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“And where are we headed off to today?” Sitting in a non suspicious red hyundai you asked. “Somewhere where it’s just you and me and no one else.” A small beam curved up your lips at his words. “So we are going to hell?” Jimin laughed, turning his head for a second.

“We ain’t that bad to land up with demons and ugly sinners. It’s too crowded anyways.” Humming at his reasoning you agreed. “But we ain’t that good either Mr Park.” Parking the car at the side of the road he stares at you.

“Beauty lies in the person’s eyes, what a lie it is. To me it only lies with you being by my side. And by that I mean your entire existence. A single second without you is hell indeed. We might not land up in heaven after death, nevertheless each and every second that I’m spending with you is much more blessed than heaven.”

Your cheeks unconsciously flared at his intensified words. Leading him to laugh. “Since when did you start getting shy, this is a sight worth capturing.” Pulling out his phone he quickly clicked a pic. “You- how could you take a picture of me without my consent? It’s against the law. I could sue you Park Jimin,” Jimin smirked. “Laws ha? Very well go ahead and sue me, if it’s you I’ll be ready to land up behind the bars, Mind being my jailer though?” Winking at you he starts driving the car once again.

“What’s wrong with you? You’re behaving obnoxiously weird today. Nevermind, I need your affection and I’ve missed your flirtatious talks and actions throughout the past month. I gotta get accustomed to it soon.” He hid his sadness, understanding the grief which had settled between your bond due to Mike. “Don’t worry wifey we’ll be back as we used to be soon. For now, rest well.” Holding his left arm you smiled at him.

“Of course I’ll be fine now that you’re here, Mr Macho Man.” Reversing the handle he took a deep turn in a U-way alley. “Can we quit being ‘P’ for a while? I wanna live my life with you as a normal average couple? Only if ever we sense any sort of danger we’ll act up. Is that fine with you?” He was silent for a moment.

Ok, if that makes you happy, I’m ready to try this thing out. If I sense any danger, it’ll be hard for you to hold my sinister deeds from unraveling.” A cruel lopsided grin was seen on his lips.

“Mr Park your never ending desire to murder people is hot, even so then I’ll make sure we are safe for a while at least.” Jimin pouts, his expression shifts to that of a serious one within a fraction of second.

“Taehyung is in danger, I had received his call prior to the final plan before I executed at Mike’s. The police have arrested him, they are in suspicion he was the one who helped us to sneak out.” Inhaling loudly your lashes fluttered. “Guess, the next destination is Korea. The place we ran away from. Time to meet and greet old folks.”


“The killers have returned I see.” He licked his lips, hiding a gun in his wallet. “Carrying a gun so damn freely while roaming in a security-commissioned airport is quite a risky task, you're aware of it aren't you?” Jimin hugged him, whispering those words. The former chuckled.

“Riskful tasks? That’s what Min Yoongi does on a daily basis. It isn’t even something for me to be afraid of at this rate. Welcome back Y/N and Jimin or should I refer to y’all as the infamous couple P?” Coughing at his question you glared at him.

“We are on a break, didn’t I already inform you?” He muffled that evil grin about to explode on his face. “Let’s see how long my favorite couple will resist their temptation.” He escorted you out safely. Away from the cameras and the security. “You indeed know how to use your peers don’t you?” Sitting in the back seat of the car you commented more like a mock.

“I surely do bestie, after all your little killing business needs some sort of support doesn’t it? And Jimin, why don’t you sit in the passenger seat?” Jimin instantly shook his head clinging onto your right arm. Laying his head on your shoulder. “No, I’m fine here.” Yoongi rolled his eyes.

“No one’s stealing your wife, you possessive man, it was just a brotherly suggestion.” Starting the engine he retorts. “Do you perhaps mean bromance?” Both the men shouted “EWWWW,” in unison. Jimin was more offended though.

“Wifey it’s forever gonna be our romance not bromance. Hyung, get yourself a wife, my wife has started to think there’s something going on between us.” Yoongi choked on the air, his pupils dilated, eyeing Jimin through the rare view mirror in disgust.

“Jimin, you've gone insane. Google up the meaning of bromance, and out of everything me having something with you is fucking impossible. Most importantly I’m fucking straight, and I’m going out with this pretty girl for a year already. Y/N knows about my love issue better than anyone ever could.” Jimin’s mouth was hung open.

“Y/N how could you not tell me this grumpy grandpa found a grandma? I feel so damn sad for her.” Yoongi scoffed. “Quit it lad, your jealousy ain’t gonna fuel up here. Why don’t you forge this jealousy and use it in your bedroom instead.” For the next minute all that was in the car was silent. An awkward silence.

You and Jimin were staring at the oblivion not meeting each other’s gaze. But the view was thrilling to the male sitting at the front. “Oh! Come on, stop acting like strangers with each other. Y’all are one active and hyped up couple.”

“What do you mean by active?” Yelling at him you growled angrily. Jimin gulped at your sudden demeanor change. Yoongi was frightened, nonetheless he didn’t show it off. “Happy, I meant your happiness Y/N. What else would active mean?” You knew he was lying. “Listen here Min Yoongi, don’t play games with me. I might be your best friend, but that wouldn’t stop or give me a valid reason to stop my hands from beating the living shit out of you.”

Yoongi nervously chortled. “Haha, I trust you bestie.” Jimin was stuck to his seat, almost squeezing his body to the window. “Please God, grant me your mercy and allow me to make it out alive from this car. Amen!” These were his prayers.

Psycho Couple✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang