Psycho Couple✔️

By jimttaelatae

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❝Aww did it hurt when I broke your bones?❞ Love? Isn't it crazy? But what if, you experience Psychotic love... More



702 73 7
By jimttaelatae

“Morning Mr wife stealer!” Jimin smugly grinned. “WHAT THE HELL?” Mike bellowed, shocked by him being tied to a chair, and stripped of his clothes dressed in nothing but his undergarments. What actually happened? How did he land up in his house in this condition?


“Hush, he’s here,” Jimin placed his finger over your lips, subsiding his urge to not ruin them with his own. Sounds of footsteps, clanking on the wooden stairs excited him. “Wanna have a little play time?” Laying flat on the bed, you cover yourself with the duvet. “I’m not into seeing semi naked men, go ahead and catch your prey. You have my blessings.”

He raised his brow. “Intelligent as always. It isn't at all surprising you caught onto what I was planning to do.” Removing his hoodie, he placed it at the edge of the bed. Volutioning up the sleeves of his t-shirt. “Start wearing shirts, your thirst trap is forever gonna be my fav.” Waving at him, you slyly remarked.

“You didn’t have to arouse me like that Miss Y/N.” Halting his steps he ran his tongue at the corner of his mouth. “Well get used to it, Mr Park cause this ain’t your ex wife who tolerates whatever you say.” He gripped onto the bat. “Usually I hate anyone speaking a word of turmoil against my ex wife. Nevermind, you’re an exception. After all, you happen to be my ex wife herself.”

The constant rapid knocking on the door annoyed Jimin. He unlocked the door, swinging the bat right across his head paying no mercy towards Mike. “Won’t I be an amazing baseball player?” Jimin looked in your direction, ignoring Mike’s body that had fallen on the ground.

“Of course you could be a potential baseball player, given the condition you still maintain this psychotic personality within you.” Throwing the sheets of your body you walk out of the bed, swaying your hips sideways. He held your waist pulling you closer to him.

“I must say, you’re a remarkable and irresistible lady indeed.” Rolling your eyes at him you move your face closer, whispering in his ear. “I ain’t your wife yet.” Jimin balled his fists, somewhere angry by your retort. Pushing your hairs behind your neck, he eyed you predatorily.

“This birth or the upcoming one’s you’ll forever be my wife. A mere paper isn’t enough to justify the insane love that I adhere towards you Park Y/N. As for claiming you as my wife. By 8:00 P.M. you’ll be walking out hand in hand as my wife yet once again. You’re stuck with this serial killer ‘P’ wifey.”

-PRESENT- (6:45 P.M.)

“It ain’t at all fancy seeing your ugly distorted face.” Jimin punched him in his nose, smiling viciously. “Wondering where your bodyguards are? One of my men bought them. Yep, you got it right they sold themselves for a few hundred extra bucks. Haven’t you tamed really unfaithful dogs? Too bad, no one's here to save you.”

Mike grit his teeth as blood dripped down his nose. “My, my being crucially angry in such a pitiful state isn’t very wise of you.” Jimin sat on the floor, with his legs crossed, and right palm placed under his chin. “Guess what, you’re the luckiest victim to ‘P’ usually we kill people, wait I kill people ruthlessly. In your case it’s quite different. And a new concept that I’ve chosen to adopt.” Jimin chuckled evilly.

Mike was struggling to set himself free of those ropes. “What exactly are you planning to do with me?” Jimin licked his lips. “It’s quite simple, you see. You happen to be my most disliked victim. You stole, deceived and separated me from my wife. Death should be new and unforgettable shouldn’t it? I’m gonna burn this house down.” He yelled his last sentence.

Mike shivered at his words. “No you can’t do that to me.” He scoffed, showing him a file. “Oh yes I can do that with you. Now fucking sign these papers and divorce my Y/N. Or I don’t mind killing you right here and right now. Alas! My well designed plan would go in vain. But who cares? Anything for a good kill.”

Winking at him he pressed the plier on his thumb, pressuring it. Blood oozed out of his left hand. “I’ll sign them, please spare me.” Mike begged. “It wasn’t that hard was it? Sign them.” Smiling innocently at him he gripped the pen in between his fingers, not before exterminating his thumb. He screeched at Jimin’s actions.

“Oops, I didn’t mean to do that.” The former raised his hands up in the air. “Jimin, since when did you turn so angelic?” You walked inside the room, in a white shirt and black pants. “People change wifey so do I. Being a little merciful is for a good cause. May I remind you of that.” Smirking at his statements. You lean on the wall. Mike scribbled on the papers, blood painted on them.

“Finally I’m free from this asshole and his torture.” Snatching the sheets from him, you flip through the documents. Jimin cleared his throat. Capturing your attention. “Miss Y/N would you like to marry me?” Shaking the marriage contract in the air, he eagerly asked. “Only if you promise to be obedient and innocent.”

He laughed, signing on the papers. “Promises are meant to be broken wifey.” Blinking  your lashes at him, you bit his lobe. “And that’s exactly what I want you to do, Park Jimin.” Jimin rolled his eyes, corseting his arms on your waist from behind.

“Promises are mere justifications and formality. My love is the only truthful sin and boon that’ll remain forever in your life Park Y/N.” Mike was done with the little romantic talk you and Jimin were having.

“Free me you psychos.” He bellowed, hoping for one of his bodyguards to hear his agony and rescue him.

“Goodbye Mike. Pleasant killing you.” Jimin threw the lighter in the room, igniting fire closing the door behind him. “So Mrs Park, should we move to a different city?” “Wherever you go I’ll stick by your side Mr Park.”

The entire house was set on fire. Mike was burnt brutally. None could save him. He had dared to mess with ‘P’ reaching his ultimate solace: ‘DEATH!’

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