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He beamed ear to ear. You were alive, he wasn't gonna mourn in guilt anymore. HIs love and life existed. "Jimin, is mine you fucking get that." Hearing you yelp he rushed in the direction of your ward. Seeing you attempting to strangle a nurse. Who was laughing at your words? "Seems like you've forgotten the present Doctor Sora granted you a few days ago."

Injecting you with a sleeping dose she leaves the place groaning at your obsession. Jimin had hid behind the wall. He knew you won't wake up anytime soon due to the effect of that injection. Gritting his teeth he cursed at the nurse. "You should avenge it on your own wifey."


Feeling goosebumps erupt your skin, your mind was in a daze at the comforting feeling. It's been an eternity since you've felt this. "Jimin?" Fluttering your eyes open, his face was clear to you. He smiles caressing your face with his thumb while his other hand is busy massaging your scalp. "I'm low key disappointed with you." Listening to his statement you sat up straight.

"What do you mean?" Placing a hand over your shoulder he spoke in a rough tone. "Since when did you turn so weak? I thought you loved me immensely more than what I ever did. Your love always reminded me you were the superior one in our relationship. Yet, today you lost to a mere nurse?" Scoffing, he maintains distance from you. Which was something new since he never did something like this before.

"I-" being at a loss of words you were admitting the unknown mistake. "I truly love you." Murmuring to him you moved closer to him. He stood up from the bed, passing you a look of boredom. "No you don't love me, you're a weak woman who can't protect herself anymore."

"Weak woman?" His conclusions and new found personality hurt you a lot. "Was I too late to return to him?" Was all that you could think. "No one could love you more than what I do." Rolling his eyes he let out an airy chuckle. "Prove it to me then Park Y/N." He very well knew what he was up to. Throwing a scalpel in your direction. "Show me what you've got." Getting closer to you he whispered in your ear. "Kill her and I'll accolade you." Listening to your increased heartbeat, Jimin smirked in victory. He wanted to revive the beast hidden in you.

"My bad! You won't be able to do such a difficult task. No problem, it's fine since you're a weak woman." Air quoting the weak woman part he chortled deriding "Shut the fuck up I'm nowehere close to weak. And I'll prove it to you and snatch my dividend" His lips curved upwards impressed. "Is it?" Pressing the button you had in case of emergency to summon a nurse you await her arrival.

"Sit here and watch the show." In no time the nurse showed up. Shocked at Jimin sitting inside. "Save me she's gone crazy." He pleads with her. "Mr Park, I'll call the others right now."

"No! Won't she harm them as well?" You were stuck to your spot watching the drama. "You are not fucking supposed to help me." His mouth zipped up at the cold tone you used on him. Opening the cell you walked out, approaching the woman standing in front of you who kept moving backwards out of fear. Grabbing her neck in an instant pushing her figure down.

"What did you say? An unstable person like me doesn't deserve Jimin? My own freaking husband. You kept tormenting me throughout the year supporting that bitch who despised me. I'll have to remind you where your place is."

He heard each and every word you spoke. Stretching his legs. In no time the scalpel was slid against her wrist, bleeding her to death. "Well- I thought you might have cut her throat." Ignoring his words you threw the blade on the floor. Seeing him manspreading on the hagged bed. Quite amused by your actions.

"I'm still the smart one among us do not forget that, By getting her rid of her head it would be more then obvious that's a planned murder. Your best friend won't be able to save us out of this one." Standing up he sheathed his arms around your waist placing a finger on your lips. "Hush! You talk a lot of sense. As much as I'm happy to listen to you, not right now. Lemme fulfill my promise and reward you."

"I don't need it." Freeing yourself from his hold you sat on the place he previously rested on. "I didn't do this to gain something. Rather, because I was keen to prove it to you I'm still insanely in love with you nothing has changed from my part. Can't say the same for you." He bit his lip agitated by your designation. "What are you even referring to?" Now it was your turn to laugh.

"Quit with this fake jovial love Jimin, I know all that we had is officially over from your side. You don't love me anymore. It's Sora who's your past and present now. You cherish those memories you've had with her in your past during my absence and the present that you share with her today. Must have been really appealing to have her in your bed isn't it?"

"WHAT THE FUCK?" He was shocked by what he was hearing. Never could he imagine you'd think so low of him.

"Do you even hear yourself? I've blamed and cursed myself throughout the year for leaving you alone that day. The entire world told me you were dead. My heart wasn't ready to accept any of their words. I kept rebelling with them. You were alive, I could feel it. And you framed up lies in your head I moved on from you? The years old relationship was forgotten due to my own mistakes?"

He demanded answers from you. Noticing you unfazed he was pissed. Towering over your frame. "Why won't you answer my questions? Oh-wait you must be wondering why am I cooking up stories to coax you aren't you?" Suppresing in the sob ready to escape his throat he sucked in a harsh breath. "Don't you dare question my love again." Lifting your head up you looked straight into his pupils.

"If you were desperate to see me do some action you could have asked for it or even demanded it. I would have still done that." Pointing to the corpse laying outside you indicated. "You might have forgotten I'm a quick witted woman. Isn't it your habit to trigger your victims to rage them up so they could rebel against you then you end them. Playing the same usual trick with me must have been a challenge for you, wasn't it?"

He gulped the lump forming in his throat. "It ain't just you who's got the ability to play mind games, so do I. I've been the hidden 'P' after all since the start haven't I?" Your remark left him dumbstruck.

"I'm impressed you still manage to baffle people by your words. Never expected it would work on me someday as well. Being a person who's always alert and aware of my actions this is a shocker for me as well."

Now he was honestly wondering what had gotten into you. Or did he misjudge your silence? "Get me out of here as soon as possible. And before that get rid of that scalpel for me and inject the same sleeping dose in me. She previously did. When the police arrive I gotta play patient-patient with them." Facing your back to him you shut your eyes. "Uh? Yeah!" Was all he could reply. Getting over with this task. In the blink of an eye.

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