[51]"I'm so glad she's stubborn"
[END]"So, what's next year?"
*One-shot book*
Adjusting - 15 months
Genius? - 18 months
Zoo - 6 years old
Attached - 7 years old
2nd suspension - 7 years old
Joyride - 8 years old
cinema trip - 9 years old
Insomnia meetups - 10 years old

[6]"Ok Stevie, we'll be waiting here"

2K 32 2
By HoldenGrey0

Just hours later the sun shone bright through the window lighting up the living room. Your still half asleep but can hear Tony's voice trying to wake up peter. "Come on kid its eleven thirty, your late to training with Clint, get to the gym".

"Nooo, Mr Stark please 5 more minutes", he replies groggily.

"Nope, sorry get up, he's waiting for you. Here's a cereal bar, eat it on the way"

You hear a grunt and feet shuffling away so it seems Tony was successful in getting him up. You drift in and out of sleep for a few more minutes catching snippets of conversation from the kitchen. It's then you notice your still leaning into Bucky so you put your head further into his chest hiding your face from the light.

Somethings bothering you but you can't tell exactly what. Every time you try and wake up your body tries to force sleep again and everything spins, even with your eyes shut your body feels like its being thrown around. Bucky notices your head rolling slightly and gently grabs your face pushing aside loose strands of hair. "Are you ok sweetheart?"

You try to open your mouth but it makes you feel sick so instead you pout and tuck your head back in. Steve sees this and walks over, crouching in front of you both, his eyebrows drawn together. Gently, he places a hand on your back as he speaks to you. "Y/n. Can you tell me what's wrong?". You don't reply, but you gently shake your head.

You cant tell them because you don't even know what's wrong.

His thumb starts slowly stroking your back. "Ok baby, Buck I think I'm gonna get her some food maybe she's just sick from all the junk yesterday". He nods in response. Steve comes back less than a minute later with a single piece of plain toast and places it on the sofa next to Bucky. "I'm meant to have a meeting now, should I cancel?"

"No Steve its ok, I'll try get her to eat and call you if we need you".

"Ok I'll be back as soon as it's over", he leans down and places a kiss on Bucky's forehead whilst gently stroking your hair before he leaves. Bucky smiles after him before turning down to face you still in his arms.

He breaks off a small piece of toast and gently pulls you away just enough so your head isn't hiding anymore. He places a hand over your eyes to block the sun before speaking in a low whisper, "y/n can you open your eyes please?". You frown as you try to but quickly scrunch them shut again. "Ok that's ok you don't have to, could you please eat some toast for me?"

You feel too sick so shake your head, hearing a small worried sigh. "Y/n please just one tiny bite and you can go back to sleep". You really want to sleep so you open your mouth and feel the toast on your lips. You take a tiny bite and turn away again to go to sleep. It feels heavy in your mouth so takes a moment to swallow.

Bucky sits there and holds you tight worried it has something to do with your accident yesterday. If you're not feeling better by the time Steve comes back he's decided to take you to Bruce.

Every 10 minutes he gently rocks you awake and places a small piece of toast in your mouth coaxing you. Reluctantly, but wanting to make him happy, you eat it.

An hour later Steve walks back in looking at the plate with over half the toast left. Buck looks up to him with a worried glance and says, "I think we should go back to Bruce, I'm worried it's her head". Steve agrees and gently picks you up with one hand between your shoulder blades pressing you into him and the other under your legs.

You all walk down the hall to find bruce in his lab. "Hey sorry buddy", says Bucky, interrupting. "Um, y/n woke up today and she hasn't said anything and she's barely eating I don't think she's feeling well, can you check it's not her head?"

Steve sits on the bed with you as your still asleep. Bruce walks over and lifts your head to take the bandage off but the lights sting so you fling your self away back into Steve's shoulder. "Ok y/n I'm going to turn off the main lights and use a small light to look at your head instead but you've got to let me take this bandage off". It's easier this time but you still keep your eyes closed.

The bandage falls and reveals a neatly stitched wound. Bruce seems happy with it as he speaks, "it looks like it's healing nicely there's no sign of infection which is good however that means I need to look at her eyes". Silent glances look around the room unsure of how this is going to go.

Steve gently lifts your head up and asks you to open your eyes but you still refuse. "Please, we can't find out what's wrong until you do, please open your eyes". He says as he gently strokes the side of your face. Slowly, you relax and blink a few times before fully opening them. Everyone can see it hurts by the small tears down your face.

Bruce leans in to look but there's no obvious signs that anything is wrong so he only has one option left. Your eyelids flutter closed again as he whispers quietly, "i need to try something but she won't like it, can you hold her still for a second". Steve gets you to open your eyes one last time and holds your head while he gently kisses your temple.

Suddenly Bruce shines his small light straight into your eyes. It makes your eyes roll up and you throw up everywhere before crying into Steve.

"I'm so sorry y/n", says Bruce sounding sincere. "I really needed to see if it was what I thought or my other option was more surgery to check the plate. I think you have a migraine brought on from the fall and all the sugar yesterday probably didn't help. You need to stay in bed until it goes away, could be anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days". He turns to Bucky, who is now standing up and gives him some painkillers for you. "I'll come and check on her tomorrow".

The three of you leave and go upstairs when Steve turns to Bucky, "hey do you want to get her bed ready and put on a film? I'm gonna give her a bath she hasn't changed in two days". With a nod the two men go separate ways as steve brings you into the bathroom and closes the door.

Even though your basically asleep anyway Steve still speaks to you in a low voice, "y/n I'm just giving you a bath quickly because you haven't showered since before your birthday". He turns on the taps and sits on the floor with you waiting for it to fill. "Plus your covered in sick now so you really need one...... I heard Happy got you a new book, I've been told all about it. I think your dad is  just as excited as you are!"

He kisses your head and smiles as he remembers being told about it at breakfast before you awoke. The small glimmers in Bucks eyes as he described the front cover in heavy detail before chatting about the new poems he was yet to read.

After a moment he stood up to turn off the taps and check the temperature of the water before taking off your sick covered clothes. He places you in the water always keeping a hand behind your back holding your arm to keep you up.  "I hope the temperatures ok, I didn't want to make it too hot. I don't think I'm going to be able to wash your hair without waking you but it looks ok".

Still speaking to himself he takes out the plug and lifts you out into his lap. He then wraps you in a towel and hold you for a minute, staring at your relaxed expression. Smiling as he rubs his thumb across your cheek.

The door opens slightly startling Steve. It was Bucky, "Sorry I just thought I'd bring some of her pyjamas I didnt know if you had any". He throws them to Steve's waiting hand before leaving again.

It's good he remembered, Steve had completely forgot about a spare change of clothes. He picked up the matching pyjama set and giggled. A fluffy long sleeved top with the captain America star and colours on. They had been a joke present last Christmas but at least they were going to get some use now.

Once dressed he picked you up again and carried you to your bedroom where Bucky was already sat in your bed watching Harry Potter. The room was completely dark except for the light from the tv illuminating his face. Steve put you down, "hey, I'm just gonna go clean up the bathroom and have a shower I'm covered in water".

"Ok Stevie, we'll be waiting here", replied Buck with a smile. Grinning back, Steve left the room.

You spent the rest of the evening and most of the day after that in and out of sleep, with at least one of your dads with you, eating occasionally. By the next evening you were feeling well enough to open your eyes and watch some films. Bucky gave you his sunglasses to wear to make it hurt less, even though they were far to big, and Steve gave you some more painkillers while you all watched WALL-E again.

This time Steve was confused, "why are all the large people in space?"

Before you could answer, Bucky did, "the little robot is meant to clean the rubbish off earth whilst everyone waits in space but it took too long so now everyone's fat and uses chairs to get around".

Steve waits for a minute before saying, "oh".

You laugh to yourself remembering your conversation two nights ago. At the end of the film Bucky asks if you want to read some of your new book and you nod aggressively. He leans over to get it and puts his arm around your shoulder and over Steve's pulling him closer.

He begins to read using different voices for each character. "Carefully! Carefully!" He shrieked leaving you in hysterics. He stopped reading as they both stared at you, you making them laugh even more than Bucks funny voice. Everyone calmed down and carried on with the story but you all started again every time he mimicked a character.

After an hour of this Bucky noticed you were really quiet, so he looked over to see you fast asleep with a sleeping Steve leaning against your shoulder. He closed the book whilst chuckling to himself before lying down to join you both.

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